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Olsera - Point Of Sale 1.4.10
"The Most Complete Features Point of Sale inBest Prices for Your Businesses"Note :Please ensure you have signed up your store account (free 30 daystrial) in order to get your access ID to log in.(Catatan : Pastikan Anda telah mendaftar di olsera.com/id.sign-up(gratis trial 30 hari) agar mendapatkan akun untuk sign in keprogram Olsera POS)Test Demo:Retail : demo.myolsera.com, user : test, password : testRestaurant : demo1.myolsera.com, user : test, password : testTurn your smartpone/tablet become a cool cloud based Point ofSale.Olsera POS has become life saving solution for many Indonesia SMEs(Small Business Enterprises) owners, who are awaiting for aneffective, easy to use and economic business software system.Supporting all kinds of retail shop, restaurant, cafe, bar, etc,Olsera Point of Sale (POS) offers the best prices in her class,completed with all unlocked rich features for all users, name it asfollowing:1. Unlimited user & device access for the POS2. POS working perfectly with or without internet connection(online & offline)3. Supports mobile receipt printer, STAR printer, and most of EPSONprinter series.4. Supports barcode scanner for minimarket5. Discount and Voucher for Members (CRM)6. Payment method : Cash, Debit/Credit Card, Down Payment (DP),Debt, Dual Payment and Cash on Delivery7. Integrated with the advance mPOS payment device (mobile)8. Shipping cost calculation right away from your POS9. Send receipt to your customer email10. Support shift hours mode & the reporting11. Distributes your order printing to kitchen and bar (restaurantmode)12. Display your orders in kitchen and bar (restaurant mode)13. Arranges & reserves the seats (restaurant mode)14. Add notes to the menu order (restaurant mode)15. Support Recipes / Raw Materials Inventory16. Sales closing from your POS17. Synchronizes your product & report with your Olsera OnlineStore (if applicable)18. Access your LIVE updated report from anywhere, anytime viacloud19. Manage multi stores/outlet in one account20. Advances CRM, shares centralized CRM to all your outlets21. Supported multi platforms use: Android, iOS and WindowsThe best is, Olsera not only working alone as your POS, you will beable to extend your store to online & mobile app at any timeyou are ready.Your ease of use, convenience & business growth are our mainconcern.“Test it, Prove it & Subscribe only if you are satisfiedwith Olsera POS!”GETTING STARTED1. Download Olsera Point of Sale for free.2. Sign up your cloud store at http://www.olsera.com/id/sign-up,and enjoy 30 days free trial3. Start to fill up your products4. Sign in the POS app and start to sell right awayCONTACT USDon’t be hesitate to contact our team at anytime you need.Website : www.olsera.comEmail : support@olsera.comPhone : (0778) 4800921 (Mon-Fri 0900-1700, Sat 1000-1500)Whatsapp/Line : +62 851 0288 7884/ +62 813 7250 3723
Swiss Collection 1.0.12
Swiss Collection adalah toko jam tanganoriginal dan parfum original.Jam Tangan Sporty - Casual - FashionLengkapi keseharian Anda dengan jam tangan sporty - casual -fashion di Swiss Collection.Selain agar waktu anda teratur, efektif,dan efisien pada segalaaktifitas. Jam tangan original yang di jual di Swiss Collection,juga membuat anda tampil lebih stylish dan fashionable.Swiss collection menjual jam tangan dengan harga murah, originaldan merk terpercaya. Produk jam tangan yang dijual Swiss Collectionmemiliki design dan warna yang sesuai dengan pilihan Anda.Jam tangan originalBergaransi internasional hanya di Swiss Collection.PARFUM ASLI,MURAH,CEPAT & AMANSwiss Collection juga menyediakan berbagai merk parfum originalproduk,dengan harga yang murah dan kualitas yg terjamin. Berbagaiparfum pria dan wanita yg dijual Swiss Collection,sesuai aroma danmerk pilihan AndaTersedia juga layanan kirim ke seluruh Indonesia.Swiss Collection is theoriginal watches store perfume.Sporty Watches - Casual - FashionComplete your day with watches sporty - casual - fashion SwissCollection.Besides that your time organized, effective, and efficient in allactivities. Original watches sold in Swiss Collection, also makeyou look more stylish and fashionable.Swiss watches collection sell at a low price, original and trustedbrands. The products are sold Swiss watches Collection has a designand color according to your choice.Original watchesInternational Warranty only in Switzerland Collection.PERFUME ORIGINAL, CHEAP, FAST & SAFESwiss Collection also presents a variety of brand perfume products,with low price and quality of which is guaranteed. Various perfumemen and women who sold the Swiss Collection, according aroma andbrand of your choiceThere is also a service to send to the rest of Indonesia.
