Tecnoteca srl Приложения

Vivi Valdagno 1.1.2
Tecnoteca srl
App official City of Valdagno
openMAINT v2
Tecnoteca srl
openMAINT Mobile is available to allsubscribers of the maintenance service and allows you to accessopenMAINT data on your tablet or smartphone.Most of the management operation involving the facility andproperty management happen “on the field” (inventory, manage andmaintenance of buildings, plants, technical assets, furniture,external infrastructure, etc.) and a registration during theimplementation could be particularly useful, avoiding delays andany carelessness.openMAINT Mobile has further advantages, i.e. the possibility tosend your plants photos to the server or the possibility to read aQR code and receive the complete asset card from the server.openMAINT Mobile implements the main functions of the desktopinterface: multilingual, multigroup login, navigation menu,management of classes with relations and attachments, searches andfilters, workflow management with the most used widgets, reportmanagement, utilities (settings and logs).
CMDBuildMobile v2
Tecnoteca srl
CMDBuildMobile is available to all subscribersof the maintenance service and allows you to access CMDBuild dataon you tablet or smartphone. It is compatible with CMDBuild 2.3.1or lather.Most of the management operation involving the assets life-cyclehappen “on the field” (delivery / collection of computers andperipherals, inventory, etc.) and a registration during theimplementation could be particularly useful, avoiding delays andany carelessness.CMDBuildMobile has further advantages, i.e. the possibility tosend your asset photos to the server or the possibility to read aQR code and receive the complete asset card from the server.CMDBuild mobile implements the main functions of the desktopinterface: multilingual, multigroup login, navigation menu,management of classes with relations and attachments, searches andfilters, workflow management with the most used widgets, reportmanagement, utilities (settings and logs).More details here:http://www.cmdbuild.org/en/progetto/cmdbuild-mobile
APPordenone 2.0.2
Tecnoteca srl
The official App of the Municipality of Pordenone for citizens andtourists
CMDBuild 3.0.3
Tecnoteca srl
The APP for using CMDBuild, CMDBuild READY2USE and openMAINT