MobiHypnos Приложения

Wind Chimes 1.00
The high range of these sacred chimesresonates with the higher overtones to stimulate and charge thebrainwave band which gives the sonic nutrition that, like oxygen,makes you more alert and often needing less sleep.The Sound of theRainbow Chimes offer beautiful sonic and color tune-ups. They allowthe sounds of the rainbow to radiate in the environment and torelax the head chatter after a long day.The high range rainbow chimes are a circular set of 9 - 15" to 30"long chimes tuned to the precise scientific sound frequencies andcolor measurements of the rainbow. These frequencies are felt inthe aura around the body and are useful for cleansing the mentalbody of stress. The high range resonates with the higher overtonesto stimulate and charge the brainwave band as proven by theresearch of famous ear surgeon Dr. Alfred Tomatis. It is alsoconsistent with the Gregorian chants 2000hz range that gives thesonic nutrition that, like oxygen, makes you more alert and oftenneeding less sleep.
Meditation 1.00
Many practice "meditation," or focus theirminds on an object while attempting to clear out conscious thought,but in order to achieve proper meditation, your brain must firstremove all the blockages and disturbances you feel during youraverage day. We're trained from life that letting go and focusingon one object is a bad thing. Some of us surf the internet even asa television plays in the background, taking on two very attentiveactivities that divide our attention more than most people wouldhave their entire lives just a few generations ago. If our mindsrequire so much input just to be entertained, it clearly sayssomething about our state of mind. How can we truly live andappreciate any single thing if we are so scatterbrained we can'teven enjoy the simple things in life? Take it all back. Start freshwith our program by removing your mental blocks and showing yourmind how to live without the chaos it used to crave.When we meditate, we are training the mind and body to reach astate of "ecstasy" or "gnosis." In this gnostic state, knowledgespills into our conscious minds from the unconscious as we loseourselves in deep thought. In order to understand how our programwill help you meditate more effectively, we'll look at the anatomyof a meditation session step by step.Meditation begins when you move from the Beta every-day state tothe Alpha state where your mind takes on a more powerful role incalculating, higher language function, and higher cognitiveunderstanding. This is where problems arise for many beginningmeditators. The Alpha state isn't easy to just naturally "achieve"out of nowhere, unless you know how to do it consciously. The veryact of raising to an Alpha level can take years of study to achieveunless you have a point of reference. We offer that point ofreference with Binaural Beats so you actually go in the rightdirection when meditating, rather than just falling asleep.After mastering Alpha Meditation, you can progress to Theta.Originally, it may take weeks or even years to achieve this state,but with brainwave entrainment, you'll be able to achieve itwithout problem. Theta meditation entrainment lowers your brainwavepatterning more, promoting a sense of peace, balance, and calm.Those who have mastered Theta meditation enjoy greater health, anda better understanding of the universal peace within us all.
Lucid Dreaming 1.00
Lucid dreaming is the act of taking control ofyour dreams to change the world around you and enjoy living out avirtual sort of fantasy within your head. Even the best virtualreality programming is still hundreds of years behind the brain'sown ability to create realities both wonderful and mysterious. Wespend around one third of our lives asleep. Imagine living anadventure in paradise a third of your life from here on out withour program.What if you went to a travel agency, and an agent there offeredyou the ability to travel anywhere you want, and once there dowhatever you wanted? What if time and space were to bend to yourvery will while in this magical place, and the only true horizon toyour experience would be the limit of your own imagination. What ifyou were guaranteed complete happiness and satisfaction? A trip toMars, Medieval Rome, or even your own personal fantasy scape arenow within your grasp at the touch of a button. No programming isrequired, and the greatest change to this vacation is you! How muchof your life will you spend asleep? How much of your life do youwant to spend on vacation?Do you envision yourself deep sea diving for pearls at thebottom of the ocean, but can't float the bill? Do you see yourselfclimbing Everest, but find that even stairs can be a challenge? Doyou envision yourself as a romantic Casanova, but find it difficultto find time to go out? Imagine life as a millionaire, a sportshero, a secret agent, a brilliant scholar! All can be within yourreach just by pressing play and generating the right frequencypatterns. The best part? You can use it again and again wheneveryou want!It's the vacation where you control what happens. Looking forinspiration for your next big story? Immerse yourself in a dreamworld of adventure and excitement without any of the danger. Wantto paint a picture that captures your true imagination? The mindcan visualize things better in a dream state than any other time.Why waste time WATCHING other people on television when you can getto your inner world and start LIVING it? Dreams are an importantand productive cycle, but rarely are they harnessed in this worldto work FOR us and give us better lives.You already control your dreams, but only to a very limiteddegree. Often people find that dreams can slip past their consciouscontrol and move into bizarre nightmarish travesties of theimagination. Never have another nightmare! Control your brain andhave fun with your life! Have you ever had a dream that made youfeel great when you woke up the next day? Imagine one every night!How improved would your life be if these positive feelings justkept stacking up? Lucid dreaming is not just a fun activity, it's afundamental lifestyle improvement!
Stress Relief 1.00
Reduce or eliminate stress and improve controlover your mental state.Are you stressed out all the time?Do you have trouble getting relaxed, and always feel as thoughyou’re on the edge?Have you turned to drugs or alcohol to help calmyour mind?Is it difficult to tear your mind away from thoughts ofanxiety?Do you have a constant sense of foreboding?Use this album to relax your mental state and quickly relievestress.The Stress Relief album utilizes an Alpha/Theta protocol and SMRfrequencies to help reduce your stress and help you relax quickly.In addition, it empowers you to control your own mental state sothat you no longer have to be a victim of stress in the future.Even if you have trouble relaxing, this album can help you getrelaxed and overcome stress.
Leadership 1.00
Leadership is the ultimate form of freedom,and the quickest real path to success. If you're following someone,you won't finish first. If you follow everyone, you'll finish last.It's time to improve your life and make yourself into the leaderyou always knew you were deep down. Give yourself control over yourlife. Give yourself success.No one is born a great leader. Leadership comes from gooddecisions that allow the brain to recalibrate itself to a specificskill set. The calibration of the mind is the single most importantfactor in deciding just how successful we are going to be. Andright now with the advent of our entrainment therapy it's possibleto make just one good decision to rocket you on the path to being agood leader.Have you ever been in a group situation and noticed the leadersuddenly taking control of what happens next? Psychologists havestudied group dynamics and those who are naturally inclined to leadothers. They've discovered that as this activity takes place, thebehavior is largely subconscious. Many leaders lead without evenrealizing it. The greatest ones know there's no other way.Leaders are going to get that promotion. It's up to you tobecome that leader.Families, like businesses need to have excellent leaders who areboth respected and looked upon for guidance. When your family isnot looking to you for guidance, they're looking to someoneelse.Good Leaders lead themselves above all else. Missed opportunitiesare strangers to the leader.Some people's minds have developed in such a way that reinforcestheir behavior to naturally guide others and be looked upon as thefocus of the group. People naturally gravitate towards these typesbecause of the way they speak and conduct themselves. By inspiringconfidence in others, these leaders rarely find themselves at themercy of the world around them, instead feeling confident andenjoying all challenges that come their way.Here's a subconscious trick. When you enter a room full ofpeople such as a class, an office, or even a family assembled atdinner there will generally be at least one person in the situationwho is the recognized leader. This recognition, while generallyunspoken, is the primary cue to cause others in the group to leantoward this individual when making decisions. They will ask thisperson more questions, draw upon their wisdom, and generallyconduct themselves as though this person possesses special statusin the group. Often times this leader is the officially recognizedperson for the setting, such as a teacher or a manager.But social groups have leaders as well. In common terms, thisleader is often referred to as the "Alpha" male or female. This isthe man or woman who is given slightly better treatment than theothers, is listened to more in conversation, and who is generallythe guide in decisions that need to be made about the group. A goodleader in a social group almost immediately removes the threat of afun and friendly social gathering degenerating into a nightmarishscene of arguments. Most arguments, as it turns out, are the resultof people attempting to gain social sway in a given group. If theleader of the group is already established, you'll be surprised howquickly these melt away.In the work place, leaders are always the ones who are giventhat big promotion. If others pass you by it's no mystery why. Inaddition to work performance, reliability, and respect, employersare overwhelmingly interested in how others within the office orbusiness interact with you. If the boss does not notice you yet,it's because others haven't given him reason to. But when otherslisten to you when you talk confidently as a leader, you willcertainly be on the boss' mind when the word promotion comes up.And that means more money, prestige, and general success.