Alkes CV.MKB 1.0.12
Alkes CV. MKB adalah Aplikasi Pusat PenjualanAlat Kesehatan (Alkes), Alat Medis, Alat Kedokteran Terlengkap.Hadir dalam Aplikasi, kami melayani berbagai kebutuhan alat-alatkesehatan rumah sakit, puskesmas, bidan hingga perorangan, baikuntuk eceran hingga tender.Temukan berbagai kebutuhan mulai dari alat bantu pasien, alathabis pakai, alat kebidanan, alat kedokteran hingga alat rumahsakit.Untuk bantuan dan informasi lebih detil, hubungi +6281219295842atau email ke cv.majukarya.bersama@gmail.com.Alkes CV. MKB isApplication Sales Center Medical Devices (Medical Devices), MedicalEquipment, Medical Equipment Complete.Present in the Application, we serve the various needs of healthequipment hospital, clinic, midwife to individuals, both for retailuntil tender.Discover a variety of needs ranging from patient tools,consumable tools, tool obstetrics, medical instruments to hospitalsappliance.For help and more detailed information, please call+6281219295842 or email to cv.majukarya.bersama@gmail.com.
ZY Textile adalah Pioner textile online,suplier textile online pertama di Indonesia.Dapatkan berbaga bahan textile yang berkualitas dengan hargamurah.Tujuan kami adalah untuk membantu Anda menekan biaya HPP (hargaprokok produksi) Anda.Download aplikasi ZY textile sekarang gratis, dan selaluiperbarui diri Anda dengan informasi bahan textile terbaru darikami.
Dmart 1.0.12
D-mart adalah aplikasi belanjayangmenghadirkan berbagai kebutuhan rumah tangga.Barang-barang yang dapat Anda beli di D-mart mencakup:1. Kebutuhan Sembako2. Berbagai merk susu3. Snack4. Kue5. Alat Pembersih dan lain sebagainya.Kami menyajikan antar jemput kebutuhan Anda untukdaerah-daerahtertentu.D-mart is ashoppingapplication that presents various household needs.The goods that you can buy at the D-mart include:1. Needs Sembako2. Various brands of milk3. Snack4. Cake5. Cleaning Equipment and others.We present you need to pick certain areas.
Golden Furniture 1.1
Golden Furniture adalah Toko FurnitureTerbesar di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur.Melayani pesan antar untuk dalam kota.Harga Terbaik, Kualitas Terjamin, Layanan Tercepat.Golden Furniture is theLargest Furniture Stores in Bontang, East Kalimantan.Serving the message across to the city.Best Prices, Guaranteed Quality, Fastest Service.
Alpha Ponsel 1.1
Alpha Ponsel pasti pilihan terbaik Anda untukmemenuhi kebutuhan Gadget Terupdate, Terjangkau & 100%Terpercaya.Misi Toko kami adalah kepercayaan & kepuasan Anda. Anda bisamenemukan harga terbaik di tempat kami, pelayanan yang cepat sertakualitas produk-produk yang terupdate.Di samping itu pula, banyak promosi yang bisa Anda dapatkan selamaAnda mendownload Aplikasi kami di handphone Anda. Selainmendapatkan informasi terupdate mengenai promosi & hargatermurah, Anda juga dapat dengan mudah berbelanja ponsel diAplikasi kami hanya dengan beberapa kali KLIK.Tunggu apa lagi? Alpha Ponsel adalah sahabat setia untuk menemukangadget pilihan terpercaya dengan harga terbaik!Bagi Anda yang ingin mengunjungi toko kami, kami juga menyambutbaik Anda. Anda dapat dengan mudah kunjungi kami di JL.TANJUNG PURANO.273 Pontianak (Kota), Kalimantan Barat - Indonesia 78122Adapun no telp yang dapat Anda hubungi di0561-570358 / 0561-8120233 | 0852 45 231515 / 0853 86 655558 | 081157 82520Alpha Mobile definitelyyour best choice to meet the needs updated Gadgets, Affordable and100% Reliable.Mission Our shop is trust and satisfaction. You can find the bestprices at our place, fast service and quality of products isupdated.In addition to that, a lot of promotions that you can get as longas you download our app on your mobile phone. In addition togetting updated information about promotions and the lowest price,you can also easily shop of mobile phones in our application with afew simple CLICK.What are you waiting for? Alpha Mobile is a loyal friend to find areliable selection of gadgets at the best price!For those of you who want to visit our store, we also welcome you.You can easily visit us at 273 PURA JL.TANJUNG Pontianak (City),West Kalimantan - Indonesia 78122As for the phone number that you can call in0561-570358 / 0561-8120233 | 0852 45 231515/0853 86 655558 | 081157 82520
Yobel Fresh 1.0
Ingin hidup sehat tanpa ribet?Yobel Fresh pilihan yang tepat untuk Anda !Yobel Fresh menyediakan berbagai jenis buah-buahan yangsegar,berkualitas,berkhasiat untuk dikonsumsi sehingga mudahdijangkaudimanapun Anda berada.Kami melayani pemesanan buah dilengkapi dengan pengirimanketempat pemesan yang berada dibatam yang akan memudahkan bagiAndayang sibuk, namun tetap ingin hidup sehat dengankonsumsibuah-buahan yang segar & berkualitas.Want to live ahealthylife without complicated?Fresh jubilee right choice for you!Fresh jubilee provide various types of fresh fruits,quality,nutritious for consumption within reach wherever youare.We serve a fruit comes with the delivery to the buyer whoisdibatam that will make it easy for you busy, but still want tolivehealthy with the consumption of fresh fruits and quality.
