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DIY Eyebrow Make Up Tutorial 2.0
Eyebrows are a very important aspect of yourface, as they define your features and make you look well-groomed.This article provides some tips on how to do the right eyebrowmakeup.To give your face a neat appearance and a well-groomed look,your eyebrows should be perfectly shaped. This gives your facedefinition, and makes you look more attractive. Many women havewell-defined and arched eyebrows. However, for those who havesparse ones, they can be enhanced by applying eyebrow makeup.DIY Eyebrow Make Up Tutorial TipsThe best way to keep your eyebrows looking well groomed is toget them shaped regularly from a professional. Try to maintaintheir natural shape and arch, and avoid pencil-thin or bushy andunruly brows. Bushy eyebrows look untidy, and pencil-thin ones lookvery artificial and unflattering. The ideal eyebrow shape is onewhich is aligned with the center of the nostrils and ends just atthe outer-corner of the eye. To shape your brows, use agood-quality tweezer to remove stray hair. Always pluck the hairunder the eyebrow, and never above it. Any hair that is too longcan be trimmed with a pair of small scissors.If you have sparse eyebrows, then you need some makeup to fillthem up. The three DIY Eyebrow Make Up Tutorial products that youwill need to achieve perfect brows are brow powder, eyebrowpencils, and eyebrow gels. You will also need a soft-wedge orthin-liner brush to apply these products. First, take a powderedeye-shadow or brow powder in a color which closely matches that ofyour brows. Choose a formulation that has a soft texture, with amatte effect, and avoid anything that has a shine or shimmer to it.Using a wedged brush, start applying the brow powder in the centerof the brow, and gently blend it towards the outer corner. Use thetip of the brush to apply powder towards the beginning of the brow.Make sure that you do not use excess powder, and keep the strokeslight and strong. The idea is to create a natural looking browwithout it appearing overly made up.Use an eyebrow pencil in a shade that closely resembles yourbrow, and fill in any areas that have sparse hair. Always make surethat you apply the eyebrow pencil with a light touch, as too muchof color will make your brows look too strong and artificial. Ifyou have applied too much color on your brows, you can soften it byusing a Q-tip that has been dipped in makeup remover. The bestmakeup tip for natural-looking, lush eyebrows is to use atransparent eyebrow gel. The gel applicator looks similar to amascara wand, and you have to apply it in an upward, sweepingmotion.Use brow powder in a shade that is at least two shades lighterthan your hair color. In case you have blond or silver-white hair,then your brow powder or pencil color should be at least two shadesdarker than your hair color. Always make sure that you fill anygaps in your eyebrow with short, feathery strokes of the pencil.While filling the arch of your eyebrows, do not go beyond itsnatural shape, as this will give you a perpetually surprisedlook.Hope those DIY Eyebrow Make Up Tutorial tips will help youfurther.
Cute Braided Hairstyle Ideas 2.0
Braid hairstyles are one of the most popularhairstyles, and have been in fashion for a long time. If you arebored of your normal hairstyle, or want a style which makes yourhair look neat and at the same time cool, then going with somebraid hairstyles will help you sport a new look.Some braids are easy to create, and can be done yourself athome. While some styles are very painful to create, and can eventake days at the salon!Types of Braid hairstylesBraids hairstyles have evolved since time, and can be used tocreate fresh new looking styles. Given below is a list of varioustypes of Braid hairstyles, which are considered most popular.There are also other black hair braiding styles which looks asif the hair is braided, but are good faux styles.First of all comes the English Braid hairstyles, which is thesimplest of all. It is a simple three-strand structure design, andis created using overlapping the strand in a specific manner. Usingthis pattern of braiding you can create many simple and quick braidstyles, like you can create one long braid, mini braids with smallsections of your hair, or even pigtails, or can even roll the braidor braids to make cute buns. Check out pictures of Alexander Wangbraid to get more idea on the latest braid hairstyles.A more complex version of the English braid is the French Braidhairstyles, which looks more interesting than the simple Englishbraid, but needs more skill to create. It is done by braiding hairusing the hair on different areas of the scalp. There are variouscute and different types of French braids, you can make smallFrench braids on sides, and join them to make a big English orFrench braid. You can join them, to create a bun style. Or simplycreate on side parted hair a French braid, and leave the rest ofthe hair open for a bohemian beach look.Another version of the French braid, is the inside out Frenchbraid, which is also known as the Dutch Braid hairstyles, thatgives an interesting look. Dutch braid gives an appearance of abraid which is close to the head yet gives a raised appearance.These braids look beautiful on people who have long hair. Againthese types of braids needs some skill, so you need to practicethem before you can make them properly.Another interesting style of braiding is the herringbone orfishbone braid. You can mix a French braid with a herringbone braidfor an ultra cool braided style. This year herringbone braid isvery much in fashion. Check out pictures of Fergie in this type ofbraid online. You can create a similar style in your hair. You canalso create pigtails using herringbone braiding style.This is traditional Swiss braid and popularly known as Heidibraid. Heidi braid is similar to a braided headband. There are twoways to do this braid hairstyle. Either you can divide your hair intwo equal sections, then make pigtails, and wind them around headto create Heidi braid style. Another way is to use French braidingfrom one end of the head to the other to create a similarbraid.Twists are not exactly braids, because they are done byentwining two strands of hair, whereas Braid hairstyles are donewith three strands of hair. However, they are equally popular andcan be used to create styles similar to braid hairstyles. Twistsare super easy to make and look cool too. They are popular asAfrican-American hairstyles for kids. One similar style ofhairstyle is rope braid, which is nothing but all the hair dividedinto two equal parts and styled as twist.
Kids Craft Design Ideas 3.0
Skill and imagination are the key ingredientsof craft. Working with precision and determination, can create manybeautiful and decorative pieces. Little children have a curiousmind and always show interest in doing and creating something new.Putting these little vulnerable minds into some craft activitiescan shape their creativity and boost their imagination too. Thereare plenty of craft ideas for kids that can inspire them to developsome interesting items. Learning to make different objects by justfolding the paper, can help children to create wonderful decorativepieces for different occasions such as Halloween, Christmas,Thanksgiving and more. Let's now take a look at some of theinnovative kids' craft ideas.Egg PedestalThese are simple and yet pretty holders, which can be used todisplay colorful eggs or sometimes can be used for displayingcandles too.MaterialsPencil/Toothpick12 inch Pipe cleanersInstructionsCut the pipe cleaner into two. Divide the second part of the pipecleaner into 6 parts.Use them in making a support for the stand.Twist them and attach them on either ends of the pipe.Cover the pipes with ribbons of different color combinations or anyone color will look good too.color the empty eggs with different colors or create differentpatterns and designs to make them look more attractive.Display them on the holder.This craft idea is easy to make and children can get the pleasureof painting and also constructing. This acts as an excellentdecorative piece during Easter and adds a lot of color to the roomtoo.Christmas WreathWreaths can be personalized as per the occasion and look great onthe wall.MaterialsWreath FormTinsel GarlandShatterproof Balls (You can select the color combination of yourchoice)RibbonsWire SnipsGlueInstructionsCover the wreath with the tinsel garland. Tie it very tightly toavoid it from slipping. Use the glue to stick the ends of thegarland or you can tie the knot too.Pick up a ribbon of any color or design of your choice and wrap itover the tinsel garland. As you are wrapping the ribbon, stick itwith glue so that it doesn't fall off the wreath.Shatter balls have metal loops as they are used for hangingpurposes. You can just gently pull out the loops or just snip itoff. Stick the shatter balls to the wreath.Shatter balls can also be replaced by other decorative ornamentssuch as flowers or feathers.MagnetsPeculiar characteristics of magnets always fascinate children.However, making them would turn out to be an interesting projectfor these little children.MaterialsSmall toysA strong glueDisc magnetsInstructionsCollect all the small toys that children don't play with. Shells,dice, pebbles and blocks would make great options for makingmagnets.Spread sufficient amount of glue on the disc magnet or at the backof the item you have to stick on the magnet. Press the two piecesfirmly on each other, so that they stick well.Keep the object aside, till it both the items get properly stuck oneach other.After the glue is completely dried, you can put the magnet againstthe refrigerator or cupboard.MobileThe art of making a mobile could be easy and also complex. Take upa tutorial in making a mobile and master the skill to make your ownfascinating mobile.MaterialsWireSmall ornaments or toysWire sipsThin threadsRibbonInstructionsTake wire and make a ring out of it. Twist in the ends of wiresinto each other. Select the color of the ribbon and wrap it aroundthe wire.Take the thread and tie the small toys to the wire.Take some more wire and make a loop out of it to hang it.If you are having a difficult time in collecting small toys, thenuse some colorful craft papers and make cut outs from them andreplace the toys with them. Making cut outs is complex, but isanother innovative craft idea that children can try out.
Amazing Grafitti Ideas 2.0
The ancient Greeks and Romans have wellexemplified the art of graffiti writing. This art form has utilizeda gamut range of techniques, colors, and styles since ancient agesand today, it has evolved with much improvisation, inculcating newelements, features, and purposes. Depending upon the content,style, and purpose, it is accepted either as a talent or a mererepresentation of a negative mind. We often come across people,scribbling quotes, demands, and ruthless messages on publicproperties, portraying a dark side aspects or criminalism. This actis illegal and is punishable under the law. While considering thepositive side of writing graffiti, you will find many creativepeople taking immense interest in inscribing words with varioustypes of paints, using different fonts.The legitimate art form derived much respect when it was adoptedby painters to represent messages of great personalities andpolitical leaders. You will be amazed to see the letters beingframed with beautiful designs and unique styles. People often takeup short term courses to learn graffiti art. The subject becomesinteresting if you have a genuine passion to master the skill ofwriting graffiti.Styles and LettersGraffiti style alphabets are customized today with differentstyles of fonts available online. Having a prior knowledge in artand painting will help you to expertise in the various forms ofgraffiti styles and techniques. Graffiti lettering styles are thencolored with oil paints, water colors, spray paints, etc. Graffitithat is scribbled on walls is usually spray painted. You can alsoteach your children the simple fonts for writing their owngraffiti. Explained below are common styles of graffiti that arepopular across the world.Piece StyleThis is a very complex form of graffiti and three colors areused to create the distinctness. It cannot be adopted so easilyunless you have been taught. Thus, illegal use of 'piece' is rare.A lot of effort, patience and time is required to learn the pieceart. Artists are either given permission to paint pieces or theyare commissioned. Pieces have rugged elements in them.Tag StyleAccording to the research conducted by The University ofMinnesota, Duluth, tag style is the earliest version of graffiti.Curlicues and basic fonts are utilized to represent the graffiti.Tags are seen everywhere, having a stylish signature of the writer.They are done with markers, spray paints, or sketch pens.Throw-up StyleThrow-up is a complicated graffiti font, that is done in quickstrokes by implying two or three colors. Although not as elaborateas piece, the graffiti is done with letters in the form of bubbles.There's a colored outline for the letters and this technique isusually practiced by writers engaged in writing about controversialand hot topics.Wild StyleIt was introduced in the New York City by renowned graffitiartists like Zephyr, Stay High 149, and Tracy 168. It's a stylizedform of writing and you need to learn graffiti styles in details toknow this particular art form. It features crude elements likearrows, spears, curves, and spikes in 3D forms and can be read bypeople who know the wild style of writing graffiti.Stencil StyleStencil style of writing graffiti is a very quick way todemonstrate your thoughts and messages. The stencil is held againstthe wall and the paint is sprayed over it. The picture or theletters automatically gets formed on the substrate. Try improvisingthe script by employing multiple colors and elements. You can alsooutline the borders with the stencil and then fill up withdifferent shades.
