Oingz Приложения

Oingz - The best way to achieve your savings goals 1.1.6
At Oingz, we believe that everyone has the right toreceivepersonalized financial guidance to achieve their lifegoals,whatever they may be. That's why we are different from anyothersavings app. We don’t just let you create saving goals.Ouralgorithm is constantly working to organize and optimize themoneyyou save, allocating it among your goals so you can achievethem.Do you want to save money the smart way? Use a smart app.DOWNLOADIT NOW AND TRY IT FOR FREE! Our mission: to help yousaveefficiently. To do so, we take the time to get to know you,wesuggest goals that are relevant to your situation and createatailored plan for you to achieve them on time. In addition,weoptimize your savings, we keep track of them 24/7 and help youtoget your goals back on track if necessary. Forget aboutthosepopular budgeting tools and let us help you save in a smartandefficient way. “Do not save what is left after spending;insteadspend what is left after saving.” ― Warren Buffett