Remente Приложения

IDA 1.2.1
IDA är för tillfället tillgänglig för digsomhar ADHD och just nu är med i denforskningsstudie som bedrivs på www.internetpsykiatri.seisamarbete med KarolinskaInstitutet. När studien är färdig kommer den att blitillgängligför alla, men just nu krävsaktiveringskoder som endast deltagare i studien fårtillgångtill.Version 1.2.1Terms & ConditionsCurrently, this app is only available to Swedish citizensthatare participating in a clinical trialon internet-based CBT for adults with ADHD, please followthislink for more information: are only stored locally. The app is not to be seen asastand-alone-intervention forADHD but are intended to be used together with thetreatmentmanual and guidance by aCBT therapist.IDA is currentlyavailablefor you who have ADHD and right now with theresearch study conducted on www.internetpsykiatri.seincollaboration with KarolinskaThe Institute. When the study is completed it will beavailablefor all, but right now requiredactivation codes that only participants in the study willhaveaccess to.Version 1.2.1Terms & ConditionsCurrently, this app is only available to Swedish CitizensThatare Participating in a Clinical TrialOn Internet-based CBT for adults with ADHD, please followthislink for more information: are only Stored locally. The app is not to be seen asastand-alone intervention forADHD but are Intended to Be Used together with TheTreatmentManual and guidance by aCBT therapist.
Remente: Self Care, Wellbeing 1.9.35
Get a life coach, mental health tracker & self care journal forpersonal growth!
Remente: Self Care, Wellbeing 1.9.41
Get a life coach, mental health tracker & self care journal forpersonal growth!