OlDen Приложения

15 Puzzle 2.0
Classic 15 Puzzle addictive game. Move blocksand sort them in order by rows. Enjoy!
Кроссворды 1.7
Приложение содержит 1000 кроссвордов.Для удобства все номера кроссвордов разбиты порциями по 20 штук накаждом экране.Листать экраны можно с помощью горизонтального свайпа.Последний разгадываемый кроссворд выделяется желтым цветом.Номер угаданных слов будет отображаться под номером кроссворда,если было угадано хоть одно слово.Если кроссворд разгадан полностью его номер будет зеленымцветом.Для того чтобы выбрать слово можно нажать на ячейки кроссворда иливыбрать вопрос из списка.После ввода буквы в ячейку, в случае если все буквы слова введеноправильно, оно подсветится серым цветом и в дальнейшем его уженельзя будет изменить.Все вводимые в ячейки буквы автоматически сохраняются и можновернуться к разгадыванию кроссворда в любое удобное время.The application contains1,000 crosswords.For convenience, all rooms crossword broken portions of 20 pieceson each screen.Scrolling the screens, you can use a horizontal swipe.Last crossword puzzles is highlighted in yellow.Number guess the word will appear under the number crosswordpuzzle, if a single word has been guessed.If a crossword puzzle unraveled all his number will be green.To select a word, you can click on the crossword puzzle or select aquestion from the list of the cell.After entering letters in a cell, if all the letters of the word iscorrect, it is highlighted in gray and in the future, it can not bechanged.All letters are entered in the cell are automatically saved and cango back to solving a crossword puzzle at any time.
Новая Справка 1.1
Городской портал «Новая Справка» — это множество полезнойинформации в одном месте!Разработчики портала тщательно продумывали каждую функцию, чтобысделать её максимально удобной и полезной для пользователей.Здесь Вы найдёте всё, что Вам нужно!В разделе «СПРАВОЧНАЯ» собрана вся информация о компаниях и услугахгорода, скидки и проводимые акции. Несколько отделов ежедневноработают над корректировкой данных и проверкой контактнойинформации наактуальность, а также добавляют информацию о новых компаниях иуслугах города.А если Вы ищете работу или может быть Вы работодатель, которомунужны сотрудники, тогда добро пожаловать в раздел «РАБОТА», гдесовершенно бесплатно можно добавить как резюме, так ивакансию.Городской портал «Новая Справка» заботится о качествепредоставляемых услуг, поэтому проводит модерацию каждой вакансии.Таким образом, вакансии от прямых работодателей и от кадровыхагентств выводятсяотдельно друг от друга и каждый, кто ищет работу, можетвоспользоваться фильтром, просматривая только то, что емуинтересно.Сегодня городской портал Новая Справка охватывает города:Владикавказ, Грозный, Каспийск, Махачкала, Ростов-на-Дону,Краснодар.По каждому городу собрана уникальная информация.Количество организаций в каталоге более 40000 наименований.Глубина просмотра очень высокая и составляет от 11 страниц начеловека.На Городском портале «Новая Справка» Вы можете прочитать свежиеновости и оставить отзыв о любом заведении города, а такжеознакомиться с отзывами других пользователей.Кроме того, на портале размещена киноафиша кинотеатров города, гдепоказаны все новинки кинопроката с указанием времени выходасеансов. А для любителей звёздной астрологии установленгороскоп.Для большего удобства пользователей Городской портал «НоваяСправка» теперь и в мобильной версии.Она уникальна тем, что не содержит никакой рекламы и проста виспользовании!Всё что нужно для быстрого поиска нужной информации теперь у Васпод рукой.Просто наберите в поиске необходимое название и Вам будутпредложены все телефонные номера данной организации с функциейбыстрого набора!Теперь не нужно запоминать или записывать, просто нажмите ПОЗВОНИТЬи номер уже отразится на Вашем мобильном!Cityportal "New Reference" - a lot of useful information in oneplace! Developers portal carefully thought through every function to makeit as convenient and useful to users. Here you will find everything that you need! In the "BACKGROUND" all the information about the companies andservices in the city, prices and ongoing actions. Severaldepartments are working on a daily basis adjusted data and checkthe contact information on therelevance, and add information about the new company and theservices of the city. And if you are looking for a job or maybe you employers who needemployees, then welcome to the "Working", which is absolutely free,you can add as resume and vacancy.City portal "New Reference" cares about the quality of servicesprovided, so moderation holds each job. Thus, the job of directemployers and recruitment agencies are derived fromseparately from each other and anyone who is looking for a job canuse a filter, only looking at what he is interested.Today, the city portal new FAQ covers the city:Vladikavkaz, Grozny, Kaspiysk, Makhachkala, Rostov-on-Don,Krasnodar. For each city gathered unique information.The number of organizations in the catalog of more than 40,000titles.The depth of view is very high, ranging from 11 pages perperson. On the city portals "New Help" You can read the latest news andgive feedback about any institution of the city, as well as readreviews of other users.In addition, the portal contains kinoafisha theater of the city,which shows all the new movies with the time out sessions. And forlovers of stellar astrology horoscope installed. For added convenience, users Town Portal "New Help" now and in themobile version.It is unique in that it contains no advertising and is easy touse!All you need to quickly find the desired information is now at yourfingertips.Just type in the search for the required name and you will beoffered all the phone numbers of the organization with the speeddial!Now you do not need to memorize or record, simply press the Calland the number is already reflected on your mobile!