Mega Fishing Shop 1.0.12
Mega Fishing Shop adalah showroomperlengkapanhobi mancing offline dan online.Kami menyediakan beberapa merk merk ternama yang tidak asinglagidi mata para penghobi mancing.Soal harga Anda tidak usah khawatir karena kami tau apa yangAndainginkan.Kami hadir di tengah tengah Anda untuk memenuhi kebutuhanhobimancing Anda.Hubungi Kami:Kp. Bogor. Ds.Setia AsihKec. Tarumajaya Bekasi (Kab.), Jawa Barat - Indonesia 17215Telp : 021-88990704 | 0857-7250-7570Email : egafishingshop@gmail.comMega Fishing Shop iskeenon fishing gear showroom offline and online.We provide some of the renowned brands of the familiar intheeyes of the fishing hobbyist.About the price you need not worry because we know whatyouwant.We are present in the middle of you to meet yourfishinghobby.Contact us:Kp. Bogor. Ds.Setia AsihDistrict. Tarumajaya Bekasi (Kab.), West Java - Indonesia 17215Tel: 021-88990704 | 0857-7250-7570Email: egafishingshop@gmail.com
Rumah Grosir Unie 1.0
The Real GrosirBersama Kita TumbuhTentang KamiRumahGrosirUnie adalah Grosir Online yang bergerak dibidangfashionkami menjual berbagai product untuk keperluan pria danwanita,khusus nya wanita muslimahseperti baju muslim, atasan atau blouse, dan celana, sertajilbab.Kami berkomitmen untukterus berkembang bersama dengan mitra usaha kami, para reselleryangsudah tersebarbaik di luar negeri atau pun di seluruh indonesia, darisabangsampai merauke.Kami mengedepankan kemitraan dalam penjualan, maka dari itukamimemiliki moto"BERSAMA KITA TUMBUH" dan dengan slogan "THE REAL GROSIR"karenakami adalah real grosiratau grosir sesungguhnya, sebagai pihak pertamadalampendistribusian barang.Alamat Kami :komplek bumi orange,jl. durian 1, blok c4 no.1,cileunyi, BandungInstagram : @rumah_grosir_unieTelpon 022-87797872Whatsapp 0812.2033.3508line : winarumahgrosirwww.rumahgrosirunie.comThe Real WholesaleTogether We GrowAbout UsOnline Wholesale RumahGrosirUnie is engaged in fashionWe sell a variety of products for both men and women, hisspecialMuslim womansuch as Muslim dress, tops or blouse and pants and a headscarf.Weare committed tocontinues to grow along with our business partners, resellersarescatteredeither overseas or across Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke.We promote partnerships in sales, and therefore we haveamotto"TOGETHER WE GROW" and the slogan "THE REAL WHOLESALE" becauseweare real wholesaleor wholesalers indeed, as the first party in the distributionofgoods.Our address:orange earth complex,jl. durian 1, block c4 no.1,Cileunyi, BandungInstagram: @rumah_grosir_uniephone 022-87797872Whatsapp 0812.2033.3508line: winarumahgrosirwww.rumahgrosirunie.com
FFM Indonesia 1.0.13
FFM.co.id merupakan pusat grosir & retailbelanja fashion online, Kami memiliki Gudang dan Showroom yangberbasis di Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia.Kami hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fashion anda dengan menyediakanberbagai Produk Fashion Pria, Wanita & Anak-Anak, terdiriatas:- Tas- Dompet- Kacamata- Jam Tangan- Ransel- TrollyBarang-barang diatas dipastikan terbaru dan diupdate setiapharinya, berkualitas tinggi (100% Produk IMPORT) dengan harga yangrelatif murah dan terjangkau.Kami berkomitmen dalam menginspirasikan setiap individu dengan caramenyediakan kombinasi trend fashion modern dan vintage fashionterbaru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fashion anda. "Happy Shopping withffm.co.id"FFM.co.id memberikan anda peluang untuk menjadi mitra & partnerbisnis kami baik di Indonesia maupun di Luar negeri, yaitu denganmemberikan Diskon Khusus serta PROGRAM-PROGRAM (CASH BACK, POINTREWARD, DSB) bagi Reseller & Dropshiper yang ingin bergabungdan memasarkan produk-produk kami. , Silahkan langsung menghubungiCustomer Service kami.Contact :Pin BBM : 7E69919C & 518895E0Whatsapp : +6283184178384 | +6285765500768Email : Firstfashionmania@gmail.comLine : firstfashionmaniacs1 & firstfashionmaniacs2Jam Kerja :09.00 - 20.00 WIBSenin - SabtuMinggu & Hari Nasional : OfflineFFM.co.id is the centerof the wholesale and retail fashion shopping online, we have awarehouse and showroom based in Batam, Riau Islands,Indonesia.We are here to meet your fashion needs by providing a variety ofproducts Fashion Men, Women & Children, consisting of:- Bag- Wallet- Glasses- Wristwatch- Backpack- TrollyGoods on the latest confirmed and updated every day, high-quality(100% Products IMPORT) at a relatively cheap and affordable.We are committed to inspire each individual by providing acombination of modern and vintage fashion trend latest fashion tosuit your fashion needs. "Happy Shopping with ffm.co.id"FFM.co.id gives you the opportunity to become partners and ourbusiness partners both in Indonesia and Abroad, by providingSpecial Discount and PROGRAMS (CASH BACK, POINT REWARD, DSB) forResellers & Dropshiper who want to join and market ourproducts. , Please contact our Customer Service.Contact:BBM Pin: 7E69919C & 518895E0Whatsapp: +6283184178384 | +6285765500768Email: Firstfashionmania@gmail.comLine: firstfashionmaniacs1 & firstfashionmaniacs2Working hours :9:00 to 20:00 pmMonday - SaturdaySunday & National: Offline
eBlanza 1.0.12
eBlanza adalah situs DropshipMarketplacedengan perkembangan paling cepat di Indonesia untuksemua orangdapat menjual produk eBlanza di Internet! Saat Andamembeli Produkdi eBlanza untuk dijual kembali baik secara Onlinemaupun Offline,Anda melakukan transaksi dengan orang-orang darikota Anda dan dariseluruh Indonesia.Anda dapat membeli barang-barang yang fantastis dariribuanproduk yg dijual di eBlanza, seperti: Kaos Surfing, KaosSkate,Kaos Otomotif, Kemeja, Polo Shirts, Celana, Sandal, Tas danProduklainnya. Begitu pula Anda yang menyukai barang-barang unik,dapatAnda temui barang-barang koleksi atau hadiah-hadiahyangbenar-benar unik.Anda dapat menjadi penjual eBlanza dengan mudah. Daftardanbergabung dengan ribuan orang yang telah membelibarang-barangnyadi eBlanza untuk dijual kembali dengan sukses.Apa lagi yang Anda tunggu? Bergabung menjadi ReselleratauDropshipper eBlanzaMengapa Harus Daftar eBlanza.com?1. Variasi ProdukLebih dari 1000 produk siap dijual, Selalu ada produk barusetiapharinya,2. Harga MuraheBlanza telah Bekerjasama dengan Beberapa Vendor Besar baikdiBandung ataupun Luar Kota sehingga Produk yang Kami jual JauhLebihMurah dibandungkan Online Shop lainnya.3. Transaksi AmaneBlanza mengunakan SSL 256 bit untuk memastikan transaksiAndadengan aman, dan hosting di Amazon.com dengan jaminanup-time99,9%.4. Proses MudahAnda bisa mulai berjualan produk eBlanza dalam waktu hitunganmenitsetelah account Anda aktif. Dengan berbagai fitur yang adaakanmembuat bisnis Anda sangat mudah dijalankan.5. e-Traning LengkapBelum pernah berjualan online? Jangan kuatir! Tersediaberbagaimacam e-training yang selalu up to date di Blog Kami,untukmeningkatkan wawasan dan skill marketing Anda.6. Fitur PendukungAnda tidak perlu posting produk satu per satu, dengan eBlanzaWPPlugin, Anda bisa grab produk secara otomatis, Anda bisamemilikitoko online berbasis wordpress dalam sekejap.Download Android app eBlanza Dropship di Playstore, Andabisadownload materi produk, input order, cek invoice dll dariAndroidapp.Mengapa Dropship?1. Tanpa ModalTidak perlu mempersiapkan stok produk. Seperti Anda ketahui,masalahutama saat akan memulai membuat toko online adalah modaluntuk stokproduk. Jika variasi produk cuma sedikit tidak menarikbagi pembeli.Jika variasi produk banyak, perlu modal besar. Dengandropship, Andabisa start toko online Anda dengan ribuan produkdari eBlanza.2. Bebas RibetTidak perlu memikirkan manajemen gudang, melakukan packingdanpengiriman produk. Semua dilakukan oleh eBlanza. Anda hanyafokusdi strategi pemasaran.3. Branding Bisnis AndaDengan sistem dropship, Anda bisa melakukan