TinyTapps Приложения

Insects A-Z By Tinytapps 1.0
INSECTS A-Z:Insects A-Z by Tinytapps is about insects…some common; a few notso common; some beautiful and gentle and a few creepy crawlies butall of them from A-Z.Content:1.26 real life images2.26 clipart3.Song – Fly Fly Butterfly4.Memory Game5.Evaluation Activity6.Art ActivityKey Features:1.Beautiful illustrations2.Excellent Music & Sound3.Awesome On Tap effects & Animations4.Colourful interactive SongThe app aims at developing the child’s awareness about thespectacular world of insects. For those frightened of insects,spiders and other creepy crawlers, this app will help them overcometheir fears while learning about the world around them.An insect theme can last as long as your little one’s interestdoes. Study one insect at a time, and as you start a new insectstudy, compare the current insect to past insects, pointing outwhat they have in common e.g. their wings, legs, color etc.Do send us your comments and don’t forget to see our otherapps.Preschool Consultant – SAJEDA JAMAL
Learn Arabic Alphabet 1.0
Learn Arabic Alphabet: Arabic Alphabet teaches you Arabic in a funand unique way. This app has everything you need to learn to readand write the Arabic letters as well as their Aaya and Surah: Toteach your preschooler the Arabic Alphabet. Each page has an Arabicletter and a word starting with this letter. To hear the sound ofthe word or letter, touch them.
To move to the next letter swiperight, to go to the previous letter swipe left

. Arabic Alphabetapp covers Letter & Picture Recognition, Phonic Sounds, LetterTracing and Activity to evaluate learning. In short, the appfocuses on the early childhood skills for language development. Theartwork is awesome and the user experience features verycool…everything in this app has been developed and designed keepingin mind your little sweethearts and their great smiles. • Letter& Picture • Letter & Picture Recognition Activity.
 •Missing Arabic Letters.
 • Place Arabic Letter In Sequence. •Letter Tracing. 
 See and hear a common Arabic word which beginswith that letter. Education Consultant: SAJEDA JAMAL
Action Rhymes By Tinytapps 1.0
Action Rhymes:Specially designed for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and kidsof all ages.Is beautifully illustrated, animated with on tap audio visualexperience and excellent sound and music quality. Developspre-reading skills, enhances phonemic awareness, help practicingvolume, pitch and voice inflection.Short, rhythmic and repetitive, makes it easy for children tolearn and memorize.Is one of the most transportable forms of play and can be usedanywhere at any time.You can't find a better choice than Action Rhymes by Tinytappsfor a fun way of spending time together with your little ones andcreating your own personal favourites.Some of the Action Rhymes included in this app are:• Row Row Row Your Boat• Clap Your Hand Listen To The Music• Ringa Ringa Roses• Boogie Boogie• Here We Go Round• If Your Are Happy• Old McDonnell Have A Farm• Wheel Of The BusKey Features:• Animated & On Tap Audio Visuals• Fantastic Music and Sound• Lyrics displayed for each rhyme• Easy NavigationPreschool Consultant: Sajeda Jamal
Jack N The Beanstalk 1.0
Jack And The Beanstalk:While Fairy Tales like Jack & The Beanstalk are a “Once upona time and lived happily ever after” experience.The story aredeveloped and designed to both educate and entertain our youngstory lovers from start to finish.So sit back, relax and enjoy Jack And The Beanstalk byTinytapps.Key Features:•Awesome Artwork & Animations•Excellent On Tap Audio Visuals•Amazing Sounds & Music•Story Text appearing along with narration•Options for Auto play, Read To Me & I want to ReadPreschool Consultant: SAJEDA JAMAL
Numbers By Tinytapps 1.0
NUMBERS:The world of Numbers comes to life via this app based on thewonderful ocean theme.Content:1. Numbers 0-10 : The child learns to recognize the numbers andalso associate pictures with the sound of the numbers.2. Tracing Numbers: The child learns to write numbers 1-10 .3. Counting Numbers: Helps to evaluate and enhance the auditoryand counting skills of the child.4. Number Sequence: An activity that requires the child torecall and tap numbers in sequence 1-10.5. Missing Numbers: As the name suggests, this shooting game isabout Missing Numbers.6. Number Song: The Number Song has numbers 1-10 shaking andtapping to the rhythm and rhyme.Your little darling will enjoy the experience of interactingwith the app while exploring the world of numbers.Educational Consultant: Sajeda Jamal
Fun With Rhymes By Tinytapps 1.0
Fun With Rhymes:Specially designed for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and kidsof all ages.Is beautifully illustrated, animated with on tap audio visualexperience and excellent sound and music quality. Developspre-reading skills, enhances phonemic awareness, help practicingvolume, pitch and voice inflection.Short, rhythmic and repetitive, makes it easy for children tolearn and memorize.Is one of the most transportable forms of play and can be usedanywhere at any time.
Surah Feel By Tinytapps 1.0
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.Surah Feel is the 105th chapter in the Quran. It was revealed inMecca. It consists of five verses.It refers to an event that happened in the year of the birth of ourholy Prophet, say about 570A.D.Yemen was then under the rule of the Abyssinians. Abraha Ashram wasthe Abyssiniangovernor or viceroy.Intoxicated with power, he came with a big expedition againstMecca, intending to destroy the Ka’aba.Abraha had an army of Elephants. The peace in Mecca was disturbed.There was fear. How were thepeople of Mecca to fight an army of Elephants?The people of Mecca fled to the mountains except a few who tried tonegotiate with Abraha.This app is the story of what happened next and the fate the armymet with as it approached theKa'bah…Abraha’s sacrilegious intentions were defeated by amiracle.
