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إماراتي 1.0.5
ينسجم هذا التطبيق مع رؤية الإمارات 2021، ويجسدشعار "المواطن أولاً" الذي عملت قيادة دولة الإمارات على ترسيخه منذتأسيسها في عام 1971.ويوفر التطبيق معلومات عن الخدمات الاجتماعية والامتيازات التيتوفرها دولة الإمارات لمواطنيها. وتتوفر تلك المعلومات إما على شكلمحتوى خاص بهذا التطبيق أو على شكل روابط تفضي إلى مواقع لجهات تقدمخدمات من هذا النوع.ومن خلال تخصيص خدمات اجتماعية وامتيازات للمواطنين، فإن دولةالإمارات تستلهم توجهات الآباء المؤسسين الذين مهدوا طريق الازدهاروالنماء لشعبهم فاستحقوا منه كل الحب والوفاء والانتماء.وتؤمن دولة الإمارات بأن توفير امتيازات خاص لابناء شعبها هو هدفلا محيد عنه، فأبناء هذا البلد أثبتوا على امتداد التاريخ أنهممستعدون للبذل والعطاء في خدمة وطنهم وقيادتهم.This application isconsistent with the UAE Vision 2021, embodies the slogan "firstcitizen" who worked on the leadership of the UAE implanting Sinceits inception in 1971.The application provides information on social services andprivileges provided by the UAE for its citizens. That informationis available either in the form of special content in thisapplication or in the form of links lead to sites offering servicesto third parties of this kind.It is through the allocation of Social Services and privilegesof citizens, the UAE-inspired trends of the founding fathers whopaved the path to prosperity and development for their people andthey have him all the love and loyalty and belonging.The UAE believes that the provision of special privileges to itsown people is the goal of inescapable, Citizens of this countryhave proven throughout history that they are ready to make andtender in the service of their country and their leadership.
UAE Government Apps 1.3
Welcome to UAE Government Apps page - theofficial list of all the mobile applications offered by thegovernment entities in United Arab Emirates (UAE). With the UAEgovernment apps, you can access and use the government services atany time and from wherever you are. By providing a faster, modern,safe, and reliable way of accessing the UAE mgovernment (Smartgov)services, the apps are aimed to boost customer happiness andenhance user experience.Key Features:- Contains all Official UAE Government Apps- Full Arabic Support with Right-to-left, inline with UAE motherlanguage- Location Services, The app will locate your location, and sortthe apps according to the emirate (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah,Ajman, Umm al-Quwain, Ras al-Khaimah and Fujairah) you are locatedin.- Search, You can search in Arabic, and use of meta data forsearch.- Push Notification Services, The app feature push notificationservices, it is used for different purposes for example when agovernment releases a new app, the citizens will be informed aboutthis new app. It will make the adoption of the apps faster.- Contact Us, The section is the centre ofquestion/suggestion/survey that is captured by the app. It is achannel to interact and hear out the citizens in order to improvethe services provided.
يختص تطبيق أجندة فعاليات دولة الامارات بأهمالفعاليات الموجودة على مستوى الامارات والتي تهم المواطنينوالسائحين. ويُعتبر تطبيق أجندة فعاليات دولة الامارات هو المرجعالأساسي لمختلف الفعاليات التي تُقام على مستوى الدولة، ويهدف إلى دعموترويج السياحة في الدولة بتوفير مصدر رسمي وموحد للفعاليات الرسميةفي دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة وفي مختلف اماراتها السبع باللغتينالعربية والانجليزية، ويمتاز التطبيق بخصائص عامة متميزة وبالتحديدفيما يخص سهولة الاستخدام والبحث عن الفعاليات وتنوع الفعالياتالمتوفرة علاوةً على ميزات تقنية متميزةRespect to theapplication of the Calendar of Events Emirates most importantevents on the level of interest to the United Arab Emirates and thecitizens and tourists. The application of the Calendar of EventsEmirates is the primary reference for the various events held atthe state level, and aims to support and promote tourism in thestate to provide an official source and unified Events official inthe United Arab Emirates and in various its signs seven in bothArabic and English, and the advantage of applicationcharacteristics generally distinct and specifically with terms ofease of use and search for events and the diversity of activitiesavailable as well as technology features distinct
Sharikna 1.0.31
Sharikna means participate in Arabic. Shariknais an app for all UAE individuals, businesses and visitors, whereyou can share posts, follow specific topics and receive the latestupdates about topics that interest you. What makes Shariknainteresting is that with every participation, you win points andbadges! So let the game begin!