Speak With Me Приложения

Speakipedia 1.0
Speak With Me
Perfect for pre-intermediate and higher levelstudents of the English language, Speakipedia is a fun, interactiveApp that allows users to delve deep within English dialects andpractice accents from around the world.To learn English is to become a Speaker of many dialects.Speaking English may even be thought of as learning a new Art.English is not only spoken differently from country to country, butfrom city to city within every country it is used. With ourinnovative new tool, communication is made easier for anyoneplanning to visit any English-speaking city for any reasonwhatsoever.This App is an excellent companion to have whether on business,academic exchange, or vacation. You can drastically improve yourchances of being understood, and your ability to understand, if youtake a little time to familiarize yourself with local slang,dialect and pronunciation. Speakipedia makes it easy! We haverecorded native Speakers from around the world, Speaking in theirmother tongue, so you can be sure the language is original and theaccent is authentic for every city you search.Speakipedia is like Rosetta Stone, Wikipedia and Google Searchall rolled into one! Download and enjoy for free today!Stay tuned and make sure to upgrade Speakipedia regularly fornew cities and improved functions.“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes tohis head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to hisheart.”Nelson Mandela