Our World By Tinytapps 1.0
Our World by Tinytapps is an “I loveexploring” app. It has got something for all the kids in the agegroup 2 and above.1. Our World: FREE - The kids will enjoy exploring all that OurWorld is made up of.• Land: forests, mountains, deserts etc.• Water: rivers, waterfalls, lakes etc.• Air2.Uses: They’ll learn some of the important uses of air, land andwater.3.Pollution: And most importantly get aware about pollution...AirPollution, Water Pollution and Land Pollution.The app has plenty of activities, some that will test your kid’sknowledge while others simply to have fun.1. Recycle Me: FREE – A Drag & Drop activity that helps kidslearn about the various recyclable and non recyclable items intheir environment.2. Guess What? Recognition activity -This activity is an excellentreinforcement.3. Puzzles: challenge their mind and trains their imagination,coordination, and association skills.4. Fun with Art: Colouring activities with different messages. Itwill help the kids understand how to take care of theirenvironment.Enjoy exploring and learning!Our apps are a great way to build the foundation skills thattoday's preschool curriculum requires. The look and feel of theapps is just perfect for preschoolers, kids and toddlers.• More than 55 preschool apps• Over 500,000 users globally• Excellent for kids 2-5 years• Learning & Evaluation• Reinforcement & Reward• Available across various app stores.For Feedback: Contact-us: http://www.thetinytapps.com/contact-us/Brought to you by Tinytapps - a redbytes software brand http://www.thetinytapps.com
Animal Adventure By Tinytapps 1.0
Animal Adventure:Research is beginning to show that preschoolers learn betterthrough games. There are many reasons for this, including thetheory of intrinsic motivation.By using games, play, movement and song, all things that mostpreschoolers enjoy, learning will be a fun and positive experience.The environment of play and games is a relaxed environment andallows the students to learn without the stress or fear of possiblefailure.Children are more likely to be curious when presented withmusic, games and total physical response activities, and thereforeare more likely to learn and retain knowledge.Apps designed and developed by Tinytapps provide preschoolers togain a sense of self, explore, play and build confidence.Animal Adventure is one such app and as the name suggests it islearning about animals through a rescue mission. Animals aredivided in five categories and shown in their respective habitat.Upon rescuing the animal the child learns about the name and soundof the animals along with homes they live in, food they eat andtheir young ones. The child collects stars each time he/she rescuesan animal, this helps to keep track of the number of animalsrescued.The artwork is awesome, the visual and sound effectsamazing…your little ones and you are bound to enjoy this adventureapp thoroughly.So simply get started in your rescue mission and enjoy thethrill and excitement in Animal Adventure.Educational Consultant : SAJEDA JAMAL
Community Helpers By Tinytapps 1.0
Community Helpers by Tinytapps teachespreschool children about people who make our lives easier andremind us of how inter-connected our lives are.• 10 Helpers and 1 activity FREE• 40 Community Helpers.• 5 ActivitiesYour child will learn about some common and others not so commonCommunity Helpers. From 1-40 we have covered, Teacher, Doctor,Policeman, Fire Fighter, Milkman, Mailman, Actor, Writer, Dancer,Farmer, Mechanic, Zoo Keeper etc.Your child will also learn, the:• Work they do. e.g. A Doctor treats sick and injuredpatients.• Place they Work in. e.g. A Teacher works in a school.Learning Content1. Work they do.2. Place they Work in.3. Tools they use.4. Transport they use.5. Uniform they wear.It’s a fun way to learn about the various professions and theservices they provide. An app that will make learning fun,interactive and engaging for all kids aged 2 and above.Activities: Fun & Evaluation1.Photo Shoot – Click a photo as your favourite helper.2.Guess Who? Guess the Helper3.Tools & Transport – Tap to recognize the correct tool ortransport4.Place of Work – Tap to recognize the correct place of work forthe Helper.5.Cool Colours – Enjoy colouring the Helpers, Transport etc.Tinytapps salutes these Community Helpers who deliver servicesthat make our lives easier.
Number Rhymes By Tinytapps 1.0
Number Rhymes:Number Rhymes is a fabulous collection of popular traditionalnursery classics by Tinytapps for babies, toddlers, preschoolersand kids of all ages.It develops numeracy skills, pre reading skills, enhancesphonemic awareness, help practicing volume, pitch and voiceinflection.It’s beautifully illustrated, animated with on tap audio visualexperience and excellent sound and music quality.Short, rhythmic and repetitive, it makes it easy for children tolearn and memorize.It’s one of the most transportable forms of play and can be usedanywhere at any time.Some of the Number Rhymes included in this app are:1.5 Little Frogs2.5 Little Ducks3.3 Little Mice4.10 Little Indians5.The Ant Go Marching 1 By 16.1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught A Fish Alive7.1-2 Buckle My Shoe8.3 Little KittensYou can't find a better choice for a fun way of spending timetogether with your little sweethearts.
The Beginning By Tinytapps 1.0
There is no unified description of Creation inthe Qur’an.There are, however, passages scattered all over the Qur’an dealingwith aspects of the Creation. A close look at the references showsa series of events which when put together gives a clearer picture.A Few References from The Qur'anSix Days: The creation was completed in six days (10:3).Order: In four days the earth was completed. Then attention wasgiven to the sky, which was still smoke. In two days seven heavenswere created with the lower heaven adorned with lights(41:10-12).Everything on earth was created before Allah turned to the skyor heaven and fashioned seven levels of heavens (2:29,41:10-12).Mountains Set Down: Mountains were set down on the earth likegiant immovable weights or pegs in order to keep the flat earthfrom moving (15:19, 21:31, 31:10, 88:19, 16:15, 79:32, 78:7).Stars Are Lamps: Above the earth were constructed seven layersof heavens which are miraculously kept from falling. The lowerlevel is decorated with lighted lamps (41:12, 67:5).Birds: Birds are a sign to encourage belief since there is nonatural reason why they are suspended between the earth and thesky. It is only by Allah’s miraculous power (16:79).The descriptions of Creation in the Quran are not merehistorical accounts, but are rather to engage the reader inlearning the lessons from it. The act of Creation, therefore, isfrequently spoken of as a way of drawing the reader into thinkingabout the order in all things, and the All-Knowing Creator Who isbehind it all.In this app, verses have been collected and arranged to providea short quick story to what Islam teaches on the origin of theuniverse, earth, mankind and more.
The Wonder Tree By Tinytapps 1.0
The Wonder Tree:Folktales by Tinytapps are lessons of value to teach youngchildren desirable behaviour. They are aimed at cultivating“virtues” and praise qualities such as kindness, truth, honesty andhard work.The Wonder Tree is a folktale from Arabia.Key Features:•Awesome Artwork & Animations•Excellent On Tap Audio Visuals•Amazing Sounds & Music•Story Text appearing along with narration•Options for Auto play, Read To Me & I want to ReadFolktales are important lessons of life passed down thegenerations. Folktales have the power to influence perception,attitude, behavior, and many other factors important to human’slife as well as the society.Folktales by Tinytapps is developed and designed to both educateand entertain our young story lovers from start to finish.So sit back, relax and enjoy.
