Salt Group Приложения

Salt mSign 19.2
Salt Group
Salt mSign is a mobile security MFA token for authentication of theuser identity during login and authentication/verification oftransactions after login. Salt mSign is ‘connected’ in that theauthentication responses are returned directly to theauthentication server thereby enabling authentication that isindependent of the delivery channel that initiated the request.What can Salt mSign do? - Connected Biometric 2FA Login for Useraccess via RADIUS, Microsoft ADFS, SAML Federated Login for cloud,Shibboleth and Browser-based Web Applications. - Multi-FactorAuthenticator (MFA) for all the organization’s Mobile AppsSupporting Multiple Methods of Sign-In & AuthenticationIndependent of the service delivery channel. - Single Authenticatorfor all the organization’s Mobile Apps Supporting Multiple Methodsof Sign-In & Authentication via Inter-App. Typical Uses: -Mobile Soft Token used for 2FA Biometric Login to Internet Banking,e-Government Portals, and Corporate Online Services. - High-ValueTransaction Signing with WYSIWYS (What You See Is What You Sign). -Biometric MFA Login for Remote Network Access: RADIUS, ADFS,Shibboleth. - Authentication for other Mobile Apps on the samedevice. - Quorum Approvals and Advanced Workflows with separationof duties where the Initiator of Payment Instruction is notauthorized to approve; with multiple Authorisers. - Hardware Tokenreplacement. - Card Not Present Payments, 3D Secure support. SaltmSign requires you to register your App. Please contact Salt Groupfor registration information. Features include: - Biometric Sign-Inwith Fingerprint or PIN - Rich Content and free form payloadinformation - WYSIWYS (What You See Is What You Sign) - Inclusionof supplementary user input - Signature code returned via themobile network - Support for multiple signatories - Support forPublic Key cryptography; Salt mSign supports the use of symmetricand asymmetric keys in signing. - Figaro and secure QR code supportfor offline delivery of payload information: using the devicecamera to scan Figaro/QR codes that contain payload information foroffline signing. - Enhanced Rich Content delivery of large payloadsincluding a capacity for data formatting and payload contentconsisting of graphics images. - Issuer configurable profilesincluding PIN length, PIN retry thresholds, weak PINs, tokendisplay timeouts, Signature Code lengths, language support, issuerbranding - Re-deployable in the field, anywhere in the world - Fullbrowser independence - Familiar user interface
mCode EPC 1.3
Salt Group
“mCode EPC is a convenient mobile based 2FA “second factor”authentication mechanism completed using One Time passwords (OTP)that are displayed on the Android device. mCode EPC provides arobust cryptographically based, PIN protected and standalonesolution that does not require ongoing availability of the mobilenetwork. mCode EPC is intended for organisations that are seekingto improve the assurance level of user authentication for onlineservices are electing to utilise two factor authenticationmechanisms whereby a user will have an independent hardwareauthentication token with the following characteristics: - PINprotected access to the token and associated authentication service- Authentication is completed using a One Time Password (OTP) thatis displayed on the Token and then submitted through an Internet orIVR system to the organisation’s online site and validated via astandards based interface to an authentication service - The OTP isalgorithmically based with robust protection of the cryptographickeys within the Token - The OTP verification service is robust andnetwork connectable and provides for cross-authentication of theservice with requesting application or network systems”
Salt mCode 18.2
Salt Group
Salt mCode is a traditional Two Factor Authentication (2FA)security token capable of generating One Time Password (OTPs) andChallenge/Response (C/R) codes using contemporary biometric methodswhereby OTPs are used for verifying user identities to accessonline services. Salt mCode requires registration. Please contactSalt Group for registration information. Salt mCode featuresinclude: - Biometric 2FA Login for User access via RADIUS,Microsoft ADFS, SAML Federated Login for the cloud, Shibbolethfederated identity solutions and browser-based Web Applications -Replace Legacy Tokens such as proprietary hardware tokens and SMSOTP with a mobile 2FA token capable of user biometrics - Challenge/ Response transaction signing with manual entry akin totraditional hardware tokens with the added benefit of biometricsign-in to the mobile token Typical Uses: - Mobile Soft Token usedfor 2FA Biometric Login to Internet Banking, e-Government Portals,and Corporate Online Services - Biometric 2FA User Login for RemoteNetwork Access - Hardware Token replacement - User Authenticationsolution for Virtual Private Networks, Citrix Application Delivery,and other RADIUS applications - 2FA User Access to ADFS protectedapplications such as O¬ce365, SAP Fiori, Google Drive, Salesforce -RSA SecurID replacement Salt mCode is a cost-effective solutionthat avoids significant capital and recurring costs of specializedhardware tokens. Lifecycle costs significantly lower than solutionsbased on hardware tokens and SMS OTP. Salt mCode alleviates complexhardware token roll-out and maintenance overheads. Salt mCodetokens comply with contemporary standards and specifications asprescribed by NIST. This applies to the use of particularcryptographic and related algorithms, cryptographic key usage ande-Authentication assurance guidelines in respect to multifactorauthentication.
Salt mCodeXpress 17.1
Salt Group
Salt mCodeXpress is a convenient mobile-based "second factor"authentication (2FA) method used in conjunction with Echidna toprovide an out-of-the-box solution for high assuranceauthentication of remote users connecting to enterprise networksvia VPNs, Citrix gateways or other RADIUS aware access points. SaltmCodeXpress generates One Time Passwords (OTP) andChallenge/Response signature codes that are displayed on theAndroid device. Salt mCodeXpress provides a robustcryptographically based, PIN protected and standalone solution thatdoes not require ongoing availability of the mobile network. SaltmCodeXpress requires registration with Echidna; please contact SaltGroup for more information about Echidna. Salt mCodeXpress featuresinclude: - Operation and features akin to dedicated hardware tokenexcept on an Android device. - Issuer configurable profilesincluding PIN length, PIN retry thresholds, weak PINs, tokendisplay timeouts, OTP and Response lengths, language support,issuer branding - Time and event based OTPs - Re-deployable in thefield, anywhere in the world - Full browser independence -Intuitive user interface - PIN Precision Technology -Challenge/Response generation
Salt mCodeX 18.1
Salt Group
Salt mCodeX is a convenient mobile-based"second-factor"authentication (2FA) method used in conjunction withEchidna toprovide an out-of-the-box solution for highassuranceauthentication of remote users connecting to enterprisenetworksvia VPNs, Citrix gateways or other RADIUS aware accesspoints. SaltmCodeX uses biometric authentication to generate OneTime Passwords(OTP) and Challenge/Response signature codes that aredisplayed onthe Android device. Salt mCodeX provides a robustcryptographicallybased and standalone solution that does notrequire ongoingavailability of the mobile network. Salt mCodeXpressFPE requiresregistration with Echidna; please contact Salt Groupfor moreinformation about Echidna. Salt mCodeX features include:-Operation and features akin to dedicated hardware token exceptonan Android device - Local App PIN for Android devices that donotsupport fingerprint hardware. - Issuer configurableprofilesincluding Local App PIN length, PIN retry thresholds, weakPINs,token display timeouts, OTP and Response lengths, languagesupport,issuer branding - Time and event based OTPs - Re-deployablein thefield, anywhere in the world - Full browser independence-Intuitive user interface - Local App PIN Precision Technology-Challenge/Response generation