branding tokoonlineAnda dengan cara dan style Anda, sehingga kelak bisnis Andabisaberkembang menjadi besar dan berkarakter.Hubungi KamiParis Van Java Bandung Barat (Kab.), Jawa Barat -Indonesia45000Telp : 085721472222Email : sales.eblanza@gmail.comBBM : EBLANZA & 5B8F2C34Whatsapp: +6285721472222Line : 085721472222 / eblanzaeBlanza isDropshipMarketplace site with the most rapid development inIndonesia foreveryone eBlanza can sell products on the Internet!When youpurchase products for resale in eBlanza both Online andOffline,you do transactions with people from your city and from alloverIndonesia.You can buy fantastic items from the thousands of productsthatare sold in eBlanza, such as: Kaos Surfing, Skate Kaos,KaosAutomotive, Shirts, Polo Shirts, pants, sandals, bags andotherproducts. Similarly, those who love unique items, can youfindcollectibles or gifts that are truly unique.You can become a seller eBlanza easily. Sign up and jointhethousands of people who have bought the goods in eBlanza forresalesuccessfully.What are you waiting for? Joining become a ResellerorDropshipper eBlanzaWhy Should List eBlanza.com?1. Product VariationsMore than 1000 products ready for sale, there are alwaysnewproducts every day,2. Cheap PriceeBlanza have cooperation with some of the Vendor either inSingaporeor the Outer City so that products we sell Much MoreAffordableOnline Shop dibandungkan other.3. Secure TransactionseBlanza uses 256 bit SSL to ensure your transactions securely,andat Amazon.com hosting with guaranteed 99.9% up-time.4. Process EasyYou can start selling products eBlanza within minutes afteryouraccount is active. With various features will make it very easytorun your business.5. Complete e-TraningHas never been to sell online? Do not worry! There are awidevariety of e-training are always up to date on Our Blog, toimprovethe knowledge and skills of your marketing.6. Supporting FeaturesYou do not need to post the products one by one, with eBlanzaWPPlugin, you can grab the product automatically, you can haveanonline store based wordpress in a heartbeat.Download Android app on PlayStore eBlanza Dropship, you candownloadmaterial products, input orders, check invoices, etc. fromAndroidapp.Dropship Why?1. Without CapitalNo need to prepare to stock the product. As you know, majorproblemswill begin to make an online store is the capital to stocktheproduct. If the variation of only a handful of products arenotattractive to buyers. If the variation of many products, needbigcapital. With dropship, you can start your online storewiththousands of products from eBlanza.2. Non RibetNo need to think of warehouse management, do the packingandshipping of products. All done by eBlanza. You just focusonmarketing strategy.3. Branding Your BusinessWith dropship system, you can do branding your online store inamanner and style, so that one day your business can grow bigandcharacterless.Contact usParis Van Java Bandung Barat (Kab.), West Java -Indonesia45000Tel: 085721472222Email: sales.eblanza@gmail.comFuel: EBLANZA & 5B8F2C34Whatsapp: +6285721472222Line: 085721472222 / eblanza
South Coast Vespa Garage 1.0.12
South Coast Vespa Garage adalah storedanworkshop spesialis Vespa, khususnya Modern Vespa.Kami menyediakan aksesoris Vespa baik produk lokal maupunimport,original parts, aftermarket parts, performance parts, olidanperlengkapan Vespa lainnya.Di workshop offline kami tersedia layanan ganti oli,service,tune up, body repair, repaint, powder coating dan detaiinguntukVespa kesayangan Anda.South Coast VespaGarageis a Vespa store and workshop specialists, especially ModernVespa.We provide Vespa accessories both local and importedproducts,original parts, aftermarket parts, performance parts, oiland otherVespa gear.In our offline workshop provided an oil change service,service,tune up, body repair, repaint, powder coating and detaiingfor yourbeloved Vespa.