Forest Sounds 1.00
The Forest Sounds album features the calmingsounds of a gentle forest wind, leaves rustling along the groundand the songs of birds. Whether you use the album as backgroundnoise at home or work, or whether you use it as a powerfulall-natural sleep aid, you’ll enjoy being taken away to a warmafternoon in a wooded glade.Brainwaves are the electromagnetic waves produced by activity inthe brain. The frequency of these waves is measured in cycles persecond, or hertz (Hz). Brain-mapping research shows that each ofour states of consciousness is associated with a specific patternof brainwave activity. Brainwaves fall into five classes: Beta(30–13 Hz) is associated with ordinary consciousness and focusedawareness; alpha (13–8 Hz) with relaxation and meditative calm;theta (8–3.5 Hz) with creativity, insight, and meditation; gamma(30–85 Hz) with advanced meditation; and delta (3.5–0.5 Hz)with
Night Sounds 1.00
The Night Sounds album contains the sounds ofcrickets and other night insects, a gentle breeze and even theoccasional owl. These calming sounds you’re your mind to relax andunwind from daytime stress. Whether you just want some calmingambient noise or you need some help getting to sleep at night, theNight Sounds album makes a wonderful choice.Brainwaves are the electromagnetic waves produced by activity inthe brain. The frequency of these waves is measured in cycles persecond, or hertz (Hz). Brain-mapping research shows that each ofour states of consciousness is associated with a specific patternof brainwave activity. Brainwaves fall into five classes: Beta(30–13 Hz) is associated with ordinary consciousness and focusedawareness; alpha (13–8 Hz) with relaxation and meditative calm;theta (8–3.5 Hz) with creativity, insight, and meditation; gamma(30–85 Hz) with advanced meditation; and delta (3.5–0.5 Hz)with
Tapping In 1.00
Resource Tapping is a clinically recognizedtherapy to activate your inner strength and resiliency throughbilateral stimulation of the brain. With step-by-step instruction,Tapping In teaches you this groundbreaking system for tapping bothsides of the body to release emotional and physical distress, aidin healing, and calm the body on a deep physiological level.Course objectives:1 Transform your trauma through Eye Movement Desensitization andReprocessing (EMDR)2 Support the body’s ability to heal3 Find joy, gratitude, and freedom within4 Cope more effectively with anxiety, creative blocks, insomnia,and other stressful situations5 Dialogue with your inner mentor to receive guidance indecision-makingThrough her soothing, personal mentoring, you will discover howto use tapping to:1 Relieve anxiety, insomnia, and creative blocks2 Build resilience in the face of stressful situations3 Unlock and amplify joy, gratitude, wisdom, compassion, andfreedom4 Provide emotional "Trauma First Aid" in emergencysituationsEMDR is a potent, proven tool for trauma recovery. Resource Tappingfocuses on the other side of the coin: preventive selfcare. WithTapping In, you now have a practical strategy to strengthen andnourish your inner resilience, easily access your positiveresources, and remain in your natural state of wholeness.
Schumann Meditation 1.00
Stimulate the Schumann frequency and increaseblood flow to the brain.Do you wish you could increase your mental acuity and sharpenyour focus?Would you like to have increased energy levels and betterconcentration?Do you want to achieve the same meditative states practiced byZen meditators?Would you like to reap the many mental and physical healthbenefits associated with meditation?Could you benefit from a tool to help your mind and bodyrelax?This album stimulates the Schumann Resonance frequency and mayincrease blood flow to the brain.The Schumann Meditation album is designed to ramp your mind downto 7.83 Hz, the Schumann Resonance frequency. Schumann’s researchshows that Zen meditators at a frequency of 7.83 Hz experience moreblood flow to the brain than any other frequency. If you wantincreased alertness, sharper focus and a more efficient mind, thisalbum is for you.Recommend:MyFitnessPal,Recipe Search,WeightWatchers,WebMD,Period,Tracker,WeightWatchers,BarcodeScanner,CVS/pharmacy,Nike+ Running,MapMyRun GPS Running,WorkoutTrainer,Runtastic Running,iTriage Health,Healthy FoodDiet,Pregnancy,Noom Weight Loss Coach,C25K,Instant Heart Rate,NikeTraining Club,Calorie Counter,Endomondo Sports Tracker,DailyButt,Workout,Fitness,GymLog,BabyBumpPregnancy,Cardiograph,PointsPlus Calculator,White Noise,WeightLoss,Period Tracker,Recipes by Ingredients,Fitbit,CalorieCounter,MapMyRide GPS Cycling Riding,Sleep Cycle Alarm,NoomCardioTrainer,MapMyWalk GPS Walking,Nature Sounds,SportsTracker,Ideal Weight,HealthTap,Accupedo Pedometer,DailyCardio,Daily Arm,Horoscope,My Baby Today,WomanLogCalendar,,Reward your workout,FitnessFlow,Therapy,Kaiser Permanente,American Red Cross,Calories BurnedCalculator,Simple Weight Recorder,Health4Me,Push Ups,LAFitness,Water Your Body,My24,Happy Pregnancy Ticker,WebMDBaby,CaringBridge,Period Tracker,VirtuaGym,Fertility Friend,BabyNames,LIVESTRONG.COM,MapMyFitness,MOTOACTV,Stress Check byAzumio,Push Ups pro,Android Vibrater,Sit Ups,Building A PerfectBody Plan,IQ Test,Fast Food Calorie Lookup,DrinkingWater,Relax,Aetna,Yoga,myCigna,MyBodyKey,Squats
Creativity 1.00
Creativity works on a very deep level, and isa more automatic process than you may think. Deep analysis ofsituations is good when faced with problems that require ananalytical solution, but often this mode of thinking can block thecreative process. When faced with a problem that has a uniquesolution, some people find it difficult to just let go and let theideas flow from them. With our program, these ideas are tapped asyour brain is put into a state that bypasses analytical thinking.There's a reason all of your greatest ideas happen just beforeyou go to bed or right after you wake up. During these times youare at your most creative, because you are more in tune with yourspiritual mind. During this phase, ideas are numerous. So numerous,in fact, that we forget most of them. Unfortunately, the consciousmind doesn't focus the thought patterns in specific directions. Canyou imagine what you would be capable of if you focused the powerof your most creative dreams, and could wield it with yourconscious mind? What would you be able to create if your true mindwere unlocked Writer's block would become a thing of the past.Acting would become a breeze. Every idea your mind is screaming tolet out would be possible to share with the world. The mostbrilliant thinker of all time from artists to scientists were ableto think up incredible things because they were able to tap intothis part of their brain. Remember you are a creator. We owe it tothe world to share this creativity to better humanity.If it sounds incredible, let me explain the way the creativeprocess works. The left brain is often associated with mathematicalprowess, logic, language, and the hard sciences. Meanwhile, theright brain is more of a free roaming explorer that likes toexplore different places at random, picking up ideas and connectingthem to other ideas and tossing ones that don't quite work rightover its shoulder. When we dream we are almost entirely focused onthe right brain, which is why many images in our dreams don't quiteseem to make sense. The left brain is not as active, and rarelyfleeces out these illogical ideas. As a result our brains areimmersed entirely in the creative process.Our creativity entrainment program takes the potential of theright brain, and quiets the left brain's activity so that ideas canflow freely and become conscious without automatically being shutdown before the conscious mind gets a chance to look at them. Thefree flow of ideas while in a meditative state is alsoadvantageous, as ideas will not be forgotten like dreams are. Thetransition between consciousness and sleep is a very drasticprocess that causes us to forget many great ideas. Thanks toBrainwave Entrainment Technologies, this process is less intenseand the brain can hold on to the ideas it has.
