OXOLA, Oxford Online Language Academy Приложения

Learn Turkish
Free Download!..Learn the Turkish language with OXOLA. Would you like yourphone, or tablet to talk for you in Turkish? Do you wish to improveyour Turkish language skills through fun language games and tests?Here is the solution!..OXOLA Language Assistant Series - Learn Turkish is an honestproduct which has been designed by language experts who taught atthe UNIVERSITY of OXFORD.Key Features of OXOLA Language Assistant - Learn Turkish:✔ Frequently used Turkish words, phrases and sentences withaudio, translated into English✔ Translations from English to Turkish, or from Turkish toEnglish✔ Spaced repetitions for optimum memorisation (based on scientificstudy)✔ Entertaining language games✔ Fun vocabulary, phrase and sentence exercises for a wide varietyof topics✔ Keeping track of how many words, phrases and sentences you havelearned✔ Listening only mode included✔ Organised in categories✔ Plain screen design (Research has shown that exaggerated visualdesign and effects may distract language learners.)✔ Free accompanying language learning material such as grammar,games and tests on the OXOLA website✔ Free expert advice on language learning on the OXOLAwebsite✔ No Internet connection is required.✔ No prior knowledge of Turkish is required.✔ No adverts!✔ Clear and detailed help on the OXOLA website: http://www.oxola.co.uk (You can find out how touse OXOLA Language Assistant by following the instructions step bystep on the help page which can be found at the OXOLA website.)Contents:• Quantities in Turkish• Numbers in Turkish• Talking to People in Turkish• Asking the Way in Turkish• Eating and Drinking in Turkish• Shopping in Turkish• Expressions of Health Issues in Turkish• Expressing Problems in Turkish• Signs in Turkish• Telling Time in Turkish• Expressions of Driving in TurkishApps in the OXOLA Language Assistant Series:OXOLA Language Assistant consists of a series of applications,of which Learn Turkish is one of the product categories. We willvery soon be adding new products to the series. Please followus…We hope you like OXOLA Language Assistant – Learn Turkish. Wewould be most grateful to you, if you could support us by leaving agood rating and writing a review on Google Play and sharing thisapplication with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, orPinterest.Please let us know what language topics you need, we will designnew products for you.If you have any questions, or comments regarding thisapplication, please feel free to let us know at info@oxola.co.ukWebsite: http://www.oxola.co.ukFacebook Page: https://goo.gl/1HjHgfTwitter: https://twitter.com/Turkish_OXOLAGoogle+ Page: https://goo.gl/fC7D5gPinterest: https://goo.gl/FMCfXEOXOLA Team Leaders:Dr. Şenel Symons, linguist and language teaching expert, taughtlanguage and literature at the University of OxfordDr. David Symons, physicist, asic and software engineer(principal), taught physics at the University of Oxford
Shopping in Turkish 1.4
Free Download!.. 70% is completelyfree!..Learn the Turkish language with OXOLA. Would you like your phone,or tablet to talk for you in Turkish? Do you wish to improve yourTurkish language skills through fun language games and tests? Hereis the solution!..OXOLA Language Assistant Series - Shopping in Turkish is an honestproduct which has been designed by language experts who taught atthe UNIVERSITY of OXFORD.Key Features of OXOLA Language Assistant - Shopping inTurkish:✔ Frequently used shopping related Turkish words, phrases andsentences with audio✔ Translations from English to Turkish, or from Turkish toEnglish✔ Spaced repetitions for optimum memorisation (based on scientificstudy)✔ Fun vocabulary, phrase and sentence exercises for a wide varietyof topics✔ Keeping track of how many words, phrases and sentences you havelearned✔ Listening only mode included✔ Organised in categories✔ Plain screen design (Research has shown that exaggerated visualdesign and effects may distract language learners.)✔ No Internet connection is required.✔ No prior knowledge of Turkish is required.