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IIE 2015 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
GET INNOVATIVE IDEAS AT THE IIE ANNUALCONFERENCE!The largest industrial and systems engineering event of theyear, the IIE Annual Conference & Expo, combines research andapplication to provide industry solutions and case studies as wellas discoveries from academia and industry scholars. Thistwo-pronged program is why industry professionals, academics,researchers and students attend year after year!Both Applied Solutions and Industrial and Systems EngineeringResearch (ISERC) sessions are included in your registration fee.Choose topics and tracks from both or check out combined sessions,a new pilot for 2015. Combined sessions will focus on five topics:engineering management, operations research, process industries,supply chain and logistics, and work systems. Learn more about thisnew feature of the 2015 program.Innovative applications and techniques that can be applied toyour work are revealed at IIE Annual. Renowned keynote speakerswill inspire discussions of where the field is headed. The exhibithall offers the latest products and services to advance yourorganization. Behind-the-scenes facility tours and hands-onpre-conference workshops on enterprise performance management andimproving employee engagement can enhance your time inNashville.Join your peers and experts in the field in Nashville for theIIE Annual Conference & Expo 2015. Nashville is within drivingdistance for 50 percent of the U.S. population. If you're in theother 50 percent, Nashville International Airport has more than 380daily arrivals and departures.
TAC Trauma 2015 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The Trauma Association of Canada (TAC),Canada's only Interdisciplinary Association focused solely on thecare of the injured patient, hosts Canada’s premiermulti-disciplinary conference on trauma. The 2015 program willfeature a wide range of educational activities, includingdiscussion panels on controversial topics, special interest groupmeetings, clinical updates and special symposia – ScientificProgram highlights include:Murray Girotti Injury Prevention Memorial LectureFraser Gurd Memorial LectureInternational Lecture SpeakerOpening Keynote Celebrity SpeakerFocus on surgical treatment of the trauma patientTalks on current developments in pre-hospital & emergencytrauma care and disaster preparednessTalks on current developments in Rehabilitation careThe non-scientific portion of the meeting includes an openingreception and a gala dinner where you can meet with the delegatesin an informal setting.
NABE2014 1.0.0
X-CD Technologies Inc.
BILINGUAL EDUCATION: Celebrating 43 years ofEducational Excellence in Bilingual Education. The NABE conferenceis the largest gathering of parents, teachers, administrators,policy makers, future teachers, and professors dedicated to servingbilingual and English Language Learners in the United States.Our annual meeting has expanded beyond the field of bilingualeducation to include 21st Century Learning, Title l , Title lll ,Pre-School, Dual Language, Foreign Languages, especially thecritical languages, English as a Second Language, Gifted andTalented programs, Sheltered Instruction, Heritage LanguagePrograms, and other approaches for multilingual students from Pre-Kto grade 16.NABE conference attendees have institutional purchasing power.Many are responsible for procuring the full range of educationalmaterials, products, and services for use in linguistically andculturally diverse learning environments.The Annual NABE Conference not only provides workshops anddiscussions on hot topics in the bilingual multicultural world, butit also brings together leaders whose knowledge and experience youcan tap into for the benefit of your business, educational pursuit,career goals, and personal development. Take advantage of theeducation and networking opportunities, no matter what capturesyour attention you're sure to find it in with NABE inCALIFORNIA!
IIE 2014 1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The conference program comprises two types ofsessions: Applied Solutions, showcasing proven solutions andapplications from industry, and the Industrial & SystemsEngineering Research Conference (ISERC), featuring research fromacademia and industry scholars.You will leave this conference rejuvenated and filled with freshideas you can put to use immediately. Take the best and re-energizeyour career with new ways to address your most challenging issues.The conference program is sure to provide you with countless ideasand solutions that translate into improved efficiency,productivity, quality and competitiveness for your organization.There are many events happening at the same time, so plan your timewell. The ISERC and Applied Solutions sessions are timed so thatthey start and end at times that allow you to attend sessions inboth programs.
AEHS 2015 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The Annual Conference on Soils, Sediments,Water and Energy, at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst hasbecome the preeminent national conference in this importantenvironmental area. The conference attracts 600-800 attendeesannually which includes a wide variety of representation from stateand federal agencies; military; a number of industries includingrailroad, petroleum, transportation, utilities; the environmentalengineering and consulting community; and academia.A strong and diverse technical program is developed each year inconcert with a variety of educational, social, and networkingopportunities. Live equipment demonstrations augment the exhibitionhall, bringing real world application to the technical theorypresented in the sessions. Focused day and evening workshopsprovide attendees with practical information for immediateapplication.The conference promises to be an exciting opportunity for allthose concerned with the challenge of developing creative,cost-effective assessments and solutions that can withstand thedemands of regulatory requirements.