Psychosomatic Wellness 1.00
If our bodies are in a state of constantvibration, can the right music tune our cells to good health? Ourresearch has revealed that it can. It has been proven that themolecules of our bodies—not just our ears and brains—actuallyresonate with the music we hear.Psychosomatic Wellness features healing music and guidedmeditation created with cutting-edge scientific research aboutwhich sound frequencies allow us to achieve harmonious integrationof our bodyminds, to literally reprogram every cell to a state ofgreater health. With flute, percussion, vocals, and bass.
Deep Sleep 2X 1.00
There are several stages of sleep that peoplepass through in the course of a good restful night. In each stageour sleep gets deeper, our bodies get more relaxed, and ourbrainwave patterns slow down. The deepest and most rejuvenatinglevels of sleep are associated with delta brainwave patterns.Delta sleep is the most physically relaxed stage of sleep, andit is the time when the body recuperates and rebalances itself forthe new days. Getting enough sleep, but more specifically enoughdelta sleep, is essential for healthy, productive living.Our breakthrough audio techniques, developed over 25 years ofclinical research, are proven to increase levels of delta brainwaveactivity. He has helped thousands of people to achieve regular,restful, revitalizing sleep.In the enclosed notes you will learn:1 About the natural cycles of sleep and how they affect you2 How to use the Delta Sleep System to fall asleep, stay asleep,and wake up rejuvenated3 Special relaxation techniques which you can use to enhanceyour experience
Deep Sleep 10X 1.00
There are several stages of sleep that peoplepass through in the course of a good restful night. In each stageour sleep gets deeper, our bodies gets more relaxed, and ourbrainwave patterns slow down. The deepest and most rejuvenatinglevels of sleep are associated with delta brainwave patterns.Delta sleep is the most physically relaxed stage of sleep, andit is the time when the body recuperates and rebalances itself forthe new day. Getting enough sleep, but more specifically enoughdelta sleep, is essential for healthy, productive living.Our breakthrough audio techniques, developed over 25 years ofclinical research, are proven to increase levels of delta brainwaveactivity. He has helped thousands of people to achieve regular,restful, revitalizing, sleep.How This Program Can Work for YouPlay Delta Sleep System on any ordinary stereo or throughheadphones. Pulses of sound embedded into an ambient musicalsoundtrack, combining rich orchestration and three-dimensionalsounds of nature will coax your own brainwaves toward their naturalpattern of deep delta sleep.In the enclosed notes you will learn:1 About the natural cycles of sleep and how they affect you2 How to use the Delta Sleep System to fall asleep, stay asleepand wake up rejuvenated3 Special relaxation techniques that you can use to enhance yourexperience
Astral Projection 1.00
Access to the Astral Plane was once a wellguarded secret in ancient Egyptian culture, made available only tothe powerful elite through elaborate rituals. Even when informationof the Astral Realm became available, however, years of mentaltraining was often required. People studied for years with noresults. Though they desperately trained, they found themselvespowerless to make contact with the "other side."You already have the ability to Astral Project and with ourtools, you can tap into the frequencies that make it happen. Ourproducts guide your mind to the relaxed state you need to be inwhen trying to astral project.The Astral Plane is a world where spiritual communicationhappens on a very deep level, and profound spiritual developmentcomes far easier than it does in a normal state of mind. It is thecollective of thought, the realm of understanding. The Astral Realmis but a figment of the human race's collective imagination and yetso much more. Imagination itself comes from this realm, as do allthings metaphysical and spiritual. Eventually, you could learn howto use your astral form to explore the physical world around you.Imagine the ability to visit distant relatives and friendsspiritually from the comfort of your own home!
Focused Attention 1.00
Focused Attention sharpens your mental focusand helps you to sustain alertness while completing targeted tasks.It uses fast rhythms at varying tempos to entrain your brain intothe mid-alpha state of consciousness, and raises your general levelof neurological alertness. This program consists of a single Gongahand drum blended with a pleasing ambient instrumental soundtrack.Ideal for:Reading, studying, workingEnhanced alertness while drivingAny task where single-pointed attention is requiredHow the Brain Shift Series WorksThe Strong Institute's sound therapies are based on extensivetesting of current brainwave entrainment principles combined withtraditional healing rhythms and musical instruments. Jeff Strong'smethods have been clinically demonstrated to be effective in thetreatment of ADD/ADHD, autism, depression, chronic anxiety, PTSD,insomnia, and other disorders. The Brain Shift series makesavailable the Institute's most popular acoustic therapy modalitiesto the general public.
Better Love Life 1.00
How Valuable is a Better Love Life?It's no mystery that some people do better than others in thelove department. But the most important thing that makes lovemakinghealthy and fulfilling is the human mind. Those who are dynamitelovers are that way because their minds are open, willing,creative, and committed to a mutually fulfilling and positiveexperience. But there's a little more to it than just that. There'sa certain spark to truly incredible love making that can begenerated only from an unspoken intensity that wells up from theemotional centers of the brain more than the biological ones.English has only one word for love, but those who haveexperienced it can tell you that love is not defined so simply.There is a deeper emotion, for which there is no real word in ourlanguage. It is this emotion that our lovemaking recordingstimulates. And with it, we allow you to truly become a master ofthe senses and have climactic experiences unlike anything youdreamed possible. And this experience can be shared with thatspecial someone in new ways each time.But we help with more tangible elements of the experience aswell. After using our recording you will discover that yourconfidence has greatly increased as well. The very act of tappinginto this deeper and more powerful form of love will allow you toinstantly change the landscape of your relationship into whatyou've always dreamed of. Each new day (and night) will become anadventure. Every new experience will bring you both to the pinnacleof experience. And as you find yourself performing in ways younever thought you could, your relationship will thrive as well. Andno relationship security is greater than an incredible lovelife.
Astral Travel 1.00
stral travel is one of the most profoundawakening experiences you can have.But for most people developingthis natural ability requires a specific mindset,a revised set ofbeliefs and regular practice.Astral Travel is designed to imprint your subconscious with theideal mindset for out-of-body experiences—making it easier for youto travel beyond the boundaries of the physical plane. Arefullychosen subliminal messages address all the common mental obstaclesto stral projection such as; separation, vibrations, safety issues,recall and control while you’re out-of-body.
