Quek Ser Leng Приложения

Malaysia GST Calculator (ADV) 5.0
Quek Ser Leng
Malaysia first advanced GST calculator appThis calculator app - free version has the followingfeatures:-(a) Basic GST calculation(b) GST calculation for imports(c) GST calculation for mixed supplies(d) Capital Goods Adjustment for mixed supplies(e) GST calculation for 2nd hand goods (Margin Scheme)The following features is available in the full paid versionposted in Google Play Store:(a) Flat rate scheme vs Standard GST rate calculation(b) GST registered vs Non GST registered calculationThis app is featured in the Star Newspaper titled "Let the appsdo the math for GST Calculation" on 27 March 2015 and SandakanMerdeka Daily News on 29 & 31 March 2015.
Malaysia AGM Calculator 6.0
Quek Ser Leng
This app can be used to calculate the AGM datefor public companies with the new Companies Act 2016 coming intoeffect on 31 January 2017. This app can also be used to calculatethe last date of lodgment of audited accounts with SSM and thepenalty for late lodgment. This calculator app is useful to companysecretaries, directors and accountants responsible for holding AGMfor public companies.
Oil Palm Resource Calculator 7.0
Quek Ser Leng
This calculator app is designed forcalculating resources such as equipment, infrastructure, workers,seedlings, fertilisers and weedicides required to run an oil palmplantation. This calculator is a useful and must-have tool for oilpalm plantation management to perform annual resources planning andbudgeting for oil palm plantation. This calculator is applicablefor oil palm plantation in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia.This app is also useful for plantation owners to determine whetherthe resources employed and acquired are sufficient or overlyexcessive for their plantation hectarage.
Oil Palm FFB Pricing Calc 10.0
Quek Ser Leng
A powerful must-have tool for all market players in the oil palmindustry. Useful for oil palm plantation owners to calculatewhether they are receiving fair prices for their FFB supplied tomills. Also useful for estate and mill managers for FFB pricingbudget and calculations. FFB dealers and oil palm fruits marketerscan use the calculator to set competitive FFB buying prices. Thispaid app version enables the user to save unlimited price, OER andKER settings and to download latest MPOB published monthly averageprices for calculation. Latest version includes differentcalculation settings for Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak.
Oil Palm Land Valuation 3.0
Quek Ser Leng
This app allows you to calculate themarketvaluation of oil palm plantation land based on the palm ageprofileand total planted hectarage based on discounted cashflowmethod.This app is useful for oil palm plantation land investors,buyersand sellers of oil palm plantation land, valuers and bankerstodetermine the value of the oil palm plantation lands offeredassecurities for borrowings.This app is also useful to determine the fair value ofbiologicalassets in relation to oil palm trees based on discountedcashflowmethod in accordance to IAS 41 Agriculture Standard bysetting thevacant land value to 0.NOTE: Depending on the processing power and memory size ofyourdevice, screens loading and refreshing can be slow as thisapprequires reiteration process of complex formulaforcalculation.
Oil Palm Minimum Wage Cal 6.0
Quek Ser Leng
This calculator app is designed forcalculatingnew wage rate for oil palm plantation piece rated workto be incompliance with the Minimum Wage Order 2012 implemented bytheMinistry of Human Resources, Malaysia which is to be effectivefrom1 January 2013. This calculator is a useful and must-have toolforoil palm plantation management as well as internal auditors foroilpalm plantations in Malaysia to set or verify minimum wage forpiecerated work which will be in compliance with the minimum wageorderas well as reflective of the daily standard productivityraterequired for each piece rated work. This calculator isapplicablefor oil palm plantation in Sabah, Sarawak andPeninsularMalaysia.
Quek Ser Leng
MY Transaction Cost Calculator 2.0
Quek Ser Leng
This calculator app is used tocalculatevarious transaction costs in Malaysia such as:(a) stamp duty on property, shares transactions, loans andotheragreements(b) Real Property Gains Tax(c) Legal fee in Sabah(d) Valuation fees for property(e) Property management fees(f) SSM fees for increase in authorised share capitalThis app is suitable for use by accountants, tax agentsandproperty agents.