Strawberry 1.4
Jump on mushrooms to get coins. Also you canjump on the bird. Enjoy!
Running Man 1.4
Man runs with acceleration and collects stars.Red arrows can slow down the speed. Enjoy!
Страна ребусов 1.7
Сборник ребусов на разные темы. Ребус —загадка, в которой разгадываемые слова даны в виде рисунков всочетании с буквами и другими знаками. Игроку дается слово илифраза, зашифрованная в виде последовательности рисунков, букв,слогов или чисел, которые, если сложить их вместе, должны датьискомое слово или фразу. Если вы не знаете разгадки ребуса, выможете его пропустить и вернуться к нему позже. Приложениеадаптировано для разных разрешений экранов.Ребусы были сгенерированы на сайте "Ребус № 1" (rebus1.com)Collection of puzzles onvarious topics. Rebus - a puzzle in which to solve the words givenin the form of drawings in combination with letters and othersigns. The player is given a word or phrase in the encrypted formof a sequence of drawings, letters, syllables or numbers, which, ifput them together, must give a word or phrase. If you do not know aclue puzzles, you can skip it and return to it later. Theapplication is adapted to different screen resolutions.Rebus had been generated on the site "Rebus number 1"(rebus1.com)
Archery 1.8
Archery. You have 20 arrows. If all your shotswill be excellent you will get bonus 5 arrows. Enjoy!
Угадай букву 1.2
Приложение разработано в образовательных целяхдля изучения букв русского языка. Во время каждого запуска игры всебуквы русского алфавита перемешиваются в случайном порядке. Далеебуква произносится вслух. Задача состоит в том, чтобы из пятивариантов ответов выбрать правильную букву. Есть возможностьпрослушать букву еще раз. По окончанию отображается результат сколичеством букв, которые были угаданы. Приложение адаптировано дляразных разрешений экранов.Application is designedfor educational purposes for learning letters of the Russianlanguage. During each run the game all the letters of the Russianalphabet are mixed randomly. Next letter is pronounced aloud. Thechallenge is that of the five possible answers to choose thecorrect letter. Have the opportunity to listen to the letter again.At the end result is displayed with the number of letters that havebeen guessed. Application adapted for different screenresolutions.
Learning Arithmetic 1.2
Application is designed specifically forchildren. Helps the child to learn arithmetic operations. Easyinterface with an intuitive sounds. The challenge is that to findthe right answer among others for a time. Before play you canchoose arithmetic operations you need to learn: addition,substraction, multiplication, division. Application is adapted fordifferent screen resolutions.
Vegetable Crush 1.8
Change neighbor vegetables so that they were 3or more in one line.Make maximum number of crushes for a two minutes.Enjoy!
Найди фигуру 1.2
Приложение разработано специально для детей.Поможет ребёнку изучить фигуры, развить реакцию, память ивосприятие цветов. Задача состоит в том, чтобы за определенноевремя найти нужную фигуру среди других. Кроме своей формы фигурымогут отличаться также и цветом. Сохраняется статистика правильновыполненных заданий. Присутствует интуитивно понятное звуковоеоформление. Приложение адаптировано для разных разрешенийэкранов.Application is designedspecifically for children. Help the child to learn shapes, developresponse, memory and perception of colors. The challenge is thatfor some time to find the right shape among others. In addition toits form shapes can also vary in color. Statistics saved correctlyexecuted tasks. There is an intuitive sound design. Applicationadapted for different screen resolutions.
