Trisha Prabhu Приложения

ReThink - Stops Cyberbullying 1.11-all
Trisha Prabhu
ReThink is a teeange girl’s journey to stopcyberbullying before it starts. ReThink Before The Damage Is Done!**** ReThink was featured as one of the most innovative apps byGoogle Play PlayTime! ****ReThink is a non-intrusive, innovative and award-winning solutionto stop cyberbullying before it happens, especially in youngadolescents and teenagers. Use ReThink Keyboard to give your childa second chance to pause, review and ReThink their messages onevery app they use.My name is Trisha Prabhu, I am 17 years old inventor of ReThink.When I was 13 years old, I was spurred into action by the anger,sadness and frustration of the death of an 11-year old girl thatcommitted suicide because she was repeatedly cyberbullied. I tookon the cause to find a solution to stop cyberbullying. The resultwas my product, ReThink. Together, we can stop this silent pandemicand promote internet positivity and responsible digital citizenshipin young kids. Please visit to learnmore.ReThink’s Game-Changing Solution:• ReThink is a patented, innovative and award-winning solution toempower adolescents to make the positive decisions online andbecome responsible digital citizens.• ReThink is a "behavioral science based" nudge or a brake forimpulsive behavior to ensure hurtful messages are not sent in theheat of the moment!• ReThink detects offensive and hurtful content in real-time beforeit is posted and prompts the user to reconsider posting thatmessage. With this gentle brake, a pause, a second chance inreal-time, adolescents change their minds over 93% of thetime.• ReThink is a proactive solution that counters conventionalsolutions today, such as “block the bully” mechanism OR “report toan adult” mechanism, by taking the burden off of the victim toreport harassment and instead tackle the issue at the source.• Parents get the much needed peace of mind, so that they don'thave to the dreaded helicopter parents looking over theirchildren's phones!• ReThink works with every app that uses a keyboard! - textmessages, emails, social media etc.• Give the gift of ReThink keyboard to your kids, pre-teens andteen so they learn to make right decisions online and offline!Choose ReThink Keyboard from device settings to give your child asecond chance to pause, review and ReThink their message beforesending it.Why ReThink?The adolescent brain is likened to a car with no brakes. It is wellknown that adolescents can be impulsive and make rash decisions.The part of the brain that controls decision making (pre-fontalcortex) does not fully develop until age 25. Offensive and hurtfulmessages sent in impulse, are found in everyday onlineinteractions, causing immense mental and potentially physical harmto the recipients. Kids and teens do not realize that once anoffensive message is sent out, the damage is done – and theInternet is forever - they really can’t ever “delete” it.My rigorous scientific research has shown that when given a chanceto pause and reconsider before posting a hurtful message,adolescents change their minds 93% of the time and do the rightthing. The overall willingness to post an offensive message dropsfrom about 71% to about 4%.How can I help this cause?• Please raise awareness about this issue so children across thenation and around the globe can take advantage of this effectivetool.• Please request your child’s teacher or principal to nominate twostudents from their schools to become ReThink Ambassadors at This will help spread ReThinkmessage to students at their school.If you ever experience a crash or any bugs associated with theReThink app, please send an email to support@rethinkwords.cominstead of posting a negative review – we can help fix the issuemuch more quickly if you contact ReThink Support.By downloading this app, you are accepting its User Agreement: