Turf Assistant Приложения

Turf Assistant 2.1.1
Turf Assistant
Turf Assistant is a golf course maintenancesoftware created to assist you, the golf course superintendent,manage all the responsibilities that you have in your job. TurfAssistant is being developed by seasoned professionals in the golfcourse industry. We have countless years invested in the golfmarket and worked with golf course superintendents to understandyour daily challenges. We have built a maintenance software for thegolf course superintendent with the sole purpose to help you Plan,Execute on that plan, and be able to Report results to your staff,yourself and your management. While Turf Assistant will neverreplace your actual assistants it can drastically help make themand yourself more efficient and effective. Turf Assistant is asoftware program that can do a lot of the mundane tasks that you oryour assistant would normally have to do. If you haven’t had achance, watch the video to get an idea of how this golf coursemaintenance software can assist you. See the features below tounderstand more how Turf Assistant can help you.FEATURESTASK AND LABOR MANAGEMENTRoutines are the heart of Turf Assistant. Routines are like yourdaily schedule. You setup routines and Turf Assistant canautomatically monitor and recommend tasks based on a routinesschedule. Accept and assign these recommended Tasks to Workers andTurf Assistant will keep a history on who did what. At the click ofa button, you now have reporting on how much money you are spendingand in what areas.SCHEDULING ASSISTANTAfter you have Turf Assistant setup with your Routines theScheduling Assistant can automatically assign Tasks to your Workersor you can on the fly (and very quickly we might add) assign Tasksmanually each day. The choice is yours of how you wish to use it.Someone didn't show up for work? No problem. Quickly reassign Tasksto other Workers or ignore them and do them the next time they aredue.CHEMICAL MANAGEMENTTurf Assistant will help schedule your chemical maintenance andkeep your application records automatically. Turf Assistant alsohas a massive online database of chemicals, nutrition values andMSDS safety sheets. Turf Assistant knows what the nutritionalvalues are of the chemicals you use and will make recommendationsas to when it is time to apply chemicals again.EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENTTurf Assistant has built in Routines for all major brands of turfequipment. Setup your equipment fleet in Turf Assistant and it willautomatically know what maintenance routines need to be performed.Turf Assistant will also keep maintenance records for all work youpreform on your equipment.EXPENSE AND BUDGETINGTurf Assistant will help you manage your budget and expenses. Logexpenses and snap pictures of receipts from your mobile device andTurf Assistant will file it away and print it out for you wheneveryou need it. At a glance pull up how many dollars you have spent ineach budget category for the year.POWERFUL REPORTINGAll of that data you have erased away over the years usingtraditional whiteboard methods is now saved into Turf Assistant'sadvanced reporting features. Any and all activities that you doinside of Turf Assistant can be reported on. How much have youspent on hand raking bunkers? What was your misc expenditures forthe year (with receipts). What piece of equipment is costing youthe most in repair and maintenance? All of this and more will beanswered at the click of a button in Turf Assistant.