✔ Clear and detailed help on the OXOLA website:http://www.oxola.co.uk (You can find out how to use OXOLA LanguageAssistant by following the instructions step by step on the helppage which can be found at the OXOLA website.)Contents:Shopping Expressions: Words, Phrases and Sample Sentences inTurkishShopping SignsNames of ShopsNames of ClothesBuying ClothingBuying FoodQuantitiesConversion TableApps in the OXOLA Language Assistant Series:OXOLA Language Assistant consists of a series of applications, ofwhich Shopping in Turkish is one of the product categories. We willvery soon be adding new products to the series. Please followus…You can download our products for free to test them. Please buy therest of the categories, if you like the app. This would enable usto design new freely downloadable products.We hope you like OXOLA Language Assistant – Shopping in Turkish. Wewould be most grateful to you, if you could support us by leaving agood rating and writing a review on Google Play and sharing thisapplication with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, orPinterest.Please let us know what language topics you need, we will designnew products for you.If you have any questions, or comments regarding this application,please feel free to let us know at info@oxola.co.ukWebsite: http://www.oxola.co.ukFacebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/learnturkishoxola/Twitter: https://twitter.com/OXOLA_TrGoogle+ Page: https://goo.gl/fC7D5gPinterest: https://goo.gl/FMCfXEOXOLA Team Leaders:Dr. Olivia Ada Symons, linguist and language teaching expert,taught language and literature at the University of OxfordDr. David Symons, physicist, asic and software engineer(principal), taught physics at the University of Oxford
Learn _ Turkish 1.4
Free Download!.. 75% is completely free!.. Learn the Turkishlanguage with OXOLA. Would you like your phone, or tablet to talkfor you in Turkish? Do you wish to improve your Turkish languageskills through fun language games and tests? Here is thesolution!.. OXOLA Language Assistant Series - Learn Turkish is anhonest product which has been designed by language experts whotaught at the UNIVERSITY of OXFORD. Key Features of OXOLA LanguageAssistant - Learn Turkish: ✔ Frequently used Turkish words, phrasesand sentences with audio, translated into English ✔ Translationsfrom English to Turkish, or from Turkish to English ✔ Spacedrepetitions for optimum memorisation (based on scientific study) ✔Fun vocabulary, phrase and sentence exercises for a wide variety oftopics ✔ Keeping track of how many words, phrases and sentences youhave learned ✔ Listening only mode included ✔ Organised incategories ✔ Plain screen design (Research has shown thatexaggerated visual design and effects may distract languagelearners.) ✔ No Internet connection is required. ✔ No priorknowledge of Turkish is required. ✔ Clear and detailed help on theOXOLA website: http://www.oxola.co.uk (You can find out how to useOXOLA Language Assistant by following the instructions step by stepon the help page which can be found at the OXOLA website.)Contents: • Quantities in Turkish • Numbers in Turkish • Names ofCountries • Nationalities • Fish and Seafood • Spices and Herbs •Fruits • Vegetables • Cooking Ingredients • Talking to People inTurkish • Asking the Way in Turkish • Eating and Drinking inTurkish • Shopping in Turkish • Expressions of Health Issues inTurkish • Expressing Problems in Turkish • Signs in Turkish •Telling Time in Turkish • Expressions of Driving in Turkish Apps inthe OXOLA Language Assistant Series: OXOLA Language Assistantconsists of a series of applications, of which Learn Turkish is oneof the product categories. We will very soon be adding new productsto the series. Please follow us… We hope you like OXOLA LanguageAssistant – Learn Turkish. We would be most grateful to you, if youcould support us by leaving a rating and writing a review on GooglePlay and sharing this application with your friends on Facebook,Twitter, Google+, or Pinterest. Please let us know what languagetopics you need, we will design new products for you. You candownload our products for free to test them. Please buy the rest ofthe categories, if you like the app. This would enable us to designnew freely downloadable products. If you have any questions, orcomments regarding this application, please feel free to let usknow at info@oxola.co.uk Website: http://www.oxola.co.uk FacebookPage: https://goo.gl/1HjHgf Twitter:https://twitter.com/Turkish_OXOLA Google+ Page:https://goo.gl/fC7D5g Pinterest: https://goo.gl/FMCfXE OXOLA TeamLeaders: Dr. Olivia Ada Symons, linguist and language teachingexpert, taught language and literature at the University of OxfordDr. David Symons, physicist, asic and software engineer(principal), taught physics at the University of Oxford
