ZenGo Приложения

ZenGo Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet: Buy, Earn & Trade 3.0.1
Buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tezos (XTZ), Dogecoin andmanymore assets. Earn interest, manage your crypto, and trackyourportfolio with unprecedented safety and simplicity. With theZenGokeyless wallet, crypto is finally zen. ** Buy bitcoinandcryptocurrencies quickly and easily ** Buying crypto in ZenGoisquick, simple, and secure. Purchase assets in 188 countries.Chooseyour preferred payment method - we support payments viacreditcard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, and bank transfers.Justtap on “Buy” and have it in your wallet in minutes. ** Sellyourcrypto, seamlessly ** Cash out from Bitcoin to yournationalcurrency anytime, in a few taps. Supported in 28countriesthroughout the EU and UK. ** Earn free Bitcoin ** Inviteyourfriends and followers to try ZenGo and get 50% of ourcommission,in Bitcoin, every time they buy crypto! They'll receivea nice $10cashback reward in BTC, too. ** Trade BTC, ETH and more** Tradeone crypto asset for another — exchange crypto, such asBitcoin,Ethereum, Tezos, Doge USD Coin, and others — all from thesafety ofyour ZenGo wallet. ** Earn interest and save for the longterm **Use ZenGo as your savings account to earn daily interestandrewards on Bitcoin, Dai, USD Coin, Tezos, Ethereum, and more.Justtap to activate, sit back, and watch your portfolio grow. **Trackyour portfolio and market data ** Get real-time data onyourportfolio investment performance and track market data overtime,all from your ZenGo wallet. ** With ZenGo’s one-tap support,you’renever alone ** We understand that crypto can be confusing.That’swhy we make it super easy to chat with us from anywhere inthe app.We’re always here to help. ** Never worry about losing yourprivatekeys again ** With ZenGo’s advanced cryptography, there isnoprivate key. Instead, the responsibility of signingblockchaintransactions is divided between us and our customers, sothatneither party sees the other's secret information. It alsomeansthat you never have to worry about managing private keysagain. Itmakes ZenGo the simplest and safest bitcoin andcryptocurrencywallet that customers trust. ** Stay in control **ZenGo does nothave access to your funds. All transactions happendirectly on theblockchain. With securely encrypted biometrics andourpassword-free security, only you control your funds. ** Sendandreceive crypto in seconds ** Use ZenGo to transact with anyoneinthe world from the convenience of your mobile phone. MakeBitcointransactions in a couple of taps. Currently, we supportBitcoin(BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Binance Coin (BNB),Dai(DAI), Maker (MKR), USD Coin (USDC), Tezos (XTZ), Tether(USDT),Aave (AAVE), Uniswap (UNI), Kyber Network (KNC), TheSandbox(SAND), Paxos Standard (PAX), and many more. ** Getinstanttransaction notifications ** Tired of constantly checkingyourwallet while waiting for a transaction to be confirmed ontheblockchain? With ZenGo, you’ll get notified immediately whenyoureceive your cryptocurrency. ** ZenGo is the customer-firstcryptowallet ** “The best UX of any wallet. So simple.” -@wisercharlie“Shocked by the ease of use…the best bitcoin wallet inthe world.”- @JeremieClevy “Feels like magic.” - @Montebello **Praised by theexperts ** TechCrunch: “a well-designed mobile app”The Block: “aunique cryptographic protocol to provide security andease of use”Les Echos: “a revolution for crypto coin owners”