Math Evaluation By Tinytapps 1.0
Math Evaluation• One stop Math app for kids in preschool, nursery, pre-K, K1,K2 or age group 2-5 years.• 30 types of activities: Add, Subtract, Count, Compare Numbers& more.In this app, preschoolers and young kids will enjoy learning Maththrough fun activities and get a head start in their mathconcepts.Practice Math with your young ones in this exciting activitybased app.Math Evaluation consists of a series of math activities, whichmakes learning and practicing math fun with your toddler.Developed with inputs from educational consultants and schools,this app aims to improve your child’s math skills. Activities inMath Evaluation will promote your child’s comfort and confidencewith various types of number skills.Activities:• Numbers• Counting• Tracing• Addition• Subtraction• Shapes & Patterns• Time• Measurement• ….& many more
Good Habits By Tinytapps 1.0
Good Habits By Tinytapps:Good Habits do not begin automatically. Teaching kids the righthabits for a happy life is an incredible responsibility and achallenge. It is no small chore, but one that is of the utmostimportance.Good Habits by Tinytapps is an educational app for preschoolkids and toddlers. The app focuses on making the learning processfun and fuss free. The content of the app is as follows:1.Hygiene Habits: It is important to teach children personalhygiene habits. We need to make them understand the long termbenefits of habits such as hand-washing and brushing teeth and thatthese tasks have to be done to stay healthy.2.Healthy Habits: By helping children develop healthy habits, wecan prepare them to make good choices e.g. early to bed,nutritional foods, exercising etc.3.Good Habits: ‘Throw rubbish in the bin’, ‘Do not scribble onthe desks and walls’ and more good habits like these help childrentake care and keep their surroundings neat and clean.4.Rhyme – Bits of Paper5.Activity1: Tap to choose your option: Helps kids learnassociate the items used with its habit, e.g. I wipe my face with a……….6.Activity2: Drag & Drop the pictures in sequence: islearning about what comes first – waking up, having a shower,brushing teeth, combing hair.The app is designed to appeal kids with its friendly menu,beautiful illustrations and awesome animations. More habits andactivities will be added.Your little ones will surely love this app…and you too!!Content Developer : SAJEDA JAMAL
All About Shapes By Tinytapps 1.0
All About Shapes by Tinytapps has fun filledinteractive activities, bright colours and Genie and the MagicLamp. It’s just the perfect app for your preschoolers, kids andtoddlers in the age group 2 and above.• 13 Shapes: Circle, Oval, Star, Heart, Rectangle, Square,Triangle & more• 9 Activities: Puzzle, Match, Maze, Trace, Colour and more.Teaching kids about SHAPES is fundamental. Shapes are ineverything. From buildings to furniture, cars to pizzas andballoons. Once kids learn about their shapes, they will begin tosee them everywhere.Learning Outcomes:• Identify Shapes & Colours• Associate Shapes and Objects• Enhances recognition and observation skills• Improves visual discrimination, eye and hand coordination andfine motor skills.• Develops analytical thinking.What's Free:• SHAPES• SHAPES GAME• SHAPES ACTIVITY• SHAPES PUZZLE• SHAPES TRACETestimonials:• I like it - It's not the best of apps but my son loves it and hisunderstanding of shapes has really cone along. Can't ask for more.Does exactly what it says on the in my opinion. - Bylil_miss_bell(United Kingdom)• cool - Coolest app..ever! - By innttrrzzz(United States)• It's so well made, I love all the games on it! So educational. -By WiredOnCoffee(Canada)Contact-us: http://www.thetinytapps.com/contact-us/Stay tuned: https://www.facebook.com/Tinytapps?ref=br_tf
Popular Rhymes By Tinytapps 1.0
Popular Rhymes:Specially designed for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and kidsofall agesIs beautifully illustrated, animated with on tap audiovisualexperience and excellent sound and music quality.Develops pre-reading skills, enhances phonemic awareness,helppracticing volume, pitch and voice inflection.Short, rhythmic and repetitive, makes it easy for childrentolearn and memorize.Is one of the most transportable forms of play and can beusedanywhere at any time.You can't find a better choice than Rhymes for Kids.Key Features:•Eight popular classic Rhymes.•Animated & On Tap Audio Visuals•Fantastic Music and Sound•Lyrics displayed for each rhyme•Easy Navigation•More Rhymes in updates.
My Talking Album 1.0
My Talking AlbumFor feedback: http://www.thetinytapps.com/contactusTap once to hear the word and Tap again to hear the sounditmakes. Tap again and again to see them smile.My Talking Album connects pictures with sounds for theveryyoung, tickling their audio-visual nerves. The pictures areofthings around them. The vivid colour and animations are designedtoget the kids hooked on.This app makes learning names of things and sounds they makesoentertaining.It’s divided into eight categories i.e. Animal Kingdom, AtHome,Nature, Music, Transport etc. with six pictures and six soundsineach category.You’ll see a big broad smile on your child’s face and alsohearhim giggling and laughing each time he flips through the pagesofMy Talking Album.All upgrades are free and we will upgrade with additionalpicsand categories periodically.Keywords: Toddlers, kids, album, fun, tinytapps, earlylearning,albums, kids, education, kids education, memory game, gameforkids, preschool education, alphabets learning, memory gameforkids, learning, albums game, study, read game, kids learning,kidsfun, preschool games, kids game, education for kids, teachingwordsto kids, preschool words, game for kids, kids, apps forkids,educational apps for kids, kids, kids game, education,educationfor kids, memory game, kids memory game, learning math,kids math,preschool math, preschool letters, learning counting,memory game,games, preschool, pre school, kids preschool, preschoolgames,games for kids, baby games, toddler games, letters,kids,flashcards, kids education, song for kids, education forpreschooltoddlers.Brought to you by TinyTapps - a redbytes software brandhttp://www.thetinytapps.comEducational Consultant: Sajeda JamalVoiceOver: Mariyah
Alphabet Dino By Tinytapps 1.0
Alphabet Dino is a story about Baby Dinoinsearch of its Mama Dino.The Baby Dino is assured by the Sea Dino that she will surelyfindMama Dino. But she’ll have to climb up the hills andmountains,cross the rivers and seas, run through the jungles andplains, makeher way through the tunnels, ropeways and rollercoasters and onthe way:1.Collect all letters in sequence A-Z/a-z.•And score points for each letter collected in sequence.•On completion of 13 letters in sequence, she will be awardedacertificate.•She can post her score and her certificate on Face Book.•She’ll have only 3 chances in case she makes a mistake.2.Perform tasks correctly to earn money.•The tasks will include:Match LettersMissing LettersRecognize Letters•With this money she can buy goodies for herself likecandies,cakes, toys & teddies.•She can view her shelf of goodies at all times and can post itonFace Book too.3. The WINNER i.e. YOU will be a part of the photo/memorythatsays: They lived happily ever after!4. BEWARE! Of the incorrect letters and the mirror images.5. IMPORTANT: don’t forget to select the type of letters tostartthe game.6. FREE: the first eight capital letters A- H.7. NEW: levels as updates will make game more excitingandchallenging.8. UK English9. Awesome Artwork and Animations10. Cool characters and landscapes.Alphabet Dino by Tinytapps makes learning fun, interactiveandengaging for preschoolers, kids and toddlers.Educational Consultant: SAJEDA JAMAL