Oil Palm Pricing Calculator 3.0
Quek Ser Leng
A powerful must-have tool for allmarketplayers in the oil palm industry. Useful for oil palmplantationowners to calculate whether they are receiving fairprices fortheir FFB supplied to mills. Also useful for estate andmillmanagers for FFB pricing budget and calculations. FFB dealersandoil palm fruits marketers can use the calculator to setcompetitiveFFB buying prices. Currently designed for Sabah FFBpricingsettings. Email quekserleng@yahoo.com for other customisedsettingsand more slots for saving settings.
Quek Ser Leng
Malaysia first advanced GST calculator app This calculator app -free version has the following features:- (a) Basic GST calculation(b) GST calculation for imports (c) GST calculation for mixedsupplies (d) Capital Goods Adjustment for mixed supplies (e) GSTcalculation for 2nd hand goods (Margin Scheme) (f) Flat rate schemevs Standard GST rate calculation - include recommendation for flatrate or standard voluntary registration (g) GST registered vs NonGST registered calculation - include recommendation for standardvoluntary registration and its cost and benefit analysis This appis featured in the Star Newspaper titled "Let the apps do the mathfor GST Calculation" on 27 March 2015 and Sandakan Merdeka DailyNews on 29 & 31 March 2015.
Oil Palm Resources Calculator 8.0
Quek Ser Leng
This calculator app is designed for calculating resources such asequipment, infrastructure, workers, seedlings, fertilisers andweedicides required to run an oil palm plantation. This calculatoris a useful and must-have tool for oil palm plantation managementto perform annual resources planning and budgeting for oil palmplantation. This calculator is applicable for oil palm plantationin Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia. This app is also usefulfor plantation owners to determine whether the resources employedand acquired are sufficient or overly excessive for theirplantation hectarage.
Oil Palm Minimum Wage Calc 9.0
Quek Ser Leng
This calculator app is designed for calculating new wage rate foroil palm plantation piece rated work to be in compliance with theMinimum Wage Order 2012 implemented by the Ministry of HumanResources, Malaysia which is to be effective from 1 January 2013.This calculator is a useful and must-have tool for oil palmplantation management as well as internal auditors for oil palmplantations in Malaysia to set or verify minimum wage for piecerated work which will be in compliance with the minimum wage orderas well as reflective of the daily standard productivity raterequired for each piece rated work. This calculator is applicablefor oil palm plantation in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia.
Oil Palm Land Valuation Calc 5.0
Quek Ser Leng
This app allows you to calculate the market valuation of oil palmplantation land based on the palm age profile and total plantedhectarage based on discounted cashflow method. This app is usefulfor oil palm plantation land investors, buyers and sellers of oilpalm plantation land, valuers and bankers to determine the value ofthe oil palm plantation lands offered as securities for borrowings.This app is also useful to determine the fair value of biologicalassets in relation to oil palm trees based on discounted cashflowmethod in accordance to IAS 41 Agriculture Standard by setting thevacant land value to 0. NOTE: Depending on the processing power andmemory size of your device, screens loading and refreshing can beslow as this app requires reiteration process of complex formulafor calculation.
Oil Palm Fertiliser Calculator 6.0
Quek Ser Leng
A must-have oil palm fertiliser apps for all oil palm plantationplayers.
Oil Palm Fertiliser Apps 4.0
Quek Ser Leng
This apps allow users to key-in the formula ofcompound or mixture fertilisers and translate it into nutrientcontents and enable comparison to actual nutrient requirements ofan oil palm plantation, depending on palm age and soil condition.The second feature of the apps is it allows users to compare thecompound or mixture costing per palm with the costing of straightsfertiliser of the same nutrient contents.This apps will allow oil palm plantation management to choosethe compound or mixture fertilisers with the right nutrientcontents requirements and with the most cost-efficient.
Malaysia Business Cost Calc 19.0
Quek Ser Leng
This calculator app is used to calculate various transactioncostsin Malaysia such as: (a) stamp duty on property,sharestransactions, loans and other agreements (b) Real PropertyGainsTax (c) Legal fee in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia(d)Valuation fees for property (e) Property management fees Thisappis suitable for use by accountants, tax agents and propertyagents.Latest update: New schedule of legal fees based onSolicitors'Remuneration (Amendment) Order 2017