Self Hypnosis 1.00
Self Hypnosis is the little known art oftaking the hand of your conscious mind and reaching into yoursubconscious to make changes. Everyone's subconscious is brilliant,free, and has a powerful influence on our conscious minds. It isalso, however, often illogical and undisciplined. Often we feelthat our actions are irrational and motivated by unknown forces.Often the answer here is the subconscious mind. 'Why do I alwayslose my keys?' 'Why can't I remember what happened that one day?''Is there a reason I keep having these dreams?' The subconscious isa mysterious place filled with forces we don't understand whileawake. While in a hypnotized state people have been able to recallevents they could have sworn were lost forever. Some even have beenable to regress to past lives.There are several different methods and types of hypnosis, butself-hypnosis is the most powerful since it puts you in control. Ifsuddenly an important image or thought appears in your mind whileregressing, you will find it easy to follow that image and quicklywithout requiring a guide to take you. Self hypnosis has been shownto be generally effective in assisting those serious about quittingsmoking, or other addictive habits to quit for good. Hypnosis is sopowerful, in fact, that it can be used to make the body heal muchfaster than it normally would. It has been used in physicalrehabilitation to help patients regain control of damaged limbs,and to help them motivate themselves to continue to stick with theprograms. In sports, it has been used to get athletes to feel themotivation to train and focus their minds. Even the military hasused hypnosis in several programs throughout the last sixty years.With Binaural Beats you can augment your self-hypnosis effectivelyand get your mind on track so you can get to the root of theproblem FAST.Have you ever been hypnotized? Did you find it difficult to takethe hypnosis seriously? Did you find yourself slipping in and outof the trance? Our program helps ensure your hypnosis will stickuntil you are ready to come back. Using our brainwave entrainmenttherapy, you will find it easy to reprogram yourself withoutslipping in and out of the trance. It also helps make self-hypnosismore effective to make sure your therapy is as effective aspossible.
Relaxing Rain 1.00
The Relaxing Rain album features calming andrelaxing rain sounds. You’ll hear the gentle pitter patter of therain as it falls, washing away the day's stress. This album makesan effective sleep aid, and is useful for unwinding at the end of along day.Brainwaves are the electromagnetic waves produced by activity inthe brain. The frequency of these waves is measured in cycles persecond, or hertz (Hz). Brain-mapping research shows that each ofour states of consciousness is associated with a specific patternof brainwave activity. Brainwaves fall into five classes: Beta(30–13 Hz) is associated with ordinary consciousness and focusedawareness; alpha (13–8 Hz) with relaxation and meditative calm;theta (8–3.5 Hz) with creativity, insight, and meditation; gamma(30–85 Hz) with advanced meditation; and delta (3.5–0.5 Hz)
ADD/ADHD Attendtion 1.00
The ADD / ADHD Attendtion deficit disordertherapy is a session based on special sounds created with the useof brainwave entrainment. This session relieves the ADD / ADHD bystimulating the left brain hemisphere with Beta frequencies and theright one with SMR in order to reduce the ADD/ADHD symptoms. Eventhough speeding up the brain to reduce hyperactivity may seeminconsistent, the fact is that the ADD/ADHD syndrome is a disordercharacterized by an overabundance of slower brainwave patterns.Therefore, speeding these brainwaves with brainwave entrainment isan incredibly effective therapy. In fact, this session is good forattention, concentration and reducing emotional response andhyperactivity.
Good Health 1.00
Improve Your Health With BrainwaveEntrainment!No Extensive Practice RequiredHealing Delta FrequenciesFeel The Effects In MinutesIn the early days we thought everything it took to make a personhealthy could be defined within the realms of physics, chemistry,and biology. What we soon found, however, was that there wereseveral other spheres outside of the hard sciences that served justas important a role, if not more so. How can one be healthy if notallowed the proper state of mind required to be healthy? How can ahealthy person exist in an unhealthy environment? Given the generalpsychological pathology of several environments, it's clear tounderstand why health is such a factor, and why it's so effected bystress. It's time to take back your health. It's your body, give itwhat it needs! You need the proper mindset, and we have just theprogram for you!Help your health in a number of ways! Since Delta brain waveshelp with healing, this particular program will help you healstrained muscles quicker, allowing you to recover quickly and getback to working out. Imagine a quicker recovery time so you can getback to the gym and build those muscles quicker. Even if you'rejust healing from broken bones or just a simple scrape, ourentrainment program can get your cells working quickly to get youback to normal. And as an added bonus our program offers anincreased boost to your energy, so you can lead a more activelifestyle without getting so tired while working out.
Self-Esteem 1.00
We all have seen the extremes of a loweredself esteem. These people constantly miss out on life because theyhave no sense of self worth. It's unfortunate because this cycle isself perpetuating and difficult to get out of. But did you knowself esteem issues affect everyone from time to time?Think about the brilliant glow of happiness you get when someonetells you you've done a good job and you know for a fact it'sgenuine. A crowd of cheering support helps us when we're feelingdown about ourselves, but there are times when we do not have thisexternal influence. What if you could unlock that crowd each secondby simply pressing play?Self esteem is a very intimate and almost entirely internalprocess, but we depend almost entirely on external factors for ourself image. Why is this? Consider the following. You are a beingcomprised of an estimated ten trillion cells or more. Your veryexistence gives these cells life and allows them not only tosurvive, but thrive. The most advanced computer system even todayis only a shadow of the cognitive processes you engage in everysecond of your life. Humans have come a long way in their longhistory. And when we look at it in perspective of the cosmos, it'sclear that each human being is a unique and extremely special forceof nature. So why do so many of us feel worthless? The answer issimple: External influences. It's the most fundamental andimportant question we will ever face, and the goal of so many ofour endeavors. What will you think of yourself? The ultimatequestion has the ultimate answer in the form of our entrainmenttherapy.Those with positive self esteem are capable of unlocking thefull potential of the human race. They are able to not only mastereverything they try to achieve, but also extend their abilities toothers, improving their lives as well. You owe it to yourself andothers to look past the simplistic but tempting view that you are ahelpless individual. Helpless individuals need do nothing in theworld. It's an easy life, but it's also a life where each second issuffering. Stop your suffering now and look to our powerfulrecordings to get that image you've always wanted.Why wait? Instead, think about those dreams you've always had.The world is a place full of opportunities even if it seemsdifficult sometimes. You can achieve more than you could ever dreampossible if only you believe in yourself. Think for a moment aboutthe life you could get if only you believed in yourself. Think boutall the good you could do not only for yourself, but loved ones aswell.
Energy Clearing 1.00
Guided Practices for Safeguarding andEnhancing Your Energetic HealthJust as you can catch another person's cold, you can also “catch”their bad mood, anxieties, or even traumas. Fortunately, yourenergetic body has an immune system—and with Energy Clearing, Webrings you the key practices and techniques for enhancing thenatural healing energies of your subtle anatomy. “Our energy fieldsaffect more than our health,” Dale explains. “They impact ourhappiness, our prosperity, our decision making—every facet oflife.” Join this world-renowned teacher to learn a completeself-care regimen of energy practices, including:1 A chakra-based method for scanning your subtle body todiagnose specific problems and imbalances2 Techniques for creating healthy energetic boundaries to keepout negative influences while staying open to what nourishesyou3 Guided meditations for clearing your internal blockages andincreasing your natural strengths4 Daily practices to invigorate yourself in the morning, dealwith real-life situations during your day, and cleanse your energyfield at nightWe have found that the vast majority of issues people strugglewith do not originate from within—they start from energiesunwittingly absorbed from others. With Energy Clearing, we providesyou with practical, accessible techniques to strengthen your ownenergetic boundaries and cleanse your subtle body for improvedhealth, happiness, and mental clarity.