Doll House Design Ideas 3.0
Dollhouses are magical. In this tech-savvy agewhere endless new gadgets and toys are made every day, dollhousesremain popular not just among kids but many adults as well. Theycan range from simple cardboard boxes stacked one above the otherto multimillion-dollar miniature houses displayed in museums.There is something about miniature houses with their detailedfurnishing and accessories that entices everyone. It is the perfecttoy for pretend play as it stimulates the child's imagination andallows him/her to create the perfect dream world.With so many types of dollhouses available in the market, fromthe traditional wooden dollhouses to modern-day Barbie houses,picking the right one for your child can be really confusing. Hereare a list of things that you need to consider when choosing adollhouse for your kid.Choose the Right MaterialDollhouses are made of either plastic, wood, or cardboard.Traditional wooden dollhouses, being quite popular, are mostly madeof 9 mm thick MDF board or plywood. Due to their sturdiness anddurability, these dollhouses remain a favorite among kids as wellas miniature collectors. Moreover, they can become a wonderfulfamily heirloom that is passed on to the next generation. If youare looking for wooden dollhouses, then you should take a look atthe Melissa & Doug Multi-Level Wooden Dollhouse and KidKraftKayla Dollhouse. These dollhouses, however, are quite expensive,and some may not accommodate all your existing dolls.Apart from wooden dollhouses, modern plastic dollhouses alsofind favor among kids since they are available in bright andcolorful designs. Also, they are cheaper than wooden dollhouses.The hard plastic is durable, easy to clean, and can be moldedeasily for beautiful details. Moreover, you can buy a range ofaccessories and furniture for these dollhouses at lower prices.Some popular plastic dollhouses include: Barbie Dreamhouse, DisneyPrincess Ultimate Dream Castle, and Fisher-Price Loving Family -Family Manor.If you are interested in DIY crafts, then you can make cardboarddollhouses at home. Not only are they fun to play with, but canalso be made at virtually no cost. All you need is some cardboardboxes, colorful paper along with glue, scissors, and other craftsupplies. Cardboard dollhouses made at home may not be sturdy, butthey are really fun to make, and you can easily customize them.Consider the SizeVarious scaled-down versions of dollhouses are available in themarket―1:12, 1:24, and 1:48. If the dollhouse is 1:12 in scale, itmeans the dollhouse and all its contents are one-twelfth the sizeof its life-sized equivalent. The 1:12 scaled dollhouses are themost popular ones among kids. The other scales are usually smallerand are meant for collectors rather than for a child's play.Larger-sized dollhouses, also known as playscale dollhouses, aremeant to accommodate play dolls such as Barbies. Usually these aremade of plastic, but you can find some large wooden ones thataccommodate your existing dolls as well. These large dollhouses arereally handy when there are a group of two or more children at playand can also store the child's toys as well. This means lesserclutter.Choose the Right Styles and ThemesWhen buying a wooden dollhouse, you need to check the type andstyles of dollhouses in the market. Usually, dollhouses are modeledafter popular periods of architecture. This include: Georgian,Tudor, Victorian, Antique, and Edwardian dollhouses. Of course,there are modern dollhouses as well. If you are a collector, thenit is a good idea to decide the period you plan to decorate andfurnish it in.
Creative Carving Fruit Ideas 3.0
Flowers carved out of vegetables look veryfascinating and decorative. You can make them yourself by followingthese useful tips on vegetable carving. Most carvings are quitesimple and can be easily done at home.Selection of VegetablesFor carving, you need to select the fresh, firm vegetables. Somevegetables such as onion, carrot, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, melon,potato, radish, and squash are perfectly suitable for carving.These vegetables can be used to create decorative flowers as wellas elaborate birds, boats, and dragons.Each vegetable has its own unique characteristics. Shallots andonions should be fresh and without wrinkles. Carrots should bemedium or large-sized and straight. You should select round, fresh,and firm radishes.PreparationYou need to prepare the vegetables with certain processes, sothat the flowers can be carved easily. Soak the tomatoes in amixture of water and lime juice in order to prevent its browning.Onions and shallots should be soaked in water before peeling inorder to minimize irritation of eyes.You should wash the beets in salted water, which reduces loss ofcolor. It should be kept moist by regularly spraying it with waterto prevent it from turning black. Potatoes should be washed afterpeeling and again after carving to avoid browning.Essential Tips and PointersBefore carving, the vegetables should be thoroughly washed andcleaned. Use a sharp-pointed knife with a bronze or stainless steelblade. Ordinary steel blade of a knife can cause discoloration ofvegetables.Avoid excessive carving in order to prevent waste and loss ofnutritional value. The designs you carve should suit the plate offood. The floral patterns go well with any kind of dish. Ifvegetables are to be dipped into sauces, then they should be cut inappropriate sizes.Vegetables selected for carving should be resistant to drooping,such as Chinese radishes or carrots. Before going for carving thevegetables, you should have enough practice. It should be done withgreat care and concentration.After carving, you should keep the vegetables in ice-cold water,so that the petals of carved flowers spread properly and remainfirm. Carved flowers should not be left in water for a prolongedtime, due to which petals may get discolored and spoiled.Each type of carved vegetable should be placed separately, sothat all your work would not be lost if one type of vegetable rots.Store the carved vegetables in a container and keep it in arefrigerator. If the refrigerator is not available, then cover themwith a damp piece of thin cloth. Keep them in a protected place, sothat they do not dry or wilt.
Name Tattoo Design Ideas 2.0
If there are name tattoo design ideas thathave never gone out of style, they're name tattoos. People havebeen getting these done since ancient times. It's nothing new tosee a couple getting each other's name inked, or a parent gettinghis/her child's name tattooed. If you want to get such a tattoo aswell, there are a few things you need to keep in mind while zeroingin on the design.The language you use to get your name tattoo design ideas, makesa lot of difference. Understand that you have many options. You canuse some beautiful scripts, such as those of Chinese, Arabic, andSanskrit even. Try to make your tattoo unique this way. Awell-written name will always stand out, irrespective of what youdo to enhance it later on.Colors are a very important part of the design. Different colorswill give your name tattoo design ideas a different meaning alltogether. We all know colors symbolize different things and it isthese things we need to keep in mind. It is not, however, mandatoryto use a color. You can use just black and that will be goodenough. Also, some colors have similar meanings. In this case, youcould use either of the two.Here are some colors and what they mean:Red―Action, Courage, Vitality, and ConfidencePink―Beauty and LoveOrange―Vitality along with EnduranceBrown―Earth, Convention, and OrderPurple―Royalty, Mystery, and MagicBlack―Death, Stability, and EarthBlue―Youth, Truth, Spirituality, and PeaceTo enhance your tattoo, you may consider getting smaller designsaround it. In that case, it's always better to use objectsaccording to gender. For example, if you're getting your babygirl's name tattooed, consider using feminine objects around it.Even if you're the father, the design of her name should befeminine. Try to keep these designs in sync with the name.One of the most important aspects of the name tattoo design ideais the font you use. Always use a font that is different. Normal,straight fonts get boring after some time. Just like the designs,the font should also be in sync with the name. For example, ifyou're getting a girl's name inked, don't use a font that is boldand big. Similarly, for a boy's name, avoid a cursive font. You canuse a tribal font to get something totally different.In the end, always remember that if you're using alanguage/script you don't speak, get it checked several times fromdifferent sources. You don't want to end up with a wrong tattoo.Also, take suggestions and advice while finalizing the design ofyour name tattoo.
Modern Wedding Invitation Idea 2.0
The very thought of your wedding day bringswith it hours of meticulous planning. Once you are done with yourplanning, the next big thing to fall on your shoulders is that ofdesigning a wedding card. The wedding card is an instrument throughwhich you announce to the world your likeness and interest ofgetting hitched. This requires you to reflect the love the two ofyou share for each other in a minimal amount of words.While most couples make do with a few Biblical verses or chooselyrics from songs to proclaim to the world that they are gettinghitched, photographer Joshua Watson and his wife Rachel thoughtotherwise. The couple decided to infuse and incorporate theirpassions to create ingenious wedding invitations. They recreated aselection of movie posters and sent DVD invites to their friendsand family using these posters as case covers.Inspired to try out a unique wedding invitation? Well, you oughtto be. Besides, if you are a huge movie buff, just like thatcouple, you definitely ought to incorporate these ideas. Have alook, and then you are free to come up with your own set of movieposters that best suit your love story.P.S. I Love YouWhat's your vow like? From now until death do us part, orsomething that will last for eternity? P.S. I Love You makes forthe perfect backdrop of a story that sees love as liberating.According to me, love that lasts for a lifetime seems to be morepromising.The VowYour faith in each other, and in the promises you give to eachother, has got to be strong. Just like the movie The Vow, you canportray your immense faith in each other. You could pledge yourlove for each other from this very moment to eternity using thismovie poster.The Last SongIsn't that what love is supposed to be? You start off as friendsand move on to building a sturdy relationship. If this is preciselyyour story, then a movie poster like The Last Song is perfect foryou. It is, indeed, the beginning of love and understanding, and aphotograph like this is sure to bring the right emotionsacross.An EducationNot essentially Beauty meets the Beast, but the movie plot issomething similar to it. Nevertheless, the movie poster is perfectfor you to make do with an invitation template. It is your unionthat we are talking about; you can put in your storyline to make itinteresting.Mr. & Mrs. SmithThe two of you are definitely going to be the talk of the townwith an invitation portraying both of you carrying arms. Keep thefun quotient alive and kicking, with the two of you ready to dowhat it takes to be together always. You ought to be ready to fightthe world for each other, just like Mr. and Mrs. Smith ultimatelydo in the movie.A Walk to RememberYou do not need adversity to try your love; acts of kindness andthe mere wish of being together at all times should suffice. If youhave felt the overpowering presence that love brings, then thismovie becomes the best way to prove that you will stick togetherfor time to come. Your story is definitely written in heaven, andyes, with a little blessing from your guests, it will be theperfect day to say "I do."TwilightQuite a teen sensation, don't you think? If you want yourreception to be something that is wild and fun, an invitation witha Twilight movie theme seems the perfect bet. Get out the fangs anddark lights, and get grooving to a reception that is just as fun asit sounds.Last but not the least, roll out the red carpet, as the two ofyou gear up to walk the aisle in style. That just reminds me thatyou can recreate just about any movie that catches your fancy. Getcreative, and be inspired; that's all I got to say.
