Mirko Bastianini Приложения

Ayrton The Magic 1.0
Mirko Bastianini
Attraverso questa applicazione potretescoprire chi era veramente Ayrton Senna, non solo come pilota diFormula Uno, ma soprattutto come persona. Vicende, storie edaneddoti, tutti raccontati in questa app, grazie anche alletestimonianze delle persone che furono all'epoca vicino a lui.App ufficiale relativa al sito www.ayrtonthemagic.com.Through this applicationyou can find out who was really Ayrton Senna, not only as a FormulaOne driver, but also as a person. Stories, anecdotes and stories,all told in this app, thanks to the testimonies of people who wereclose to him at the time.App on the official site www.ayrtonthemagic.com.
Ayrton Senna 1.1
Mirko Bastianini
Thanks to this application you can discoverwhowas the real Ayrton Senna , not only as a Formula One pilot,butalso as a person. Events and stories are all narrated in thisappincluding the memories of people who were close to him.Official app of www.ayrtonthemagic.com