Transparent Language Inc. Приложения

Transparent Language 1.2.8
Transparent Language Inc.
THE TRANSPARENT LANGUAGE MOBILE APP IS FOR USEWITH TRANSPARENT LANGUAGE ONLINE AND REQUIRES ACTIVATION BEFORE ITCAN BE USED.If you have a Transparent Language Online account, you can activateyour Transparent Language mobile app by entering the mobileusername and password from within your personal account or if youhave been provided with a mobile account activation page. Theseaccounts are provided if you have access through a participatingPublic Library, School or business which subscribes to theseservices.The Transparent Language mobile app is a powerful and personalizedlanguage-learning system, designed to advance your new languageproficiency by expanding your vocabulary reservoir. The engagingflash card interface helps lock foreign language words and phrasesinto your memory so that you can recall them with better accuracy.The Transparent Language mobile app will make your languagelearning easy using its fun, addicting, and lightning-fast 3-stepprocess.Features:* Access to over 75 languages (including Chinese, French, German,Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, and more).* Learn over 1,000 critical words and phrases for eachlanguage.* Hear the language spoken by real native speakers and learn everynuance with Byki's SlowSound technology.* Read and see your chosen language in its native form.* Search for words and phrases on Twitter to see how others use thelanguage.* Track your progress as you work your way through Bykilists.Supported languages include: Afrikaans, Arabic, BrazilianPortuguese, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English,European Portuguese, French, Finnish, German, Greek, HaitianCreole, Hebrew, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean,Mandarin Chinese, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian,Slovak, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish, Zulu, and manymore.Note: A Transparent Language Online user account is required to usethe Transparent Language mobile app. If your library or educationalinstitution does not have a subscription to these services, you canpurchase any single language in our Byki Mobile application,including Spanish, French, and more.
Byki Mobile 1.1.1
Transparent Language Inc.
Our Best-Selling Language-Learning Software -Now Available Straight from Your Mobile Device!FREE: Each language has three vocabulary lists to learn,absolutely free.IN-APP PURCHASE: To access all of the lists for a language,simply make an In-App Purchase for that language ($7.99). Eachlanguage has over 1,000 critical words and phrases organized intoover 70 vocabulary lists.Byki Mobile is a powerful and personalized language-learningsystem, designed to advance your new language proficiency byexpanding your vocabulary reservoir. With its fun, addicting, andlightning-fast 3-step process, Byki Mobile makes it easy to learn anew language. The engaging flash card interface helps lock foreignlanguage words and phrases into your memory, allowing you to recallthem with better accuracy.With Byki Mobile now available in over 80 languages, there is alanguage-learning option for everyone!Features:* Learn over 1,000 critical words and phrases organized into over70 lists for each language.* Read and see your chosen language in its native form.* Hear every nuance of the language and master proper pronunciationwith Byki's SlowSound™ technology.* Test your knowledge of what you have learned with multiple choicequizzes.* Track your learning progress with the Learned Items system.* Review items that have become "stale" and turn them "fresh" againwith refresh mode.* Search for words and phrases on Twitter to see how others use thelanguage.* Use Byki as a phrasebook to search words and phrases in bothEnglish and in a foreign language.
Byki Deluxe 1.0.1
Transparent Language Inc.
THIS APPLICATION IS FOR USE WITH THE BYKIDELUXE DESKTOP SOFTWARE PACKAGE AND REQUIRES ACTIVATION BEFORE ITCAN BE USED.Our Best-Selling Language-Learning Software - Now AvailableStraight from Your Mobile Device!The Byki Deluxe mobile app is a powerful and personalizedlanguage-learning application, designed to be used in conjunctionwith the Byki Deluxe desktop software package. Advance your newlanguage proficiency by expanding your vocabulary reservoir withits fun, addicting, and lightning-fast 3-step process. The engagingflash card interface helps lock foreign language words and phrasesinto your memory, allowing you to recall them with better accuracy,making it easy to learn a new language.With the Byki Deluxe mobile app now available in over 50languages, there is a language-learning option for everyone!Features:* Learn over 1,000 critical words and phrases organized into over70 lists for each language.* Read and see your chosen language in its native form.* Hear every nuance of the language and master proper pronunciationwith Byki's SlowSound™ technology.* Test your knowledge of what you have learned with multiple choicequizzes.* Track your learning progress with the Learned Items system.* Review items that have become "stale" and turn them "fresh" againwith refresh mode.* Search for words and phrases on Twitter to see how others use thelanguage.* Use Byki as a phrasebook to search words and phrases in bothEnglish and in a foreign language.
CL-150 for Android 1.1.3
Transparent Language Inc.
CL-150 for Android is specifically designedfor users of the CL-150 Technology Matrix for Critical Languages,which supports language and culture learning for specializedgovernment purposes. As a licensed CL-150 user, you are alreadyauthorized to download and use this app.To access the CL-150 for Android app:1) Download the CL-150 for Android app.2) Log in to your CL-150 account and click the “edit profile” linkin the top right-hand corner to view your personal CL-150 UserName. Enter that user name when requested the first time you launchthe CL-150 for Android app.3) Select your language and list. When the download completes,begin learning. (A network connection is required for listselection and initial download.)Note: CL-150 accounts are available only to US government andmilitary personnel and programs. More information for Android allows you to select and learn CL-150 lists inany of more than 75 supported languages.CL-150 for Android takes you through a 3-step process that allowsyou to quickly and reliably master each of the words and phrases inyour chosen list. Finish by taking a quiz for each list.Learning new words and phrases is a major and important aspect oflearning any new language. CL-150 for Android helps you do thatlearning as effectively as possible, wherever you are and wheneveryou have the chance.Features of CL-150 for Android include:• Access to the same learning lists as available on theCL-150.• 3-Step learning method for fast, efficient, and effectivelearning.• Read, see, and hear your chosen language in its native form.(Some customer-authored content does not include recordings.)• Hear every nuance of the language and master proper pronunciationwith SlowSound™ technology.• Track your learning progress with the Learned Items system.• Review items that have become "stale" and turn them "fresh" againwith refresh mode.• Search for words and phrases on Twitter to see how the words andphrases you are learning are used in live Twitter conversations(Requires a network connection).• Add your own custom content using separate CL-150 software. Newlists can be shared with other CL-150 members.
CL-150 1.3.8
Transparent Language Inc.
Have a CL-150 account? Download the app to learn on the go!
Transparent Language Online 1.3.8
Transparent Language Inc.
Have a Transparent Language Online account? Download the app tolearn on the go!