Theta Meditation 1.00
Achieve a relaxing mid-Theta meditative state.Would you like to use meditation to help overcome stress andanxiety?Do you want the benefits of meditation without having to enter asleep-like deep meditative state?Can you benefit from sharper focus and increased mentalacuity?Would you like to experience the many other health benefits,both mental and physical, of meditation?Use this album to reach a mild and relaxing meditativestate.The Theta Meditation album helps you ramp your brain down to amid-Theta stat of 6.5 Hz. During Theta meditation, you aren’t in asdeep a state as many other meditative states, and therefore aren’tlikely to fall asleep. This album helps you to relax and leavebehind your cares for a while, as well as discover the many healthbenefits of meditation.
Hidden Legacy 1.00
Useful Teachings from Buddhism forReconnecting with Your Aging ParentsAs our parents age, and approach the conclusion of their lives,they offer a parting gift—an immense spiritual opportunity—thatcomes only once in a lifetime. On Hidden Legacy, you will hear howelderly parents and their children are repairing theirrelationships, even after years of anger and frustration made itseem impossible.As the director of a remarkable program for the elderly inBoulder, Colorado, Victoria Howard adopted classic principles ofBuddhism for resolving these parent–child wounds. She calls theresults of her work “miraculous.” We learn how Buddhism’s teachingson impermanence can help all family members see that their timetogether is limited and precious. This beginning step can lead toan ultimate reward: the chance to say to your parents what youreally need to say to them before they go, knowing that they willlisten.With mindful slogans and techniques for working with difficultparents—supported by interviews and true success stories—HiddenLegacy is a work of great compassion that helps take the fear outof growing old for aging parents, and for the families who lovethem.
How to Be an Elder 1.00
What makes an elder, a heartfelt spirit, aclear mind, a talented heart, one who is young while old and oldwhile young, an activist for the Soul? Is it formulae, schemas,lexicons? It could be. But also, and often more so, I think it isvery like the flowering of the trees in the forest, as we gathermore years: we straggle and stride onward in our better learnedways to give out even more seeds for new life, and to blossomwildly in so doing for self and others … The old ones are yettraveling underground and overland toward us as we meet by thefireside one more time. La Vidente, the Seer. La Que Sabe, theKnowing Woman. La Levantadora, the Lifter of Curses—the DangerousOld Woman in her many likenesses calls to you to ‘get down tobusiness.
Deep Theta Meditation 1.00
Achieve a relaxed meditative state similar toa daydream.Would you like to have increased spontaneity and creativity?Could you stand to sharpen your focus and increase yourenergy?Have you heard of the many physical, mental and spiritualbenefits of meditation yet can’t seem to achieve a meditativestate?Do you want to be able to meditate effectively and reap thosebenefits?Use this album to turn the daydream state into a meditativeexperience.The Daydream Meditation album is perfect for the beginner whohas little or no experience with meditation. This album brings thelistener into a deeply relaxed state, similar to the daydream statewe’re all familiar with. It helps to approximate the state of mindyou’re in when you’re having a daydream.
Chakra Stimulation 1.00
Chakra Stimulation is an ancient practice usedby Yoga Practitioners and Meditation experts which heightensspiritual awareness.Humans have a nerve network that is interconnected with thesensory organs which is responsible for interpreting the physicalworld. The Chakra's, or Energy Centers, acts as a "Pump" whichdirects energy throughout your system.Our Chakra Stimulating Binaural Beats are specifically designedrecordings that individually stimulate each of the seven Chakras.Each Chakra is stimulated by a different frequency range withpredetermined base frequencies.
Conscious Aging 1.00
Aging is a part of life. It is inevitable, weall go through it and yet who wouldn’t want to discover a fountainof youth. Speaking for myself I would like to age gracefully yetstay looking healthy, vital and young for as long as I can… not tomention feeling just as good as well.The number one factor that stands in the way for most people whenit comes to aging is the brain. Your brain frequencies are the keyto unlocking the fountain of youth.How Does this Work?This brainwave audio uses either binaural beats or isochronictones. Separate frequencies are introduced to each individual earand the brain reacts by creating a third frequency that makes upthe difference of the two. The third tone may not have been able tobe experienced otherwise and it allows for a shift inconsciousness. In this way you are able to bypass your consciousmind and work directly with your subconscious.The recording is totally safe yet very powerful and for it to bemost effective it is important that you are sitting or lying downin a quiet space with no distractions. When in the Delta frequencystate your body and mind are able to achieve great healing and eachtime you listen to your recording will help you to reach yourgoal.What to ExpectWith the Fountain of Youth brainwave recording you can expectto:look more rested and rejuvenatedlines on your face will start to disappearyou will have more energyyou will notice a sparkle return to your eyesyou will feel calm and relaxedyou will feel far less stressyou will feel stronger in spirit as well as mentally andphysicallyThere is no magic involved and no huge costly expense. It is simplya matter of programming your brain to experience the rightfrequencies for youthfulness, healing and rejuvenation.Who Would Benefit from this Recording?Any person of any age can benefit from the Fountain of Youthbrainwave recording. If you are young then you can get a head startand will likely find the results will show up far quicker. If youare older then there is no time like today to reclaim your life andfeel that energized spirit you had in your youth.It is true that aging is a state of mind and luckily we have thescience available to work with the brain in a healthy and safe wayto slow down the aging process and feel and look great for as longas possible.
The Reiki Touch 1.00
If you've felt the power of Reiki and want tobroaden your experience, you now have the most extensive resourceavailable for strengthening your practice of this extraordinaryhealing art.From mastering the fundamental hand positions for healing, tousing the advanced techniques of Byósen scanning and Gyoshi ho(sending Reiki through the eyes), Rand provides the essential keysto Reiki for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. Whetheryou're a long-time Reiki practitioner or you've just received yourfirst attunement, The Reiki Touch will provide the training andunderstanding you need to excel at this increasingly popularhealing art.
Mood Elevator & Support 1.00
Fight depression, raise your mood, increasemotivation and energize your life!Do you suffer from chronic depression or Seasonal AffectiveDisorder (SAD)?Has it been a long time since you’ve really felt happy?Do you no longer enjoy participating in your favorite hobbiesand activities?Are you listless and unmotivated?Use this album to combat the blues, increase your energy levelsand improve motivation.The Mood Elevator and Support album uses a number of techniques,including Gamma protocols and Theta waves to help you stave offdepressions. It attempts to stimulate the left-hemisphere logicalside of your brain while relaxing the right-hemisphere irrationaland overly-emotional side. Whether you’re experiencing a simplebout of depression, chronic depression or Seasonal AffectiveDisorder, this album can help.
