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Voyager: Route Planner 1.2.5
Voyager helps you plan the optimal (fastest) route to travel tomultiple locations. Examples: travellers visiting differentsightseeing landmarks, explorers planning road trips, realtorsscheduling open house visits, businesses (e.g., couriers/deliverypeople) optimizing their service routes. For all above cases, thisRoute Planner is a great choice for you!How is it different from other similarapps?I love travelling and exploring new places. One of the biggestproblems for me was to find an optimized route to travel to all myplanned destinations in a trip. However, there was no a routeplaning app that satisfied all my requirements. The major issues Ihad with other apps were: they were not truly free, too complex touse (too many overkill features for me), and required access to mycontact book.So, as an engineer, I decided to build something that my friendsand I would like to use for our next trips. With that in mind, myroute planner:1) is completely Free and AD-Free (I don't plan to make even onepenny from it);2) has a clean minimalist design. Simple and very intuitive touse;3) does NOT require any extra permissions such as accessing yourcontact book or GPS.How is it different from Google maps?Google maps returns directions based on the order you enter yourstops. However, this may not be the fastest route for visiting yourdestinations (assuming order does not matter). This app will returnthe optimal order to you and ensure it is the fastest route.How does it work?Optimal route calculation is done based on data from the Googledirections service. The end result will be displayed on a Googlemap with the direction details. Internet connection is requiredwhile doing the math. After calculation, the optimal route will besaved locally and can be accessed offline later. There are threetravel modes: driving, walking, and bicycling.Note for users:The auto-complete feature is provided by Google Maps API. If itdoes not work properly, there are three possibilities: 1.TheInternet connection is currently not good; 2.The Google Maps APIservice is currently not working properly; 3.The Google Maps APIservice (not the actual Google Maps app) has some compatibilityissues with your device...For any of the above causes, I can't doanything about it, sorry :(This app is completely free (no even ads). I would reallyappreciate if you may take this into account when rating the app:-) The app only uses the free version of the Google Maps API. Ifyou are looking for an app that could handle some serious workload(e.g., 150 stop points in one route), I would suggest you tocheckout those commercial (paid) route planners.Note for computer science graduates:As we all know, the travelling salesman problem (TSP) is NP-hard.This app uses two methods to calculate the optimal route: 1) abrute force approach when the number of destinations is small, and2) a set of approximation algorithms when the number is large.
Voyager 2: Demo App 1.0.5
Note: The app is an open sourceprojectdeveloped for learning purpose, and has not been testedforproduction usage. If you are looking for a morestable/usableversion, please check out the app "Voyager: RoutePlanner"at: location: helps you plan the optimal (fastest) route to traveltomultiple locations. Examples: travellers visitingdifferentsightseeing landmarks, explorers planning road trips,realtorsscheduling open house visits, businesses (e.g.,couriers/deliverypeople) optimizing their service routes.