Tracking the Wild (Pty) Ltd Приложения

Tracking the Wild 0.66
Tracking the Wild (Pty) Ltd
EXPLORE | SHARE | CONTRIBUTETracking the Wild is a wildlife social media platform that isaneasy way to explore Africa’s parks & reserves, safelyshareyour wildlife sightings and make a valuable contributiontoconservation. The platform takes the concept of crowd-sourcinganduses it to collect the valuable data that conservationresearchneeds to protect Africa’s biodiversity.The goal is to enrich people’s wildlife experiences andraiseawareness of Africa’s wilderness through sustainabletourism.Tracking the Wild’s belief is that our world's wildernesscan onlybe protected when people have the opportunity experienceits beautyand contribute towards its preservation.Tracking the Wild has been specifically built as a platformthatthe public can safely submit their wildlife sightings withoutthelocation data of vulnerable species being made public. This isdoneby managing what species the public can see within each oftheparks/reserves we list. Furthermore, rhino sightings areblockedfrom the platform and we also withhold the location of anyspeciesthat is outside of a protected area. By taking thisapproach,Tracking the Wild provides the public with a platformwhere theycan responsibly share their sightings and simultaneouslycontributevast amounts of valuable data to conservationresearch.Professor Les Underhill of the Animal Demography Unit attheUniversity of Cape Town explains the value of the app:“Imaginetrying to motivate that a species is of conservationconcern if youdo not have an up-to-date distribution map for thespecies.Ideally, one would like to have a distribution map that isbased onrecords collected only in the past decade or less. Thismeans thatdistribution data needs to be updated continuously. Thisis whatthis new app helps us to achieve.”The platform features:• Latest sightings feed• Personal sightings history and statistics• Hotspots - a heatmap of historical sightings (worksoffline)• Detailed offline maps for each of the listed parksandreserves• Species checklists for every park (works offline)• Species guides covering all birds, mammals and reptiles ineachpark (works offline)• A directory of Southern African parks and reserves (AllSouthAfrica's National Parks (SANParks) & most majorgame/naturereserves in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, SwazilandandZimbabwe)• In app accommodation booking with SafariNow• All sightings data sent to researchers at the AnimalDemographyUnit (ADU) at the University of Cape Town and otherconservationpartners.Protected areas in Africa: Live safari sightings and maps forthefollowing National Parks, Game Reserves and NatureReserves:Ai-|Ais/Richtersveld Transfrontier ParkAddo Elephant National ParkAgulhas National ParkAnysberg Nature ReserveAugrabies Falls National ParkBontebok National ParkCamdeboo National ParkCederberg Wilderness AreaCentral Kalahari Game ReserveChobe National ParkDe Hoop Nature ReserveDinokeng Game ReserveEtosha National ParkGamkaberg Nature ReserveGarden Route National ParkGolden Gate Highlands National ParkGoukamma Nature ReserveGreat Fish River Nature ReserveHluhluwe-iMfolozi Game ReserveHwange National ParkiSimangaliso Wetland ParkIthala Game ReserveKaroo National ParkKgalagadi Transfrontier ParkKhutse Game ReserveKogelberg Nature ReserveKruger National ParkLimpopo-Lipadi Private Game & Wilderness ReserveMadikwe Game ReserveMakgadikgadi Pans National ParkMapungubwe National ParkMarakele National ParkMokala National ParkMoremi Game ReserveMountain Zebra National ParkNamaqua National ParkNdumo Game ReserveNxai Pan National ParkPilanesberg Game ReserveRobberg Nature ReserveRocherpan Nature ReserveSomkhanda Game ReserveSwartberg Nature ReserveTable Mountain National ParkTankwa Karoo National ParkTembe Elephant ParkuKhahlamba Drakensberg ParkWelgevonden Game ReserveWest Coast National Parkand more coming soon...