Weight Loss 1.00
If you have a weight problem, your mind likelyalready sees your body as beyond its control. They key to everyweight loss success story is there was one "magic cure" that userstruly believed in. Are all these "magic cures" real but only for aselect few? No. The common thread in them all is selfdetermination. The key is not finding the magic cure, but creatingit within yourself. You can quite literally think yourself thin.Just in the same way Yogis are able to walk on hot coals withoutbeing damaged or slow down their own metabolisms to heal fromwithin, you can lose weight based on brain patterns. Think it andyou will be it. But thinking it isn't easy for some who have livedwith the difficulty of an uncooperative metabolism for so manyyears. And unfair standards in the media only make it moredifficult to appreciate yourself and feel healthy so you can behappy.The ABSOLUTE most important aspect of weight maintenance is yourmindset. If weight loss is something you go into as a battle,looking to defeat your own body through starvation and torturousunnatural dietary supplements (which often damage your digestivesystem), your body will rebel against you. If you think of weightloss as a burden, and exercise as a chore, you will be dissatisfiedand tired before you even start. The only way to get your body todo what you want is to cooperate with it. No one's body wants to beunhealthy and lethargic. Our system teaches you how to lovephysical activity and keep loving it. A temporary diet yieldstemporary (if any) results. Don't gain the weight back. Get a newbody AND a new mindset!Are you self conscious and afraid to exercise? Our program helpswith that by maintaining motivation. Reaffirmation reduces theseeds of self consciousness and creates a mentality conducive toself-discipline. Do you find yourself eating even when you're nothungry? Our program helps you reduce compulsive eating. Break thecycle by declaring this program a symbolic shift from your oldways. The entrainment program will do the rest. Are you one ofthose people who is just hungry all the time? Our program bendsyour brainwaves to reduce hunger. What would you do with a chancelike this? What would you do if you had less hunger, lesscompulsive eating, less stress, and more compulsion to exercise andbe active? You know you won't let yourself down. Act thinner andyou'll be thinner.
Thunderstorm 1.00
The Thunderstorm album contains all of thestorm sounds you expect, including thunder, rain and wind. Thisalbum is excellent ambient noise for an evening of snuggling athome. The repetitive tapping of the rain is perfect for helping youto relax after a hard day, and you can use this album as a sleepaid, as well.Brainwaves are the electromagnetic waves produced by activity inthe brain. The frequency of these waves is measured in cycles persecond, or hertz (Hz). Brain-mapping research shows that each ofour states of consciousness is associated with a specific patternof brainwave activity. Brainwaves fall into five classes: Beta(30–13 Hz) is associated with ordinary consciousness and focusedawareness; alpha (13–8 Hz) with relaxation and meditative calm;theta (8–3.5 Hz) with creativity, insight, and meditation; gamma(30–85 Hz) with advanced meditation; and delta (3.5–0.5 Hz)with.
IQ Increase 1.00
IQ decides several things that have anenormous impact on our lives. Those who are good at recognizingpatterns and then turning that recognition into something moreusable find it easier to breeze through their problems and areadmired by everyone as a brilliant thinker. Isn't it time youofficially joined their ranks? With our entrainment therapy, thisbecomes easier than ever before.For a long time it was assumed that IQ was something static thatremained the same over the course of a person's whole life. Butwith new research, psychologists and neurologists have discoveredthat many things can change the IQ of a person. In fact, thisincrease in IQ has resulted in a rush by many people toward findinga natural way to push their IQs to unlock their full potentialwithout relying on harsh medications or years of study. You need animproved IQ, and you need it now so you can apply it to problemsyou're dealing with today. With our entrainment therapy, you couldbe living the life of a brilliant thinker in no time at all.People with a high intelligence find it easy to succeed. Theyhave more skill than anyone else when it comes to problem solving,and don't have to depend on others to provide them with answers.Brilliant thinkers soon achieve a level of freedom and autonomyrarely seen elsewhere in the world. Wealth, respect, admiration,and the satisfaction of knowing they are the best they couldpossibly be are all goals only the smartest find easily. And byincreasing your IQ, you will find yourself rocketing toward yourdreams and sidestepping every obstacle in your way.Isn't it time you finally was able to read classic works ofliterature, able to appreciate every detail of them fully?Shouldn't you be the center of attention in intellectual debates?Are you ready for a world where people ask your opinions on thingsand hang on your every word? And just imagine the difference aheightened intelligence could give you in your perception of theworld. Every solution will come so easily to you.And our entrainment therapy is excellent for students who areready to take their minds to the next level and experience trulysupercharged intelligence. By training the brain to function at ahigher level learning will not only become easy, but very rewardingas well. Imagine a world where the things you enjoy are the samethings that earn you rewards in life. Imagine how easy work wouldbecome. Every idea, and every action will become more brilliant,more rewarding, and more carefully thought out than ever before.What would you do with a brain working ten, twenty, or even fortyIQ points higher than it is now?
Energy Healing 1.00
A How-To Course for the Care and Nourishmentof Your Subtle BodyTrue wellness begins at the energetic level. As traditionalhealers have known for thousands of years—and as modern medicine isnow beginning to recognize—our symptoms and health challenges canbegin first as imbalances in our energy field.Step-by-Step Instruction in Self-Diagnosis, Clearing Blockages, andMuch MoreWorking with energy doesn't require any special gifts—in fact,we do it unconsciously all the time. With our expert guidance,you'll first learn to become aware of ways that the life forcemoves in your body and affects your physical and emotional state.Then with step-by-step guidance in a wide spectrum of practices,you'll learn how to consciously affect the energy flow to clearstagnant energy, boost vigor and resiliency, and correct potentialhealth problems at the source—before they take root in yourphysical body.A Comprehensive Training Course in Energetic Self-CareA regular energy-healing practice becomes increasinglyimportant, especially as we grow older and must look to energysources outside the body to maintain our health
Your Body of Light 1.00
You know you have a physical body, but did youknow that you also have a light body—a timeless, energetic essencethat connects you to everything in the universe?Long ago, the ancient Taoist sages learned how to distill thisbody of light, allowing us to step into the flow of nature, alignwith the consciousness of the cosmos, and cultivate the seeds ofour highest potential. On Your Body of Light, Lee Holden presentsan in-depth course that teaches you the essential practices of thistransformational art.Explore the Art of Taoist Inner AlchemyThe early Taoists were inner alchemists who sought universaltruth by working with life-force energy. On Your Body of Light,Holden leads you with playfulness and seasoned expertise through afull range of qi gong exercises and meditations—many rarely taughtin the West—which lay the groundwork for your own daily explorationof Taoist energy practice.The Intended to help you with real-world challenges like stress,worry, and sleeplessness as well as transitions large and small,these time-tested skills will unveil your own inner luminosity andthe true miracle that is your life.The Ultimate Question: Who Are You?The Taoist masters felt that our existence was worthinvestigating with passion, purpose, and a sense of awe. Withchildlike wonder, they continually posed the question, “Who areyou?” Your Body of Light invites you to approach your own life withthe same spirit, as you come into harmony with the original sourceof all that is.
Through the Dark Wood 1.00
Have you ever looked at your career, yourrelationships, or your role in life and wondered, “Is this why I’mreally here?” If so, then you are ready for your “midlifecrisis”—the pivotal time when you have the opportunity to becomethe person your soul seeks to be.“When the illusions of our youth begin to crumble,” explainsJames Hollis, “we reach a turning point that the poet Dante calledthe ‘dark wood.’” With Through the Dark Wood, this author andJungian analyst reveals the steps we all must take on our road totrue maturity, meaning, and fulfillment.When the Second Half of Life BeginsHow do you know when you’ve reached the “second half ”of life?According to Hollis, the first sign comes when you feeldissatisfied by where you are today—and hear a call from within tolive a more purposeful life. This marks the collision between your“False Self,” created from the expectations of others, and yourinstinctive “True Self.”Drawing upon his experiences with hundreds of clients, Hollisprovides an essential map for traversing the universal challengesof midlife, such as building genuine relationships, cultivating amature spirituality, and letting go of old beliefs that no longerserve you.An Invaluable Guide through the Challenges of Midlife“The second half of life isn’t about looking for easy answers,”James Hollis says. “It’s about honestly exploring the questionsthat bring richness and value to your life.” With Through the DarkWood, this penetrating thinker shares a lifetime of insights abouthow to navigate your life’s most turbulent passages—and emerge fromthe darkness wiser, stronger, and in greater harmony with yoursoul’s purpose.
