OPPO Digital, Inc. Приложения

OPPO HA-1 Control
OPPO Digital, Inc.
DescriptionOPPO HA-1 Bluetooth Remote Control provides a convenient way tocontrol your OPPO HA-1 Headphone Amplifier from your android phone.Simply pair your mobile device with the HA-1 via Bluetooth, and theapp will work the same way as the IR remote that is shipped withthe HA-1. You will be able to switch input sources, adjust volume,mute/unmute audio, set the screen brightness level, and evencontrol playback of digital audio sources.Supported Product:OPPO HA-1Notesa. The app works via Bluetooth. For this reason, your mobile devicemust be paired and connected with the HA-1 via Bluetooth in orderto utilize this app.b. You can turn off the HA-1 using this app. However, to turn onthe HA-1, you will need to use either the front panel power buttonor the IR remote. This is because the Bluetooth connection isclosed once the HA-1 is turned off.
OPPO Sonica
OPPO Digital, Inc.
OPPO Sonica controller app
OPPO UDP-20x MediaControl 1.2.0
OPPO Digital, Inc.
DescriptionThe OPPO MediaControl app turns your mobile device into a remotethat provides complete control over your OPPO 4K UHD Blu-rayplayer. The app is able to browse media libraries, control playbackof media files, and even turn the player on and off.Features1. Play media files from different sources such as your mobiledevice, connected USB drives, DLNA servers, and SMB shares.2. Quickly browse through your media files alphabetically or bysearching for specific files.3. Save your favorite songs, movies, and photos to your Favoriteslist, and create personalized playlists to quickly access the songsyou love most.4. Control the playback of your media files and easily toggleplayback modes such as shuffle and repeat.5. View media file information from the Now Playing screen.6. Control multiple players with a single mobile device, or controlsingle player with multiple mobile devices.7. Power the player off and on using the MediaControl app (requiresthat Network Standby moved is enabled – see notes below fordetails).8. Utilize a virtual remote control with four customizable buttonscan be used in place of or in conjunction with the physical remotecontrol.Notes1. The MediaControl app will only work with players that have beenupdated to a supported firmware version.2. The following conditions must be met in order for theMediaControl app to wake the player from standby mode: the playermust be connected to the same network as the mobile device you areusing to control it, and the player must have the “Network Standby”mode selected under Setup Menu / Device Setup / Standby Mode.3. If you run into any issues or observe any errors when using theMediaControl app, please contact OPPO Customer Service by emailingservice@oppodigital.com .Supported Players:UDP-203, UDP-205Required Firmware Version:41-0317B or later.
OPPO Remote Control V2.0.0
OPPO Digital, Inc.
Description The OPPO Remote Control app turns your Androiddeviceinto a remote that provides complete control over your OPPOBlu-rayplayer. It works with the OPPO BDP-93, BDP-95, BDP-103,BDP-105,BDP-103D, and BDP-105D. (BDP-83, BDP-80 and DVD players arenotsupported.)The controlling Android device must be connected tothesame network as the Blu-ray player. Features 1. Controlmultipleplayers with a single Android device. 2. Turn the player onand offfrom the app (requires Quick Start mode enabled on theplayer, seenotes below for details). 3. Can be used in place of orinconjunction with the physical remote control. Notes 1. Thisappwill only work with players that have a supported firmwareversioninstalled. The latest firmware can be downloaded from theOPPODigital website. 2.For BDP-93 and BDP-95, the app can turn offtheplayer but once the player is off, it cannot be turned on fromtheapp since the player is disconnected from the network when itisoff. For BDP-10x, the following conditions must be met in orderforthe application to wake the player from standby mode: theplayer’swireless adapter must be connected to the player’s rear USB1 portOR the player must be connected to your network via wiredEthernet,and the player must have “Quick Start” mode selected underSetupMenu / Device Setup / Standby Mode. 3. If you run into anyissuesor observe any errors when using the app, please contactOPPOCustomer Service by emailing service@oppodigital.com. 4. ThisAPPis optimized for the following screen resolutions:1280x720,1920x1080. Using this APP on devices with other screenresolutionsmay result in text and graphics alignment errors. Shouldthathappen please submit your feedback via the APP or directly tothedeveloper, so future versions can be optimized for yourdevice.Supported Players: BDP-93, BDP-95, BDP-103, BDP-105,BDP-103D,BDP-105D Unsupported Players: BDP-80, BDP-83, and DVDPlayersRequired Firmware Version: BDP-93/95: BDP9x-80-0513 orlaterBDP-103/105/103D/105D: BDP10x-75-0515 or later
OPPO BDP-10x MediaControl V4.0.3
OPPO Digital, Inc.
Discription The OPPO MediaControl app turns your Android deviceintoa remote that provides complete control over your OPPOBlu-rayplayer. The app is able to browse media libraries, controlplaybackof media files, and even turn the player on and off.Features 1.Conveniently view media files on a connected USB device,data discor DLNA server. 2. Quickly browse through media files byusing thealphabetical scrollbar and search function. 3. Easilycontrol theplayback of media files and toggle features such asShuffle andRepeat. 4. View media file information on the NowPlaying screen.5. Control multiple players with a single Androiddevice. 6. Powerthe player off and on using the application itself(requires thatQuick Start mode is enabled, see notes below fordetails). 7. Canbe used in place of or in conjunction with thephysical remotecontrol. Notes 1. This application will only workwith players thathave a supported firmware version installed. Thelatest firmwarecan be downloaded from the OPPO Digital website. 2.The followingconditions must be met in order for the application towake theplayer from standby mode: the player’s wireless adaptermust beconnected to the player’s rear USB 1 port OR the player mustbeconnected to your network via wired Ethernet, and the playermusthave “Quick Start” mode selected under Setup Menu / DeviceSetup /Standby Mode. 3. If you run into any issues or observe anyerrorswhen using the application, please contact OPPO CustomerService byemailing service@oppodigital.com. 4. This APP isoptimized for thefollowing screen resolutions: 1280x720, 1920x1080.Using this APPon devices with other screen resolutions may resultin text andgraphics alignment errors. Should that happen pleasesubmit yourfeedback via the APP or directly to the developer, sofutureversions can be optimized for your device. SupportedPlayers:BDP-103, BDP-105, BDP-103D, BDP-105D
Media Control for OPPO BDP-9x 1.0.7
OPPO Digital, Inc.
This is the experimental version of the OPPO Media Control appforBDP-93/95 Blu-ray players. In addition to being used as aremotecontrol, this app can navigate locally-attached andnetwork-sharedmedia files and control their playback. Requires OPPOBDP-93 orBDP-95 Blu-ray Disc player with firmware versionBDP9x-74-0908 orabove. This app is not compatible with the BDP-10xplayers. BDP-10xusers should download the "OPPO Remote Control" appinstead. Amedia control app for the BDP-10x is in development andwill beavailable soon.