Razvan M Приложения

Tv Online Free 1.0
Razvan M
Recomandam Tv Online PRO -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tvonline.proPeste 130 canale tv romanesti, radio si zeci de canaleinternationale pe tari - update-uri live!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tv Online Free - peste 60 canale tv din RomaniaFosta aplicatie Tv Online BybTv Online Free este o aplicatie bazata pe 3 tipuri de transmisionline!-Sopcast-Player Flash-SiteDupa instalarea aplicatiei, trebuie sa instalati automat Sopcast.Fara aceasta posturile tv nu vor functiona!Sopcast:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trimarts.soptohttpDaca aveti probleme la redarea posturilor tv sau chiar daca nuaveti , recomandam instalarea unui player video separat fata de celal telefonul, deoarece pe unele telefoane acel player nu poate redadin sopcast!VLC:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.videolan.vlc&hl=enWe recommend PRO TvOnline -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tvonline.proOver 130 Romanian TV channels, radio channels and dozens ofinternational countries - live updates!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tv Online Free - over 60 TV channels from RomaniaFormer Tv Online application BYBFree Online TV is an application based on three types oftransmitted online!-SopcastFlash -Player-siteAfter installing the application, you must install automaticallySopcast. Without that TV stations will not work!Sopcast:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trimarts.soptohttpIf you have trouble playing TV stations or even if you do notrecommend installing a video player separately from that of thephone, as on some phones that player can not play in sopcast!VLC:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.videolan.vlc&hl=en
Tv Online Pro 3.0
Razvan M
Tv Online PRO ofera:-130 canale tv-canale romanesti si internationale-posturi radio-3 tipuri de transmisii-mai multe surse de transmisii-FARA RECLAME-FULL SCREEN-update-uri la canalele tv fara update a aplicatiei---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tv Online PRO este o aplicatie bazata pe 3 tipuri detransmisionline!-Sopcast-Player Flash-SiteDupa instalarea aplicatiei, trebuie sa instalati automatSopcast.Fara aceasta posturile tv nu vor functiona!Sopcast:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trimarts.soptohttpDaca aveti probleme la redarea posturilor tv sau chiar dacanuaveti , recomandam instalarea unui player video separat fata decelal telefonul, deoarece pe unele telefoane acel player nu poateredadin sopcast!VLC:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.videolan.vlc&hl=en-Peste 130 de canale tv-Radio-uri online-Transmisie Sopcast si flash-Canale Generale, Sport, Filme, Muzica, Desene,Documentare,Stiri, Locale, Internationale-Poti asculta radio cu aparatul blocat-Daca detineti chromecast puteti foarte simplu satransmiteticanalele de pe mobil pe tv-Daca aveti VLC si faceti conexiune chromecast,ecranultelefonului se va inchide [blackscreen]-Cand vizionati un canal, telefonul nu se vainchide[auto-blocare]Online TvPROoffers:-130 TV channelsRomanian and international -Channel-posturi radio-3 Types of transmissions-more transmission sources-No ADS-Full SCREEN-Update Links to update the application without tv channels---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Online Tv PRO is an application based on three types oftransmittedonline!-SopcastFlash -Player-siteAfter installing the application, you must installautomaticallySopcast. Without that TV stations will not work!Sopcast:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trimarts.soptohttpIf you have trouble playing TV stations or even if you donotrecommend installing a video player separately from that ofthephone, as on some phones that player can not play insopcast!VLC:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.videolan.vlc&hl=en-Over 130 TV channels-radio Sites online-Transmisie Sopcast and flash-Channel General, Sport, Movies, Music, Cartoons,Documentaries,News, Local, International-Can Listen to radio device locked-If You have chromecast can simply send channels on mobileTV-If You have VLC and make chromecast connection, the phonewillclose [blackscreen]-When Watching a channel, the phone will notclose[self-locking]
2048 Minions 0.1
Razvan M
2048 Minions is a fun version of the game2048classic- The Minions 2048 puzzle is a fun, addictive and a verysimplenumber puzzle game. You join the numbers and get to the2048tile!- This 2048 Minions game is an funny version of the currentpopular2048 game.HOW TO PLAY:Swipe (Up, Down, Left, Right) to move the tiles. When two tileswiththe same number touch, they merge into one. When 2048 tileiscreated, the player wins! 8 .. 16 ... 1024 .. 2048.
