Snack Приложения

FootStep-Run on the White Tile 1.0
Based on JAPAN'S MOST POPULAR GAME "Don't Step the White Tile".Step on the white tiles as fast as you can and test yourreaction speed!*** Time ModeYou are starting from the safety line.Tap the white tile only, and you have 50 steps toward the goal.*** Run ModeYou have 11 seconds from the star and unlimited tiles.Everytime you step on the 50th white tile, you can get 10 moreseconds.Check out your speed and accuracy while stepping on the whitetiles.*** Survival ModeTiles are flowing to your backward and getting faster!!!Run as fast as you can and win the flowing tiles.Also don't forget to avoid white tiles!!!*** Stop ModeIf you tap after 10th Second, you are failed. So be careful whileengaged.
공무원국사두문자암기법 1.0
공무원시험은 시간과 암기의 싸움입니다.특히 많은 수험생들이 영어에서 많은 시간을 허비하고 있기때문에빠른시간에 문제를 풀 수 있는 두(頭)문자 암기법이 도움이 될거라 확신합니다.수험기간 동안 고심하여 만든 암기법으로이제부터라도 효율적인 공부를 해보셨으면 합니다.선사시대부터 조선후기까지 약 60페이지 분량을 내용으로 담았습니다.중간중간에 가벼운 욕(?)이 들어간 암기법이 있는데 암기를 위한 불가피한 선택이라생각하시고 너그럽게 봐주셨으면 합니다.혹시 암기가 잘 안되거나, 암기법을 만들고 싶으신 분들은 홈피나 메일로 연락주시면힘이 닿는 대로 답변을 드리도록 하겠습니다.----개발자 연락처 :010 9600 9636Battle of the civilservice examination is a time and memorization.In particular, many candidates spent a lot of time in theEnglish language becauseCan solve the problem in short time two (头) characters are suregonna help amgibeop.During the examination of painstakingly created by amgibeopI was hoping you'd try to study from now effective.From prehistoric times to the late Joseon approximately 60 pagespacked with information.Light in the middle of the middle of York (?) There are twoamgibeop memorize which called for the inevitableGenerous and want you to think of me.You do not memorize well, or those who want to create amgibeopthe homepage or by e-mail, please contact usResponse force will get back to you as touching.
Theme Song Quiz - Movies etc.. 1.4
Are you ready for hundreds of theme songsquiz? Can you recognize them all?Listen to theme song of Movies, Animations, Games from past topresent and Guess!Return to your wonder years with this theme song quiz app!√ Simple, instant fun!Free, No Registration required. Super easy to get started. Enjoythe quiz fun immediately.√ Addictive, big fun!Hundreds of theme songs are waiting. You've heard them on Movies,Animations, Games. But can you recognize them from our images andsongs? Join the game now!√ Play with friends, shared fun!Stuck in one quiz? You can share it on Facebook to ask your friendsfor help.Or post quiz songs you have solved to let your friends guess.Challenge them to see who knows more Theme Songs!**How to play***Touch a questionmark to open the entry screen, and type thetitle of theme song of movies, animations, games which are beingplayed. If you don't know it, you can use up to three clues pergame, or uses 20 coins to reveal the answer immediately.*You lose points for misspelling the answer or usinghints/coins. A coin is awarded for every logo solved with a scoreof 290 or more. A clue is awarded for every 3 correct answers (2 onfull version) and 5 minutes of gameplay.Legal notice:This trivia app is unofficial and not affiliated with copyrightowes in any way. This application is deemed to comply with USCopyright law guidelines of “fair use.” If you feel there is acopyright or trademark violation that does not fall within the“fair use” guidelines, please contact us directly atCopyright AgentPark & Yu Law1040-3 Hak-Seong Dong, Won-Ju-Si,KangWondo, South Korea.By email: sslssbii@gmail.comWe respect copyright and if you feel a problem of copyright orpublishing rights, please contact us immediately and pleaseindicate the copyright contents.theme song, songpop, movie quiz, music quiz, guess the movie,quiz up, movies, movie trivia, guess, quiz game
