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PetterDay, Pictogram Schedule 0.2.1
PetterDay is designed for people who need helpwith understanding the structure and activities of daily life.PetterDay is a diary [agenda]* designed with a simple visualformat, which aims to facilitate the use of both parents,professionals and children. PeterDay currently includes the weeklyand the daily format.A diary is a tool that encourages autonomy in people withdifficulties in communication and understanding. It is speciallydesigned for people with autism, *cognitive difficulties, languagedisorders, developmental disorders, learning disabilities and thosewho need a visual aid to improve their daily life.In this first version, PetterDay incorporates a set of ARASAACpictograms, which through a search engine, the main activities andactions of everyday life can be found. In further versionspictograms and photos could be imported from other electronicdevices. Furthermore, it will also be possible to sequence ordivide the activities into smaller tasks and a system of rewardswill be created in order to reinforce the activities planned.