cellHigh LLC Приложения

Menopause Diary 2 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Manage your Menopause with ease and keep your information at yourfingertips.
Heartburn, GERD and AcidReflux 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Are you like one of the thousands of peoplewho suffer from Acid Reflux or GERD? How can the GERD Diary help?The GERD Diary was designed to track information about your acidreflux with a few screen taps. Using this information, theapplication will allow you to use triggers, like your stress, diet,sleep and weather patterns, day of week, etc to predict and manageyour GERD Symptoms. The GERD Diary has a new “Trending andForecasting” module that shows you which factors and triggerscontribute to your symptoms. This will help you feel better andwill allow you to take control of your disease. The GERD Diarymakes it easy to perform tasks like tracking your treatmentprogress, graphing your patterns, emailing reports, includinggraphical attachments to your doctor and advisors. The GERD Diarywill also allow you to export your data to a spread sheet all withjust a few screen taps. Do you want all of your GERD health recordsand information at your fingertips so that you can start feelingbetter. The GERD Diary can help.- Enter, document, and track as much or as little information asyou want with a few screen taps.- Document and Track your symptoms – severity and descriptionincluding time of day.- Track your triggers, including food, stress, location,activity, weather patterns, and sleep patterns.- Keep Track of which treatments really help and those that donot with the treatment Management analysis report.- Keep track of your health records including hospital or doctorvisits, surgeries and procedures, laboratory tests and results,procedures, vital statistics, and the mental and physical symptomsyou are experiencing.- Record your thoughts and notes.- Keep track of your appointments, doctor visits, your testresults, surgeries and procedures.- Record all your therapy details, including medications andside-effects- Track multiple doctors and laboratories- Graph your patterns of experiences, email reports, includinggraphical attachments to your doctor so that they can help youadjust- Customize many features; export your data to a spread sheetfor offline backup and all with just a few screen taps- Find out which factors and triggers contribute to yoursymptoms.Please don’t give up until you can manage your GERD better.Keep all your GERD medical records and information at yourfingertips with this easy-to-use journal.Makes it easy to feel better, be happy, organized andstress-free!
Colitis Diary 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Predict and manage your Colitis Pain and Symptoms.
Pool Tracker 2 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Newly Redesigned! Are you having trouble maintaining your swimmingpool? Do you want your pool water to be clear and sparkling likeyour neighbor’s pool? How can Pool Tracker help? To ensure a clean,clear swimming pool you must maintain and adjust the chemicalbalance of the pool water. A regular swimming pool maintenanceprogram involves keeping track of the pool water chemistry and thechemicals you added to adjust the levels. Good maintenance preventsswimming pool problems and is a must for happy swimmers. Do youwant all of your pool maintenance records and information at yourfingertips so that you can have beautiful pools? Pool Tracker canhelp. - Track all aspects of your swimming pool maintenance with afew screen taps. - Pool Tracker can track one or multiple pools. -Track your pool chemistry, such as free chlorine, total chlorine,pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, cyanuric acid, bromine,salinity. - Track the chemicals you added, improvements, waterquality and comments. - Graph the patterns, email reports,including graphical attachments to you or your pool customers. -Customize many features; export your data to a spread sheet foroffline backup and all with just a few screen taps. - Enter andtrack as much or as little information as you like. Please don’tgive up until your pool maintenance is stress-free, your water issparkling and your swimmers are happy. Makes it easy to feelbetter, be happy, organized and stress-free!
GERD Tools 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
This application is based on the book “RefluxMD Recipe for Relief:A GERD Friendly Meal Plan and Diet Program for Acid Reflux.”Although this book is not necessary to use this application, wehighly encourage you to purchase the book and use both, side byside, for best results. The book is available for purchase onAmazon. The goal of this app is to eliminate your acid refluxsymptoms. Designed by experts in gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD), this app directly addresses the root cause of acid refluxto assist you to find relief. By making it easy and accessible todocument your symptoms when they arise, this app is designed tomake quick, yet in-depth recordings of your reflux episodes. Withits intuitive analysis tools, this app will help you determine theacid reflux triggers that are disrupting your life. The RefluxMDGERD Tool offers a comprehensive approach to your GERD condition.Acid Reflux is caused by many things, overweight, triggers foods,excessive belly weight, mood and stress, to name a few. This app isdesigned to address each of these factors and put you on a path toremove these causes and find better health! By establishing goals,tracking your progress, and maintaining a trigger food and medicaljournal, this app is the most comprehensive and useful acid refluxapp on the market. In this app, you will journal your: • Symptoms(with a description in duration, intensity, time and type) •Possible trigger foods and beverages • Portion size • Pace of meal• Food avoided • Weather conditions • Mood • Stress • Possibletriggers • Medications and treatments • Tests and procedures •Other factors You will set goals for: • Symptoms Level • BMI &Weight • Exercise • Waist circumference • Weekly CalorieConsumption This app provides you with powerful reporting tools totrack your progress in each category. It also offers easy to usetracking tools to isolate your triggers to keep symptoms fromreturning. Download it now and start feeling better!
