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美眉直播HD 1.0.0
美眉直播--最时尚的美女直播show场最屌丝的你可以随时随地免费的与美女视频聊天互动,发泄你的无聊与寂寞;最平民的你可以拥有最炫、最酷的舞台,让你秀出自己的明星梦想;高富帅、白富美的你,一起来与主播在线k歌,享受最迷你的真人直播秀!【核心功能】1、支持在线视频直播,随时随地观看精彩视频才艺表演;2、大型免费视频聊天室,支持语音对讲、公聊、私聊、悄悄话;3、强大的坐骑系统、VIP标示,让你体验前所未有的尊贵;4、主播分类、标签标示,查找方便快捷;5、趣味礼物、动态礼物,让你享受不一样的视觉效果。Crush live- live show the most fashionable beauty farmMost Cock wire you can go for free video chat with beautifulinteractive, vent your boredom and loneliness;You can have the most civilians in the coolest, coolest stage, sothat you showed off his star dreams;Rich handsome, white Formica you, together with the anchor line ksong, enjoy live most mini reality show!】 【Core functions1, support online video broadcast, watch the wonderful videoanytime, anywhere talent show;2 large free video chat rooms, voice intercom, public chat, privatechat, private message;3, strong mount system, VIP labeling, let you experience theunprecedented honor;4, anchor classification, labeling and marking, findconvenient;Five, fun gifts, dynamic gift, so you do not enjoy the same visualeffect.
天天动听-天天FM电台 1.0.10
「天天FM」是天天动听旗下的一款以音乐内容为主的手机电台APP。用户可以通过简单、快速的方式来收听、发现和分享符合口味的音乐。天天FM拥有数百万的高质量曲库,类型丰富的主题频道,无论安坐家中、走在路上,无论天气阴晴、心情好坏,天天FM总是时刻陪伴在你身边,24小时不间断地为你提供更极致的收听体验。【主要特色】* 优质内容,丰富多元:众多不同主题的频道各具特色 ,总会找到你喜爱的音乐圈子与网友热烈互动。* 协同共享,持续更新:开放式的音乐频道由用户共同来维护、管理播放列表,大家的频道大家做主。* 个性化的天天播报:贴心的整点报时、天气预报等让声音更有趣,未来将逐步推出更多的声音插件。* 一贯的好音质:源自天天动听成熟的音频优化技术,为你提供高音质的同时更省流量。* 扁平化设计:完美适配主流手机平台,拥有极简且轻盈的操作体验。【贴心功能】天天FM现已支持使用天天动听帐号直接登录!* 讨论区:基于频道主题的讨论区让你轻松找到共同爱好的朋友,边听边聊才好玩。* 离线缓存:一键开启智能的离线功能,在WiFi下将自动缓存你喜爱的频道,路上听歌不耗流量。* 滑动手势:全面继承天天动听良好的操作体验,无论左滑右滑上滑下滑都有惊喜。* 频道试听:专业大牌DJ录制的频道音频简介,让你爱上挑选频道的乐趣。* 多平台分享:支持通过微博、微信、QQ将你喜爱的歌曲或频道分享给好友,好音乐一起享受听。* 定时关闭:轻松设置音乐自动关闭的时间,让好音乐伴你安然入睡。* 云同步:「我的频道」支持云同步功能,平板、手机之间无缝切换。* 红心频道:遇见喜欢的歌点一下红心,天天FM会为你推荐更多类似的歌曲。还有摇一摇换歌、全屏歌词等更多用心设计的功能等你来发现!官方网站:http://fm.ttpod.com新浪微博:@tiantianfm
天天秀场-美女视频直播 3.8.0
天天秀场-美女视频直播天天秀场-最时尚的美女直播show场天天秀场是一款美女直播视频交友聊天软件,它汇聚大量明星和美女主播,用户可以随时随地与美女主播实时互动,聊天、K歌、游戏等,给用户带来边说、边唱、边看、边玩、边交友的最时尚、最HIGH的网络生活。【核心功能】1.强大的在线点歌功能,在直播间,选择点歌功能后,将会弹出主播的点歌单或者还可以自己直接输入想点的歌曲,点歌需花费一定费用,当主播接受点歌后才正式收取点歌费用;2.免费视频聊天室,有公聊、私聊多种聊天方式,用户还可发送动态表情、羽毛和礼物互赠,而且还有独特礼物展现形式,还可以选择公开或私密发送消息或礼物发送给你喜欢的人。3.尊贵会员制度,vip独享特权炫彩昵称、禁言、防踢、专属礼物和座驾等多项会员功能;各种炫酷座驾更能彰显尊贵身份,更有多款与美女主播的互动游戏,如拼图、砸蛋、抽签等,让你与女神更亲近!Every show - beautifullive videoEvery show - the most fashionable beauty live show fieldEvery day is a beautiful show live video dating chat software,which brings together a large number of celebrities and beautifulanchor, users can interact in real time anywhere with beautifulanchor, chat, K songs, games, and saying to the user, whilesinging, while Look, while playing, while dating the most stylish,most HIGH network life.[Core function]1. Powerful online song features, in the studio, the song selectfunction will pop song single anchor or you can also enter your ownwish to point directly to the song, the song takes a fee whenaccepting anchor song before formally charged song costs;2 free video chat rooms, there are public chat, private chatvariety of ways, users can send dynamic expression, feathers andgive each other gifts, but also a unique gift to show the form ofpublic or private can also choose to send a message or send a giftyou like.3 VIP Member system, vip exclusive privilege Colorful nicknames,gag, kick, car number and other exclusive gifts and membershipfunctions; various cool car to better highlight the distinguishedidentity, more interaction with a variety of beautiful anchorgames, such as puzzles, smashing eggs, ballot, so that you and thegoddess closer!
TTPod 10.0.7
TTPod is one of the most successful andpopular music players for Android with more than 10 milliondownloads worldwide.What’s the TTPod powerful features:- High quality decoding with mp3,mp4/m4a,wma,flac and ape;- Built in graphic and customize EQ;- High accurate lyrics and album acts downloads;- Plenty of skins to chose from;- Minilyrics style floating lyrics.We're working to make a best music player for users of TTPOD, andwe can do it better with your suggestions and opinions.So if you have any questions or good advices,please feel free tocontact us by sending email to