Remember Hat 1.3
Remember hat with the apple and then open it.Difficulty of the game is increased. Enjoy!Number of hats in levels:1 - 3 levels - 3 hats.4 - 6 levels - 4 hats.7 - 9 levels - 5 hats.10 - 12 levels - 6 hats.13 - all next levels - 7 hats.
Classic Blocks 1.3
Classic Blocks. Enjoy!
Santa Skiing 1.3
Ride on skis and collect gifts. Red gifts makeSanta faster and blue gifts can slow down the speed. Avoidcollision with trees. You have two minutes and 5 lives.Enjoy!
Speedy Car 1.5
Ride on the road and collect coins. Also youneed to collect gas or the game will be over. Enjoy!
Snowy Road 1.5
Ride on the snowy road and collect gifts. Alsocan ride on the house roofs. Keep the normal speed to get to thecanister with gasoline, it gives more time to ride. Get more scoresand be the best of all gamers in leaderboard. Enjoy!Some graphic elements were designed by Freepik.com.Background music: "Fretless" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com).
Photo Puzzle 1.6
Tap on blocks to rotate them and fold a photo.You can change game mode from easy to hard and number of blockswill be more. Best time saved for each photo and for each game modeseparately. Enjoy!
Catch Orange 1.4
Catch all oranges. The game will over ifnumber of oranges on the screen will be more than 10. Enjoy!Background music: "One Fine Day" (playonloop.com).
Wooden Boards 1.5
Jump on boards and collect stars. Also youneed to collect energy, because without it you cannot running.Enjoy!
Only Fruits 1.7
Push only on fruits to get scores. You haveone minute. Enjoy!
Touch Way 1.3
Step on each colored block and avoid whiteblocks. You have 60 seconds so run as far as you can. The furtheryou go the higher is your score. Enjoy!
Русский алфавит 1.7
Приложение поможет легко и просто изучитьрусский алфавит и произношение всех букв, может быть использовано вобразовательных целях. Можно выбрать нужную букву сразу илипереключать буквы последовательно. Каждая буква воспроизводитсяголосом при нажатии. Приложение адаптировано для разных разрешенийэкранов.The app will help youeasily and simply study the Russian alphabet and pronunciation ofall letters, can be used for educational purposes. You can selectthe desired letter once or switch the letters in sequence. Eachletter is reproduced voice when pressed. The application is adaptedto different screen resolutions.
Jaws 1.3
Touch the screen and jaws will open. Eat onlythe target foods, but don't lose no one. After every 10 eaten foodsthe target foods will change. Enjoy!Background music: "One Fine Day" (playonloop.com).
Pinball 1.5
Pinball Game. Enjoy!Background music: "Rasta Jam" (playonloop.com)
Hot Race 1.3
Ride on the road and avoid collisions with theradioactive bombs. Enjoy!Some graphic elements designed by Freepik.com.Background music: "Night Pulse" (playonloop.com).
Hot Pursuit 1.4
Run and collect coins. Avoid collisions withenemies. Enjoy!Some graphic elements were designed by Freepik.com.Background music: "Funky Cruise" (playonloop.com).
Remember Numbers 1.4
Train your memory. Remember random numbers andthen open them in ascending order. Difficulty of the game isincreased from 3 to 7 numbers. Also you have a time limit, bequick. Enjoy!Some graphic elements designed by Freepik.com.Background music: "Treasure Castle" (playonloop.com).
Superfluous Word 1.3
Remove one superfluous word from four words.Enjoy!
Card Match 1.4
Train your memory by determining whether thecards match. Enjoy!
Color Detector 1.0
Useful tool to grab colors (Hex and RGBvalues)via camera
Snake 1.4
Classic Snake Game. Long touch make a pause.Enjoy!
Puzzle 1.3
Drag pieces and fold a photo. Enjoy!
UFO Attack 1.2
Touch on the howitzer to fire. Every enemycrush give you more time to play. Enjoy!Some graphic elements designed by Freepik.com andVecteezy.com.Background music: "Dolphin Ride" (playonloop.com).