Word Game By Tinytapps 1.0
Word Game:Word Game by Tinytapps is a foundational app forpreschoolers,kids and toddlers. It’s a great way to work onliteracy skills witha variety of games.CONTENT:1.CVC Words2.Digraph Twist3.Sight Scramble4.OppositesEarly readers can use simple consonant-vowel-consonant wordswithpictures. Digraph Twist provides kids with either an initialor enddiagraph to come up with as many words as possible. SightScramblesets the child to rearrange the letters to make a correctsightword. Opposites are made interesting with picture clues.Word Game by Tinytapps incorporates audio and visualstimulationto develop analytical thinking, recognition skills andmost of all,vocabulary and reading skills.Tinytapps uses an exciting delivery method and a playfulattitudeto make learning lots of fun!Preschool Consultant: SAJEDA JAMAL
Fun With Numbers By Tinytapps 1.0
*** Fun With Numbers ***Hi! Looking for some fun app for learning numbers? Well, FUNWITHNUMBERS is just that app. Preschool kids and toddlers willenjoy theexperience of interacting with the app while exploringthe world ofnumbers.1. Counting Numbers: Helps to evaluate and enhance theauditoryand counting skills of the child.2. Number Sequence: An activity that requires the child torecalland tap numbers in sequence 1-10.3. Missing Numbers: As the name suggests, this shooting gameisabout Missing Numbers.There are five more, namely,* Numbers Climb.* Sweet Numbers.* Fishy Numbers.* Odd/Even Numbers.* Numbers Maze.Have fun while you learn!!Preschool Consultant: SAJEDA JAMAL
Ball Frenzy by Tinytapps 1.0
TOUCH and DRAG the basket to catch the ballsasthey come down with varying speeds.Avoid the bombs and catch the bonuses to maximiseyourpoints.Choose between 3 different levels to test your skills andattainthe highest score.
The Four Oxen And The Lion 1.0
The Four Oxen and The Lion:The Four Oxen and The Lion by Tinytapps are a wonderful tooltoteach morals and values to children without making thelearningexperience a chore.The stories are developed and designed to both educateandentertain our young story lovers from start to finish.The stories will educate the children and help themcultivategood habits and transform themselves into a good citizenand makecontribution to the family & society at large.It has three options:1.Read along2.I want to read3.Auto ReadIts characters are brought to life through awesomeartwork,animations and a brilliant narration with amazingsoundseffects.Preschool Consultant: SAJEDA JAMAL
Fun With Shapes By Tinytapps 1.0
FUN WITH SHAPESIt’s about Shapes, more than 10...Circle, Square,Rectangle,Triangle, Oval and Diamond to name a few. All packedtogether infive fun filled interactive activities/games.Shapes are in everything. From buildings to furniture, carstopizzas and balloons. Our games bring Shapes in Space, ShapesinSupermarket, Shapes in Maze and more.These fun filled shapes activities/games enhances recognitionandobservation skills, improves visual discrimination andpromotesanalytical thinking.Indeed, an excellent way to spend happy times with yourlittledarlings!GAMES:1. Shapes Drop2. Shapes Maze3. Shapes Family4. Shapes Space5. Shapes SupermarketKEY FEATURES:1. Timer On/Off2. Speed3. Score/Points4. Suitable for Pre-K, K1 & K2.5. U.K. EnglishPreschool Consultant: SAJEDA JAMAL
Fox And The Grapes 1.0
We at Tinytapps believe that all majorfailuresare moral failures and hence it is extremely importantthat moralsand values are taught to our little ones at an earlyage.Home and family is the first place a child learns anddevelopshis/her morals and values. All parents want their childrentobecome compassionate, caring, respectful, and honest and havemanyother virtues too. Parents, teachers and other caregiversplayactive roles in character development of a child.While countless environmental factors impact a growingchild'spersonality, there are several developmental resources thatplaysignificant roles in determining the quality of their moralsandvalues.Every family has some great stories where grandpa or anuncleproved to be courageous or kind. Sharing these anecdotesandletting your children know more about the family and the valuesandbelief system helps the child to understand better what isexpectedof him/her.Besides family stories, children have their favoritebooks,movies and songs they love. They want to hear theirfavoritestories countless times. Favorite characters in books,movies andsongs emphasize the importance of morals and values.I-pads are awonderful tool to teach morals and values to childrenwithoutmaking the learning experience a chore.Stories such as The Fox and the Grapes, The Lion and TheMouseand The Honest Woodcutter will help our young readers andlistenersrealize the merits and demerits of honesty, sincerity,friendship,modesty, forgiveness etc. These stories will educate thechildrenand help them cultivate good habits and transformthemselves into agood citizen and make contribution to the family& society atlarge.Tinytapps brings to life these all time favorite moralvaluestories and its characters through awesome artwork, animationsanda brilliant narration with amazing sounds effects. Thesestoriesare developed and designed to both educate and entertain ouryoungstory lovers from start to finish.Preschool Consultant: SAJEDA JAMAL
Phonic Interactive 1.0
Phonics Interactive: Phonics Interactive by Tinytapps is afoundational language app for preschoolers, kids and toddlers. Itfeatures: 1.Letters A-Z 2.Pictures A-Z 3.Letters a-z 4.PhonicSounds A-Z 5.Rhyming Words with a,e,i,o,u – NEW words added. 6.WordGame - NEW Preschool kids, usually learn the sounds of all theletters a-z. Phonics Drill i.e. practicing the phonic skills makesspelling and reading smooth and automatic. Phonics Interactivehelps your child in learning to recognize the letters, bothuppercase and lowercase and phonic sounds. It also improves yourchild’s word recognition, spelling, and reading comprehensionskills. It is interactive, engaging and supports languagedevelopment through fun and play. It prepares your little onestowards achieving reading success. Preschool Consultant – SAJEDAJAMAL
Tinytapps 1.0
Tinytapps is for toddlers , it encompassesfunwith learning categorized into six sections namely:1. Games2. EVS3. Rhymes4. Math5. English/Language6. StoriesWe want kids to save their time and energy in searching anduseit to have fun while learning. With this app they have on stopshopwhere multiple fun learning app has been hand pickedandorganized.Contact-us: http://www.thetinytapps.com/contact-us/Stay tuned: https://www.facebook.com/Tinytapps?ref=br_tf
Opposites By Tinytapps 1.0
Opposites:Children have a natural love of learning and in this day andageof iPad, educational apps to them is one of the best ways tofeedtheir growing minds.Apps provided by Tinytapps are a great way to help kidslearnthrough colourful illustrations, animations, userexperiencefeatures, music and voice over in simple language.Opposites are word pairs that are opposite in meaning, suchashot and cold, black and white, and in and out.Opposites are one of the earliest basic concepts children seemtograsp. Opposites have to be taught because it is important forachild to learn that not everything is the same.Opposites allow children to better understand differences intheworld around them. As they are familiar within theirsurroundings,they can easily learn to distinguish and point outthedifferences/opposites in their world. Opposites give childrenachallenge to their cognitive thinking skills.This app includes 25 pairs i.e. 50 Opposites words inthelearning section and a game in the evaluation section. A songwillbe added shortly.Its time your little darlings learnt Opposites and whatbettertime than now!