Tv Online Extra 3.0
Razvan M
Tv Online Extra – WorldWideYour pocket TV WorldwideAndroid: min 2.33One time payment, no subscriptionChannels worldwideSopcast channels and flash playersUpdates live, fullscreen app, no adsExtra Tv Online-WorldWideYour pocket TV WorldwideAndroid: 2.33 minOne time payment, no subscriptionChannels worldwideSopcast channels and flash playersLive Updates, fullscreen app, no ads
Bila Magica - Intreaba-ma! 0.1
Razvan M
Vrei sa iei o decizie despre ceva anume?Bilamagica este aici sa te ajute si sa iti ofere un raspuns rapidlaintrebarile tale!Bila magica iti raspunde cu afirmatii pozitive si negative!Pune-i intrebari la care se pot raspunde cu 'Da' si 'Nu, iarBilaMagica iti va raspunde imediat dupa ce o agiti sau oatingi!Bila Magica are 21 de raspunsuri diverse negative, pozitivesineutre!Ce trebuie sa faci!1) Concentreaza-te! Gandeste-te la o singura intrebare, la caresati se poata raspunda cu 'Da' si 'Nu'2) Rosteste intrebarea cu voce tare pentru a avea efect!3) Activeaza bila prin atingere sau agitare a telefonului!4) Vezi raspunsul oferit de aceasta!5) I-a raspunsul ca pe o decizie definitiva sau incearcadinnou!Exemple de intrebari corespunzatoare:I) -Am sanse sa i-au urmatorul examen!R) -Si da si nu!I) - Maine va fi frumos afara?R) -Bineinteles!Exemple de intrebari necorespunzatoare!-Care e numele meu?-Ce numere castigatore au iesit la bingo!-Ce zi e azi?--------Atentie!!--------Aceasta aplicatie este una de amuzament si nu una care tinederealitate!Aplicatia raspunde doar cu derivate din 'Da' si 'Nu!Aceasta aplicatie este recomandata de jucat intre prieteni,cuintrebari cu porunci! - Vezi exemplu mai jos!Exemple intrebari cu porunci si raspunsurile Bilei magice!I) Bila magica, esti de acord ca Andrei sa stea in cap pentru2minute?R) Imi place cum gandesti!I) Bila magica, vrei ca Mihai sa alerge incontinuu pentru20minute?R) Trebuie sa ma gandesc la asta!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toate raspunsurile de mai sus sunt adaugate in aplicatie!Want to make adecisionabout something? Magic Ball is here to help you and giveyou aquick answer to your questions!Magic Ball will reply with positive and negative statements!Ask them questions they can answer with 'Yes' and' No, BilaMagicaand will respond immediately after a shake or touch it!Bila Magica has 21 different answers negative, positiveandneutral!What should you do!1) Focus! Think about the one question to which you are abletorespond with 'Yes' and 'No'2) Speak question aloud to take effect!3) Activate ball by touching or shaking the phone!4) See the answer provided by this!5) I replied that the final decision or try again!Examples of appropriate questions:I) -I likely to have the next exam!R) -And yes and no!I) - Tomorrow will be beautiful outside?R) -Of course!Examples of inappropriate questions!-What is my name?What numbers came out the winner at bingo!-What day is today?--------Careful!!--------This application is one of fun and not one that you really!The application responds only derived from 'Yes' and' No!This application is recommended to play with friends, withquestionscommandments! - See example below!Sample questions and answers Bilei Commandments magic!I) magic ball, you agree that Andrei head to stand fortwominutes?R) I like the way you think!I) magic ball, you want Michael to run continuously for20minutes?R) I have to think about it!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All answers above are added to the application!