Fruit Sorting 1.3
Sort fruits and train your brain. Every rightaction adds 5 points to the score and every wrong action removes 5points from the score. You have 1 minute, be quick. Enjoy!Some graphic elements designed by Freepik.com.Background music: "Minuet" (playonloop.com).
Through Tires 1.3
Ball is rolling. Jump through tires andcollect stars. Enjoy!Background music: "Carefree" Kevin MacLeod(incompetech.com).
Drunk Pilot AIR 1.2
Fly and avoid collision with balloons.Tap on screen to fly up.The game is adapted for screen resolution of all devices.Really clear graphics.
Drunk Pilot 1.6
Tap on screen to fly up and avoid collisionwith balloons. Enjoy!
Funny Archery 1.1
Addictive game with HD graphics. Rotate thebow and fire. Be a good hunter to get more time to play. Enjoy!Some graphic elements were designed by Freepik.com.Background music: "Summer Deal" (playonloop.com).
Jumper 2.1
Jump on parachutes and get scores.Enjoy!
Space Stars 1.3
Fly in Space and collect stars. You have twominutes. Enjoy!
Strawberry AIR 1.1
Jump on mushrooms to get coins. Also youcanjump on the bird to kill it. There are two ways of control:buttonsand accelerometer. You can also change the sensitivity oftheaccelerometer.
Simple Arithmetic 1.1
Guess true answer of arithmetic operationsandtrain your brain. Think fast to get more time to play. Enjoy!Some graphic elements designed by Freepik.com.Background music: "Treasure Castle" (playonloop.com).
Rotating Square 1.1
Addictive game with HD graphics. Pushcoloredballs to collide them with the same color side of thesquare. Youhave 2 minutes, be quick. Enjoy!Some graphic elements designed by Freepik.com.Background music: "Global Connect" (playonloop.com).
Monster Truck 1.3
Amazing addictive game with HD graphics.Drivethrough all obstacles to get to the finish. Game hasinfinitelynumber of randomly built levels. Enjoy!Some graphic elements designed by Freepik.com.Background music: "Bad Attitude" (playonloop.com).
Visual Memory 1.3
Remember squares and then open them.Number of squares in levels:1-10 levels - 16 squares. Must guess 4 squares.11-20 levels - 25 squares. Must guess 5 squares.21-30 levels - 36 squares. Must guess 6 squares.31-all next levels - 49 squares. Must guess 7 squares.
Street Basketball 1.5
Touch and move your finger on the screen toset power and vector of the ball trajectory. Every goal give youmore time to play. Enjoy!Background music: "Trial and Error" (playonloop.com)
Fitness Trainer 3.0
App helps easy to create a workout program in the gymandconveniently control the whole process of doing exercises.During aworkout the app at a specified interval notifies aboutwhich anexercise is required to do at the moment according to thecreatedprogram. In settings you can specify required notificationsof theworkout process, and change. Database contains 135 mainexercisesfor all muscle groups, grouped by body parts.Customizable features:Play an exercise name and number of reps at the beginning ofeachset.Messages about the process of workout in notifications.Pause a workout during a call.Phone vibrate at the beginning of each set.Unlock and display screen at the beginning of each set.English and Russian languages.How to create a workout:Select ready workout from the workouts archive or createyourown.To create your own workout, in main menu select «Newworkout».Enter a name of the workout and set an interval between sets.In menu select «Add exercise».Select an exercise and set number of sets and reps.Similarly add other exercises to workout.Pressing and holding an exercise, you can move it to anotherplacein list.After editing workout, going back, save changes.Edit or delete an existing workout possible through menu.How to use the app:Select workout from the list of your workouts and click"Start".When the workout will begin, the app will playing anexercise nameand number of reps at the beginning of each set.Progress bars willshowing the process of doing current exercise andoverall processof whole workout. During the workout it can bepaused or terminatedforcibly.
Arithmetic 1.3
Guess arithmetic operations and trainyourbrain. Every true answer adds 10 points to the score andeverywrong answer removes 10 points from the score. You have 1minute,think fast. Enjoy!Some graphic elements designed by Freepik.com.Background music: "Treasure Castle" (playonloop.com).
Road Killer 1.4
Collect rockets on the road and then pressfirebutton to launch a rocket to explode car. Also you need tocollectgas or the game will be over. Avoid collisions with othercars.Enjoy!
Find Numbers 1.3
Train your attention. You need to findnumbersin order from 1 to 30 as quickly as you can. Enjoy!