Safety For Kids By Tinytapps 1.0
Safety For Kids:The safety of children is an important issue all parentsandcaretakers should have knowledge of. The most effective wayofprotection is educating them to be aware of potential dangers,andteaching ways to avoid those situations. From crossing the road,toteaching kids to keep away from fire, electric sockets, sharptoolsetc. every aspect of child safety education is important.Safety For Kids by Tinytapps could be your starting point.Theapp has sections about:1.Home Safety2.Road SafetyThe two above sections help educate the kids on the dangersathome and on the road and how to keep themselves safe. As basicasthey may seem, simple safety tips could end up saving yourchild'slife.The app also has:3.Rhyme – Traffic Lights4.Activity to recognize unsafe objects5.Art ActivityThe illustrations and animations are bright and beautiful.Theaudio and visual user tap effects are exciting and lots offun.We’ll be adding more content soon. Your child’s simply goingtolove this app.Educating your children is an ongoing process that will helpkeepthem safe even when they are eventually on their own.HappyParenting!!Content Developer: SAJEDA JAMAL
Panda Math By Tinytapps 1.0
• One stop Math app for kids in preschool, nursery, pre-K, K1, K2or age group 2-5 years. • 30 types of activities: Add, Subtract,Count, Compare Numbers & more. In this app, preschoolers andyoung kids will enjoy learning Math through fun activities and geta head start in their math concepts. What users are saying? ***Kids really improve numerical skills and graphics are really good.My kids enjoy it so much - Floredelizaplas *** Visuals are vibrantand appealing. The kids would really be hooked onto this. 10 on 10rating - Tateoni *** Its one of the best apps I have seen for Maths– Rafat *** Featured in Yourstory.in *** Featured as a Coronalabscase study. *** Featured in AppShopper Practice Math with youryoung ones in this exciting activity based app to reach Panda’sBirthday party. Panda Math consists of a series of math activities,which makes learning and practicing math fun with your toddler.Developed with inputs from educational consultants and schools,this app aims to improve your child’s math skills. Activities inPanda Math will promote your child’s comfort and confidence withvarious types of number skills. Activities: • Numbers • Counting •Tracing • Addition • Subtraction • Shapes & Patterns • Time •Measurement • ….& many more Highlights: 1. Based on IXL topics.2. Suitable for Pre-K, K-1 and K-2 3. More than 30 TYPES ofactivities. Download the app now and feel proud as you soon seeyour little ones master Fundamental Math skills. We would also loveto hear your reviews and comments at pandamath@thetinytapps.comRecommended ages: 2-5 years. Categories: Game, Math, Educational,Addition subtraction, counting, early learning, numbers, parents,special needs
Body Parts By Tinytapps 1.0
Body Parts by Tinytapps introduces thehumanbody to preschool kids. It talks about the external featuresachild can easily understand. A simple and easy to understandforall kids aged 2 and above.• 10 Body Parts• 5 Senses• Uses of the 5 Senses1.Head (including hair, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth)2.Neck3.Shoulders4.Arms (including elbow and wrist)5.Hands (including fingers)6.Chest7.Legs8.Knees9Ankles10.Feet (including toes)ACTIVITIES:1.Simon Says: An all time favourite game which is arecognitionactivity.2.Fun with Senses: is another evaluation activity in a fun way.Contact-us: http://www.thetinytapps.com/contact-us/Stay tuned: https://www.facebook.com/Tinytapps?ref=br_tf
Color Carnival By Tinytapps 1.0
In early years education ‘Colours” isusuallytaught as they are seen in the world around us. ButTinyTappsbrings Colours for your child through a Carnival…a COLOURCARNIVAL!The Colour Carnival is a fun place with red fireworks,pinkcandies, purple bumper cars and much more. Your child willsimplylove and enjoy the Colour Carnival.Colours : The child learns to recognize colours namelyRed,Green, Yellow, Blue, Brown, Black…a total of 10. Its an attempttowiden the horizon of your child by providinginterestinginformation and introducing related pictures thusarousingcuriosity to learn more.Colour Game/ Activity : This activity helps to evaluatethelearning achieved and strengthen the visual discrimination.Colour Fun : This activity with a choice of brushes and apanelof colours and a wipe off tool will surely make colouring afunactivity.Colour Song : is all about educating and entertaining at thesametime. Surely a song your child will love to listen andhum.Brought to you by TinyTapps - a redbytes software brandhttp://www.thetinytapps.comEducational Consultant: Sajeda Jamal
Friends Forever By Tinytapps 1.0
Friends Forever:We at Tinytapps believe that all major failures aremoralfailures and hence it is extremely important that morals andvaluesare taught to our little ones at an early age.Home and family is the first place a child learns anddevelopshis/her morals and values. All parents want their childrentobecome compassionate, caring, respectful, and honest and havemanyother virtues too. Parents, teachers and other caregiversplayactive roles in character development of a child.While countless environmental factors impact a growingchild'spersonality, there are several developmental resources thatplaysignificant roles in determining the quality of their moralsandvalues.Every family has some great stories where grandpa or anuncleproved to be courageous or kind. Sharing these anecdotesandletting your children know more about the family and the valuesandbelief system helps the child to understand better what isexpectedof him/her.Besides family stories, children have their favoritebooks,movies and songs they love. They want to hear theirfavoritestories countless times. Favorite characters in books,movies andsongs emphasize the importance of morals and values.I-pads are awonderful tool to teach morals and values to childrenwithoutmaking the learning experience a chore.Stories such as The Fox and the Grapes, The Lion and TheMouseand The Honest Woodcutter will help our young readers andlistenersrealize the merits and demerits of honesty, sincerity,friendship,modesty, forgiveness etc. These stories will educate thechildrenand help them cultivate good habits and transformthemselves into agood citizen and make contribution to the family& society atlarge.Tinytapps brings to life these all time favorite moralvaluestories and its characters through awesome artwork, animationsanda brilliant narration with amazing sounds effects. Thesestoriesare developed and designed to both educate and entertain ouryoungstory lovers from start to finish.