Everyday English 1.5
Free Download!.. 50% of the main text is free. Translations intothe other languages are 100% free! Learn the most frequently usedEnglish words, listen to English audio, get help throughtranslations of the expressions and enjoy testing yourself with thevocabulary test. The words presented in this product have beencollected from The British National Corpus (BNC), which possesses a100 million word collection and is designed to represent BritishEnglish, both spoken and written. Key Features of OXOLA LanguageAssistant - Everyday English: ✔ Frequently used English verbs,nouns, adjectives and adverbs in everyday life, with audio,translated into Spanish, French, German and Turkish ✔ Spacedrepetitions for optimum memorisation (based on scientific study) ✔Fun vocabulary exercises ✔ Keeping track of how many words you havelearned ✔ Listening only mode included ✔ Organised in categories ✔Plain screen design (Research has shown that exaggerated visualdesign and effects may distract language learners.) ✔ No Internetconnection is required. ✔ No prior knowledge of the targetlanguages is required. ✔ Clear and detailed help on the OXOLAwebsite: http://www.oxola.co.uk (You can find out how to use OXOLALanguage Assistant by following the instructions step by step onthe help page which can be found at the OXOLA website.) Contents:224 frequently used English verbs in everyday life, translated intoSpanish, French, German and Turkish, with audio 416 frequently usedEnglish nouns in everyday life, translated into Spanish, French,German and Turkish, with audio 96 frequently used Englishadjectives in everyday life, translated into Spanish, French,German and Turkish, with audio 96 frequently used 96 Englishadverbs in everyday life, translated into Spanish, French, Germanand Turkish, with audio Apps in the OXOLA Language AssistantSeries: OXOLA Language Assistant consists of a series ofapplications, of which Everyday English is one of the productcategories. We will very soon be adding new products to the series.Please follow us… You can download our products for free to testthem. Please buy the rest of the categories, if you like the app.This would enable us to design new freely downloadable products. Wehope you like OXOLA Language Assistant – Everyday English. We wouldbe most grateful to you, if you could support us by leaving arating and writing a review on Google Play and sharing thisapplication with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, orPinterest. Please let us know what language topics you need, wewill design new products for you. If you have any questions, orcomments regarding this application, please feel free to let usknow at info@oxola.co.uk Website: http://www.oxola.co.uk FacebookPage: https://goo.gl/1HjHgf Twitter:https://twitter.com/Turkish_OXOLA Google+ Page:https://goo.gl/fC7D5g Pinterest: https://goo.gl/FMCfXE OXOLA TeamLeaders: Dr. Olivia Ada Symons, linguist and language teachingexpert, taught language and literature at the University of OxfordDr. David Symons, physicist, asic and software engineer(principal), taught physics at the University of Oxford
Irregular Verbs in English 1.11
FREE Download! 40% completely FREE! This app also containstranslation into Russian, Portuguese, German, French and Turkish,which are 100% free! Learn the irregular verbs of the Englishlanguage with OXOLA. Do you wish to improve your knowledge of theEnglish irregular verbs through fun language games and tests? Hereis the solution!.. OXOLA Language Assistant Series – IrregularVerbs is an honest product which has been designed by languageexperts who taught at the UNIVERSITY of OXFORD. The Englishirregular verbs contained in this product have been rankedaccording to their frequency of usage in the British NationalCorpus (BNC), which is a 100 million word collection designed torepresent British