Best Wedding Ring Ideas 2.0
Trying to find the perfect wedding ring designfor your beloved? Sure you can go with the traditional gold band,complete with diamonds and heart shapes. That's traditional. Or youcould give them something unique: something special. You could giveyour loved one a ring that will forever connect the two of you.You know, a smart wedding ring design.Smart wedding ring design aren't incredibly new, and most of thetime they are offered as an alternative to the bulky smartwatchesflooding the market. But today Omate announced a new kind ofwearable smart technology. The Ungaro ring is a stylish ring thatwill notify you when one, and only one, contact messages you.Talk about true love.The Ungaro wedding ring design was made by Omate incollaboration with Emanuel Ungaro, a fashion firm named after thefamous French fashion designer. The Ungaro comes in several modelsand is either plated in 18K gold or silver. There are also severaldifferent gemstones including sapphire, ruby, opalite, topaz, andonyx. Due to the wide variety of choices, the cost of the Ungaroring ranges from $500 to $2,000. That's a pretty steep charge foranyone looking to simply add an accessory to their phone. But, forthose of you looking for a ring to seal the deal, it might actuallysave you some money.Tech wise, the Ungaro ring operates on Bluetooth LE, and thebattery can last up to 5 days (which pretty much crushes all of itssmart watch competition). The ring will vibrate any time youreceive a text or phone call from your single contact. As of now,the Ungaro ring will only work with iOS devices, but it isscheduled to work with Android in early 2016. What the companyneeds to do, is to promote this product and market it accordinglyso that as many people as possible become aware of this cool littlegadget.The Ungaro wedding ring design may seem frivolous, but it marksthe beginning of a push for premium wearable technology of allshapes and sizes. Plus, as a tech nerd, I kind of wish this wasaround when I got married in my search for a wedding ring.Who says technology can't be for everyone? This is just thescratch of the surface. We've seen companies developing smartwedding ring design for consumers. This tech may be the perfectmatch for the family who lives in the connected home.
DIY Phone Case Design Ideas 2.0
You splash out hundreds of dollars on a newsmartphone or tablet, it’s crazy not to spend a little more inorder to make sure it doesn’t get scratched or broken. Ourelectronic friends serve us faithfully until we drop them in thetoilet, leave them at the mercy of inquisitive toddlers, or allowthem to slip from our grasp and tumble down the stairs.Smartphones are getting tougher all the time and there are quitea few waterproof Android phones now, but the vast majority will notsurvive an accident unscathed. If you want to find out what mighthappen should your phone meet with disaster, you can check out thenumerous drop and damage test videos posted online. Now that you’reconvinced that you need a case or cover for your device, let’sdiscuss how to pick one.A word on priceYou will rarely find the best price for a phone case on the casemanufacturer’s website, the device manufacturer’s website, or acarrier website. The RRPs are frequently heavily discounted. Whenyou identify the phone case you want, do a comparison search andshop around.Amazon and eBay are often the cheapest places to buy, but itpays to cast your net wide. You also have to watch out forknock-offs, particularly on eBay.It’s worth mentioning that some phone case manufacturers willoffer a lifetime warranty and they’ll handle exchanges smoothly,but only if you buy direct from the manufacturer, so that’s apossible incentive to pay the full price.Do your homeworkRead reviews of the phone cases you are interested in. Even ifyou can’t find a review for your specific phone model, otherreviews for the same manufacturer will give you a general sense ofthe quality. You can also find people discussing cases and postingphotos of them in forums.Particularly important is confirming that the case has precisecut-outs. Sometimes cases are rushed out the door and they miss aport, button covers are stiff, or there are problems with cameraflash reflections. If something like wireless charging is importantto you, or you want to be able to dock your smartphone with thecase on, then check with the manufacturer before you buy.Choose your featuresThink about additional features you might want. For tabletcases, a landscape stand function could be vital. Some cases offermultiple positions or even 360 degree hinges. For smartphones,you’ll generally find kickstands that pop out the back, but makesure they’re secure, because it can be annoying if they pop outuninvited. Write down what you feel is essential and keep it as achecklist while you shop.How much protection do you need?How clumsy are you? The first thing to work out is how tough youneed your phone case to be. If you want to be able to drop it ontoconcrete with impunity, or have it survive a dip, then you’ll needsome serious protection. If you’re careful and you just want basicprotection, then you don’t need to spend so much. There is a cleartrade-off between the level of protection provided and the bulk andweight added.Rugged phone casesAt the top end in the safety stakes, you’ll find some seriouslyrugged cases, but they are going to be bulky and heavy. Theinclusion of air pockets and reinforced corners dramaticallyreduces the risk of damage to your device, but it inevitably addsmore bulk. They should also be easy to grip, even with wet hands,but you might find that makes it harder to slide them in and out ofpockets. You may need to buy a belt clip or holster to accommodatethe larger case.Rugged cases should cover every angle, including the buttons andthe touchscreen, which can make buttons harder to press and reducetouchscreen sensitivity. Ultimately, rugged phone cases can make ita little harder to actually use your phone.
DIY Fashion Design Ideas 2.0
Fashion advice, especially to someone asvulnerable as teenage girls, is something that can go disastrouslywrong if one does not know what they're talking about. And it hasbeen known to happen so don't judge me for being a little toocondescending about it. Fashion as I see it, and as I'm sure many,many girls all around the world see it, is a matter ofself-confidence seasoned with a bit of creative thinking and a lotof resourcefulness. You don't have to own every latest piece ofclothing that has walked a ramp to be well-dressed and presentable.That's one major piece of advice that is underused; by thosedishing out the advice and the ones receiving it. In this article,there are some basic tips to ensure that you have an all-seasonwardrobe. So get ready for a wardrobe upheaval that does notnecessarily involve super-expensive couture.Fashion Tips for Teenage Girls in DIY fashion design ideasWhen it comes to styling DIY fashion design ideas teenage girls,one needs to be overly cautious. It's not just about making thegirl wear the latest clothes. It's about helping her to identifywith her inner self and recognize what is going to help her enhanceher best features. Just giving a girl a lecture about what youthink is the best for her is not enough. She should be able torelate to what you're saying. You need to put yourself in theirplace, but advice them from the point of view of a person who willbe looking at them (literally). So, let's check out some verysimple and (un)fortunately cliché fashion advice that teenage girlscan benefit from.DIY fashion design ideas - Stick to BasicsWhat goes into having a perfect wardrobe that boasts ofsomething nice to wear during every season? What do you need to laythe foundation of a wardrobe so awesome, that you don't need tospend hours agonizing over the dreaded 'what to wear' question?It's the basics! Or essentials if you will. Honestly, there isnothing more simple to understand than the 'stick to basics'philosophy. So what do the basics encompass? Here's a list of someof the items, whose importance and contribution to your wardrobeyou should NEVER underestimate.Well Fitting Jeans: If you haven't come across a girl who wearsDIY fashion design ideas that are either so tight they threaten toexplode, or so loose they look like they're hung on a hanger, thenyou live in a perfect world. I am yet to find a dictionary in whichthe word 'fitting' means'extra-tight-to-the-point-of-tearing-if-worn-when-seated'. Girls,we know you're at an age when the first and last thing on your mindis how you look. So please, refrain from wearing jeans that are toosnug or too loose. Flaunt your body, but do it with dignity.Tops: T-shirts, tanks, spaghetti straps, the world is youroyster! You need to have these in strong colors that willcomplement your skin tone and your body type. Do not go in for anill-fitting top. Your upper body needs to breathe, so you need tohave something that will facilitate this basic necessity of life.At the same time, having just sweatshirts and loose tees will takeaway the femininity from your wardrobe. Include smart button-downshirts, some girly tops, and classy jackets in neutral colors forthe winters.Skirts and Shorts: If you know how to look good in shorts, thennothing should stop you from flaunting your legs in the summer.Follow the cardinal rule of not too tight, not too loose for themas well. If you're more of a 'girly' girl, then you need acollection of pretty skirts in varying lengths: short, medium, andlong. You can team the extremely short ones with leggings, wear themedium ones as they are and heavily accessorize with the long onesfor an ultra-chic Boho look!
Hand Lettering Styles 3.0
Even those with the very best handwritingoften find it difficult to paint signs using hand lettering. Peopleare accustomed to writing on a much smaller scale using lines as aguide to keep the words straight and uniform. Hand letteringrequires making the words larger and more ornate and organizingthem to fit within the frame. Since there is little room for error,hand lettering and sign painting demand perfection, which comeswith practice, time and effort. However, once learned, this usefulskill is ideal for a multitude of projects and undertakings.Things You'll NeedPaperPencilRulerPoster boardEraserPaintPaintbrushesBegin with a familiar font. Before tackling the more difficulthand lettering styles, start with a common style. Straight lettersare easier than cursive since getting the flow right is difficultwhen the letters are larger than normal. If a variation is desired,try opening up the familiar font in an outline style that you canfill in with color to add distinction to the sign painting.Practice often and start small. If the font is difficult,continue to practice on a smaller scale using paper and pencil.Slowly increase the size of the hand lettering until you achievemastery. Repetitious attempts to ace the sign painting willdefinitely increase the chances of creating a superior finalproduct.Take measurements. Knowing the measurements of the sign and theintended lettering is vital to ensure that everything will fitproperly. Simply measure the width of the poster board and divideby the number of letters and spaces to know how large tohand-letter the words. For example, a 12-inch-long sign thatrequires the words “Go Team!” hand-lettered across needs enoughroom for eight letters including the space between the words andthe exclamation point. That leaves a width of 1 ½ inches for eachletter, space or punctuation on the poster board.Use light pencil lines as a guide. Working with a ruler, lightlydraw pencil lines on the surface of the sign. The lines help tokeep the hand lettering straight, and you can easily erase themafter the sign painting is complete. For extra help with difficulthand lettering, use the pencil to draw out a box outlining theexact measurements. This guarantees that no part of the letteringgoes over the allotted space.After lettering, embellish the sign by hand painting. The pencilmarks created by the hand lettering will disappear under the paint,leaving behind a gorgeous handmade sign. Use two colors to create ashadow effect on the hand lettering, or accent with glitter.Painting small designs on the sign to enhance the words also workswell as long as the configuration does not interfere with thelettering.