BATAMciti - Batam Travel Guide 1.0.8
Going to Batam island? Need a travelguide,batam tour, batam map and best deals in town? Get thisBATAMciti(Batam City) app for FREE by batamciti.com.Batamciti app is Batam's one stop portal for you to search forBatamtravel guide as well as make online booking deals ontravelpackages, hotel & resort, spa & massages, golfcourses andmore...Why BATAMciti app:IT'S FREEDownload the batamciti app now, there’s absolutely no risk,andwe’re sure you’ll love it!MAKE YOUR BOOKINGWe provide best deals in Batam and you can make online bookingtopurchase best travel packages, hotel & resort, spa&massages, golf courses and more... Enjoy discount up to80%...TRAVEL GUIDEBatamCiti members and destination experts have handpicked thebestitineraries in Batam for you, enabling you to exploreinterestingneighbourhoods, famous landmarks, batam map and hiddengems.Our Batam Travel Guide can run with/without internet. There isnoneed for a live data connection while using the travel guide,aseverything is stored on your phone. When you are Online, wewillsync you local data with our server to ensure you get the uptodate information about Batam island.
Dbd Powder
DBD Powder adalah perusahaan yang memproduksibahan baku minuman powder, sekaligus distributor untuk keperluanpembuatan minum. Kami siap memenuhi kebutuhan minuman powder keindustri Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM ), Cafe, Resto, Hotel danlain sebagainya ) di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Harga Jual dbdPowder, sangat kompetitif untuk jenis barang dengan mutu yang samabahkan kwalitas rasa kami berani di adu.Kami langsung memproduksi sendiri varian-varian yang ada dan akanterus melakukan inovasi varian rasa sesuai dengan trend yang ada dimasyarakat dan sudah berpengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam industripembuatan minuman powder. Semua Bahan baku yang kami gunakan adalahyang terbaik dan HALAL. Sehiingga kami berhasil mendapatkansertifikasi dari Dinas Kesehatan serta Sertifikasi HALAL dari POMMUIdbd Powder juga menerima Pesanan rasa minuman sesuai dengan rasayang anda inginkan. Anda cukup memberikan sample minuman yang andamau maka akan kami siap untuk melakukan develop sampai benar-benaranda mendapatkan rasa yang anda inginkan.Contact :083871718694 | 021-22969762Email : order@dbdpowder.comDBD Powder is a companythat produces the raw material powder drinks, as well asdistributors for the purposes of making a drink. We are ready tomeet the needs of powder beverage industry to Small and MediumEnterprises (SMEs), Cafe, restaurant, hotel, etc.) throughoutIndonesia. Selling Price dbd Powder, very competitive for thesetypes of goods with the same quality and even the quality of oursense of daring in the race.We directly produce their own variants exist and will continue toinnovate flavors in accordance with the trend in the community andhas experienced many years in the industrial manufacture ofbeverage powder. All the raw materials we use are the best andHALAL. Sehiingga we managed to get a certification from theDepartment of Health and HALAL certification from POM MUIdbd Powder also accept orders in accordance with the beverage tasteflavor you want. Just give them a sample of drinks that you wantthen we will be ready to develop until you really get a sense ofwhat you want.Contact:083871718694 | 021-22969762Email: order@dbdpowder.com
GARSEL 1.0.12