공무원 모의면접 1.2.2
공무원, 군무원 면접 준비자의 필수 어플공무원 모의면접, 군무원 모의면접 제공면접 준비의 가장 기초이자 지름길은 수많은 연습과 모의면접입니다.다양한 질문을 접하여 어떠한 질문에도 떨리지 않고 답변할 수 있고, 한두번으로 외워지지 않는 나의 답변을 반복하여녹음하고, 재생하여 나의 것으로 만들어보세요.공무원 모의면접 어플리케이션과 함께 수많은 모의면접을 겪고 나시면 실전에서도 자신감 넘치는 자신을 발견하게 될것입니다.이 어플리케이션에 활용된 질문 답변은 제작자의 실전 면접의 노하우가 섞여있는 예상 질문 (예상 문제)과답안입니다.공무원 면접에 특화되어 일반 사, 공기업의 면접 질문보다 공직에 대한 질문이 특히 많습니다.또한 군무원 면접 질문들은 어떠한 질문이 있을지 예상하기 상당히 까다롭습니다.엄선하여 고른 공무원과 군무원 모의면접 특화 100여 문답을 확인해보세요.시사 및 상식과 관련된 질문과 답변은 2014년을 기준으로 하고 있으며,본 어플리케이션의 예상 질문과 그 답변은 예시답안으로, 개인의 관점에 따라 답안에 차이가 있을 수 있음을알려드립니다.공무원 모의면접은 다음과 같은 특징을 가지고 있습니다.1. 공무원 5대관 + 군무원 면접 예상질문 포함, 총 30문항 및 답변 수록공직관: 18문, 업무관련: 19문, 국가관: 20문, 인생관: 39문, 윤리,사회관: 6문, 군무원: 14문총 116문 116답(Pro Ver)2. 면접관의 목소리를 재현하여, 실전과 같은 모의 면접을 가능하게 합니다.3. 자신의 목소리를 녹음하고, 확인하여 혼자서도 자습이 가능합니다.4. 공무원 면접, 군무원 면접 경험자의 노하우가 담긴 답변이 수록되어 있습니다.이 어플리케이션은 9급 공무원, 7급 공무원, 9급 군무원, 7급 군무원 공통입니다.아래는 향후 지원 예정 어플리케이션입니다.공무원 모의고사 종류 : 공무원 국어, 공무원 한국사, 공무원 국사, 공무원 영어, 공무원 시험, 공무원기출군무원 모의고사 종류 : 군무원 국어, 군무원 한국사, 군무원 국사, 군무원 영어, 군무원 시험, 군무원 기출----개발자 연락처 :010 9600 9636
공무원 모의면접 Pro 1.2.2
공무원, 군무원 면접 준비자의 필수 어플공무원 모의면접, 군무원 모의면접 제공면접 준비의 가장 기초이자 지름길은 수많은 연습과 모의면접입니다.다양한 질문을 접하여 어떠한 질문에도 떨리지 않고 답변할 수 있고, 한두번으로 외워지지 않는 나의 답변을 반복하여녹음하고, 재생하여 나의 것으로 만들어보세요.공무원 모의면접 어플리케이션과 함께 수많은 모의면접을 겪고 나시면 실전에서도 자신감 넘치는 자신을 발견하게 될것입니다.이 어플리케이션에 활용된 질문 답변은 제작자의 실전 면접의 노하우가 섞여있는 예상 질문 (예상 문제)과답안입니다.공무원 면접에 특화되어 일반 사, 공기업의 면접 질문보다 공직에 대한 질문이 특히 많습니다.또한 군무원 면접 질문들은 어떠한 질문이 있을지 예상하기 상당히 까다롭습니다.엄선하여 고른 공무원과 군무원 모의면접 특화 100여 문답을 확인해보세요.시사 및 상식과 관련된 질문과 답변은 2014년을 기준으로 하고 있으며,본 어플리케이션의 예상 질문과 그 답변은 예시답안으로, 개인의 관점에 따라 답안에 차이가 있을 수 있음을알려드립니다.공무원 모의면접은 다음과 같은 특징을 가지고 있습니다.1. 공무원 5대관 + 군무원 면접 예상질문 포함, 총 116문항 및 답변 수록공직관: 18문, 업무관련: 19문, 국가관: 20문, 인생관: 39문, 윤리,사회관: 6문, 군무원: 14문총 116문 116답2. 면접관의 목소리를 재현하여, 실전과 같은 모의 면접을 가능하게 합니다.3. 자신의 목소리를 녹음하고, 확인하여 혼자서도 자습이 가능합니다.4. 공무원 면접, 군무원 면접 경험자의 노하우가 담긴 답변이 수록되어 있습니다.이 어플리케이션은 9급 공무원, 7급 공무원, 9급 군무원, 7급 군무원 공통입니다.아래는 향후 지원 예정 어플리케이션입니다.공무원 모의고사 종류 : 공무원 국어, 공무원 한국사, 공무원 국사, 공무원 영어, 공무원 시험, 공무원기출군무원 모의고사 종류 : 군무원 국어, 군무원 한국사, 군무원 국사, 군무원 영어, 군무원 시험, 군무원 기출----개발자 연락처 :010 9600 9636
Santa POP 1.0
Christmas is coming! This is a christmas gameSANTA POP Pro Ver.!Not difficult and Everyone can enjoy!Tap the <3 matched pictures to remove them! Use cuteitems!Try to pop more pictures with one tap! Try to do more COMBO! Morecombos, Higher points!Try to get a high score with friends confrontation!Happy Christmas!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Features!Great for all ages!Play the Funny Christmas Carol!Funny game effect sounds!Pretty Santa & Rudolph & Ginger Man & Christmasitems!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------christmas games, christmas, christmas countdown, santa, santagames, santa tracker, rudolph, rudolph run, xmas game, santasmash,xmas,santa run,ginger man,christmas run
대기업 면접합격자의 자기소개서 1.0
대기업 면접 합격자들의 자기소개서를 담았습니다.대기업,국가행정부처 등 50여 곳을 대상으로 했습니다.----개발자 연락처 :010 9600 9636Interviewself-introduction of large successful applicants are packed. Large enterprises, including more than 50 countries whereministries were targeted.