AAS/AIAA Conference 2015 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The 2015 Astrodynamics Specialist Conference,hosted by the American Astronautical Society (AAS) and cohosted byAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will beheld in Vail, CO in August 9-13 2015. The conference is organizedby the AAS Space Flight Mechanics Committee and the AIAAAstrodynamics Technical Committee.
NACCB 2014 1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The Society for Conservation Biology NorthAmerica Congress for Conservation Biology (NACCB) is recognized asthe most important meeting for conservation professionals andstudents working in North America.The biennial NACCB provides a forum for presenting anddiscussing new research and developments in conservation scienceand practice for addressing today's conservation challenges. Inaddition, these conferences connect our regional community ofconservation professionals and serve as a major networking outletfor people interested in North America conservation.
IUFRO 2014 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The scientific program for the XXIV IUFROWorld Congress will consist of plenary sessions, sub-plenarysessions, technical sessions, and themed poster sessions. Inkeeping with the spirit of the Congress title – Sustaining Forests,Sustaining People: The Role of Research – the Congress ScientificCommittee (CSC) is developing a program to highlight how forestscience is helping address significant environmental, social, andeconomic challenges facing our world.The program will reflect diverse contributions from the forestscience community across the full range of natural and socialscience disciplines.The broad themes of the Congress include:Forests for People, Forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services,Forests and Climate Change, Forest and Water Interactions, ForestBiomass and Bioenergy, Forests and Forest Products for a GreenerFuture, Forest Health in a Changing World.
SFM2015 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, hosted bythe American Astronautical Society (AAS) and cohosted by AmericanInstitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will be held inWilliamsbug, VA during January 11-15 2015. The conference isorganized by the AAS Space Flight Mechanics Committee and the AIAAAstrodynamics Technical Committee.
WM Symposia 2015 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The annual Waste Management (WM)Conference,presented by WM Symposia (WMS), attracts thousands ofregistrantsfrom around the world and is widely regarded as thepremierinternational conference for the management of radioactivematerialand related topics. WMS is a non-profit organizationdedicated toeducation and opportunity in waste management. It wasfounded toprovide a forum for discussing and seeking cost-effectiveandenvironmentally responsible solutions to the safe managementanddisposition of radioactive waste and radioactivematerials.
WM Symposia 2014 1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The annual Waste Management (WM)Conference,presented by WM Symposia (WMS), attracts thousands ofregistrantsfrom around the world and is widely regarded as thepremierinternational conference for the management of radioactivematerialand related topics. WMS is a non-profit organizationdedicated toeducation and opportunity in waste management. It wasfounded toprovide a forum for discussing and seeking cost-effectiveandenvironmentally responsible solutions to the safe managementanddisposition of radioactive waste and radioactivematerials.
WM Symposia 2.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The annual Waste Management (WM) Conference,presented by WM Symposia (WMS), attracts thousands of registrantsfrom around the world and is widely regarded as the premierinternational conference for the management of radioactive materialand related topics. WMS is a non-profit organization dedicated toeducation and opportunity in waste management. It was founded toprovide a forum for discussing and seeking cost-effective andenvironmentally responsible solutions to the safe management anddisposition of radioactive waste and radioactive materials.
AEHS WC2016 0.0.2
X-CD Technologies Inc.
March 2016 will mark the twenty sixthannualgathering of environmental professionals to the Conference onSoil,Water, Energy, and Air. For the past twenty-five years, thisannualconference has helped to bring the environmental sciencecommunitycloser together by providing a forum to facilitate theexchange ofinformation of technological advances, new scientificachievements,and the effectiveness of standing environmentalregulationprograms. The Annual AEHS Foundation Meeting andInternationalConference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air offersattendees anopportunity to exchange findings, ideas, andrecommendations in aprofessional setting. The strong and diversetechnical program iscustomized each year to meet the changing needsof theenvironmental field.