Garsel.co.id, produk sepatu, tas, danfashionasli Cibaduyut, Bandung hadir melayani kebutuhan Anda denganhargamurah berkualitas mewah. Kami hadir menawarkan dalamberagamkategori, untuk pria mulai darisepatu boots, sepatu formal,sepatusneakers & skate, sepatu slip on & espadrilles,sandal& flipflop, sepatu olahraga seperti sepatu bola,sepatutraining dan gym. Dari katalog fashionnya tersedia produkTas,Dompet, Atasan, Bawahan, Jaket hingga Busana Muslim.Untukwanitatersedia sepatu dan sandal wedges, sepatu heels, sepatu&sandal flatdan yang lainnya juga sepatu untuk anak andasepertisepatu untuk sekolah dan sepatu casual untuk sehari-hari.Garsel.co.id, jual sepatu online harga murah, grosir sepatulokalterbaik. Untuk informasi ketentuan dan pendaftaran memberreselleratau pembelian dengan jumlah banyak silahkan hubungikami.BBM: 56F872CESMS/WA: 085974921005Hotline: 02254413407Garsel.co.id,shoes,handbags, and original fashion Cibaduyut, Bandung comes catertoyour needs with quality cheap price of luxury. We present offersinvarious categories, for men started darisepatu boots, dressshoes,sneakers and skate shoes, slip on shoes and espadrilles,sandalsand flipflop, sports shoes such as soccer shoes, trainingshoes andgym. From fashion catalogs available product bag,wallet,subordinate, jacket until Clothing. For wanitatersedia shoesandsandals wedges, heels shoes, boots and sandals flatdan othersaswell as shoes for your child's school shoes and casual shoesforeveryday.Garsel.co.id, selling shoes online cheap price, wholesalebestlocal shoe. For information and registration provisions ofthemember reseller or purchase in large quantities pleasecontactus.BBM: 56F872CESMS / WA: 085974921005Hotline: 02254413407
Kaos BM 1.0.12
KaosBM.net adalah Grosir Online Shopyangmenyediakan berbagai macam Distro Kaos / Baju / T-shirts /Lakos /Celana/ Jaket / Sweater / Tas / Topi dengan berbagai Temadan BrandSurfing, Skate , Musik, Otomotif dan tema-tema lainnyadengan hargaMURAH.Anda dapat membeli barang-barang yang fantastis dariribuanproduk yg dijual di KAOSBM, seperti: Kaos BM Pria, Kaos BMWanita,Kaos BM ORI, Kaos BM Fullprint, Kaos Reglan, KaosLongsleeve, PoloShirt, Kemeja,Jaket, Sweater, Celana Cargo, CelanaBoxer, Topi, Tasdan Produk lainnya. KAOSBM Fokus pada penjualanProduk Fashion baikOriginal Maupun BM.Anda dapat menjadi Reseller atau Dropshipper KAOSBM denganmudah.Daftar dan bergabung dengan ribuan orang yang telahmembelibarang-barangnya di KAOSBM untuk dijual kembali dengansukses.Apa lagi yang Anda tunggu? Bergabung menjadi ReselleratauDropshipper KaosBMAlamatBandung Kota Kembang, Bandung (Kota), Jawa Barat -Indonesia40182Email : orderkaosbm@gmail.comTelpon : 08977254011KaosBM.net isOnlineWholesale Shop that provides a wide range of distributionsshirt /shirt / T-shirts / Lakos / Pants / Jackets / Sweaters / Bags/ Hatswith a variety of themes and Brand Surfing, Skate,Music,Automotive and other themes with price CHEAP.You can buy the goods were fantastic from the thousandsofproducts that are sold in KAOSBM, such as: T BM Men, Kaos BMWoman,Shirt BM ORI, Kaos BM Fullprint, Kaos Reglan, ShirtLongsleeve,Polo Shirts, Shirts, Jackets, Sweaters, Pants Cargo,Boxer shorts,hats, bags and other products. KAOSBM Focus on FashionProductsales both Original Nor BM.You can become a Reseller or dropshipper KAOSBM easily. Signupand join the thousands of people who have bought the goodsinKAOSBM for resale successfully.What are you waiting for? Joining become a ResellerorDropshipper KaosBMAddressFlower City Bandung, Bandung (City), West Java - Indonesia40182Email: orderkaosbm@gmail.comPhone: 08977254011
TouchMe Store 1.0.1
TouchMe Fashion spesialisasi baju PolosdanElegan yang tak lekang oleh waktu.Dapatkan Promo Spesial pengguna aplikasi, dan dapat melihatkoleksiterbaru kami.Aplikasi Toko Online Shop GrosirBajudari TouchMe.co.id memberikan kenyamanan kepadaparacustomer/langganan kami, para pengunjung dan pembeliuntukberbelanja baju langsung dari perangkat Android.TouchMeFashionspecialties and Elegant Plain clothes are timeless.Get Special Promo app users, and can see ourlatestcollection.Application Shop Online Shop Wholesale Clothes fromTouchMe.co.idprovide convenience to the customer / subscriber us,visitors andshoppers to shop clothes directly from your Androiddevice.
