Pouilly Franck Приложения

Mem'44 Dices Roller Phone Ed
Pouilly Franck
You're short of dices for the game boardMemoir'44 ?Here is Mem'44 Dices Roller !Choose the number of dices to roll and lokk on the upper size forthe result.For 800x480 phone résolutions.for higher resolutions please see Mem'44 Dices Roller Tab EdDices system for Memoire 44 , memoir 44 , memoir'44
Mem'44 Dices Roller Tab Ed
Pouilly Franck
You're short of dices for the game boardMemoir'44 ?Here is Mem'44 Dices Roller !Choose the number of dices to roll and lokk on the upper size forthe result.For 1280x800 tab résolutions.for lower resolutions please see Mem'44 Dices Roller Phone EdDices system for Memoire 44, memoir'44 , memoir 44
StopThief - AntiGang Phone Ed
Pouilly Franck
Smartphone Edition Antigang replaces the 'Crime Scanner' of the oldboard game "Stop Thief" aka "Cops and Robbers". The crime scannerwas the little computer sold with the board game, which makednoises et gave clues about the thief's moves. Antigang - StopThiefPhone Edition can be used on Android Smartphone with a minimalresolution of 480 x 800 This software simply replaces the 'CrimeScanner' computer used with the 80's board game called "Stop Thief"aka "Cops and Robbers" aka "Anti-Gang". It brings some more newrealistics sounds When an arrest succeeds, you can review the routetaken by the thief. It also displays the thief card, and takes incharge the amount of the reward for a succeed arrestation. Themoving rules follows the original board game rules. You'll find ahelp documentation inside the game (pdf with pictures) describingthe official rules and links to download the elements of the game(board, bills, cards)
StopThief - AntiGang Tab Ed
Pouilly Franck
Tablet Edition Antigang replaces the 'Crime Scanner' of the oldboard game "Stop Thief" aka "Cops and Robbers". The crime scannerwas the little computer sold with the board game, which makednoises et gave clues about the thief's moves. Antigang can be usedon Android Tablets and Smartphone (minimum resolution : 600x1024)This software simply replaces the 'Crime Scanner' computer usedwith the 80's board game called "Stop Thief" aka "Cops and Robbers"aka "Anti-Gang". It brings some more new realistics sounds When anarrest succeeds, you can review the route taken by the thief. Italso displays the thief card, and takes in charge the amount of thereward for a succeed arrestation. The moving rules follows theoriginal board game rules. You'll find a help documentation insidethe game (word doc with pictures) describing the official rules andlinks to download the elements of the game (board, bills, cards)
Pause Timer
Pouilly Franck
You work in a call center or office andyourpause is recorded ?Pause Timer can help you manage your time pause.Give him the daily life of your breaks, and when you go onbreak,enable the Pause Timer: it will tell you pause time you haveleftfor the day, and pause time already passed.A history of each pause is kept that you can view and delete.