DIY Hair Bow Ideas 3.0
You must have made cute little hair bow withribbons to decorate gifts or to adorn on your hair. But, you canactually use your hair itself for a cute and casual hairstyle.Sounds like a task? Well it's not! It's just like wearing aponytail and messing it a little! Of course, you need to do it theright way. No worries though; after following the steps mentionedbelow, you'll be able to rock a cutesy bow in no time.You can go for a sleek bow with formals or a messy one withcasuals. Your hair bow can be anything you want - girly, flirty,sexy, or stylish. Understand the basics and experiment all youlike! And yes, you do need at least shoulder-length hair for thishairstyle.Gather your bobby pins, rubber band, and hairspray, and try outthese two stunning styles!Are you looking for ways on how to make hair bows for any andall occasions? I love hair bows and they are coming back in styleladies! So, are you ready to learn the basics of how to make hairbows and what hair bows are out there? Below, I've got the top 9tips and tricks on how to make hair bows that everyone willenvy!First and foremost, when you are learning how to make hair bows,you've got to find the right ribbon. Do you want a solid color? Areyou looking for a pattern? What type of look are you going for? Theribbon can determine that and when you are trying to learn how tomake hair bows, you've got to choose the right ribbon!The next thing that you need to decide on when you are learninghow to make hair bows is the design. What type of bow do you want?Do you want gems and jewels on it? Are you looking for a simple bowor a complex one? Decide this and then you'll be able to decide theDIY pattern!There are tons of ways you can spice up the hair bow that youare making and gems, jewels and anything sparkly is a way to do it!There is even ribbon out there that has glitter right on it, if youare looking for a way to sparkle and shine!The ribbon rose is just one of the many hair bows out there thatyou can make yourself! The ribbon rose might be a little moredifficult to make, but it's absolutely worth it and ribbon rosesare very in right now! Try this ladies and tell me what youthink!The next hair bow that we're going to talk about is the fabricflower! Fabric anything and DIY #things are very in right now andthis easy flower is super trendy! Trust me ladies, this is one ofthe easiest hair bows to make!The next bow up on our list of how to make hair bows easily isthe triple stack hair bows. These bows are so beautiful and theycan actually have all kinds of different colors in them! Give it atry!When you are first learning how to make hair bows, you've got topick the right ribbon. For me, I love lace. I think that lace bowsare absolutely one of the best looking hair bows out there. What'syour favorite lace bow ladies?Are you learning how to make hair bows for a competition? Ormaybe just to pass out to a team? Stacked hair bows are the best!You can incorporate team colors for your school or even createstacked hair bows for holidays!Finally, are you looking for ways on how to make hair bows to bea little trendy? Small hair bows right now are super stylish, so#beautiful and can be made out of anything! Just pick a ribbon,pick a color and start your bow!There you have it ladies, all of the top tips and tricks on howto make hair bows! What are some of the other ways on how to makehair bows have you tried? Any #hair bows your fav?
DIY Storage Design Ideas 3.0
Storage -- you never have enough of it, andhalf the time the drawers, closets and cupboards need a good clearout to make room for more stuff. Plan a storage room to addressyour most pressing wardrobe, off-season, prized collection orpersonal possessions excess, and be inventive if a lack of spacethreatens to cramp your style. It helps to clear the area ofeverything, evaluate your needs, and put back only what has aplace.Who needs a guest room when your wardrobe has taken over thebedroom floor, chairs, dresser top and prime real estate throughoutthe rest of the house? Flip that spare bedroom into a personalboutique and offer the rare overnight visitor your high-end sleepsofa. Bedroom or walk-in closet -- think like a boutique designerfor a display of accessible threads and accessories. You'll needhigh- and low-hanging bars to accommodate coats, dresses, suits,shirts, and separates: shelves for folded sweats, sweaters, activewear, jeans and T-shirts; more shelves for clear plastic boxes tohold shoes and boots, and shelf dividers to keep handbags separate;drawers or closed cupboards for baskets of socks, underwear, andother small items that need to be grouped. A folding three-waymirror and good lighting are non-negotiable; a steamer and arolling cart for hanging selected outfits and travel clothes areutilitarian luxuries.The awkward space under the stairs is a giant tansu chest, acompact storage room, and valuable square footage in need ofserious organizing. Side-opening doors make even the pizza-sliceback angle accessible. Paint the space a light color and installshelves measured to accommodate luggage, clear plastic bins foroff-season clothing and sports gear, holiday decorations andseasonal accessories. Add lighting that keeps everything visibleand label every box and chest clearly. The trick to making acompact storage area work is to customize it for the specific itemsthat will live there. Avoid double-stacking on shelves and incubbies, which hides half the things you store and forces you tounpack and repack shelves to put stuff away. If the under-stairspace is deep, rolling shelves pull out for easy access.When you can't expand, go up; build a vertical "room" to houseyour storage and your life. In a tight space, the wall defines thestoreroom, with a scaffolding of sturdy shelves and supports thathold large labelled bins for every sort of household good andpersonal item, hanging bars for clothes, open shelves for orderlyracks of shoes or grab-it-and-go sports clothing and T-shirts. Aceiling-hung curtain pulls across the entire wall to hide it fromview, and a library ladder on a track moves easily to reach the topshelves. Treat the organized wall like a museum exhibit, withcurated goods placed in identical bins so the symmetry creates asense of order and expansiveness. House office supplies, books andmedia on a window wall with cupboards and shelves builtfloor-to-ceiling on either side of the window, flanking a cushionedseat that lifts up to reveal more storage space.What you have to store comes in a bottle and isn't happy in thecupboard under the sink. If your wine collection is spilling out ofclosets and cabinets, create a storage room to keep it at acomfortable temperature and welcome you and your guests for atasting or a meal. At least one wall should be an illuminated,temperature-controlled series of enclosed shelves for restingbottles, and a few wall-hung bottle holders can display interestingvintages as decor.
Garden Landscape Ideas 3.0
I moved into a new house recently. It has abackyard that I was dying to transform. It's just the right size.Not too big, not too small. But that was one of its problems too. Ididn't want a full-fledged garden because I knew I would not getthe time to look after it. So I opted for a gorgeous rock gardeninstead. And now my backyard looks fabulous! So I thought ofspreading the joy by mentioning some ideas for rock garden here.Read them, and the next time you think of re-doing your backyard,I'm sure you can use one of them.Ideas for Rock Garden LandscapingCreating a rock garden does not mean that you collect a bunch ofrocks and dump them in your yard. Yes, it is a less messylandscaping option than normal gardening, but, mind you, it is justas time consuming and involves the same amount of effort anddedication to make it look picture perfect. Below are some ideasfor a pretty rock garden that are not too difficult either.WaterfallNothing like water to beautify your garden. Flowing water, to topit, will only further enhance the look! Note that this idea is fora small portion of your garden. So, begin with getting the rightsize and shapes of rocks. You'll need rocks that have a smoothfinish for this idea. Different sizes is what I would suggest. Usemedium-sized rocks to make a border for the area that you're goingto use for the waterfall. Make a slope towards a corner with mud.Then place the rocks randomly or according to their sizes on themud slope. You get ready-made waterfalls and waterfall pumps ingardening or interior decorating stores. Place one of those andcamouflage it with similar colored rocks. Your corner waterfall isready. Incorporate this idea in a Japanese garden and it'll have abreathtaking effect.FlowersRelax! I'm not going to ask you to carve flowers in rocks! Mysuggestion is to complement some dull rocks with vibrant flowershaving bright colors! So, what you can do is, systematically fillyour garden with smooth or crude rocks all around in such a waythat it looks random. Leave patches for planting the floweringbushes and shrubs. Or you can work the other way round. It does notreally make a difference because it isn't really messy. Then plantthe shrubs and bushes in the patches. Go for evergreen floweringshrubs, so that your garden looks colorful all year round. I'veused this idea. I've arranged the bushes in such a way that itdepicts a star. You can pick a word or a shape too!CactusThis is one of those creative rock garden designs! You don't haveto worry about watering the plants often. Pick some prettyvarieties of cactus to adorn your rock garden. Cactus is extremelyhardy and does not need to be watered regularly. There aredifferent types of cactus that you can choose from. Some of thembear tiny colorful flowers too. You can have them potted in yourrock garden or you can create a desert like theme. Plant cactusplants around the edges of your garden if you have kids. They mightprick themselves by touching the plants. For this idea, it would bebetter to use small smooth rocks in pale brown or cream. It willgive the garden a rusty look, and that's exactly the point.GreensHere's another idea which is quite the opposite of the previousone. This one will give you a lush green backyard punctuated withpretty white rocks, or vice versa. You can begin by laying downgrass in your entire garden. Pick some spots for rocks. Establish apattern when you leave the spots bare so that when you finally fillin the white (smooth finish) rocks, there's an elegant look offinesse to it. The exact inversion can be done too. Fill yourgarden with smooth rocks and leave spots bare for grass.