The Late Bloomer 1.00
What makes talent bloom? Ask what makes a treeblossom. They are the same.It is not unfathomable. It only takes concentration. Concentrationof energies is what makes a tree flower. Not bigger, not faster,not taking up more space. Rather … less space. Density … Pressurein hard places. Often, in the dark. Relentlessly. Freely. For aslong as it takes.Hold faith, a gestation can go long and for good reason, andnothing much shows above ground … But then, one day …The Late Bloomer speaks to all of us who sense within “greattalent untapped completely, touchingly wondrous yet wounded or heldback by fate in some way,” inspiring us to break through intoworldly life using the creative fire of interior life … to burstinto bloom time and again.
The Joyous Body 1.00
“It is the nature of the saplings to quake inthe winds; hesitant, learning to hold their own places. But, theolder trees, with their years of testing and being tested, they arethe ones who, whether in the long stern winds or misty gales, swaythe most. Less a bouquet of tentative trembling first-time buds,now much more the leaf-perfumed hips of a hundred wide womendancing—these old ones, regardless of form, sway, by heart, to themusic that thunders through them.”The Body, Your Valiant Consort“Each one of us is a triumvirate being—at once the union ofbody, soul, and all that lies within.” For any who experiencedisharmony amongst these three vital aspects,Renew Your Relationship with The Sacred-Body Consort“Remember that the loyal body is the first to signal us thatsomething is needed. It is our first responder,”“in order for us to not only survive but to thrive in theworld.” Now, The Joyous Body is here to help you remember the oldbody wisdom, to heal and renew your relationship “with the sacred,magnificent being with whom you came to this earth.”
Courage 1.00
Courage is one of the most valiant traits wecould ever aspire to achieve. Courageous individuals don't livefoolhardy fearless lives, but have the strength of character toovercome fear each time rather than let it control them. And it'snot just the dangerous situations we find ourselves in thatrequires courage. Even every day conversations with people coulduse some courage. And by improving yours you ensure others will notonly respect you, but admire you as well.Courage isn't just something you are born with. Just like fear,courage is a learned behavior. And by learning to be morecourageous, you improve the quality of your life immensely. Onlythrough courage will you be able to gain the respect of strangers.Only through courage will you be able to act when you are neededmost. Let the lion's heart swell up from within you. Your familyneeds you to protect them. Your community needs you to be strong intimes of crisis. You need the respect you deserve. Rather thanhoping you will be able to summon the courage at the right time,you need a method to generate that deep inner strength. Ourentrainment therapy was designed just for this purpose.Just as fear is only in the mind, courage is the same way. Byimproving your own courage, you ensure that you are always incontrol. Fear takes away this control and requires us to give upmuch about our lives that we both want and enjoy. The courageousare not enslaved by their fears. They are not told what to do bythose that would do them harm. The courageous always have thefreedom to speak their minds and do what they think is right.Without courage there are no principles, and no morals. Withoutcourage you can be intimidated to do anything by bullies. Withoutcourage we lose our heads in situations and let the darkness creepinto our lives and overshadow us. Say no to fear and bolster yourown courage. The world will thank you.
Psychic 1.00
Before it was better understood, ESP (ExtraSensory Perception) was assumed to be a magical phenomena. Today itis a mysterious, but generally recognized phenomena attributed tosenses beyond the five that we understand. ESP allows us tounderstand and see things that we are unable to otherwise see. Itmanifests in several different forms. Some say they actually havevisions of future or past events, while others say it is more of agut feeling. Regardless, the subject has been studied for over ahundred years. Today the phenomena is used by several worldgovernments. Detectives and police use psychics to find missingpersons and help solve crimes. Even the espionage branch of theUnited States government has used "remote viewing" to identifydistant objects and future events.Just because we don't necessarily understand these skillsdoesn't mean we can't harness their powers to better our lives andthe lives of those around us. Several programs have sprung upclaiming to improve psychic ability at a cost of thousands ofdollars claiming to offer exercises that enhance psychic abilities.Our brain entrainment program naturally produces a frequency thatenhances your ESP abilities even as it relaxes you. Imagine gettingmore and more accurate gut feelings about future events. How wouldyou change your life with such a profound advantage? Some of uscan't afford an institution that will make us more psychic. Starttuning your brain naturally today!With time your psychic ability will yield more and more results.And though you may specialize in one branch, such as the remoteviewing of distant objects, eventually you may be able to do anynumber of things as you gain knowledge and experience in thepsychic field. All psychic phenomena is linked in the brain to theAmygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Our program enhancesactivity in these two regions, resulting in a noticeable increasein psychic abilities.
The Energetics of Healing 1.00
We guides you through all seven chakra centersand correlates them with daily practices for learning the physicallanguage of the spirit—and the spiritual language of the body. TheEnergetics of Healing offers a bold new vision of the human bodyand the unseen obstacles to healing.Learn more about:Your energy anatomy: what it is and how it worksIntuition: your greatest gift for better healthHow your biography becomes your biologySeven sacred truths essential to your total wellnessAn eye-opening tour of the chakra systemForgiveness: how it can instantly build energyVivid computer graphics of the human body's energy anatomy, andmuch more!
Ego Control 1.00
Everyone needs to have confidence in order tofunction well within social groups. We need to be sure ofourselves, have faith in the things we say, and rebuff attacks onour sense of well being and self esteem. But occasionally, thisconfidence gets out of control leading to an ego problem that canresult in many of the same issues a lack of confidence can. Our egocontrol entrainment therapy is designed to help those of us whohave an inflated ego deflate it a bit to ensure it doesn'tinterfere with our lives.Those with egos too large for their own good will undertaketasks far beyond their ability. Rather than honing their skills andfocusing on what they can accomplish, they are too wrapped up inthe fight to become the best and as a result rob themselves of thejourney it takes to actually get there. Obviously, most people withinflated egos do not know they have them. And many people whoseegos are wildly out of control still need reinforcement in theirconfidence. An ego out of control typically is only counterbalancedby a crushing defeat. Why wait for an event that causes so muchpain to help you get your ego where it needs to be? Our ego controlprogram will help you get an accurate picture of your capabilitieswithout forcing yourself into a difficult situation.When is Ego dangerous? It's generally dangerous to yourself andothers when you confidently take on tasks and dangers that aresimply beyond your ability. Someone with an ego out of control willdistance themselves from others and even lose relationships thatwere once important to them. Though they may feel they are thegreatest thing on Earth at first, they will eventually realize theyhave overextended themselves and lose everything they once thoughtimportant. It's important to reflect on yourself and take heed ofwarning signs to ensure you don't end up ruining the incredible andexciting life you have in store, just for the sake of anillusion.When does Ego disconnect you from others? There are variousunkind words in the English language used to describe people whoseegos are out of control. These words emphasize the importance weall place on a dose of character. When we are a little humbled,connections come easier between people and make certain our friendsand relatives know we appreciate them. A well placed joke aimed topoke fun at oneself can do more to create bonds of familiarity thanall the boasting in the world.
Increase Vitality II 1.00
Do you wish you had more energy? Millions ofpeople today suffer from fatigue and low energy because of weakenedimmune systems, but help is available through simple, dailyroutines.With Increase Vitality, fatigue melts away and vitality isincreased through effective, self-rejuvenating routines of deepbreathing, self-acupressure, and gentle stretching exercises. Weshows listeners how to boost their energy system in just 60minutes, and over time build resistance to emotional andenvironmental stresses.
