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Wahed Invest 2.1.15
Wahed Inc.
Thousands of clients from over 55 countries have startedtheirjourney with us. You too can put your money to work. Wahed istheeasiest way to invest your money in an Ethical manner whereveryouare. You can start with just $100 with no long-termcommitmentswhatsoever. You can place a deposit or withdrawalrequest atanytime. Here’s how it works: 1. Get a recommendedportfolio basedon your risk profile 2. Open your account anddeposit seamlessly 3.Monitor your performance, we’ll buy theinvestments for youautomatically Start saving for your future withthis award winningand revolutionary digital Ethical investmentplatform - your phonebecomes an investment portfolio managementtool. Wahed’srobo-advisor custom tailors recommendations based on asimple riskassessment questionnaire with one main purpose: findingthe rightinvestment strategy for you! Your money will be investedindifferent funds such as global stocks, emerging marketstocks,Sukuk, and gold. Commitment to Ethical investing: • Ourinvestmentsare carefully screened for the presence of interest, aswellsecurities with excessive debt ratios • We do not investinimpermissible industries including alcohol, gambling, armsandtobacco, among others • Our company and portfolios havebeencertified as Shariah Compliant by AAOIFI standards by our fulltimeShariah Review Board Signing up is easy. Download our app, taketherisk assessment questionnaire and make your deposit tojointhousands of clients who are investing for their future.
Wahed Invest - USA 1.1.2
Wahed Inc.
Clients from all 50 states have started their journey with us.Thisis halal investing the way it should be. Wahed is the easiestwayto invest your money in a Halal manner wherever you are. Noset-upfees or long-term commitments, and you can get started withaslittle as $100 – it’s Halal investing the way it should be.Here’show it works: 1. Get a recommended portfolio based on yourriskprofile 2. Sign up and fund your account seamlessly 3. BecomeaHalal investor We’ll buy the investments for you so all you havetodo is monitor your performance. And, all of our accounts areSIPCinsured up to $500,000. You can check www.sipc.org for moreinfo.Start saving for your future with this revolutionary digitalHalalinvestment platform - your phone becomes an investmentportfoliomanagement tool. With Wahed, you can: • Open your owninvestmentaccount • Open or rollover an IRA to invest yourretirement savingsinto a Halal portfolio – our full-time ethicalreview board hasapproved all securities, systems, and technologiesthrough our webportal • Seamlessly roll over your 401k into aneasily accessibleHalal IRA through our web portal • See how yourportfolio is doingat anytime, and request to deposit or withdrawfunds instantlyWahed’s robo-advisor custom tailors recommendationsbased on asimple risk assessment questionnaire with one mainpurpose: findingthe right investment strategy for you! Commitmentto Halalinvesting: • Our investments are screened for the presenceofinterest, as well securities with excessive debt ratios • We donotinvest in impermissible industries including alcohol,gambling,arms and tobacco, among others • Our company andportfolios havebeen certified by our full time Ethical Review BoardSigning up iseasy. Download our app, take the risk assessmentquestionnaire andmake your deposit to start planning for yourfuture today!Questions? Please direct your emails toinfo@wahedinvest.com. WahedInvest LLC. is registered as aninvestment advisor with theSecurities and Exchange Commission.Registration does not imply acertain level of skill or training.Custodial and brokerageservices are provided by Apex ClearingCorporation, a member of theNew York Stock Exchange, FINRA andSIPC.