Staircase Design Photos 3.0
Wondering if you could do a quick makeoverofyour house without spending much? Try the stairs. You can paintthewall, change the railing, or even hang paintings, posters etc.,onthe wall, giving your home a new look in a matter of hours. Takealook at the ideas mentioned in this Buzzle article that willhelpyou beautify your home.The stairway can often remain a neglected area of the roomorhouse. A major portion of the staircase consists the wall,anddecorating this space can seem a bit tricky. Not to mentionthefact, this space experiences major traffic in your house. Itistime you changed the look of your stairs and thereby of yourhome.You can add a hint of playfulness with a touch of color, oryou cansimply polish the wood to give it a brand new look. Thenthere arepots and plants that can add the needed zing, or justlights canwork a magic.While it isn't all that bad to hang your favorite postersalongthe wall, we suggest you think out of the box. How about usingthestaircase itself as a canvas, and getting it spray painted. Youcancreate different patterns using stencils for the same. Those ofyouwith a steady hand can use your creativity to paint anintricatedesign on the staircase, just so it comes alive.You can even use wallpaper to give the stairs a whole newlook.Other than these ideas, you can go ahead and change therailing orsimply do away with it for a stunning new look. Take alook at theideas enlisted below to find what suits your homebest.Carpets can change the way your room looks withinminutes.Besides, using carpets to decorate your stairs comes withan addedadvantage, that of padding the unexpected fall. Throwing incarpetsto decorate the stairs works well, especially when you havekidsaround. it allows them to climb the stairs without the riskofbruising their tender limbs in case of a fall. Apart from that,theonly downside is the difficulty in maintaining it. Highonmaintenance but good on looks, worth the effort I say.Lights add a subtle glow to the stairs, drawing attentiontowardsit the moment the front door is opened. A well-lit stairbeckons andcalls its owner to walk the walk. Who wouldn't want awell-litstairway, that allows you to watch very step, therebyavoidingmishaps. You can choose from a variety of lighting stylesto suityour ambiance. Shun the modern look with Arabian lamps orbetterstill, think oriental and get Chinese lamps to sit pretty onyoursteps. You can even use candles to set the mood for aromanticevening.Using potted plants to decorate the stairway is one of thebestways to incorporate an environment-friendly approach. Usehangingplants to breathe life to your stairs. If you are worriedabout themuddy mess it will leave behind, use artificial plants todecorateyour stairs. Watch out though, or you might end up tumblingoverthe pots and urns placed on the steps. Potted plants work besttodecorate the outdoor steps though.How about putting up rice lights along the railings orevenposters of your choice? You can keep private pictures justthat, bylining them on the stair walls, rather than displaying themin theliving room. Festive lights work just fine, so do your medalsorcertificates for that matter. All you got to do is frame themanddisplay them out there along the staircase.Why don't you try tiles? Use tiles to make your stairs thecenterof attention, both inside and outside your house. Tiles comeindifferent colors, sizes, shapes and give you a variety of stylestochoose from. You can opt to draw attention with a checkeredpattern,or create a master piece with mosaic. Do remember though,that tilestend to get very slippery.
DIY Flower Craft Design Ideas 3.0
Making something as beautiful as FlowerCraftDesign from paper is an art, and you can spend your spare timedongthis. It is an excellent art to teach young kids, and isalwaysdeeply satisfying. There are many different types of paperflowersthat you can make, starting from the most simple to themoreelaborate ones. You can use any kind of paper from the mostbasicplain newspapers to tissue papers and crepe.Crepe Paper Flower Craft DesignThings RequiredCrepe paper in various colorsA wooden dowelPair of scissorsFloral tapeMasking tapeMethodPlace the crepe paper on the work surface, and cut asix-inchlong strip across the width of the paper. Fold thisstriphalf-length wise, and make a 1-inch cut about ¼-inch apart.Cutanother crepe paper in the same way using a different color.Foldit half-length wise, and cut along the open end, so that youget aloose fringe.Now fold an entire crepe paper in half lengthwise, and thenfoldit again so that you get a smaller square piece of paper. Folditone more time cross lengthwise, and cut out a zigzagpattern,keeping about 1 inch from the open edge. Cut the dowel intothreeequal pieces with the help of clippers. Twirl the crepe paperwiththe fringe around the dowel, and pin it in place with maskingtape.Your center of the paper flower is ready. Now, twirl thezigzagpatterned crepe paper around this center, slowly twistingandbuilding up the layers in a circular motion. When you reach theendof the Flower Craft Design, secure it with a bit of maskingtape.Your crepe paper flower is ready. Make some more flowerswithdifferent colors so that you have a bouquet, and place this inabig vase or container.Cut Out Paper Flower Craft DesignThings required8 square piece of card paperA pair of scissorsPencilMethodFold one square piece of card paper into half, and then folditagain so that you get a smaller piece of paper. Now unfoldthepiece of paper, and you will see two creases that divide thepaperinto four equal squares. Fold the paper diagonally on oneside, andfold again diagonally on the other side. Unfold and foldthe paperalong the original crease to get a small-sized square.Place thepiece of paper in such a way that the unopened corner ofthe squareis facing towards you, and then mark a heart-shapedpattern. Makesure that the point of the heart shape coincides withthe cornerthat is facing towards you. Outline the shape with apencil, andthen cut it out with a scissors. Open the paper alongthe creases,and you have a beautiful cut out paper flowers. Repeaton all otherFlower Craft Design and attach them to a sturdy branchwith someadhesive.Tissue Paper Flower Craft DesignThings Required4 tissue papersFloral wireStyrofoam ballGreen floral tapeMethodCover the floral wire by wrapping it completely with greenfloraltape. Cut out five 4" x 2" pieces of tissue paper and keepthemaside. Wrap the tissue paper around the styrofoam ball andtwistboth the ends. Remove the styrofoam ball and attach the petalto oneend of the floral wire. Secure with mask tape. Attach allthe otherfour petals in the same way and pinch the ends.These paper flowers can be used as decorations and wouldlookgreat at a party. You can involve your children to make them,andhave a great time teaching them this wonderful craft.
DIY Pallet Furniture Ideas 3.0
A pallet furniture is a structurewhichprovides stable base for transportation of goods. Whilewoodpallets are commonly used in the transportation business,thosemade from plastic, paper, and metals are available in themarket aswell. Most people are unsure about what to do with thesepalletsafter their use. Many people just store these pallets inwarehouseswithout further processing them. Pallet recycling is theprocesswhich makes best use of old or used pallets. Instead ofthrowingthese pallets in garbage and increasing landfill areas, oneshouldgive them to the recycling companies.Wood Pallet RecyclingOld pallets can be used to make new ones. It requires a bitofeffort to repair broken pallets. Work of dismantlingandreconstructing these pallets is carried out in recyclingunits.This easy-to-implement process can save lots of trees. Apartfromnewly recycled pallets, other items that can be created out ofthisprocess include furniture and mulch required for gardening. Abagof mulch costs higher than the one made out pallet recycling.Suchkind of wood can also be used for fireplace logs. Some peopletryout new and creative ideas apart from those mentionedabove.Pallets are used as fences and few people also make birdfeedersout of them.Recycling BusinessArranging for transportation of old pallets, in order tobringthese to the recycling plant is important from the point ofmakingthis business run smoothly; damaged pallets are collectedthroughthis transportation facility. The route for thistransportation hasto be planned/chalked out in a manner thatmaximum number ofclients are covered in a single trip. A truckshould always be keptavailable for this task.The raw material for this business (used pallets) is brokendowninto planks. In case of plastic recycling, conversion ofpalletfurniture in liquid plastic takes place at the recyclingplants.Owners of this business oversee these tasks and alsotheirefficiency. It is necessary to check whether recycled palletsmeetthe standard design specifications. On an average, thepalletrecycling prices for a single piece (wooden) range from $5 to$6.To avail any kind of financial assistance for the palletrecyclingbusiness, the company/firm has to be at least 2 years old.Banks,financial firms, and leasing companies provide financialassistanceto such recycling units.The equipment used in pallet furniture management mainlyincludethe dismantling machines, forklifts, and computer numericcontrol(CNC) machines. The CNC machines have to be calibrated sothatvariations between programmed dimensions meant for palletsareminimized. Loading and unloading of pallets is carried out bymeansof forklifts. The dismantling machines used are of two types.Thefirst one is pressure-type dismantler, while the other is bandsawstyle machine. Using the pressure-type dismantler, pallet boardissheared or popped off the stringer. Other machines, i.e., theonewith a band saw style also has a unstubbler. A saw blade is usedtosever the nails. It is better to choose the band saw stylemachine,since one doesn't have to purchase an unstubblerseparately.Pallet Recycling Plant ToursThe recycling activity is helpful from the point ofconservingnatural resources. Guided tours of pallet furniturerecyclingplants should help increase awareness about environmentalproblems.This kind of business proves to be a practical solution toreducethe carbon footprint, which is important from the point ofreducingdisastrous consequences of climate change.According to experts/experienced people in the palletrecyclingbusiness, the key to success is procuring the raw materialforfree. One should, however, arrange for transportation of palletandmake it easier to carry out the operations withoutmuchproblems.
Kids Bedroom Decorating Ideas 2.0
The bedroom is the place where one probablyspends a major portion of his/her life when one is at home.Therefore, planning for the right décor can help in the long increating a comfortable environment for members of your family. Whenit comes to children, one has to take utmost care to plan thedesign and use the right materials. It should be safe for a babyand really spunky to please any teenager. Check out the decoratingideas for kids' bedrooms given below.Kids Room DecorYou can choose from a variety of topics that need to be visuallysoothing and pleasing to the eye for your little one. Cartooncharacters, like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny, and Winniethe Pooh are some of the most popular ones that can adorn the wallsor even the bedding. Another option of kids room decoration wouldbe to go in for fantasy themes. Pretty pink fairies or Aladdin inthe magical world will add to the charm to the room. Have anaquatic theme to bring in some cool blues and refreshing greens.Use cute ocean animals, sea theme murals, theme bedding, and uniquebed canopies to turn your room into an aquarium. Coordinate withmatching wall hangings, toys, and wallpapers. Varied shapes offlowers and floral patterns can also be used. The space can betransformed into myriad hues of realistic, graphical, orcartoon-style floral designs. If all this is way too fussy for you,then you can plan it in such a way, which will only require fewmodifications once your child starts growing up.Tween Room DecorI would recommend that you first consider the nature of yourchild before embarking upon any new ventures for his/her bedroomdecoration. Your tween would probably have the best solution forthis. The decor has to be fun, giving a flow to his creativity. Forsomebody who loves sports, you can use some sports' equipment in acreative way. Hang a hoop if he/she loves basketball, or use ahockey stick as a curtain rod. If he/she is completely into music,you can plaster some cool posters on the walls or even reserve aspecial portion of the wall to display the guitar. If your childsimply loves the sand and the surf, you can translate this into atheme, and use it as an innovative décor option. Get a mural orbetter still, get stencils that your child can use, and displayhis/her own talent on a particular portion of the wall. It can havethe palm trees, sandy beaches, and the cool, blue seas.Your dainty daughter may prefer a special area to display herstuffed animals and dolls in his/her bedroom decoration. An easyaccess to these items would also help the room to remain neat andtidy at all times. Pretty lacy curtains and a display area for herfavorite dress or bonnet can do the trick. The bottom line is toconverse with your tween and find the best possible option.Teenage Room DecorThis is definitely one of the phases when your child willconsider himself to be an adult without actually being one. Thedecor themes for your teenager should border on being fun with atouch of maturity as well. No teen would like to be treated like achild, so do plan it out before you take the plunge. He/she willdefinitely appreciate the faith you have bestowed in him/her.Time to push away the showy display of the toys. Bring out thedenims, since they form the next skin for most teens. Differentpaint techniques are available for denim looking walls. Or, you cansimply use denim trimmings on the pillow covers. Rip up an olddenim jean, and use it for the cords or cover the chair withit.Kids' bedroom décor have gone beyond just the plain obvious.Keep the budget in mind before you plan your theme. Safety shouldbe the prime concern when it comes to dealing with tiny tots. Becreative and watch the smile unfold on his/her lips.Read more at Buzzle
DIY Plastic Bottle Craft Ideas 2.0
If you want to recycle old bottle caps, wehavesome really cool ideas for you. Although plastic bottlesarerecycled, their caps are not. They are just thrown away inthegarbage. So, why not reuse them in a very innovative way! Yes,allthe creative brains out there, old bottle caps can be used tomakemany interesting things. You can also make cool jewelry orartpieces from different bottle caps. Use those beer bottle capstomake a very chic coaster or beautiful earrings. You can alsomakefriendship bands using them and stick pictures to personalizethem.When it comes to art, there is no limit.Here are some amazing DIY Plastic Bottle Design Ideatoinvigorate your mind. These items do not require anycostlymaterials; in fact you can use all the old and useless stuffyouhave collected. You can ask your friends to pitch in as well.Everytime you have a party, collect all the beer caps or plasticbottlecaps. After which, all you need is to use your imagination tomakesomething creative!With global warming causing major climatic changes indifferentparts of the world, it becomes our primary duty to takecertainsteps to reduce it so that the environment can beprotected.Although, world leaders have come up withenvironment-friendlypolicies, which are being implemented on anational level invarious countries, we, as individuals, should alsomake someefforts to keep our environment safe. A small thing whicheach oneof us can do is DIY Plastic Bottle Design Idea that weuseeveryday. If each one of us start recycling on a daily basis,itwill make a lot of difference to our environment.FactsIt is estimated that Americans use approximately two millionplasticbottles every hour. Majority of these are discarded andnotrecycled.It takes close to a thousand years for them to getdecomposed.Recycled plastic cannot be used to make bottles again. Instead,itis remade into other items, such as clothing, carpeting,toys,etc.According to estimates, around one million barrels of oil arespentin supplying bottled water in one year.Processing one bottle helps in conserving energy equivalenttolighting a 60-watt bulb for about six hours.Four-fifth of households in America access plasticsrecyclingprogram.How to RecycleThe Environmental Protection Agency has a target torecycleone-fourth of all wastes generated in America. Plasticbottles canbe recycled through the curbside recycling, throughgrocery storedrop bins, and through drop-off centers. By readingthe number atthe base of the bottles, it can be known whether thebottle can berecycled or not. Once the type is determined, (itranges from type1 to type 7), calling the department of publicworks or a nearbyrecycling center, will help in determining whethera particulartype can be recycled, and if yes, where it can berecycled.Benefits of DIY Plastic BottleSaves EnergyTo truly understand the benefits for the environment, one hastolook at the statistics. Processing a pound ofpolyethyleneterephthalate i.e. PET bottles, helps in saving heatenergy, to theextent of about 12000 British Thermal Units, i.e.BTU. It does notend here. When this is used for producing newproducts, much lesserenergy, almost 66% lesser, is required whencompared to energy usedto manufacture fresh, new plastic. Anotheradvantage is that thegreenhouse gas emissions through this methodget reduced too.Saves Landfill SpaceToday, America is already facing a high risk of running outoflandfill space. DIY Plastic Bottle Design Idea can helpincountering this risk since one ton of recycled products helpinsaving 7.4 cubic yards of the landfill space.
Minimalist Home Design Ideas 2.0
Benefits of a Minimalist HomeI could probably go on for awhile about this, but let me just listafew key benefits:Less stressful. Clutter is a form of visual distraction,andeverything in our vision pulls at our attention at least alittle.The less clutter, the less visual stress we have. Aminimalist homeis calming.More appealing. Think about photos of homes that are cluttered,andphotos of minimalist homes. The ones with almost nothing inthemexcept some beautiful furniture, some nice artwork, and a veryfewpretty decorations, are the ones that appeal to most of us. Youcanmake your home more appealing by making it moreminimalist.Easier to clean. It’s hard to clean a whole bunch of objects, ortosweep or vacuum around a bunch of furniture. The more stuffyouhave, the more you have to keep clean, and the more complicateditis to clean around the stuff. Think about how easy it is tocleanan empty room compared to one with 50 objects in it. That’sanextreme example, of course, as I wouldn’t recommend you haveanempty room, but it’s just to illustrate the difference.What a Minimalist Home Looks LikeThis would vary, of course, depending on your taste and howextremeof a minimalist you want to be. I am a minimalist, but notto anyextreme. But here are some characteristics of aminimalisthome:Minimal furniture. A minimalist room would only contain afewessential pieces of furniture. A living room, for example,mightonly have a couch, another chair or love seat, a coffee table,aminimalist entertainment stand (not a huge one with a bunchofshelves), a television, and a couple of lamps. It couldevencontain less (couch, chairs, and coffee table, for example).Abedroom might have a simple bed (or even just a mattress),adresser, and perhaps a night stand or book shelf.Clear surfaces. In a minimalist home, flat surfaces areclear,except for one or two decorations (see next item). There arenot awhole bunch of knick knacks, and definitely not stacks ofbooks orpapers or other items.Accent decorations. A home completely clear of things would be abitboring, actually. So instead of having a coffee tablecompletelyfree of any objects, you could have a simple vase with afewflowers, for example. Or a clear desk might just have afamilyphoto. An otherwise empty wall might have a tasteful piece ofart(I use my dad’s artwork, as he’s a great artist).Quality over quantity. Instead of having a lot of stuff inyourhome, a minimalist would choose just a few really good thingsheloves and uses often. A really nice table, for example, isbetterthan 5 pieces of press-board furniture.Examples. The photo at the top of this post is a nice example ofaminimalist home (it’s not my home, but I wish it were). Seemorephotos of that lovely home. Traditional-style Japanese homesareanother great example of minimalism, as is this nicespread.How to Create a Minimalist HomeThere are actually no set steps to making your homeminimalist,except to change your philosophy and shoot for theideals in theprevious section above. But here are some tips that Iwould offerto anyone trying to shoot for minimalism:One room at a time. Unless you’re just moving into a place,it’shard to simplify an entire house at once. Focus on one room,andlet that be your center of calm. Use it to inspire you tosimplifythe next room, and the next. Then do the sameoutside!Start with furniture. The biggest things in any room arethefurniture, so you should always begin simplifying a room bylookingat the furniture. The fewer pieces of furniture, the better(withinreason, of course). Think of which furniture can beeliminatedwithout sacrificing comfort and livability. Go for a fewpieces ofplain, simple furniture (example of a minimalist coffeetable) withsolid, subdued colors.
Small Bedroom Decorating Ideas 3.0
Small bedrooms often look congestedandcrowded, as they lack floor space as well as storagespace.Bedrooms are meant to be cozy, comfortable and relaxing,however,the clutter caused by over-sized furniture gives the roomasuffocating feeling. How we wish our bedroom was bigger!Most of us pay little attention to proportion andpurchasefurniture that fits into our bedrooms, not realizingthatproportion also plays a very important role. Nevertheless,thereare several ways in which small bedrooms can be made to lookmorespacious and bigger. With proper lighting, wardrobes, bed,mirrors,etc. the small bedroom can be decorated in a way that makesit lookvery appealing and elegant.Purchasing the right kind of furniture for a small bedroomiscrucial, because the furniture purchased can either make orbreakthe look of a room. Because the room is small, it is importanttoremember bulky furniture, no matter how gorgeous it looks,willjust make the room look cluttered. So, while consideringbedroomfurniture, it is important to purchase smaller units. Thenagain,it is important to remember not to fill the room with lots oftinypieces of furniture. This will again give a cluttered look.Thus,it is essential to purchase a few pieces of furniture, whosesizeis in proportion to the size of the bedroom, so that itwillbalance the look of the room.Go Queen-sizeIn general, we are to limit the pieces of furniture in abedroom,however, a bedroom cannot do without a bed and closet, sothesecome under the non-negotiables. Nevertheless, what has to betakeninto consideration is the size. You cannot have a king-sizedbed ina small bedroom. It would just make the room look smaller.The morefloor space a bed occupies, the smaller the room willlook!Allowing the sheets to fall off the sides will also give amorespacious feel to the room.It is also advisable to use beds made of thin metal framesforsmall bedrooms. This is because thin metal frames providemorevisual wall space and give the feeling of a spacious room.Bulkybeds take up more of the floor area and reveals lesser wallarea,giving a feeling that the room is crowded. You could also goforthe Hind's bed which can be folded into half and bolted.However,before purchasing any bed, check if the bed fits properlyinto yourbedroom.Folding beds or murphy beds are common space-savingalternatives,which fold away into the wall. Varieties of murphybeds areavailable, which when folded resemble parts of closets fromtheoutside. However, if you are the kind who doesn't want to doawaywith your double bed, then you could go for a 'platformbed'.Platform beds are beds which are low in height and appear tobebigger in the room. They also come with storage space, and aregoodoptions for small bedrooms.Built-in Closets or WardrobesAs far as the closet is considered, it would be best tohavein-built closets, which save floor space. If you choose tohavestandalone wardrobes, it's best to use tall ones, which notonlyuse more vertical space, but also provide more storage space.Usingtaller cupboards or closets, helps utilize space well.Slidingdoors for the wardrobes will also be a good idea. Havingmirrorsplaced on the doors of the closets will help make the roomlookmore spacious.Kid's bedrooms have to done-up creatively. As far as bedsareconcerned, bunk beds are ideal if you have two or more kids.Bunkbeds save a lot of floor space and also provide storagefacility.You can also get loft beds, which have desks below them.This savesspace. Then there are futon beds, which appear likesofasthroughout the day, and can be extended to form a bed atnight. Tosave floor space, you can be creative and constructshelves aroundthe bed itself. This will not only give you storagespace and floorspace, but will also give a stylish look to theroom.