Positive Mindset 1.00
Two people can see the same situation and cometo completely different opinions about it. In fact, most people do.Our opinions affect our lives more often than most other things.Some people see their family and rejoice at the good feelings andhappy interactions they could have. And so they focus on developingthese positive relationships and find themselves not only having agood time, but getting far closer than ever before in the process.Unfortunately, the same situation may bring about feelings of fear,animosity, and anxiety in another person. Why is this? The answeris simple. One person has a positive outlook on their life, seeingeach change as an opportunity and the other sees it as a trial thatmust be fought against. What if there was a way to change thatperson's opinion?It's no contest which is more productive in creating a betterlife. People throughout history with positive constructive outlookson life and the ability to work through challenges have foundthemselves in the history books celebrated for their apparent deepinner wisdom. People who victimized themselves and others, and weredriven mad by their environments have also been recorded byhistory, but generally in a far different way.But what is the secret to uncovering this deep inner beauty thatradiates outward? We found the answer to be surprisingly simple.Since 90% of happiness comes from within and can be generatedwithout external forces, it seems the true problem of people beingunhappy isn't generated in the world around them, but rather intheir own minds. And as we interact with others the very act ofmaking others happy within your own mind can give you exactly whatyou need to start bettering the lives of those around you. And howdo you generate it in your mind? Our recordings do just that.Cynicism in our lives can help us sometimes. It helps us spotproblems we would otherwise miss. But those with a spiritualconnection with their brains know how to use the caution our brainaffords us without having to pay for it when we should be feelinggood about ourselves. Cynicism is not designed to make us dislikehow our own lives are going. Cynical people suffer when thebehavior moves from their working memory to the amygdala wherehabitual behavior is stored. A person with a healthy level ofcaution will not engage in a behavior that may lower the quality oftheir life while an overly cynical person may avoid mostsituations, assuming they will cause them harm "somehow." Cynicismin this case causes a great deal of stress and suffering to thosewho engage in it habitually.But there is good news. Just as our brains can be rewired bystressful events (events we may not even remember consciously) itcan be changed so that a new system within the brain is givenpriority. In this case we lose all the negative aspects of cynicismand none of the positive ones.Do you suffer from constant bad luck? Do you naturally distrustpeople even if they show no reason to distrust them? Do you lookfor the faults in others as well as yourself, focusing on theminstead of the good? If you said yes to any of these, then you'reexactly who this system is designed for.Stop feeling the pain of shutting everyone out of your life. Youcan change it all and start enjoying the world just as you alwaysknew you could. Interestingly, many who use our "better life"entrainment therapy describe it as changing the world around them,when in reality it is only changing the most central element ofeverything we will ever do: you. Change your mind and live the lifeyou deserve. All of us deserve to live happy.
Illuminating the Afterlife 1.00
We have all wondered what happens to us afterwe die, but did you know that you are connected to the afterliferight now? According to Cyndi Dale, our souls evolve throughspiritual dimensions that are linked to our physical bodies at thisvery moment—and we can access our souls at any time for insight,wisdom, and healing. With Illuminating the Afterlife, this renownedpsychic and intuitive healer presents a powerful vision of the"Planes of Light" that exist beyond this lifetime, along withguided practices to open up the territory that is usually availableonly after death. Join this gifted teacher to discover:Answers to the most common questions about the afterlife: Isthere really a "Heaven" and a "Hell?" What are ghosts, and why dothey manifest?The chakras and the afterlife—how each Plane of Light connectsto your body through these energy centersHow to make contact with your spirit guides and the masters ofeach dimension of the afterlifeMeditations for safely traveling past the threshold of death toreceive knowledge, peace, healing energy, and divine love
Increase Vitality 1.00
"The animated music of Increase Vitality isdesigned to invigorate and energize. Using specific psychoacoustictechniques, beautiful classical music has been recorded, sequenced,re-arranged, and orchestrated with one purpose--to increase yourphysical and mental vitality." ~ Joshua Leeds, authority in thefield of psychoacousticsThe first sequence offers a gentle wake-up for recuperation,while the second is more like "aerobics" for the ears withmid-level tempo and milder levels of complexity. The third sequenceis very enlivening with especially upbeat selections. Piano, cello,oboe, English horn and flute provide beautiful music that movesfrom slow and simple to fast and complex. The one hour enliveningexperience seems to go by very quickly and you are left feelingenergized and ready to accomplish tasks that require mentalclarity.
Awakening Through Sound 1.00
Your Naked Voice: The Intimate Expression ofWho You Really AreHave you ever had the unexplainable urge to sing at a restaurantor in the middle of an office meeting? It seems outrageous, butthere is a voice buried within you that wants to do just that,.This is your "naked voice"—the deep song of your heart thatcontains all your longing, joy, grief, and passion—the "raw truth"of who you are.With Awakening Through Sound, you will learn how to fearlesslyengage with your own naked voice—to listen to yourself and otherswith "unconditional ears," to integrate heart, mind, and body, andto release your full creativity.Join this pioneering sound healer for a daring curriculum thatwill help you break through your vocal limitations, access latentinsight and intuition, and bring the gift of your true Self toeveryone around you.
The Power of Prayer 1.00
Insight, Transformation, and Truth—The Powerof Prayer“All prayers are heard and answered,” . Can that be true? As youcome to understand the original role of prayer in personaltransformation, you begin to realize that it could be no other way.On The Power of Prayer, We invites you to experience prayer at itsdeepest and most profound level—as a direct channel into union withGod. “When we pray from a place inner stillness, our thoughts andwords become sacred,” Myss explains, “and we can hear the answeringcall of heaven.” Join her to begin a revolution in the way youpray, as you explore:How and why we pray—moving beyond the stage of “petition prayer”to a place of true openness to guidance from a higher sourceHow humility allows us to bypass the ego and connect directly tothe divineThe transformational journey—why a willingness to sacrifice thefamiliar and enter the unknown puts you on the path of gracePrayers for healing, for the morning and evening, navigatingdifficult times, and expanding your capacity to act from a place ofloveThere comes a point in our lives when we are called to pray—whenwe see that our rational minds cannot make sense of the mystery oflife and we realize that we need another way. With The Power ofPrayer, We offers new insights into the most important toolavailable to us on our spiritual journey—and for calling upon thegrace that will never fail to guide and shelter us.
The Vital Energy Program 1.00
Master Your Body's Vital Energy for theBestHealth of Your LifeDo you experience unaccountable fatigue? Would you like tohavemore energy for the things you love most?Cultivate the Energy of the UniverseRecognized for centuries in China as qi and in India asprana,vital energy can be cultivated and directed with pinpointaccuracy.Using a unique integrated approach encompassing bothEastern andWestern traditions, We have helped hundreds of peopleraise theirenergy levels and overcome debilitating problemsincluding fatigue,depression, illness, weight gain, loss of sexdrive, and sleepdisturbances.Four Keys to Unlock Your Vital EnergyOn this ultimate, energy-boosting curriculum, Dr. Taylorwillshow you how to work with the natural cycles of your metabolismandfour key principles: nourishment, breathing, movement,andrelaxation. You will learn:How to optimize your energy through what you eat and when youeatitSpecial breathing principles that directly influence yournervoussystem, yielding a new ability to think clearly andquickly, whilereducing stress levelsSpecific exercises to circulate and cleanse stagnatedenergy,revitalizing every organ in your body, and much moreReconnect with the Natural Cycles of HealthWith The Vital Energy Program, you will learn to reconnectwiththe energy of life itself, while cultivating a continuous,balancedenergy supply for better health and vitality today andevery dayfor the rest of your life.