Mini launchpad 1.0
Music is life!You can make music with it.----개발자 연락처 :010 9600 9636Music is life!You can make music with it.
ColorBlind Quiz 1.0
The Stroop effect has been used toinvestigatea person's psychological capacities; since its discoveryduring thetwentieth century, it has become a popularneuropsychologicaltest.There are different test variants commonly used inclinicalsettings, with differences between them in the number ofsubtasks,type and number of stimulus, times for the task, orscoringprocedures. All versions have at least two numbers ofsubtasks. Inthe first trial, the written color name differs fromthe color inkit is printed in, and the participant must say thewritten word. Inthe second trial, the participant must name the inkcolor instead.However, there can be up to four different subtasks,adding in somecases stimuli consisting of groups of letters "X" ordots printedin a given color with the participant having to say thecolor ofthe ink; or names of colors printed in black ink that haveto beread. The number of stimuli varies between less than twentyitemsto more than 150, being closely related to the scoring systemused.While in some test variants the score is the number of itemsfrom asubtask read in a given time, in others it is the time thatit tookto complete each of the trials. The number of errors anddifferentderived punctuations are also taken into account insomeversions.This test is considered to measure selective attention,cognitiveflexibility and processing speed, and it is used as a toolin theevaluation of executive functions. An increased interferenceeffectis found in disorders such as brain damage, dementias andotherneurodegenerative diseases, attention-deficithyperactivitydisorder, or a variety of mental disorders such asschizophrenia,addictions, and depression.
Timing is everything 1.1
Addictive timing game for FREE!Stop the clock to win the game!Improve your skills and compete with others!!Just remember that "Timing is everting!"
Concentrate-BoostConcentration 1.0
Boost your concentration!Where do you go to get real work done? The coffee shop of course.Based on research that shows ambient noise boostscreativethinking, the Cafe Sounds app streams the ambient sounds ofacoffee shop right to your device.It's that simple! For the productive and creativekinds,Cafetivity is an attempt to bring the same sound ambiance ofyourfavorite cafe and coffee shop!App costs probably 1/4th the cost of a 1 time coffee, soyoureally got nothing to loose by trying this one out! So justthinkno more and hit it!
Animal Quiz Game for Kids 1.0
The Animal game is a great application forkidsof age 3 months to 10 years. This app has great photos ofvariousanimals along with their sounds. Fun, simple app fortoddlers tolearn about different animals, their names and theirsounds. Over 12high quality animal images and sounds.Thespeciality of this app isthat it tells the name of the animalbefore it sounds(Helps smallkids co-relate the name/image/soundand improves thier memory andco-relating all the senses together).Unlike other animal soundapps, the name of the animal is alsospoken out in perfect, clearENGLISH by a female teacher.Click on the animal name or animal sound button to hear thesoundagain. Flip back or forth to change animal images.Play together while spending quality time or use this app inan"emergency" to keep your child entertained at a restaurant,duringa long drive or while shopping.Animals include: cat,chick, dog, monkey, elephant, tiger,sheep,cow, duck, frog, lion, pigPlease rate this app and send your feedback aboutadditionalanimal sounds or any other improvements you think willhelp thismaking a great app.
Crying Baby Sitter 1.0
Do you not sleep because the baby cries? Doyouhave stress because the baby cries?If so try thisMany parents-to-be are skeptical when they do a search forbabysleep sounds and they find vacuum cleaner and hair dryersoundsonline. Heaven knows how much a vacuum cleaner or hair dryerhurtsadult ears, so how does it help a baby?These seemingly loud sounds are actually quite comforting toababy: for nine months, “home” was the very noisy womb. Everyminuteof every day, the womb was surrounded by a symphony ofinternalsounds (mother’s heartbeat, blood flow, gurgles, burps,etc.) aswell as the external sounds of mom’s everyday living,includingconversations, household noises, traffic, etc. So you canjustimagine how it is for baby to come from a noisy womb into averyquiet world!That’s why these household appliance white noise soundsareparticularly relaxing and calming to baby. It brings them asenseof comfort and security that’s probably hard for us adultstocomprehend.
Flappy Chick 1.0
Enjoy super cute chick flying between blocks!How to play?Just tap your screen and make your chick fly.Do not hit the obstacles.** This is not a flappy bird **