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All About Genes and Genetics 1.2
What do you know about your family tree? Haveany of your relatives had health problems that tend to run infamilies? Which of these problems affected your parents orgrandparents? Which ones affect you or your brothers or sistersnow? Which problems might you pass on to your children?Thanks to advances in medical research, doctors now have thetools to understand much about how certain illnesses, or increasedrisks for certain illnesses, pass from generation to generation.Here are some basics about genetics.Genes and ChromosomesGenetic ProblemsAbnormal Numbers of ChromosomesDeletions, Translocations, and InversionsSex ChromosomesGene MutationsOncogenes (Cancer-Causing Genes)New Discoveries, Better Care
DNA Facts 1.6
Read and share DNA facts with yourfriends
BS Interior Design 1.1
Designing Services that will change the"Look& Feel" of your life.Be it consultancy, furnishing or renovation.. We make the bestuseof aesthetic sense to derive your office's/home's best outlook!How we workDesign and Consultancy• Review and revise existing building plans• Offer direction and advice on finishes, fixtures, fittings• Prepare schedules of finishes• Provide kitchen and bathroom design expertiseRenovations• Make recommendations for renovations• Provide itemised quotations for trade work• Schedule trade work and engage tradesmen• Supervise renovation from start to finishFurnishings• Design custom furniture• Select appropriate furniture, fabrics and window treatments• Provide quotations for supply and installation ofallfurnishings• Order furniture and supervise delivery and installation