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Monkey Write ★ Learn Chinese 3.3.0
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★ Winner of Samsung Galaxy Note App Challenge★Learn to write Chinese with Monkey Write!Chinese characters are written in a specific order to give themstructure. Follow the stroke numbers to learn to write eachcharacter. When you are confident, turn off the stroke numbers andsee if you can do it yourself.The stroke widths vary according to your writing pressure. Itworks with your finger, capacitive stylus as well as active stylussuch as the Samsung S Pen from Galaxy Note, the HTC Scribe DigitalStylus from HTC Flyer, or the DirectStylus from Tegra Note.Monkey Write is lightweight and fun, great for children andadults alike. When you have learned all the characters in theIntroduction workbook, go back to the bookshelf and download somemore. There are many workbooks to choose from, so you can learnauspicious characters for the calligraphy in your living room, orpick up a Chinese menu and figure out if you're eating beef orlamb.Besides the thematic workbooks, you can also get the radicalseries to boost your character knowledge, or the immersion seriesfor your child. Kindergarten is the first workbook in the immersionseries. Stay tuned for Grades 1 through 6 in future updates.
Monkey Write: Radical: Wood 2.1.0
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Monkey Write workbook for the wood radical.Speed up your Chinese character acquisition by learning theradicals. This set is for the wood radical, and you will pick upmany characters, such as forest, tree, village, fruit, branch,rack, root, table, firewood, pear, peach, ladder, bucket, plant,chair, cotton, bridge, orange, machine.Characters included: 木 本 林 森 树/樹 村 材 果 枝 杯 板 枕 柱 架 枯 校 根 桌 柴 格 梨桃 核 框 梯 梳 桶 植 椅 棋 棉 棒 桥/橋 极/極 枪/槍 样/樣 楼/樓 橙 横/橫 机/機 检/檢 查This is not a standalone application. Download the free appMonkey Write to use it.
Fake Call for SmartWatch 1.0.3
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Stuck in a boring conversation? Tap on yourwatch to make your phone ring, then excuse yourself to take thecall!Instead of a phone icon, the widget shows a cat so nobody getssuspicious. The cat wakes up after you have scheduled the fakecall.Note: This application will not be shown in your phoneapplication screen. Access application settings via LiveWare™manager, where you can also enable or disable this SmartWatchapplication.LiveWare™ extension for SmartWatchLiveWare extension for SmartWatch 2Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2
Monkey Write: Zodiac 2.0.0
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Monkey Write workbook for the Chinese zodiac.Learn the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac, and find out whichone you are.Characters included:鼠 牛 虎 兔 龙/龍 蛇 马/馬 羊 猴 鸡/雞 狗 猪/豬This is not a standalone application. Download the free appMonkey Write to use it.
Friend Spell - Nearby API 1.1.1
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Party ice breaker! Go around the room and lookfor people with names starting with the letters you need. No Xavierin the room? No worries, 4 people can spell any letter.Friend Spell uses the Google Nearby API to exchange profilesbetween devices.Source code: https://github.com/chiuki/friendspell
Monkey Write: Eating Out 2.1.0
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Monkey Write workbook for eating out.Want to know what is in your dish? Learn these characters andstart reading the Chinese menu! With this set of characters you canidentify pork, beef, lamb, chicken, duck, goose, vegetables, eggs,tofu, fish, rice, noodles, soup, stir fry, deep fry and more.Characters included: 肉 猪/豬 牛 羊 鸡/雞 鸭/鴨 鹅/鵝 瓜 菜 蛋 豆 腐 杂/雜 素 鱼/魚虾/蝦 蟹 粥 粉 面/麵 饭/飯 汤/湯 煎 炒 炸 蒸This is not a standalone application. Download the free appMonkey Write to use it.
Monkey Write: Radical: Water 2.1.0
Square Island
Monkey Write workbook for the water radical.Speed up your Chinese character acquisition by learning theradicals. This set is for the water radical, and you will pick upmany characters, such as river, pond, ocean, lake, harbor, bay,wave, source, mud, sweat, juice, soup, oil, wine, steam, flush,wash, immerse, swim, bathe, sink, dissolve, slide, deep, shallow,wet, warm, clear, dirty, thirsty.Characters included: 水 河 江 池 海 洋 湖 溪 港 湾/灣 洲 漠 洞 浪 潮 流 波 泉 源 泥 沙汗 泪/淚 液 滴 汁 汤/湯 油 酒 汽 法 沖 洗 浸 泡 游 泳 沐 浴 漂 潜/潛 沉 泊 溶 滑 溜 注 混 活 演 沿测/測 浓/濃 淡 深 浅/淺 湿/濕 温 清 污 渴 满/滿 沒 渐/漸This is not a standalone application. Download the free appMonkey Write to use it.