Nursery Rhymes By Tinytapps 1.0
• 30+ popular classic Rhymes. • Most transportable forms of play •Beautifully Animated & On Tap Audio Visuals • Fantastic Musicand Sound • Lyrics displayed for each rhyme • Easy and SmoothNavigation Nursery Rhymes by Tinytapps is a fabulous collection ofpopular traditional classics, designed especially for babies,toddlers, preschoolers and kids of all ages. It is one of the mosttransportable forms of play and can be used anywhere at any time.Learning Outcomes • Develops pre-reading skills • Enhances phonemicawareness • Helps practicing volume, pitch and voice inflection. •Easy for children to learn and memorize. Free Rhymes: • HumptyDumpty • London Bridge • Yankee Doodle • Old King Cole • Pat a cakeKey Features: •A total of 4+3+5+5+5+5 popular classic Rhymes.•Animated & On Tap Audio Visuals •Fantastic Music and Sound•Lyrics displayed for each rhyme •Easy Navigation •More Rhymes inupdates. Free Game: Peek-A-Boo Peek –A-Boo is a game played withbabies and toddlers. In the game, the older player hides his/herface, pops back into the baby's view, and says Peek-a-boo! Thisconcept, also known as object permanence, is an important milestonein your baby’s cognitive development.
Fun With Animals By Tinytapps 1.0
Fun With Animals is a fun filled animalbasededucational app to develop knowledge and skills inpreschoolers,toddlers and kids through puzzles, games and songs.The activitiesare interactive and engaging, with simple verbaldirections.Kids and toddlers love puzzles and games because theychallengetheir mind and trains their imagination, coordination,andassociation skills. Our songs are short, rhythmic, andrepetitivemaking it easy for children to learn and memorize.The experiences in the first three years form the basis ofasuccessful life and puzzles, games and songs provide alltheeducational content for the sound growth and skilldevelopment.Fun With Animals by Tinytapps is a great way to spendqualitytime with your little darlings.Educational Consultant : Sajeda Jamal
Rhymes For Kids By Tinytapps 1.0
Rhymes for kids Rhymes for kids is afabulouscollection of popular traditional classics!Specially designed for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and kidsofall ages. Is beautifully illustrated, animated with on tapaudiovisual experience and excellent sound and music quality.Develops pre-reading skills, enhances phonemic awareness,helppracticing volume, pitch and voice inflection. Short, rhythmicandrepetitive, makes it easy for children to learn and memorize.Isone of the most transportable forms of play and can beusedanywhere at any time.
Small abc By Tinytapps 1.0
Small abc: Small abc is a must have in your ipads and tablets. Thelower case letters of the English language made easy, interactive,engaging and lots of fun. It’s a good start to language literacy.It gives kids a head start in writing and phonics. The app has 3sections: 1. Read & Write: Letters, Sounds, Pictures, Words& Tracing. 2. New & Free: Picture Recognition activity andLetter Game. 3. Activities: 1. Letter Recognition 2. LetterSequence 3. Match Letters ( Small & Big) 4. Match Letters &Pictures 5. Missing Letters 6. Letters & Sounds 7. abc rhymeOur apps are a great way to build the foundation skills thattoday's preschool curriculum requires. The look and feel of theapps is just perfect for preschoolers, kids and toddlers. • Morethan 55 preschool apps • Over 500,000 users globally • Excellentfor kids 2-5 years • Learning & Evaluation • Reinforcement& Reward • Available across various app stores. For Feedback:Contact-us: http://www.thetinytapps.com/contact-us/ Brought to youby Tinytapps - a redbytes software brand:http://www.thetinytapps.com
The Honest Woodcutter 1.0
We at Tinytapps believe that all majorfailuresare moral failures and hence it is extremely importantthat moralsand values are taught to our little ones at an earlyage.Home and family is the first place a child learns anddevelopshis/her morals and values. All parents want their childrentobecome compassionate, caring, respectful, and honest and havemanyother virtues too. Parents, teachers and other caregiversplayactive roles in character development of a child.While countless environmental factors impact a growingchild'spersonality, there are several developmental resources thatplaysignificant roles in determining the quality of their moralsandvalues.Every family has some great stories where grandpa or anuncleproved to be courageous or kind. Sharing these anecdotesandletting your children know more about the family and the valuesandbelief system helps the child to understand better what isexpectedof him/her.Besides family stories, children have their favoritebooks,movies and songs they love. They want to hear theirfavoritestories countless times. Favorite characters in books,movies andsongs emphasize the importance of morals and values.I-pads are awonderful tool to teach morals and values to childrenwithoutmaking the learning experience a chore.Stories such as The Fox and the Grapes, The Lion and TheMouseand The Honest Woodcutter will help our young readers andlistenersrealize the merits and demerits of honesty, sincerity,friendship,modesty, forgiveness etc. These stories will educate thechildrenand help them cultivate good habits and transformthemselves into agood citizen and make contribution to the family& society atlarge.Tinytapps brings to life these all time favorite moralvaluestories and its characters through awesome artwork, animationsanda brilliant narration with amazing sounds effects. Thesestoriesare developed and designed to both educate and entertain ouryoungstory lovers from start to finish.Preschool Consultant: SAJEDA JAMAL
Fairy Tales By Tinytapps 1.0
Fairy Tales:While Fairy Tales like Red Riding Hood, Jack & TheBeanstalk& Goldilocks & Three Bears are a “Once upon a timeandlived happily ever after” experience.These stories aredevelopedand designed to both educate and entertain our young storyloversfrom start to finish.So sit back, relax and enjoy Fairy Tales by Tinytapps.Key Features:•Three Fairy Tales•Awesome Artwork & Animations•Excellent On Tap Audio Visuals•Amazing Sounds & Music•Story Text appearing along with narration•Options for Auto play, Read To Me & I want to ReadPreschool Consultant: SAJEDA JAMAL
Prints And Patterns 1.0
Looking for a fun new way to engage the littleones? Our new Prints & Patterns app will do just that. The appis also a great way for parents to bond with the kids as they guidethe little ones through these activities, sometimes evenparticipating along with them.PRINTS: Spark imagination and creativity and keep them engagedand happy. It has three types of printing activities namely FingerPrinting, Thumb printing & Vegetable Printing making it a totalof 15 fun filled and exciting printing experience.PATTERNS: Handwriting is an integral part of every child'sschool experience. Tracing patterns will allow kids develop thebasic skills that will get them ready for starting to write. Thehandwriting readiness activities have been provided in blue &red lines, dotted and color versions so that you can vary what youprovide to keep your child interested and enjoying thechallenge.
