Riposte Creations Приложения

Archer 1.0
Riposte Creations
First person archery! Enter a varietyofcontests to earn cash, which you can then spend on enteringmorecontests, buying new licenses and upgrades.Features;- 10 shot archery, with score and bullseye challenge modes- 24 contests in three different license modes- Distance, wind and competitor variation- Earn cash to spend on contest entry fees, upgradesandlicenses- Simple, single touch interface
AA Sky Defender 1.2
Riposte Creations
In AA Sky Defender you take on the role of an anti-aircraft gunner,shooting down enemy planes before they can destroy your base. Gofor the high score, earning cash as you play to spend on differentammos, upgrades and repairing your base. Play through the 30 stagesand unlock all the awards!