TechServe Alliance 2014 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Join Top IT & Engineering StaffingandSolutions Firms at the 2014 TechServe Alliance Conference&TradeshowConnect, Learn, Discuss, Debate, LeadConnect with industry executives to learn, discuss and debatetheimportant trends facing our industry and critical strategies togaina competitive edge in today's market.Held Monday through Wednesday, November 3-5, 2014 atthebeautiful Boca Raton Resort & Club, A Waldorf Astoria ResortinBoca Raton, this high-profile, information-rich conferenceisdesigned to energize and inspire executives and salesandrecruiting teams alike.The 2014 conference includes:More than 20 breakout sessions within four tracks,deliveringinformation on innovative IT & engineering staffingandsolutions strategy development and industry best practicesInteractive, one-day certification prep workshops for recruitersandaccount executives earning their CPSR or CPSAEcertificationInspiring keynote addressesNew IMPACT! Talks - powerful 1-hour session featuring fourdynamictalks from industry innovatorsTop industry experts in multiple disciplines sharing their IT&engineering staffing and solutions insightsLively and informative panel discussions, featuring businessownersand executives sharing their experiences and lessonslearnedLarge Firm Forum — TechServe's conference-within-a-conferenceforlarger IT & engineering staffing and solutions firmsNumerous opportunities to network with IT & engineeringstaffingand solutions peersDon't miss this highly attended event. The annual conferenceisconsistently rated as one of the top TechServe Alliancemembershipbenefits by TechServe members and suppliers to the IT&engineering staffing and solutions industry.
ABA Spring Conference 2016 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
An app for attendees of the ABA SectionofDispute Resolution 2016 Spring Conference in New York City.Viewsession schedule, program descriptions, speaker informationandmore. Select your own favorites to design your ownprogramagenda.
STS 2015 0.0.2
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Download the STS 51st Annual Meeting MobileAppnow to browse the educational program and save sessionsofinterest!Claim credit, purchase Annual Meeting Online products, andlocateexhibiting companies on the Exhibit Hall floor plan - allfromwithin the app.The app also provides the latest updates regarding programchanges,notifications about special events happening each day,andmore!
SAF 2014 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
In 2014, SAF will partner with theCanadianInstitute of Forestry/l’Institut forestier du Canada(CIF/IFC), fora joint convention. In addition, the convention willbe co-locatedwith the International Union of Forest ResearchOrganizations(IUFRO) World Congress, which only takes place onceevery 5 yearsand has not been hosted in the United States since1971. Thisexceptional convergence will bring several thousandforestscientists and managers from more than 100 countries togetherinSalt Lake City, Utah during the first full week in October.Theseco-located events will enhance knowledge exchange andnetworkingamong professionals who study and manage forest resourcesaroundthe globe.The convention theme reflects the need for an introspectivelookat the forest science–management partnership and the rolesofscience and management in service to society and in sustainingandenhancing forested ecosystems both globally and locally, sincemanyof our biggest challenges span geographic boundaries and mostlocalchallenges are subject to global forces. In addition, this isagood time to take stock of the profession, addressingprofessionalethics for both managers and scientists. This conceptencompasseshow science–management partnerships arise, evolve, andplay out, inthe context of public policy, career development,fiduciaryresponsibilities, and personal values about naturalsystems andtheir management.
39th RSA Scientific Meeting 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Browse the program, build an itinerary,viewmaps and more
IEEE SoutheastCon 2016 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The IEEE SoutheastCon is the annual IEEERegion3 Technical, Professional, and Student Conference. Theconferencebrings together Computer Scientists, Electrical, andComputerEngineering professionals, faculty and students to sharethe latestinformation through technical sessions, tutorials,exhibits, andstudent competitions.
NACCB 2016 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The Society for Conservation BiologyNorthAmerica Congress for Conservation Biology (NACCB) isrecognized asthe most important meeting for conservationprofessionals andstudents working in North America.The biennial NACCB provides a forum for presenting anddiscussingnew research and developments in conservation science andpracticefor addressing today's conservation challenges. Inaddition, theseconferences connect our regional community ofconservationprofessionals and serve as a major networking outletfor peopleinterested in North America conservation.
ASHA 2016 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Download the official program app forAmericanSchool Health Association’s 2016 Annual Conference inBaltimore, MDfrom October 6-8! With this app, you’ll have access toASHA’sconference details including program schedule, sessioninformation,sponsors and exhibitors, presenter listing, maps,floorplans, andmore all in the palm of your hand! You’ll be able tobookmarksessions, take notes, and interact with fellow attendeesandpresenters via Instagram and Twitter using#schoolhealth16.
CSCE 2016 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
A useful tool to keep you updatedaboutschedule changes, session times and locations, venue mapsandmore.