Means Of Transport 1.0
Means Of Transport:What’s New?•Drag & Drop: Transport & surface it moves on.•Transport Recognition: Which one is a/the…..(e.g. ship)•Art: Color the pictures.Besides,•30 Names of Transport – Land, Air & Water.•30 Sounds of Transport•Transport Puzzles: Put the pieces together.•Transport SongOn your mark…Get set…Go!! Have fun exploring transport withbrightand colorful illustrations and enjoy its movements andsounds.Tinytapps takes immense pleasure in introducing yourlittlesweethearts to yet another preschool app and this time it’sMeansOf Transport.Educational Consultant: SAJEDA JAMAL
Preschool Senior KG for Kids 1.0
"Preschool Senior KG for Kids" is one ofthefabulous collection of curriculum based learning activities,todelight kids and make learning fun designed especially forbabies,toddlers, preschoolers and kids of ages 2-6. It is one ofthe mosttransportable forms of playing, learning and can be usedanywhereat any time.Key Features:- 20 Progressive Activities with 100 Iterations Each.* Alphabet (Uppercase/Lowercase)* Object With Letter (Uppercase/Lowercase)* Alphabet Crop (Uppercase/Lowercase)* Alphabet Tracing Uppercase* Alphabet Tracing Lowercase* Connect The Letters (Uppercase/Lowercase)* Object With Alphabet (Uppercase/Lowercase)* Phonics Letter* Phonics Stories* Vowel Path* Vowel Words* Articles* First Missing Letter (5 Letter Words)* Last Missing Letter (5 Letter Words)* Rhyming Words* Rhyming Ending Words (5 Letter Words)* Sight Words* Doing Words* Complete The Words (5 Letter Words)* Digraph Words- 19 Progressive Activities with 100 Iterations Each.* Learn Numbers* Colours* Shapes* Number Tracing* Random Number Tracing* Missing Numbers* Identify The Number* Number Counting* Same Numbers* Color The Shapes* Color The Number* Draw Line With Color* Complete The Series* Greatest Number* Match Color And Shape* Color All Shapes* Color The Picture* Name The Ship* Geometric Shapes- 16 Progressive Activities with 100 Iterations Each.* Match The Letter Bird* Alphabet Vegetable* Plant Parts* Body Parts* Fill in the blanks Body Part* Action Words* Right Path* Match The Letter Vehicle* Signs to Text* Living/Non-Living Objects* Hot/Cold Objects* Weekdays* Years* Moon Cycle* Odd One Out* Size- 4 General Knowledge Progressive Activities with 10 newtopicsEach.* Smart Alecs* Trivia* Wizards- Beautifully Animated and On Tap Audio Visuals.- Eye Exercises to keep your eyes stress free.- Fantastic Music & Sounds.- Collect stickers as you gain coins as you play in our“StickerWorld”.- Easy and Smooth Navigation.- Iterations were designed with your children in mind - there arenohigh scores, failures, limits or stress. Your children caninteractwith the app at their own pace.From the team at Tinytapps - Tinytapps is a team ofpassionateartists and engineers dedicated to designing the best ofeducationand entertainment for the toddlers around the world. Wehope youenjoy playing with our newly released apps around theappstores.Contact us: http://www.thetinytapps.com/contact-us/Like us: https://www.facebook.com/Tinytapps/Follow us: https://twitter.com/tinytappsSubscribe us: https://www.youtube.com/user/tinytapps
Preschool Nursery for Kids 1.0
"Preschool Nursery for Kids" is one ofthefabulous collection of curriculum based learning activities,todelight kids and make learning fun designed especially forbabies,toddlers, preschoolers and kids of ages 2-6. It is one ofthe mosttransportable forms of playing, learning and can be usedanywhereat any time.Key Features:- 12 Language Progressive Activities with 100 IterationsEach.* Pre-Writing Strokes - 1* Alphabet Uppercase* Alphabet Uppercase Cropping* Alphabet Uppercase Path* Alphabet Uppercase Tracing* Beginning Letter (Uppercase)* Complete The Word (3 Letter Word)* Connect The Letter (Uppercase)* First Missing Letter (3 Letter Word)* Last Missing Letter (3 Letter Word)* Object With Letter (Uppercase)* Vocabulary Building- 29 Maths Progressive Activities with 100 Iterations Each.* Pre Math Concept* Learn Numbers* Number Tracing* Count And Write* Count And Match* Count And Fill* Missing Numbers* Count And Put* Identify The Number* Same Numbers* Colours* Colour The Number* Same Color Objects* Shapes* Count The Shapes* Colour The Shapes* Match Color And Shape* Name The Ship* Match The Object Pattern* Match Same Object* Tap Different Object* Size Recognition* Identify The Height* Number Counting* Greatest Number* Complete The Series* Ascending Order* Descending Order* Objects Go Together- 19 Science Progressive Activities with 100 Iterations Each.* Animals* Often Animals* Lactating Animal* Birds* Insects* Fruits And Vegetables* Fruits Without Peeling* Vegetables Without Peeling* Sense Organ* Picture Using Their Hand* Object You Can Touch* Keep Clean* Object You Can Hear* Tap Only On The Vehicles* Objects Find in ClassRoom* Object You Carry To School* Object Inside The House* Match The Dress* Opposites- 4 General Knowledge Progressive Activities with 10 newtopicsEach.* Fun To Know* I Want To Know More* Master Minds* Mind Benders- Beautifully Animated and On Tap Audio Visuals.- Eye Exercises to keep your eyes stress free.- Fantastic Music & Sounds.- Collect stickers as you gain coins as you play in our“StickerWorld”.- Easy and Smooth Navigation.- Iterations were designed with your children in mind - there arenohigh scores, failures, limits or stress. Your children caninteractwith the app at their own pace.From the team at Tinytapps - Tinytapps is a team ofpassionateartists and engineers dedicated to designing the best ofeducationand entertainment for the toddlers around the world. Wehope youenjoy playing with our newly released apps around theappstores.Contact us: http://www.thetinytapps.com/contact-us/Like us: https://www.facebook.com/Tinytapps/Follow us: https://twitter.com/tinytappsSubscribe us: https://www.youtube.com/user/tinytapps
