Richard Shin Приложения

스피드리딩-2 (토커스어학원) 18.0
Richard Shin
리딩속성반 blue 단계 학생들의 phonics 학습과 녹음숙제 제출을 위한어플리캐이션. 지원 되는 기능은 연따(연속으로 따라읽기/Echo Reading)와 이메일 녹음 전송.
시네마 딕테이션 (토커스어학원) 7.0
Richard Shin
English speaking familiarity practice.
쉐도우 스피킹 (토커스어학원) 10.0
Richard Shin
Practical and realistic speakingpractice.
토킹마법사-3 (토커스어학원) 13.0
Richard Shin
A companion application for the 토킹마법사 seriesof textbooks dedicated to learning English. Features include echoreading and recording for the complete third book of the series.-Requires activation. Expires in 180 days.
토킹마법사-1 (토커스어학원) 17.0
Richard Shin
A companion application for the 토킹마법사 seriesof textbooks dedicated to learning English. Features include echoreading and recording for the complete first book of the series.-Requires activation. Expires in 180 days.
토킹마법사-2 (토커스어학원) 14.0
Richard Shin
A companion application for the 토킹마법사 seriesof textbooks dedicated to learning English. Features include echoreading and recording for the complete second book of the series.-Requires activation. Expires in 180 days.
스피드리딩-3 (토커스어학원) 18.0
Richard Shin
리딩속성반 red 단계 학생들의 phonics 학습과 녹음숙제 제출을 위한어플리캐이션. 지원 되는 기능은 연따(연속으로 따라읽기/Echo Reading)와 이메일 녹음 전송.
토킹마스터(토커스어학원) 1.0
Richard Shin
Continued installment of the 토킹마법사 and 스피드리딩series for Talkers Language Institute. Features include EchoReading, Recording, and Settings. Username and password requiredfor login and usage.
쉐도우 스피킹 (토커스어학원) 3.0
Richard Shin
Practical and realistic speakingpractice.
시네마 딕테이션 (토커스어학원) 6.0
Richard Shin
English speaking familiarity practice.
Animate.this 1.0
Richard Shin
Draw a circle, a square, and a triangle.Thenloop through a series of images to create an animation! Easyasone, two, three.Animate.this is a simple graphics creation application withabasic set of drawing tools and color selection.The application supports four fixed image resolutioninconsideration for the lightweight aspect of supporting hardwareonmobile devices. Animate.this has four main component.BasicDrawing. Color Selection. Frame Sequence Editing. ImportingandExporting Images.Basic drawing tools allow the user to: create basic shapesandarbitrarily shaped lines (solid and dotted), fill a region withaspecified color, and re-position selected areas of aselectedframe. Clicking the "i" button while in the DRAW tab willbring upa scrollable screen that describes each of the drawingtools aswell as a stroke width selector. The expansion can beminimized byclicking on the "i" button that should have now changedto a "+"button.Color selection can be done by tapping on the COLOR tab atthetop right corner of the screen. 27 default colors are providedandcustomized argb values can be created by clicking the "i"buttonwhile in the COLOR tab. The expansion can be minimized byclickingon the "i" button that should have now changed to a "-"button.In addition to the basic drawing tools, the frame sequenceeditortools bar near the bottom of the screen allows users to:deleteframes, create new frames, re-position the index of aselectedframe, copy and paste entire frames, overlay a frame inthe samemanner as a "green screen," and blend two frames byaveraging pixelvalues. Clicking on the "I" button in the framesequence editortools bar will bring up a scrollable screen thatdescribes thefunction of each tool. The expansion can be minimizedby clicking onthe "I" button once more.Key features for importing and exporting imagesinclude:importing images from the photo gallery for markup(stretched andmaintain aspect ratio settings), exporting imagesthat have beenenhanced with simple graphics in PNG or JPEG fileformats in"burst" mode or "single" settings, and specifying timeduration foreach image in the animation sequence of the frametracker.
토킹마스터 - BRANCH (토커스어학원) 11.0
Richard Shin
영어 듣기, 읽기, 말하기 학습을 위한 어플.
토킹마스터 - LEAF (토커스어학원) 17.0
Richard Shin
영어 듣기, 읽기, 말하기 학습을 위한 어플.
토킹마스터 - TREE (토커스어학원) 9.0
Richard Shin
영어 듣기, 읽기, 말하기 학습을 위한 어플.
토킹마스터 - FOREST (토커스어학원) 9.0
Richard Shin
영어 듣기, 읽기, 말하기 학습을 위한 어플.
Augmented Vision 4.0
Richard Shin
Pretty much able to see what the camera'simagewould look like if bright pixels were white and dark pixelswereblack. Can also see "blurred" images that use convolution.Camerabitmap custom thresholding and adjustable window sizeconvolution.Basic computer vision elements implemented. Linearregression andradial fade are also included.
MTO:Lr 3.0
Richard Shin
A single player sidescrolling game. Agroupchat is also included as a secondary feature. A sequeltoMTO:L.
MTO:L 1.0
Richard Shin
A quick two player strategy game.Spawndifferent elemental units to fight head-to-head; exploitingtheweaknesses and strengths of fire, water, and planttypecharacters.
CatChoi 1.0
Richard Shin
Minigames for CatChoi.
Talkers-Utilities 13.0
Richard Shin
Educational Management Aid.
토커스 리코더 (토커스어학원) 1.0
Richard Shin
녹음기. 이메일 전송기능.
왕기초 영단어 (토커스어학원) 10.0
Richard Shin
Short word collection for vocabulary,phonics,and pronunciation practice.
토커스 딕테이션 (토커스어학원) 6.0
Richard Shin
Audio Collection For Dictation.
스피드리딩-1 (토커스어학원) 19.0
Richard Shin
리딩속성반 pink 단계 학생들의 phonics 학습과 녹음숙제 제출을 위한 어플리캐이션. 지원 되는 기능은연따(연속으로따라읽기/Echo Reading)와 이메일 녹음 전송.
스피드리딩-4 (토커스어학원) 18.0
Richard Shin
리딩속성반 green 단계 학생들의 phonics 학습과 녹음숙제 제출을 위한 어플리캐이션. 지원 되는기능은연따(연속으로 따라읽기/Echo Reading)와 이메일 녹음 전송.