Queen Beer 1.0
The official of QueenBeer® Jeans &ClothingCompany Application. One-Hand Shopping come to yourpockets. Now youcan more easy to shop our original products withFREE SHIPPING toall over Indonesia.Since its launch in September 2010, in theincreasinglycompetitive retail fashion market, QueenBeer® hasbecome one of thelocal’s leading jeans and clothing retailer.QueenBeer® has alwaysbeen renowned capturing the latest trends forkeep the QueenBeer®become a finest brand in town. In Juny 2014QueenBeer® has justlaunch our own store in South Bekasi, the fineststore in town. Notjust QueenBeer® that you can find here, a lot ofbest local’sbrands also available in here. The Address ofQueenBeer® Store isin Jl Taman Aster Blok BV No 10, Grand GalaxyCity – BekasiSelatan
Olsera - Point of Sale V2 2.0.47
"Arguably The Most Complete Features & LowCost Point of Sale for Your Businesses"This is the new version of Olsera POS with many new features likeLoyalty/Reward Point, split bill, partial refund, installment,& many more.Turn your smartpone/tablet become a superb cool cloud based Pointof Sale.Olsera POS has become a life saving solution for many IndonesiaSMEs (Small Business Enterprises) owners, who are expecting for aneffective, easy to use and economic business software system.Supporting all kinds of retail shop, restaurant, cafe, bar, etc,Olsera Point of Sale (POS) offers the best prices in her class,completed with all unlocked rich features for all users, name it asfollowing:1. Unlimited user & device access for the POS2. POS working perfectly with or without internet connection(online & offline)3. Supports mobile receipt printer, STAR printer, and most of EPSONprinter series.4. Supports barcode scanner mode for quick order input5. Discount and Voucher for Members (CRM)6. Payment method : Cash, Debit/Credit Card, Down Payment (DP),Debt, Dual Payment and Cash on Delivery7. Integrated with the advance mPOS payment device (mobile)8. Shipping cost calculation right away from your POS9. Send receipt to your customer email10. Support shift hours mode & the reporting11. Distributes your order printing to kitchen and bar (restaurantmode)12. Display your orders in kitchen and bar (restaurant mode)13. Arranges & reserves the seats (restaurant mode)14. Add notes to the menu order (restaurant mode)15. Sales closing from your POS16. Synchronizes your product & report with your Olsera OnlineStore (if applicable)17. Access your LIVE updated report from anywhere, anytime viacloud18. Manage multi stores/outlet in one account19. Allow partial refund20. Accept installment pay21. Manage split order22. Lock screen when you leave the POS23. Loyalty point for reward program24. Complete transaction log25. Check stock from POS, and a ton of other featuresThe best is, Olsera not only working alone as your POS, you will beable to extend your store to online & mobile app at any timeyou are ready.Your ease of use, convenience & business growth are our mainconcern.“Test it, Prove it & Subscribe only if you are satisfied withOlsera POS!”GETTING STARTED1. Download Olsera Point of Sale for free.2. Sign up your cloud store at http://www.olsera.com/id/sign-up,and enjoy 30 days free trial3. Start to fill up your products4. Sign in the POS app and start to sell right awayCONTACT USDon’t be hesitate to contact our team for any question.Website : www.olsera.comEmail : support@olsera.comPhone : (0778) 4800921 (Mon-Fri 0900-1700, Sat 0800-1200)Whatsapp/Line : +62 851 0288 7884/ +62 813 7250 3723
Sato Carspa 1.0.12
Satocarspa merupakan jasa perawatanuntukmobil, agar membawa anda untuk gaya hidup yang terbaik.Gaya dan pola hidup merupakan kesadaran untuk menjagakebersihansebagai masyarakat yang teredukasi. Alat transportasimerupakanpendukung rutinitas sehari-hari, terutama mobil sebagaibukti darigaya hidup modern. Seringkali kita mengabaikan kebersihanpadamobil kita karena berbagai alasan.Sato car spa merupakan solusi untuk menjaga pola hidup padamobilanda yang menawarkan perawatan mobil yang baik dengankualitastinggi / terjamin. Karena kami siap hadir ke tempatanda.Percayakan mobil anda pada jasa perawatan oleh profesionalkami dananda tetap dapat melakukan berbagai kesibukan pekerjaan /hobbyanda tanpa terganggu.Contact087878850092satocarspa@yahoo.comSatocarspa is for carcareservices, in order to bring your lifestyle the best.Style and lifestyle is an awareness to maintain cleanliness asasociety that is educated. Means of transport is a supporter ofthedaily routine, especially cars as proof of a modernlifestyle.Often we neglect of hygiene in our cars for manyreasons.Sato car spa is the solution to maintain the lifestyle on yourcarthat offers good car care with high quality / guaranteed.Becausewe are ready to come to your place. Entrusting your carontreatment by our professional services and you still can doavariety of busy work / hobby you without being disturbed.Contact087878850092satocarspa@yahoo.com
MiBODO 1.1
MiBODO adalah sebuah tempat hangout yg asik,keren dan gaul buat makan Indomie dan ngebakso dengan beragamcitarasa, roti bakar dengan berbagai macam toping, dessert ygmanizzz, bisa ngupi jg bareng temen2, pacar n partner biznizmuMiBODO is a hangout placethat cool, cool and slang create and ngebakso Indomie meal with avariety of flavors, toast with assorted topping, dessert whichmanizzz, can ngupi jg together temen2, girlfriend mu n partnerBIZNIZ