Hindi Vernmala By Tinytapps 1.0
Hindi Vernmala: TinyTapps presents Hindi Alphabet also calledHindiAksharmala or Hindi Varnmala. Hindi is a language that isspoken byabout 500 million people across the globe and even morepeopleunderstand it. Hindi is a completely phonetic languagemeaning thatit is written exactly as it is spoken. Hindi, just asthe Englishalphabet, has vowels and consonants. A letter is knownas 'Varn'and the alphabet chart is known as 'Varnamala'. Vowels arecalled'Swar'. & Consonants are called 'Vyanjan' . This appmakeslearning Hindi a simple and joyous experience for both,younglearners and first time learners. The picture/words havebothtranslation and transliteration in English. The five sectionsinthe app are : Swar : There are 13 Swar/Vowels in Hindi. Thechildlearns to recognize and discriminate the Swar. The childalsolearns to identify the shape and sound of the Swar. Thechildlearns to associate picture with the sound of the letter.Itdevelops the auditory and visual skills. It increases thechild’svocabulary. Vyanjan : There are 33 Vyanjan/Consonants and3Conjunct Consonants in Hindi. The child learns to recognizeanddiscriminate the Vyanjan. The child also learns to identifytheshape and sound of the Vyanjan. The child learns toassociatepicture with the sound of the letter. It develops theauditory andvisual skills. It increases the child’s vocabulary.Writing Swar :The child learns to write the letter correctly. Theformationarrows, choice of colour pencils, eraser and the bluelines makeswriting easy and fun to learn. Writing Vyanjan : Thechild learnsto write the letter correctly. The formation arrows,choice ofcolour pencils, eraser and the blue lines makes writingeasy andfun to learn. Brought to you by TinyTapps - a redbytessoftwarebrand http://www.thetinytapps.com
Folktales By Tinytapps 1.0
Folktales By Tinytapps: All major failures are moral failures. Itisextremely important that morals and values are taught to ourlittleones at an early age. Folktales by Tinytapps are developedanddesigned to both educate and entertain our young story loversfromstart to finish. Stories such as The Honest Woodcutter, FourOxen& The Lion and The Greedy Old Woman will help our youngreadersand listeners realize the merits and demerits of honesty,sincerity,unity, greed etc. Tinytapps brings to life these alltime favouritefolk tales and its characters through awesomeartwork, animationsand a brilliant narration with amazing soundseffects. PreschoolConsultant – SAJEDA JAMAL
English Evaluation 1.0
English Evaluation English Evaluation is a complete EnglishAlphabetapp (Uppercase Letters), designed and developed forpreschoolers,kids and toddlers. • Builds rich vocabulary (100+words). • Developsauditory and visual skills. • Enhancesanalytical and recognitionskills. • Makes learning easy, engagingand lots of fun. The twosections and its content are as below:LEARNING: 1. Letters A-Z1 2.Phonic Sounds2 3. Pictures &Words3 4. Tracing4 ACTIVITY: 1.Letter Recognition 2. PictureRecognition 3. Missing Letters 4.Letters in Sequence EducationalConsultant: Sajeda Jamal
Puzzles By Tinytapps 1.0
These are interactive math puzzles
Fun With Flashcard 1.0
100 Fun Words is now Fun With Flashcard. Tap once to hear thewordand Tap again to hear the sound it makes. Tap again and againtosee them smile. Fun With Flashcard connects pictures withsoundsfor the very young, tickling their audio-visual nerves.Thepictures are of things around them. The vivid colour andanimationsare designed to get the kids hooked on. This app makeslearningnames of things and sounds they make so entertaining. It’sdividedinto ten categories i.e. Animal Kingdom, At Home, Nature,Music,Transport etc. with ten pictures and ten sounds in eachcategory.You’ll see a big broad smile on your child’s face and alsohear himgiggling and laughing each time he flips through the pagesof FunWith Flashcard. All upgrades are free and we will upgradewithadditional pics and categories periodically. Brought to youbyTinyTapps - a redbytes software brandhttp://www.thetinytapps.comEducational Consultant: Sajeda Jamal
Arabic Flashcards By Tinytapps 1.0
Arabic Flashcards: Arabic Flashcards connects pictures withsoundsfor the very young, tickling their audio- visual nerves.Thepictures are of things around them…Animals, Birds,Transport,Nature, Music, At Home, etc. Arabic Flashcards is acollection of:1.100 Pictures with 2.100 Sounds they make. 3.100Arabic Words.4.100 English Words. Developed specially forpreschoolers, kids andtoddlers, this app makes learning names ofthings and sounds theymake easy and entertaining. You’ll see a bigbroad smile on yourchild’s face and also hear him/her giggling andlaughing each timehe flips through these flashcards. Brought to youby TinyTapps - aredbytes software brand http://www.thetinytapps.comEducationalConsultant: Sajeda Jamal