English, both spoken and written. The differencesin the past and the past participle forms in American English arealso listed. Key Features of OXOLA Language Assistant – IrregularVerbs: ✔ All the irregular verbs of the English language ininfinitive, past tense and past participle forms ✔ Listen to thecorrect pronunciation of all three forms ✔ Ranking according to thefrequency of usage as default with an option to change it toalphabetical order in settings ✔ This app has been translated intomany languages with more to come. An in app purchase for onelanguage includes all the other languages for FREE! ✔ View adescription in many languages of each of the irregular verbs ✔ Viewa definition in English of each of the irregular verbs ✔ View acarefully chosen sample sentence to understand common usage of eachof the irregular verbs. A translation of the sentence into manylanguages is also included. ✔ Spaced repetitions for optimummemorisation (based on scientific study) ✔ Entertaining languagegames ✔ Keeping track of how many of the irregular verbs you havelearned ✔ Listening only mode included ✔ Plain screen design(Research has shown that exaggerated visual design and effects maydistract language learners.) ✔ No Internet connection is required.✔ Clear and detailed help on the OXOLA website:http://www.oxola.co.uk (You can find out how to use OXOLA LanguageAssistant by following the instructions step by step on the helppage which can be found at the OXOLA website.) Contents: All theirregular English verbs in infinitive translated into manylanguages, with audio All the irregular verbs of the Englishlanguage in infinitive, and corresponding past tense and pastparticiple forms with audio A description in many languages of eachof the irregular verbs A definition in English of each of theirregular verbs English sample sentences of the irregular verbswith their translations into many languages Apps in the OXOLALanguage Assistant Series: OXOLA Language Assistant consists of aseries of applications, of which Irregular Verbs is one of theproduct categories. We will very soon be adding new products to theseries. Please follow us… You can download our products for free totest them. Please buy the rest of the categories, if you like theapp. This would enable us to design new freely downloadableproducts. We hope you like OXOLA Language Assistant – IrregularVerbs. We would be most grateful to you, if you could support us byleaving a rating and writing a review on Google Play and sharingthis application with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+,or Pinterest. If you have any questions, or comments regarding thisapplication, please feel free to let us know at info@oxola.co.ukWebsite: http://www.oxola.co.uk Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/learnturkishoxola/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/OXOLA_Tr Google+ Page: https://goo.gl/fC7D5gPinterest: https://goo.gl/FMCfXE OXOLA Team Leaders: Dr. Olivia AdaSymons, linguist and language teaching expert, taught language andliterature at the University of Oxford Dr. David Symons, physicist,asic and software engineer (principal), taught physics at theUniversity of Oxford
Holiday Expressions in Turkish 1.2
Free Download!.. 55% completely free!..Would you like your phone, or tablet to talk for you inTurkish,when you are on holiday? Do you wish to improve yourTurkishlanguage skills through fun language games and tests? Hereis thesolution!..Contents:Names of Historical Places in Turkey, with audio, translatedintoEnglishAsking the Way in Turkish, with audio, translated intoEnglishGiving Directions in Turkish, with audio, translatedintoEnglishExpressions of Travelling in Turkish, with audio, translatedintoEnglishReserving a Hotel Room in Turkish, with audio, translatedintoEnglishTurkish Expressions You Need at the Hotel, with audio,translatedinto EnglishExpressions of Self-Catering in Turkish, with audio, translatedintoEnglishHoliday Expressions You Need in Turkey, with audio, translatedintoEnglishOXOLA Language Assistant Series - Holiday in Turkish is anhonestproduct which has been designed by language experts whotaught atthe UNIVERSITY of OXFORD.Key Features of OXOLA Language Assistant - Holiday inTurkish:✔ Frequently used holiday related Turkish words, phrasesandsentences with audio, translated into English✔ Translations from English to Turkish, or from TurkishtoEnglish✔ Spaced repetitions for optimum memorisation (based onscientificstudy)✔ Fun vocabulary, phrase and sentence exercises for a widevarietyof topics✔ Keeping track of how many words, phrases and sentences youhavelearned✔ Listening only mode included✔ Organised in categories✔ Plain screen design (Research has shown that exaggeratedvisualdesign and effects may distract language learners.)