Thinkamingo Приложения

Story Dice
Story Dice is a creative tool to prompt ideasfor plot, character, and setting. This idea generator can be usedeffectively for both written and oral storytelling.This app can be used with a wide variety of age groups ranging frompreschoolers to teenagers.The user interface is simple enough for ages 3+ to use without anyadditional instruction. The use of the app does not requirereading, so it is an ideal tool for using in a preschool storycircle (see lesson plans) as well as a general writing prompt forall ages without reading or native language barriers.Features:-Choose number of dice to roll, 1-10.-Realistic dice sounds and still images.-170 pictograms in dictionary.-No reading necessary.-Optional game instructions included in app.Game Ideas:1. Charades - Use the single die roll to determine a charadeitem.2. Stories With Friends - Form a circle. Roll the Story Dice (anynumber, 1-10). Create a sentence including all of the items fromthe dice. Pass to the next person and repeat, adding onto the storyeach time.3. Song Challenge - Roll a single story die. Come up with a songthat includes that item in the lyrics.4. Poems With Friends - Same Stories With Friends, using only 1-2dice, and create rhyming lines.5. Drama Club - Roll dice (any number). Form a character usingthese items, then create an improv skit with friends as yourcharacters!Education Applications:Story Dice is primarily useful in higher order activities underBloom’s Taxonomy, particularly Synthesis, where you create, invent,compose, predict, plan, construct, design, imagine, propose,devise, and/or formulate. You can devise less and more challengingactivities, as in the following example.Sample Journal Activity “My Perfect Day” using Bloom’sTaxonomyStudent/Short Version: Student will create a character using StoryDice, then describe/write/dramatize their own “perfect day” fromtheir character’s perspective.Teacher Version: Student will create a unique character using theStory Dice for seed ideas. After writing a short character sketch,student will compose a Journal Entry called “My Perfect Day”writing from their new character’s perspective. The evaluation stepis the highest order activity and is a self-grading option..Finally, a fun bonus option in a classroom or small workgroupsetting is to have students perform their journal entries asmonologues, in character, possibly interacting with each other,adding a drama element.1. Knowledge: Roll five or more Story Dice. Identify and describethe pictures on dice.2. Comprehension: Paraphrase the task (Journal Activity “My PerfectDay”) in which you will use the dice.3. Application: Prepare a chart with five categories: name, age,job, pets, hobbies. Place each dice image within a category.Imagine that you are this character and write a short paragraphdescribing yourself in detail.4. Analysis: Examine each feature of your character and determinewhat makes them special.5. Synthesis: Compose a journal entry called “My Perfect Day” fromthe character’s perspective.6. Evaluation: Decide what worked and what didn’t in your journalentry. Were you successful at combining the dice pictures in abelievable way?BONUS Activities: Perform journal entry as a monologue and interactwith other students. Stay in character!
Lists for Writers
Lists for Writers is a great addition to anywriter’s toolbox. Helpful to both novice and expert writers alike,this app delivers list after list of prompts and ideas for yourbrainstorming sessions: names, character traits, plot lines,occupations, obsessions, action verbs, and much more! Whether youare working on a creative writing project, a short story, an essayassignment, National Novel Writing Month / NaNoWriMo, or your nextfiction book, this app helps get it done.NEW! Shuffle and search features! You can now search any list aswell as randomly shuffle lists and search results!Featured in Slate magazine and The New York Times!Lists included:Lists included:* Character - Naming- First Names (male and female)- Last Names- People/Roles- Nonhuman Characters* Character - Physical Characteristics- Body Types- Facial Characteristics- General Physical Characteristics- Skin and Complexion- Hair- Clothing* Character - Occupations- Modern- Archaic* Character - Milestones- Anniversaries- Birthstones- Birth Flowers- Zodiac* Personality - Thoughts- General Characteristics- Phobias- Philias- Obsessions- Wisdom- Belief Systems- Emotions* Personality - Behaviors- Character Traits- Bad Habits- Hobbies- Super Powers* Plot- Seven Basic Plots- Thirty-six Dramatic Situations- Conflicts- Issues* Setting - Geographical- Cities (U.S. and World)- Landforms* Setting - Countries by Continent- Africa- Antarctica- Asia- Australia- Europe- North America- South America* Setting - Other- Forms of Government- Encounter Locations- Archaic Locations- Futuristic Locations- Modern Locations- Weather* Genres- Fantasy, Myths, and Magic- Divination and Fortune Telling- Ecclesiastical- Holidays- New Age- Nautical- College Teams- Sciences and Studies- Scientific Instruments- Military Terms- Military Acronyms*Miscellaneous- Animals (Domesticated)- Animals (General)- Animal Sounds- Colors- Color Values- Foods- Vehicles- Feeding and Eating- Textiles- Halloween- Thanksgiving- Christmas- Forms and Shapes- Units of Measurement- Carriages and Chariots- Fighting and Combat- Dance Styles- Bearing- Causation* Words - Grammar- Action Verbs- Dialog Verbs- Nouns- Prepositions- Adjectives- Adverbs- Verbs- Common Misspellings- Transitional Words and Phrases- Word Terms* Words - Fun- Rhyming Words- Gadzookery- Nonsense- Triples- Aussie Slang*****PRIVACY DISCLOSURELists for Writers:- Does not collect or share any personal data- Does not contain any ads- Does not contains in-app purchases- Does include links to the Thinkamingo web site, Facebook page,and Twitter profile in an information page