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Piston Mod 1.0
Ulit Vivat 5
More Pistons ModThe More Pistons Mod adds five new types of pistons to MinecraftPocket Edition. All pistons can be toggled by the use of a redstonesignal and each of them can push and pull a unique length ofblocks. As of version 0.13 redstone exists in Minecraft but so farwe haven’t got any pistons. If you are tired of waiting for anofficial update of the game then give this mod a try – it worksvery well and even adds in a couple of new pistons never(officially) seen in any Minecraft version before!Piston ModPistons are blocks which can push and pull blocks by the use ofa redstone. According to one of the developers of Minecraft PocketEdition it’s expected to be an official feature in the next versionof the game (0.14.0). But if you can’t wait and want access topistons right now then you can use this mod. The mod is morelimited but it does provide a taste of what’s to come.
Ultimate Lucky Block Mod 1.0
Ulit Vivat 5
Ultimate Lucky Block ModThe Ultimate Lucky Block Mod adds a lucky block to the gamewhich can cause 50 random types of outcomes when being destroyed.Sometimes you will get really valuable gear and other times youwill have to fight zombies. You never know what to expect and thatmakes everything a bit more exciting when breaking the block.
Mod Super Mario For MCPE 1.0
Ulit Vivat 5
Super Mario ModThe Super Mario Mod adds 15 new blocks to the game which can beused to create Super Mario levels in Minecraft. It appears to bebased on the classic-style platform games like Super Mario Land forGame Boy so that’s the type of maps you should focus on creating.But really, the design of the map is completely up to you. Considerthis like an addon which can be used along with the default blocksin Minecraft to create Super Mario styled minigames.
Christmas Gifts Mod 1.0
Ulit Vivat 5
Christmas Gifts ModThe Christmas Gifts mod adds three gift blocks which can beopened to retrieve different types of gifts. It’s similar to theLucky Block Mod but for Christmas times.
World Edit Terra Mod 1.0
Ulit Vivat 5
World Edit Terra ModThe World Edit Terra Mod is the ultimate terraforming mod forMinecraft Pocket Edition. It adds multiple tools and text commandswhich can be used for creating customized terrains in your worlds.If you are looking for an efficient method for building largenatural shaped terrains or copy and pasting structures of differentkinds then this mod will make all of that and much morepossible.
Redstone + Mod 1.0
Ulit Vivat 5
Redstone + ModAs of version 0.13 redstone was officially added to MinecraftPocket Edition. But it’s still in its early stages of developmentand this means some features are missing. Redstone + is a mod whichtries to make those features available for us right now. So far themod features include repeaters, pistons, the command block and aslime block. Dispensers, droppers and redstone comparators arestill a work in progress but hopefully something we will be able touse soon as well.
Elytra Wings Mod 1.0
Ulit Vivat 5
Elytra Wings ModThe Elytra Wings Mod adds an item which can be used to glidefrom higher grounds such as jumping off a cliff and then safelyglide to the ground. The best things about this mod is thebeautiful animation which really boosts the entire experienc
Agamer-minimods 1.0
Ulit Vivat 5
AgameR MiniModsAgameR MiniMods is a collection of small mods createdbypeacestorm. Even if each mod is simple they can be useful inmanyways. Currently there are two such mods released but you willseethis number growing as more mods are added to thecollection.AgameR Paint ModA mod which adds 16 painting brushes to the game allwhichrepresent an individual color each. By using a brush item youcanpaint other objects. For example, if you wanted a pink houseyoucould take the Pink Paint Brush and paint your house withit.
Meteors Mod 1.0
Ulit Vivat 5
Meteors ModThe Meteors Mod adds 9 different types of meteors which canfallfrom the sky. They can be enabled and disabled by the use ofasimple text command. It surely adds some excitement to thegameplayas you never know what will be coming down from the sky.But at thesame time they are incredibly dangerous and should onlybe used inworlds which you aren’t neccessarily very careful aboutas they cancause some serious damage.
Inventory Save Mod 1.0
Ulit Vivat 5
Inventory Save ModInventory Save is a really simple mod but extremely useful asitwill save all your items in your inventory even if you happentodie and respawn. Sure, it removes some of the danger of dyingandcould almost be considered a cheat. But the fact is thatcheatingin singleplayer doesn’t really affect anybody else thanyourself sowhat’s the big deal?