Modern Door Design Ideas 2.0
Door design is a part and parcel ofhomeinterior. You can decorate it by using wreath, hangingdolls,drawings or framing it. The decoration ideas will differaccordingto age group, occasions, locations, and interests.Door design is the first thing that interacts and welcomesyouand your guests while entering the home. You can enjoydecoratingeach door of your home like your kids' room, bedroom,living room,guest room, or entrance door, there are lots of Doordesign to beunique in your own way to celebrate different eventsandfestivals.Why do we have doors? For ventilation, privacy, andprotectionfrom intruders? The fact is, we don't give enough creditto thefront door of the house. Tell me, how many times in a day doyouthink about doors, especially the front door of a buildingorhouse? You don't at all, unless you are denied entry throughit.The front door of your house creates the first impression ofwhatlies beyond it, and makes the first step into your houseanunforgettable one. So, if you are thinking of repainting yourfrontdoor, you must remember these pointers before you ventureoutshopping for paints.How to Pick the Right Color for the Front Door designIt is rather difficult to have an objective view of somethingyousee every day. That's why you need to take a picture of thefrontdoor. The picture preferably, should be 4x6 inches. Cut outthefront door from the picture, and place paint chips from thehardwarestore behind the photo. This will enable you to see howthe facadeof your home will look in various colors.Note the style of your home and your own taste while choosingapaint color. The color of the Door design should conform withthebrick color and exterior walls. Also, if you have atraditionalhome, and you don't want to experiment too much, you canpick deepcolors, such as black, navy blue, or dark red, etc.However, ifcontemporary is more like your style, you can choosebold hues or acolor which is completely unexpected.First, check your neighborhood before making any decision.Youdon't want your front Door design to be the odd one out in abadway. Strike a balance between trying to blend in theneighborhoodand leaving a lasting impression.Keep in mind that medium shades might not be ideal for yourfrontdoor. Traditionally, people choose either light colors, likewhites,cream, taupe, tan, etc., or dark colors. Contrasting theexteriorsfrom the color of the door is a good idea. Itautomaticallyhighlights the door, making it more welcoming.All in all, whichever color you choose, it should leaveanendearing impression of the house. When your guests are standinginfront of your home, the door should encourage positivethoughtsabout the interiors.Once you pick the color of your liking, you can paint thedoorwith a sample of the paint. Before doing that, you have toremovethe hardware, dirt, and finishing of the Door design. If youdon'tlike the end result, you can always choose another one.Color MattersIf you have put your house on the market, or your houseexteriorsbadly need a low-budget makeover, here is what you cando. You canpaint your front door in a color that can transform itslook.
DIY Necklace Design Ideas 3.0
If you like being crafty, we have an ideathatyou will find appealing. Have you ever considered making yourownjewelry? Well, it is possible and not as complicated as youmayhave imagined. Today, we will be giving you a few tips on howtocreate customized monogram necklaces. This is an excitingDIYnecklace project that you can use to not only makepersonalizedjewelry for yourself, but gifts for friends and lovedones.Personalized jewelry is always attractive and makes you uniquewiththe monogram. Below are the important things to consider.The MetalAs we already know, it is the chain that holds themonogrammedpendant which makes it the most essential piece ofmaterial. Thechain material of your diy necklace will determine thetype ofmaterial you can use with your pendant and sterling silverisusually a popular choice. This is because it is affordableandproduces a great finished look. While the price of silver hasgoneup over the past years, it still remains as one of themostaffordable good quality metals. A little tip we can giveshopperstrying to make some extra savings is that you can get thesamefinish and look with pewter. Pewter is indeed a softermaterial,but it does not tarnish and the results are as beautifulas whatyou get with sterling silver. Another material you canusedepending on your budget is gold. If you want somethingmoreaffordable, gold Vermeil or rose gold are great choices- theyarebasically sterling silver that has been dipped in gold. Thoughthejewelry may fade after some time, you can always re-dip itintogold.Monogram StyleThere are two styles most commonly used and these are blockandscript. You might want to visualize or first draw your monogramdiynecklace design in both styles to find out which of the twowilllook best. Script styles are great for initials.LengthThe length of the necklace is an important consideration andthisis normally a matter of personal preference. That said;monogramnecklaces are not usually long and they range from 16inches to 18inches. If you wish to wear your necklace outside acollar, then werecommend 18 inches as it will rest on the breastbonecomfortably.Article Source: Ezine.com
Home Exterior Design Ideas 3.0
Remodeling does not involve only renovatingtheinteriors of the house. Making home exterior improvements tothehouse is equally important, and should not be ignored.Itencompasses renovations done to improve the outer appearance ofthehouse. However, these ideas should be easy to implement andlessexpensive. Time is also one of the constraints to beconsidered.The best time for making such improvements is fall,i.e.immediately after summer.Painting the HouseWhen you decide to color your home exterior, choose adifferentcolor for the porch, deck, columns, shutters, andotherarchitectural details. Remember to choose colors that gowelltogether and balance each other out. Another important factoristhat the paint should sustain well for a long time. Exposure ofthepaint to weather changes should be taken into considerationwhilechoosing the color and texture. There are many differentvarietiesof emulsion paints that you can choose from.Decks and Deck RailingsBuilding a home exterior is easy and inexpensive, andalsoincreases your living space. A deck is made mainly of wood. Itisbuilt from the ground level, and can be made as high as theroofline. You can decide the size of the deck as per yourrequirements.You can either do it yourself or hire a contractor forthe same.Outdoor stair railings should be considered while buildingthe deckas they offer safety as well as define the deck area.Althoughwooden deck and deck railings using cedar, redwood, or pinearevery common, many other materials can also be used, suchaspowder-coated aluminum, vinyl, and iron, among others.Doors and WindowsThe material and design of the doors and windows decidestheircost. Elaborately decorated wooden doors are moreexpensivecompared to fiberglass or steel doors. When you plan for ahomeexterior remodeling, consider your budget first and thenanalyzewhether the materials you select are balancing well withtheexterior of your home. A wide variety of windows are availableinthe market. These also vary in costs depending on theirstyles;hence choose ones that fit in your budget.It is advisable to pick one aspect at a time to remodelandimplement. Remember to use quality material, so thattheconstruction stands well for a long duration.
Street Art 3D Ideas 3.0
3D Street Art has been around since the16thcentury. Originally created by Italian Renaissance Madonarro'sandTrompe l'eil painters from France, it has continued to behighlypopular and it's magic has been captured by Wiley Admen inthetwenty first century.It creates a 3D effect from a 2D picture when viewed throughthelens of a camera. It's an exceptionally difficult type of artandonly perfected today by a handful of artists includingJulianBeever, Edgar Muller and the team of artists at StreetAdvertisingServices in the UK. It's created by painting an objectclose to thelens compact and squashed and and objects far away arepainted in astretched out way, the effect is a trick on the eye anda mindblowing illusion of 3D depth. Over the last few years AdAgencieshave turned to the 3D pavement artists to create highlyeffectiveadvertising and PR campaigns.So how does it work and why is it so effective?3D Street Art in Advertising works so brilliantly in twowords:entertain and inform. Isn't that what the best advertsdo?Entertain and inform and that's what 3D pavement art is so goodat.When a consumer sees a piece of 3D street art, they recognisetheimage and shape etc of the content but it's only when theyareadvised to look through the lens of their mobile phone camerathatthe magic happens. There is always an 'aha' moment that thepicturejumps into 3d in their eyes, which is what makes itsoentertaining. The next stage in the process is the consumerasking,'how does it work and what's this for?'. That's theopportunity forbrand ambassadors to explain the 3d process andinform them of thebrand's message.OK so 3D street art works great in an experiential campaignorlive event, what are the other benefits?Not only is the consumer entertained and informed by theartwork,the next step is to interact with the picture. Encouragedby theartist and brand ambassadors, they walk on to the pictureand havetheir photo taken with it. The photo is taken on theconsumer'smobile phone and the photo is then uploaded to Facebook,Twitter andFlickr to show their friends and family. The result?Start of aviral campaign.Are there any other ways that works for a brand?Probably the biggest benefit of using 3D in your advertisingorPR campaign is free media coverage. Because the pictures worksowell in photographs, press exposure is almost expected.Street Advertising Services 3D street art campaigns havebeenfeatured in all the national newspapers in the UK as wellasregionals and also TV exposure on programs such as BBC news,SkyNews and Blue Peter! They have some excellent case studies onhow3d street art can be used effectively in your next campaign.ArticleSource:http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kristian_Jeffrey/508524
Women Winter Coat Ideas 2.0
When it comes to sporting the latestfashiontrends, winter has many varieties. For those women who lookfor anexcuse to shop, buying clothing brings nothing butsatisfaction.Here's an article that has suggestions on which wintercoats andboots for women you should buy...Not everyone is crazy about the cold, dry, winters. And whenitcomes to waking up in the morning and getting dressed forwork,school, or any other errands, it sure makes us want to curlbackinside the soft, warm bed. However, that attitude can bechanged ina jiffy when you have sexy and appealing winter clothes.When youknow you can look your best every time, why not make itworth it.With coats and stylish boots, you can easily turn yourwardrobeinto a style statement. So, if you would like to makethistransformation soon, read the rest of the article to get allthedetails.Winter clothing can never be complete without the mentionofboots. Although you may think that winter may not offer youtoomuch flexibility as far as footwear is concerned, this maynotalways hold true. Black winter boots always remain to bethefavorite amongst most fashion savvy women. Cowboy boots add tothesensuous factor for your entire ensemble. Ankle length bootsthatare paired with skinny jeans make a hot combo for a dull anddrearywinter day. If this tends to be too jazzy for you, then youcan goin for casual shoes like slouch boots or UGG boots. Thesecome withlow or no heels and look fabulous when teamed with skirts.A goodpair of shoes can help you alter your clothing to a greatextent.To help you find the right pair for yourself, take a look attheimages given below.Winter coats look classy, elegant, stylish, and sexy.Women'swinter jackets are designed to insulate you from the bitingcoldoutside. Available in different lengths sizes, shapes,patterns,and colors, you can play around with different styles andfind onethat can best suit all your different looks. Although theonlyanswer to battle the chills is considered to be numerouslayering,one can check features such as fake fur trimmings andtight, snugfits that can keep you warm and not let any air fromoutside, enterthe coat. Women's winter coats can be long or shortand trendy.Most designs available today are such that complementthe woman'sbody. So, women, who tend to be on the heavier side,need notalways worry about looking bulkier during the winterseason. As youcan see, we have provided some images of the varioustypes of coatsavailable in departmental stores.Women's winter coats are available in a variety of materialslikewool, corduroy, and tweed. Look for good labels that give youtheoption to pick materials that best suit the weather conditionsofyour place. Certain women can even opt for denim winter coats,ifthey live in an area that experiences mild winter. This worksinkeeping the body warm and comfortable. These are often craftedinshorter styles that look trendy and are detailed with furcollarsor even patches of leather.Always note that the base layer of your outfit must beveryeffective. Women's winter clothes should comprise materialsthatshould allow the sweat to evaporate. For the lower half ofthebody, go in for pants that have a flattering cut andcomprisematerials like wool. This would keep you snug all daywithoutadding too much bulk to the body. For those who love skirts,youcan combine them with warm leggings. These leggings areavailablein numerous prints and colors to help you co-ordinate yourwardrobein the best possible way.Read more at Buzzle