Monkey Write: Radical: Fire 2.1.0
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Monkey Write workbook for the fire radical.Speed up your Chinese character acquisition by learning theradicals. This set is for the fire radical, and you will pick upmany characters, such as ash, roast, burn, flame, smoke, lamp,candle, hot and explode.Characters included: 火 灰 炭 煤 煮 烹 煎 炒 炸 烘 烧/燒 烤 焗 炉/爐 熟 焦 燃 焚 焰烟/煙 照 灯/燈 熄 烛/燭 烦/煩 炼/煉 炎 热/熱 烫/燙 炫 烈 熊 燥 然 灾/災 炮 爆 烂/爛This is not a standalone application. Download the free appMonkey Write to use it.
Monkey Write: Numbers 2.0.0
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Monkey Write workbook for numbers.Learn 14 Chinese characters, and you can write numbers up to99999999!Characters included:一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 零 百 千 万/萬This is not a standalone application. Download the free appMonkey Write to use it.
Monkey Write: Directions 1.0.1
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Monkey Write workbook for directions.Get yourself oriented with these characters! Up, down, left,right, which way are you going?Character included: 上 下 左 右 前 后/後 东/東 南 西 北This is not a standalone application. Download the free appMonkey Write to use it.
Monkey Write: Blessings 2.1.0
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Monkey Write workbook: Blessings.Chinese homes are often decorated with calligraphic arts. Learnthese blessings characters and create your own calligraphypiece!Characters included: 平 安 喜 乐/樂 美 智 善 爱/愛 静/靜 诚/誠 信 吉 和 福 寿/壽This is not a standalone application. Download the free appMonkey Write to use it.
Monkey Write: Radical: Soil 2.1.0
Square Island
Monkey Write workbook for the soil radical.Speed up your Chinese character acquisition by learning theradicals. This set is for the soil radical, and you will pick upmany characters, such as land, slope, city, tower, dust, bury,cultivate and foundation.Characters included: 土 地 址 坪 坡 坑 塘 堤 城 堡 塔 场/場 境 域 壁 尘/塵 堆 埋 培 填堵 塞 增 在 坐 均 坦 块/塊 型 垢 堂 坚/堅 基 墨 坏/壞This is not a standalone application. Download the free appMonkey Write to use it.
Monkey Write: Common Signs 2.1.0
Square Island
Monkey Write workbook for common signs.Learn the characters for common signs to get yourself oriented!With this set of characters you can understand signs for entrance,exit, push, pull, open, close, male and female bathrooms.Characters included: 口 入 出 推 拉 开/開 关/關 男 女 洗 手 间/間This is not a standalone application. Download the free appMonkey Write to use it.
Monkey Write: Radical: Hand 2.1.0
Square Island
Monkey Write workbook for the hand radical.Speed up your Chinese character acquisition by learningtheradicals. This set is for the hand radical, and you will pickupthe characters for hand, push, pull, hit, copy, handle,support,find, clap, embrace, bend, beckon, dig, press, pick up,take,carry, connect, drop, hang, fling, toss, catch, change,snatch,swing, touch, dress up, drag, piece together, explore, palm,graspand build.Characters included: 手 推 拉 打 抄 把 扶 找 拍 抱 技 折 招 挖 按 指 拾 拿 提 接掉挂/掛 排 抛 投 捉 换/換 抢/搶 摇/搖 摸 扮 拖 拼 探 掌 握 搭This is not a standalone application. Download the freeappMonkey Write to use it.
Fit Cat - Watch Face
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Fit Cat tracks the number of steps you havetaken today. The adorable cat does many different things: sleeping,playing with a ball of yarn, scuba diving and more. The more stepsyou take, the fitter the cat becomes!You can use Fit Cat as:* An Android Wear watch face (with complications on 2.0)* A live wallpaper* An appFit Cat integrates with Google Games for Leaderboard andAchievements. Who takes the most steps? Which cats have youspotted? Open the app on your phone and click on the gamecontroller icon to find out!Make sure you enable activity detection on the Google Fit app onyour phone so Fit Cat knows how many steps you took. If you areusing Moto 360 and your watch is showing 0 steps, make sure youhave Moto Body installed and it is reporting steps correctly. Referto the troubleshooting guide for more info:http://bit.ly/FitCatHelpLove Fit Cat? Take a photo with it on your wrist and share with thehashtag #fitcat.