Ron Bendele Приложения

Run / Walk Intervals Timer 1.0.0
Ron Bendele
*** This app does not work correctly withAndroid 4.4 (KitKat). *** Google changed the way timers work inKitKat, breaking the app. Please do NOT download this app if youare running Android 4.4 (KitKat) until I update it with a fix!The Run/Walk Intervals Timer (Timer) is a quick and easy way toenjoy your run/walk interval training while listening to music,enjoying the scenery, enjoying the company of others, and/orrecording your run via GPS ... but NOT worrying about keeping trackof your intervals. The Timer keeps track of those intervals foryou! (The scenery, company of others and GPS NOT included ☺ )After opening the application, set your desired times andintervals and press Start. The Timer keeps track of the time foreach interval, how many intervals you have completed, and theoverall time you have spent in the activity.When an alarm directs you to transition, the Timer will:sound ON:- Mute any music- Vibrate the phone (if selected)- Tell you to run, walk or cool down (as appropriate)- Return the music back to its original levelsound OFF:- Vibrate the phone (if selected)- Display a note instructing you to run, walk or cool down (asappropriate)- During a phone conversation, the Timer will react to an alarm asif the sound is OFF. The conversation is not interrupted in anyway.You can also use other applications without error while theTimer is running - all audible alarms will be played (sound ON) ornotes will be displayed (sound OFF). For example, I use the Timer,Pandora, and My Tracks for testing.After starting the Timer you can Stop it. Once it is stopped,you are free to either Reset the application back to the defaultchoices or Resume the training values previously setup. Resumingwill begin everything exactly where you stopped it at with no lossof information or time.General application settings are available at Menu | Settings.It contains options for Text-To-Speech, Interval Announcements andthe Vibrator.Select specific run settings on the Timer's main page byclicking on the appropriate edit or toggle button.Toggle buttons:- Toggle a warm up interval on or off- Toggle to run first or walk first (both the Running and Walkingtoggle buttons function like this)- Toggle to choose a specific number of interval sets or continueindefinitely- Toggle a cool down interval on or offEdit buttons:- Select the interval for the associated item- The 'Stop after' edit button allows you to select how many run /walk intervals you want prior to run completion or the cool downinterval firing.If the sound does NOT work: The Timer uses Android's'Notifications' audio stream so you must set the sound level fornotifications on your phone:- While at the phone's home screen, click on the Menu button,then Settings.- In the Settings screen, click on the Sound category.- Click on the 'Volumes' or 'Set audio volume' entry. The entry maybe different on your phone, you are looking for the 'Notifications'audio stream control.- Set the Notifications audio stream to its maximum. (Personally, Ijust max out all the audio volumes.)- There may also be a checkbox labeled "Use incoming call volumefor notifications". If checked, RWI will use the incoming callvolume instead of the notification volume. If you check it or leaveit checked, set the incoming call volume to its maximum.- Your device may differ slightly from these instructions, but theyshould be close.- Click the back button until you get back to your Homescreen.- Start the Timer and the sound should work properly.Thank you for using Run / Walk Intervals Timer and I hope ithelps you to meet your fitness goals.
Electric Service Calculator 0.1
Ron Bendele
The Electric Service Calculator (Calculator)is a convenient tool to determine the minimum electrical loaddemand for one-family dwellings based on the Standard CalculationMethod as defined by Article 220 of the 2011 National ElectricalCode (NEC®). Electricians from other countries are welcome to usethe Calculator as well. It is your responsibility to insure thatyour community implements the NEC for the United States.The Calculator determines grounded and ungrounded loads for generallighting, fastened (or fixed) appliances, dryers, cookingappliances, heating and A/C units, and the largest motor. Allnumeric entries are in Volt-Amperes (VA). The calculated loads arecompiled to determine the total service load for a single-familydwelling.After the service load is calculated the Calculator determines thesize of the service-entrance conductors required for the dwelling.Proper sizing of the conductors is required to ensure the safetyand efficiency of the service.The Calculator is designed to be an aid to electricians inelectrical load calculations and is not intended to replace Article220 of the NEC® or the NEC® as a whole.National Electrical Code and NEC are registered trademarks of theNational Fire Protection Association, Inc.On our support forum located at youcan:- ask questions about how the Calculator calculates.- offer suggestions for improving the application.- report defects (bugs).- request new features.Thank you very much for using the Electric Service Calculator . Wehope that it saves you time and money.