DIY Bedroom Decorating Ideas 3.0
Now that summer is approaching, you mustbetotally in the throes of the holiday season. Many of you mightbeexpecting holiday visitors from out-of-town. So I thought Iwouldwrite down some DIY Bedroom Decorating Ideas and tips so astocreate a perfect retreat for your guests.Giving a makeover to your Bedroom Decorating involvesbuyingcomfortable furniture and using pleasant colors,elegantaccessories, and soothing fabrics. Stylish and minimalistfurniturereflects your need for tidiness and cleanliness. Even DIYBedroomDecorating Ideas can help change the look of thebedroomcompletely. By implementing such ideas, you can transformthe dulland boring bedroom into a spectacular one.Colors, illumination, fixtures, windows, curtains,furniture,carpet, everything should help enhance the look of thebedroom andgive a cozy feel at the same time. Decorating thebedroom is afamily activity. It can be enjoyed by parents andchildrentogether. Guests are far from home and a well decoratedcozybedroom can always make them feel welcome and comfortable.It's easy to decorate a guest bedroom if you are buying anewapartment. It is not difficult to change the looks of anexistingbedroom too. You just have to consider the decor and thefacilitiesthat you are going to provide. Wooden side tables, anattractiveclock, a beautiful table lamp, a modern painting on thewall, afluorescent green plant in the corner or a delicate flowervase canchange the looks of the room. If the DIY Bedroom DecoratingIdeasis looking like a store room, here are some simple decoratingideasand tips for you. Implementation of these bedroom decoratingideascan transform the store room into an attractive guestbedroom.✔ Comfortable FurnitureIf you are planning to buy a new house, you can plan forbuilt-infurniture in the guest bedroom as it will help maximize thespacein tight quarters. You can design an arch built into theoriginalbrick wall which will serve as a 'canopy' of sorts for thebed. Youcan then carefully choose decorative bedroom furniture,such as, awooden bed, and a small chandelier, dressing table andchaise,which will act as feminine counterpoints to the rustic brickwall.You can buy a comfortable chaise for the room which would be acozyplace for the guests to relax and they can enjoy readingnewspapersor a book during free time. Cabinets with drawers forfoldedclothes can help the guests organize their clothes well. Buyasimple, portable luggage rack for the bedroom, as it will helptokeep bags off the floor. The luggage is kept out-of-the-way anditmakes easier for the guests to open and close the bags. It iseasyto clean the room if the bags are not on the floor. Don'tforget toprovide empty hangers and ample closet space for guests tohanggarments. Keep a clean dustbin in a corner. Check that allthefixtures are functioning well. If you want the cozy bedroomtoappear bigger than it actually is, you can use French glassormirror as a grand headboard. You may buy two twin beds for theDIYBedroom Decorating Ideas instead of one large bed. Guestscaneither choose to sleep apart or they can push the beds togethertoform a king size bed. And remember, stacks of fluffy,colorfulpillows make for an inviting bed. All this will reallyimpress theboarders.✔ Natural ResourcesSmall pots with green plants, and a bunch of colorful flowers inanattractive vase can enhance the beauty of the room. Bigwindowshelp bring the exterior into the interior. Blue skies andgreenplants can make the room bright and lively. You can keepscentedcandles too. A beautiful flower arrangement can bring inthefreshness required. All these small things reflect your curtseyandhospitality.
Dining Room Decorating Ideas 3.0
Good food grants a good life and a goodplaceto eat makes the experience of good food, even better. Diningroomsare the center of your home, which is why they become theplace ofcongregation of family members at some point of time in aday. Aclean and well decorated dining area lifts the mood and makesthedining pleasurable. If you have a separate dining area, thenthereare brilliant permutations and combinations of decoratingideas fordining room. Create the dining room that you always wantedto have,with the help of some ideas for decorating dining room.Make adining room that suits your taste, style and needs.Glamorous Dining RoomsIt's not always about tables and chairs and pots and pans. Thinkalittle out of the box while making your dining rooms glamorous.Gothrough all the glamorous dining room snapshots to get an ideaofwhat you want. The features a glamorous dining areas areelongatedchandeliers, a lot of glass and a dash of gold. A plainglass tablein the middle of the room, with white leather chairswill surelymake your dining area look captivating. Use a lot ofceiling downlights, so that the light focuses on the table surface.Do notoverdo the lighting, as it can be hurting to the eyes. Youcanlight up monochromatic candles around the dining area to makeitclassy and chic.Modern Dining RoomsChrome and glass are the magic ingredients of modern dining room.Ifyou have a separate dining area, then don't worry aboutpartitions.But, want to use a divider in the most modern way, youcan have awater wall fountain as a divider. It not only looksclassy, butsoothes the surrounding too. Keep the dining roomfurniture assimple and minimal as possible. Remember its clean andnot clutter.A simple metallic table with black chairs lookswonderful. Again useceiling down lights to focus better on thetable and for keeping thesurrounding area mellow. A delicateflower arrangement will also gowell with the making of moderndining rooms.Traditional and Formal Dining RoomsIf you throw a lot of formal parties or if you like a primandproper atmosphere, then traditional and formal dining roomsarewhat you would want to have. Cream colored walls, circularwoodentable and white upholstered chairs are the main attractionsof atraditional and formal dining rooms. Yellow lighting will addtothe grandeur of formal dining rooms. Articulate flowerarrangementswill make the room look fresh in a very subtle way. Thearchedwooden cabinet with dainty china is all you need to finishthe homedecorating part for your traditional and formal diningroom!Romantic and ColorfulNewlyweds have a unique way of exploring their aesthetic side.Gettogether to decorate the cozy nook in your home. Let thefinenessof wine show on your walls and warmth of earth reflectthrough yourfurniture. Cane lampshades are terrific to give thatmellow look tothe room with adequate lighting. You can try out anycolorcombination of your choice and materialize your ideasfordecorating dining room.A research of modern dining room will give an outlinefordecorating your dining room. To have the dining room, just asyouwant, make sure that you have the final picture in your mind.Planyour renovation properly to make maximum optimum usage ofavailableresources.
Living Room Interior Designs 3.0
The living room is one of the mostimportantrooms in any house. This is the room where some of thebest timesof our lives, like chatting with family or guests,watching TV orjust idling on the sofa, are spent. Your living roomacts as afocal point of your entire house and can leave a lastingimpression(good or bad) on a visitor. So it is very essential thatyou choosedesigns for your living room appropriately that willreflect yourstyle. There are a variety of ideas like traditional,transitional,contemporary, Mediterranean and country to choose fromfordecorating the living room. Let us take a look at thevariousliving room decorating techniques to create a beautifulandcharming atmosphere in the most important room of your house.Ideas to Design a Living RoomThe most important aspect for decorating a living room, istomake sure that the colors you choose for the wall paint aretheright ones. Choose light pastel colors like cool blue,lightyellow, light lavender or bold dark colors like turquoise,seagreen and rust. Using warm colors like butter yellow withgoldtones will accentuate the appearance of the room. You can paintoneof the walls in a darker shade so that the room looks bigger.Incase you want to maintain the neutral mood, you can paint thewallsin shades of white and gray. Make sure that the designs andcolorsof the furniture and upholstery are in sync with each otherto givea room a pleasant appearance. Hence it is advisable tochoose theliving room colors accordingly.The next important criteria for decorating the living room isthefurniture and its arrangement. Arranging living roomfurnitureshould be done in such a way that there is ample room formovementand the room should look spacious. Don't just dump the sofaand therest of the furniture around that will give the room aclutteredlook. For a small living room, choose furniture that issmall andhas abstract or round shapes. The cabinets also should beof mediumsize instead of being bulky. The electronic goods liketelevision,music player etc. should also be arranged taking thesize of theroom into consideration. A proper plan and arrangementof furnitureand other accessories will give the room a more cozierand spaciouslook.Modern living room designs look great with a fireplace.Thefireplace is a focal point in the living room and makes theroomlook refreshing. The design of the fireplace should complementtheroom. Living rooms with a fireplace will look more elegantandstylish if the size and placement of the fireplace isappropriate.The fireplace is usually at the center and for smallliving rooms,the fireplace with a walnut mantel can have subtlecontours orclean lines to match the decor of the room. Thefireplace mantelcan be decorated with flower vases, photo framesand otherknickknacks. Place these in an ornate way for a stylishlook,rather than cluttering them on the mantel.For drapery ideas, you can choose light shades and softmaterialfor the curtains and drapes. Heavy fabrics and dark colorscan makethe room look cramped. Another attractive way to enhancethe wayyour living room looks is to use light shades to illuminatetheroom. Unusual shapes and attractive colors for light shadeswillbeautify the room. The center or side tables can also bedecoratedwith beautiful shaped vases. Fresh or silk flowers cangive aninviting look to the room. For the walls, you can useaccessorieslike mirrors, paintings or wall hangings to suit theambiance ofthe room.These were a few decorating ideas for a living room. Withthehelp of these living room design ideas, you can transformyourliving room into a more comfortable and a stunning one.design for living room