Yellowcouch Приложения

Make a mix by beatmixing electronic music ofyour choice. Be it Dance, Pop or Dark; relaxed Lounge or Jungle. Asa virtual DJ you have four important things to do: select music,match beats, edit transitions and add audio effects. This isexactly what BpmDj allows you to do.Unique selling points:A totally novel mixing experience.★ Beatgraphs show you the energy content of your track.★ No more wasted pixels on anachronisms like turntables.Live Performance.★ Left channel to main floor, right channel to headphone.★ Or just create that mixtape you wanted.Transition editing as simple as dragging an image.★ You won't find an easier transition editor than this★ Simply choose a transition position; align the beats and be donewith it.★ Or use the automix functionSimilar Song detection based on nearest Neighbors★ Rhythm pattern extraction and loudness analysis,★ combined with a fast nearest neighbor detection algorithmand★ unique distance weighing, helps you find songs that are similarto the one that is playing.★ In other words: A kickass tool to browse your songcollection.Spectral Crossfading★ The spectral crossfader blends one song into the next by shiftingthe cutoff frequency of a linkwitz-riley crossover.★ Assuring a flat frequency response★ less energy cancellation between the songs.★ Retain that solid beat with crystal clear high frequencies.Dazzle the audience with audio effects.★ Sound effects through a Kaoss pad like interface★ A unique combination of FIR and IIR flangers, processed at 32bitaccuracy★ High quality Butterworth filters. Smooth transition betweenlowpass and highpass shelves to remove that bassdrum and bring itback with a vengeance. Think daft punk on steroids.★ Reverb★ Super resonant DelayFully automated BPM Detection★ Providing tempo analysis since 1999★ Probably the world's most accurate tempo detector★ Only ~0.2% drift after 5 minutes.MP3's of your choice.★ Export your mix as WAV★ Mixes can be up to 3 hours 22 minutes.★ saved/loaded instantaneously★ exported as 16 bit/44.1kHz .WAV files.ARE YOU UP TO THE CHALLENGE ?The software has a steep learning curve, mainly due to its novelvisualisation of music. Namely: the workspace contains a sequenceof songs, visualised as 2 dimensional images (called beatgraphs).Each image shows, from left to right all bars. From top to bottom,the energy content of each bar is visualised. The intensity of apixel reflects the energy content at that position.Once beatgraphs are understood, creating mixes will never have beeneasier.
Cryosleep Brainwave Generator 0.7
I have a fascination with brainwaves and theidea that an external impulse can modify the carrier wave of yourEEG. Obviously, this is not far fetched (a fist in your face willaffect your behavior as well), but that an appropriate sound hasthe ability to systemically affect the working of your brainfascinates me.When I looked around for brainwave generators, I found very fewuseful programs, mainly because the generation of a binaural beatsrequires the generation of two frequencies. One at, for instance440 Hz, which is played in the left ear, and one at 444 Hz, whichis then played in the right ear. If those two waves weresuperimposed, one would hear a 4Hz beating. However, when thesewaves are presented to each ear individually, the brain mustprocess the difference and will start working at 4 Hz.Of course, who wants to listen to a pure tone at 440 Hz ? Idon't, and I cannot believe that such a dry tone would be the mostefficient method to synchronize the brain. Consequently, I made aprogram that should offer the better brainwave: Cryosleep.Cryosleep lets you play an MP3 of your choice, but will modifythe left and right channel such that various parts of the spectrumcancel out X times per second (E.g: 4 Hz,, 7.5 Hz, 10 Hz...).Thereby generating a binaural beat, which for lower frequencies isable to entrain the brainwave.To use the software, open a song, dial the slider to thebrainwave-frequency you want, put on the headphones and enjoy thetrip. For a real good mediation, open a track by Klaus Schulze (MyThy She or the Rhodes Elegy, both are about an hour), set thebrainwave at 7.5 Hz, kick out your shoes, lay down on the couch andsee what happens.Cryosleep supports Delta: 0.5 to 4 Hz; Theta: 4 Hz to 8 Hz;Alpha: 8 Hz - 13 Hz and Beta: 13 Hz - 21 Hz.Delta waves are high amplitude waves seen in deep, non-REMsleep. It is the standard mode of operation for babies, is locatedposteriorly in children and frontally in adults. In delta we findus in a dreamless sleep or in transcendental meditation with fullydetached awareness. Delta may help to access intuition, curiosityand a "feeling" for situations and people. Delta is the realm ofthe unconscious mind and the collective unconscious.Theta is observed during the all-important dream REM-sleep,during meditation, peak experiences and creative states. It is therealm of our subconsciousness and only experienced momentarily aswe transit between Delta and Alpha. In Theta we can experiencevivid visualizations, great inspiration, profound creativity andexceptional insight. During theta brainwaves, the psychologicalcontent if our brain stays inaccessible to our waking mind. Bymoving it upwards further to alpha/beta it becomes possible toremember theta content. Therefore, it is at the Alpha-Theta border,from 7Hz to 8Hz, that we find the optimal range for visualizationand mind programming. At this border, the creative power of ourmind begins as we are conscious of our surroundings while our bodyis in deep relaxation. This allows us to (re)create our reality inour mind.Alpha brain waves are present during light meditation, when weare in a relaxed state, daydreaming or visualizing.Usually when the eyes are closed, the brain switches to alpha. Itis an optimal place to program the mind for success and it alsoheightens your imagination, visualization, memory, learning andconcentration.Beta brain waves are associated with normal waking consciousnessand a heightened state of alertness,logic and critical reasoning. Beta are the brainwaves of our"normal" waking consciousness, of our outward attention, oflogical, conscious and analytical thinking.