✔ No Internet connection is required.✔ No prior knowledge of Turkish is required.✔ Clear and detailed help on the OXOLAwebsite:http://www.oxola.co.uk (You can find out how to use OXOLALanguageAssistant by following the instructions step by step on thehelppage which can be found at the OXOLA website.)Apps in the OXOLA Language Assistant Series:OXOLA Language Assistant consists of a series of applications,ofwhich Holiday in Turkish is one of the product categories. Wewillvery soon be adding new products to the series. Pleasefollowus…You can download our products for free to test them. Please buytheproducts, if you like them. This would enable us to designnewfreely downloadable products.We hope you like OXOLA Language Assistant – Holiday in Turkish.Wewould be most grateful to you, if you could support us by leavingagood rating and writing a review on Google Play and sharingthisapplication with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+,orPinterest.Please let us know what language topics you need, we will designnewproducts for you.If you have any questions, or comments regarding thisapplication,please feel free to let us know atinfo@oxola.co.ukWebsite: http://www.oxola.co.ukFacebook Page: https://goo.gl/1HjHgfTwitter: https://twitter.com/Turkish_OXOLAGoogle+ Page: https://goo.gl/fC7D5gPinterest: https://goo.gl/FMCfXEOXOLA Team Leaders:Dr. Olivia Ada Symons, linguist and language teaching expert,taughtlanguage and literature at the University of OxfordDr. David Symons, physicist, asic and software engineer(principal),taught physics at the University of Oxford
Essential Turkish 1.1
Free Download!.. 72% iscompletelyfree!..Would you like your phone, or tablet to talk for you in Turkish?Doyou wish to improve your Turkish language skills throughfunlanguage tests? Would you like to have all theessentialexpressions of the Turkish language in one single app?Here is thesolution!..OXOLA Language Assistant Series - Essential Turkish is anhonestproduct which has been designed by language experts whotaught atthe UNIVERSITY of OXFORD."Essential Turkish" consists of the three OXOLAapps:"Learn_Turkish", "Shopping in Turkish" and "HolidayExpressions inTurkish"Contents:• Asking the Way• Giving Directions• Travelling• Talking to People• Eating and Drinking• Health• Problems• Signs• Time Expressions• Driving• Shopping Expressions• Buying Clothing• Reserving a Hotel Room• At the Hotel• Self-catering• Holiday Expressions• Quantities• Numbers• Names of Countries• Nationalities• Food Preparation• Fish and Seafood• Spices and Herbs• Fruits• Vegetables• Cooking Ingredients• Names of Shops• Names of Clothes• Buying Food• Shopping Signs• Conversion Table• Names of Historical PlacesKey Features of OXOLA Language Assistant - Essential Turkish:✔ Frequently used Turkish words, phrases and sentences withaudio,translated into English✔ Translations from English to Turkish, or from TurkishtoEnglish✔ Spaced repetitions for optimum memorisation (based onscientificstudy)✔ Fun vocabulary, phrase and sentence exercises for a widevarietyof topics✔ Keeping track of how many words, phrases and sentences youhavelearned✔ Listening only mode included✔ Organised in categories✔ Plain screen design (Research has shown that exaggeratedvisualdesign and effects may distract language learners.)✔ No Internet connection is required.✔ No prior knowledge of Turkish is required.