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Yoga for Better Sex 0.0.1
Pranayama, the breathing technique usedduringyoga releases the same chemicals in the brain as sex does.Certainyoga postures increases the blood flow to the pelvic regionwhichenhances the sexual desire. A recent study finds that regularyogais linked to longer erections and doubled testosterone."Not only is yoga an amazing stress reliever, but certainposturesimprove flexibility, increase blood flow, and open yourheart—allof which are necessary for a hot sex life,” says EllenBarrett,author of the book Sexy Yoga.
Yoga for Stress Relief 0.0.1
Yoga is more than just a physicalexercise.Yoga is to focus not only on your body but also on yourmind andbreathing. Yoga can help loosen up the tense muscles inyour body.If you're struggling with high-stress levels, yoga canhelp you tocalm your mind while giving your body the perfectattention itdeserves.Life can be stressful. Busy schedules like waking up earlyforschool or office, studying or working late at night, mealsandsports training causes stress. Everyday issues can addemotionalstress, too. Yoga can help reduce stress by promotingrelaxation.Yoga can improve our body,mind and breathing whichreduce stress.People who do little bit of yoga each day will find abetter way tohandle their problems. Practicing yoga increases yourability torelax.