ICTAC 2016 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Use the app to browse the conferenceprogramand speakers. You can build an itinerary, view maps, andreceiveconference updates.ICTAC is a Confederation of National or Regional ThermalAnalysisand Calorimetry Societies. The aim of ICTAC is topromoteinternational understanding and cooperation in thermalanalysis andcalorimetry through the organization of internationalcongressesand the work of its scientific committees.
CST 2016 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The Canadian Society of Transplantation(CST),Canadian National Transplant Research Program (CNTRP) andtheSociété Québécoise de Transplantation (SQT) are pleased to hostthe2016 CST-CNTRP-SQT Joint Scientific Meeting in Québec City,Québecfrom October 13 to 16, 2016 at the Hilton Québec. Thismeeting willbring together members of CST, CNTRP, SQT and extendedtransplantcommunity comprised of clinicians, researchers,pathologists,immunologists, basic scientists, allied health carecolleagues,policy makers and many more for a highly educationalandinteractive scientific program on the latest topics relatedtoorgan donation and transplantation.
2015 BANFF-CST Joint Meeting 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The Canadian Society of Transplantation andTheBanff Foundation for Allograft Pathology are pleased to co-hostthe2015 Banff-CST Joint Scientific Meeting to be held inVancouver, BCfrom October 5 to 10, 2015.
Fetal Growth 2016 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The official app for the 5th AnnualFetalGrowth Meeting, this year held in Toronto, Canada.
SAF 2016 0.0.2
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The 2016 SAF National Convention willexplorethe rich history of forestry, land stewardship, and theconnectionsthat unite all who create, manage, use, and conserveforests andassociated resources to meet desired goals, needs,andvalues.
STS 2016 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Download the STS 52nd Annual Meeting MobileAppnow to browse the educational program and save sessions ofinterest!Claim credit, purchase Annual Meeting Online products, andlocateexhibiting companies on the Exhibit Hall floor plan - allfromwithin the app.The app also provides the latest updates regardingprogramchanges, notifications about special events happening eachday, andmore!
CUGH 2014 1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Fifth Annual CUGH conference -Universities2.0: Advancing Global Health in the Post-MDG Era - May10-12, 2014- The Washington Hilton, Washington DC
AMHCA 2014 1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Please join your colleagues from acrosstheUnited States at the 2014 AMHCA Annual Conference, andexperiencethree exciting days of workshops, panels, networking, andmuch moreas we explore the most effective ways to enhance ourexpertise inthe field of clinical mental health counseling.Wondering how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will affect you,yourpractice and your clients? You won’t want to miss what AMHCAisoffering in Seattle as we "Thrive in the New Era ofHealthcareReform"* 11 ACA-focused workshops totaling 16 hours of CEs* ACA Certificate of Attendance when you participate in at least10hours ACA topics* Preconference Topic: How the Affordable Care Act (ACA)ImpactsMental Health and Substance Abuse Providers* Keynote: Leading Change in an Era of Health Reform: The RoleofClinical Mental Health Counselors
Evolution 2014 2
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Evolution 2014 is the joint annual meetingofthe Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the SocietyofSystematic Biologists (SSB), and the American SocietyofNaturalists (ASN). This year, the meeting will be held onJune20-24, 2014, at the Raleigh Convention Center, Raleigh, NC.This meeting is the premier annual opportunity forsharingscientific research related to evolution. Symposiapresentations,concurrent contributed papers, and poster sessionswill bepresented by the 1,400 expected participants. Product andserviceproviders will contribute to the meeting throughtheirexhibits.Social activities will include an opening reception, mixerswitheach evening poster session, and a Super Social at theNorthCarolina Museum of Natural Sciences on the last night oftheconference. All of these mixers and receptions are includedwithregistration.Evolution 2014 will meet jointly with the iEvoBioconference,which brings together biologists interested inevolution,systematics, biodiversity, software, and mathematics.
Turbo Pump 2016 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The Turbomachinery and Pump Symposia(TPS)serves as the premier training and networking opportunityforprofessionals in both pump and turbomachinery industries. TPS2016will be held September 12-15, 2016 at the George R.BrownConvention Center in Houston, Texas. The annual event combinesaworld-class program with an international exhibit hall; lastyear,attracting more than 5,500 people and 350 exhibiting companiesfrom48 countries.
ICFP2015 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Get the latest announcements and informationonthe venue, logistics, plenaries, sessions, presenters, and moreforthe International Conference on Family Planning 2015. Nov 9 -12,2015 in Nusa Dua, Indonesia.