✔ Clear and detailed help on the OXOLAwebsite:http://www.oxola.co.uk (You can find out how to use OXOLALanguageAssistant by following the instructions step by step on thehelppage which can be found at the OXOLA website.)Apps in the OXOLA Language Assistant Series:OXOLA Language Assistant consists of a series of applications,ofwhich Essential Turkish is one of the product categories. Wewillvery soon be adding new products to the series. Pleasefollowus…You can download our products for free to test them. Please buytheproducts, if you like them. This would enable us to designnewfreely downloadable products.We hope you like OXOLA Language Assistant – Essential Turkish.Wewould be most grateful to you, if you could support us by leavingagood rating and writing a review on Google Play and sharingthisapplication with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+,orPinterest.Please let us know what language topics you need, we will designnewproducts for you.If you have any questions, or comments regarding thisapplication,please feel free to let us know atinfo@oxola.co.ukWebsite: http://www.oxola.co.ukFacebook Page: https://goo.gl/1HjHgfTwitter: https://twitter.com/Turkish_OXOLAGoogle+ Page: https://goo.gl/fC7D5gPinterest: https://goo.gl/FMCfXEOXOLA Team Leaders:Dr. Olivia Ada Symons, linguist and language teaching expert,taughtlanguage and literature at the University of OxfordDr. David Symons, physicist, asic and software engineer(principal),taught physics at the University of Oxford
Free Turkish 1.2
Free Download!..100% Free!..Would you like your phone, or tablet to talk for you in Turkish?Doyou wish to improve your Turkish language skills throughfunlanguage tests? Here is the solution!..OXOLA Language Assistant Series - Free Turkish is an honestproductwhich has been designed by language experts who taught attheUNIVERSITY of OXFORD.Contents:Free Turkish consists of the free categories of the threeOXOLAapps: Learn_Turkish, Shopping in Turkish and HolidayExpressions inTurkish + extra free categories!• Quantities• Numbers• Names of Countries 1-7• Nationalities 1-5• Food Preparation• Fish and Seafood-1-2• Spices and Herbs-1-2• Fruits-1-2• Vegetables 1-3• Cooking Ingredients 1-2• Names of Shops• Names of Clothes• Colours• Human Body• Shopping Signs• Conversion Table• Names of Historical Places 1-2• Asking the Way• Giving Directions• TravellingKey Features of OXOLA Language Assistant - Free Turkish:✔ Frequently used Turkish words, phrases and sentences withaudio,translated into English✔ Translations from English to Turkish, or from TurkishtoEnglish✔ Spaced repetitions for optimum memorisation (based onscientificstudy)✔ Fun vocabulary, phrase and sentence exercises for a widevarietyof topics✔ Keeping track of how many words, phrases and sentences youhavelearned✔ Listening only mode included✔ Organised in categories✔ Plain screen design (Research has shown that exaggeratedvisualdesign and effects may distract language learners.)✔ No Internet connection is required.✔ No prior knowledge of Turkish is required.✔ Clear and detailed help on the OXOLAwebsite:http://www.oxola.co.uk (You can find out how to use OXOLALanguageAssistant by following the instructions step by step on thehelppage which can be found at the OXOLA website.)Apps in the OXOLA Language Assistant Series:OXOLA Language Assistant consists of a series of applications,ofwhich Free Turkish is one of the product categories. We willverysoon be adding new products to the series. Please followus…You can download this product for free. Please buy the fullversion.This would enable us to design new freelydownloadableproducts.We hope you like OXOLA Language Assistant – Free Turkish. Wewouldbe most grateful to you, if you could support us by leaving agoodrating and writing a review on Google Play and sharingthisapplication with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+,orPinterest.Please let us know what language topics you need, we will designnewproducts for you.If you have any questions, or comments regarding thisapplication,please feel free to let us know atinfo@oxola.co.ukWebsite: http://www.oxola.co.ukFacebook Page: https://goo.gl/1HjHgfTwitter: https://twitter.com/Turkish_OXOLAGoogle+ Page: https://goo.gl/fC7D5gPinterest: https://goo.gl/FMCfXEOXOLA Team Leaders:Dr. Olivia Ada Symons, linguist and language teaching expert,taughtlanguage and literature at the University of OxfordDr. David Symons, physicist, asic and software engineer(principal),taught physics at the University of Oxford
English Vocabulary Rater 1.1
This app measures the size of your English vocabulary.