2017 NAPBS Mid-Year Conference 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
This conference focuses onregulation,legislation, education, and compliance related to thebackgroundscreening industry. There's something for everyone - theindustrynovice, the seasoned expert and everyone in between. Eachattendeewill be able to take away valuable information andresources tobenefit their specific business goals.The Exhibit Hall will be filled with industry partnersshowcasingtheir products and services. This is your bestopportunity to learnabout the latest industry products to enhanceyour business!Please review the NAPBS Conference Code of Conduct and NAPBSMemberCode of Conduct.
AMOS 2019
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The AMOS Conference, a program of Maui Economic Development Board.
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The official mobile App of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association.
HSPI 2018 0.0.2
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference 2018 isyoursource for the latest in operational and quality improvementtools,methods and concepts such as lean, Six Sigma,productivity,benchmarking, simulation and project management. Alongwithextensive learning opportunities, rich networking eventsareincorporated throughout the conference.
CIC - Chemical Institute of Canada 1.2
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The CIC App is where you will find the conferences planned by theChemical Institute of Canada, the Canadian Society for Chemistryand the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering. Theseconferences are where chemical professionals meet to share ideasand advance scientific and technical knowledge. By attractingthousands of chemical professionals, the conferences provideexcellent opportunities for sharing your passion for chemistryconnecting with Canada’s largest network of chemical professionalsand advancing your career. The App will help you plan youritinerary, search sessions and speakers and find social events.
GSA 2017 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The official mobile app for the 41st Annual Conference of theGermanStudies Association. View speakers, panels, events, andmore! Theannual German Studies Association conference bringstogether over1,000 scholars in the areas of German history,literature, culture,politics and any other discipline with a focuson German-speakingEurope in any time period. Presentations rangeover the periodbetween the Middle Ages and the present. Youngerscholars, includinggraduate students, can present alongsideestablished members of theassociation. The Forty-First AnnualConference will take placeOctober 5th-8th, 2017, in Atlanta,Georgia.
AEC 2020 1.2
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The official mobile app of Applied Ergo 2020.
SHEA Spring 2019 1.4
X-CD Technologies Inc.
SHEA Spring 2019 will be held on April 24-26, 2019 in Boston,MA.Login to view Sessions and Papers saved as favorites.Viewschedules, locations, floor plans, and people. Attendees willnowbe able to facilitate their experience at the meeting usingthemobile app.
Evolution 2017 0.0.1
X-CD Technologies Inc.
This is the official app of the Evolution 2017 conference.
RAMS 2019 1.3
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS®) is theleadingglobal conference for Reliability and Maintainability(R&M)professionals combining tutorials, presentations,CEUs,certifications, and networking into one weeklong program.RAMS®2019 will bring together an international audience ofR&Mleaders and professionals, in depth sessions andtutorialspresented by top R&M experts, exhibit floor featuringleadingcompanies, keynote session insights, networking and jobrelatedopportunities, and more.
WM Symposia 2019 1.13
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Join us at WM2019, the 45th annual Waste Management Symposium,toparticipate in a forum for discussing and seeking safeandcost-effective solutions to managing and dispositioningradioactivewaste and decommissioning nuclear facilities. Don’t misstheopportunity to exchange ideas, discuss technical issues,anddevelop potential solutions with over 2,000+ nuclear wasteindustrydelegates from 35 countries.
2018 Annual Meeting of AVAHO 0.0.6
X-CD Technologies Inc.
2018 Annual Meeting of AVAHO offers educational programs withthegoal of improving the quality of cancer care to Veterans.
SAF 2018 0.0.5
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The 2018 SAF National Convention in Portland, Oregon, willexplorethe differences between policy and politics, and howscience,management, and policy interact and integrate to informandinfluence the conservation of forested landscapes.
Retina Society 2019
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The mobile 2019 APP for the Retina Society for the London Meeting
NABE 2019 1.2
X-CD Technologies Inc.
National Association for Bilingual Education 48th AnnualConferenceProgram App View conference schedules, sessiondescriptions, venuemaps, and stay up-to-date with everythinghappening at NABE 2019!
STSA 2018 0.0.4
X-CD Technologies Inc.
Download the STSA 65th Annual Meeting Application to stay currentoncurrent events and educational sessions occurring at the STSAAnnualMeeting at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort,November 7-10,2018.
CSTA 2019 1.0.3
X-CD Technologies Inc.
The app for the CSTA 2019 Annual Conference.