Gluten Diary 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Are you like one of the millions of peoplewhosuffer from Gluten Intolerance? How can the Gluten Diary help?TheGluten Diary was designed to track information about youconditionwith a few screen taps. Using this information, theapplicationwill allow you to use triggers, like your stress, diet,day ofweek, etc to predict and manage your Gluten IntolerantSymptoms.The Gluten Diary has a new “Trending and Forecasting”module thatshows you which factors and triggers contribute to yoursymptoms.This will help you feel better and will allow you to takecontrolof your symptoms. The Gluten Diary makes it easy to performtaskslike tracking your treatment progress, graphing yourpatterns,emailing reports, including graphical attachments to yourdoctorand advisors. The Gluten Diary will also allow you to exportyourdata to a spread sheet all with just a few screen taps. Do youwantall of your Gluten health records and information atyourfingertips so that you can start feeling better. The GlutenDiarycan help.- Enter, document, and track as much or as little information asyouwant with a few screen taps.- Document and Track your symptoms – severity anddescriptionincluding time of day.- Track your triggers, including food, stress,location,activity, and sleep patterns.- Keep Track of which treatments really help and those thatdonot with the treatment Management analysis report.- Keep track of your health records including hospital ordoctorvisits, surgeries and procedures, laboratory tests andresults,procedures, vital statistics, and the mental and physicalsymptomsyou are experiencing.- Record your thoughts and notes.- Keep track of your appointments, doctor visits, yourtestresults, surgeries and procedures.- Record all your therapy details, including medicationsandside-effects- Track multiple doctors and laboratories- Graph your patterns of experiences, email reports,includinggraphical attachments to your doctor so that they can helpyouadjust- Customize many features; export your data to a spread sheetforoffline backup and all with just a few screen taps- Find out which factors and triggers contribute toyoursymptoms.Please don’t give up until you can manage your symptomsarebetter.Keep all your medical records and information at yourfingertipswith this easy-to-use journal.Makes it easy to feel better, be happy, organizedandstress-free!
You Don't Know Dog 2 3.0
cellHigh LLC
Have fun identifying dogs, understand your friends better.
Performance Diary 1.1
cellHigh LLC
If you’re ready to take control of yourmusicalengagements, Performance Diary’s for you.-Designed to work with a few screen taps.-Track venues, contacts, multiple groups, performers,equipment,songs and a host of extras.-Readings are color coded to help identify issues.-Customize many features, export your data to a spread sheetforoffline backup and all with just a few screen taps.-Enter as much or as little information as you like.-Support for PD includes a support website, gooddocumentationand a public forum for suggestions, questions andanswers.Start gigging the way you like by managing your bookingsinenvironments that complement you.
Sleep Data Transfer 1.0
cellHigh LLC
This app will help you collect package yourZeodata as a CSV file and send it via email. The app needs tobeinstalled on a system that already has the Zeo system.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Diary 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Are you like one of the millions of people who have RheumatoidArthritis? How can the RA Diary help? The RA Diary was designed totrack information about your RA with a few screen taps. Using thisinformation, the application will allow you to use triggers, likeday of month and week, weather patterns, diet, sleep patterns, topredict and manage your RA. The RA Diary has a new “Trending andForecasting” module that shows you which factors and triggerscontribute to your fatigue and symptoms. This will help you feelbetter and will allow you to take control of your RA. The RA Diarymakes it easy to perform tasks like tracking your treatmentprogress, graphing your patterns, emailing reports, includinggraphical attachments to your doctor and advisors. The RA Diarywill also allow you to export your data to a spread sheet all withjust a few screen taps. Do you want all of your health records andinformation at your fingertips so that you can start feelingbetter. The RA Diary can help. - Enter, document, and track as muchor as little information as you want with a few screen taps. -Document and Track your RA symptoms and any warning signs. - Trackyour triggers, including food, stress, location, activity, weatherpatterns, and sleep patterns. - Keep Track of which treatmentsreally help and those that do not with the Symptom Managementanalysis report. - Keep track of your health records includinghospital or doctor visits, surgeries and procedures, laboratorytests and results, procedures, vital statistics, and the mental andphysical symptoms you are experiencing. - Record your thoughts andnotes. - Keep track of your appointments, doctor visits, your testresults, surgeries and procedures. - Record all your therapydetails, including medications and side-effects. - Track multipledoctors and laboratories. - Graph your patterns of experiences,email reports, including graphical attachments to your doctor sothat they can help you adjust. - Customize many features; exportyour data to a spread sheet for offline backup and all with just afew screen taps. - Find out which factors and triggers contributeto your symptoms. Please don’t give up until you can manage your RAbetter. Keep all your medical records and information at yourfingertips with this easy-to-use journal. Makes it easy to feelbetter, be happy, organized and stress-free!
PCOS Diary 2 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Newly Redesigned! Are you like one of the millions of women whosuffer from Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? Women with PCOS canexperience obesity, facial and body hair, infertility and/ormiscarriages to name some of the symptoms. We also are at greaterhealth risks for heart attacks and stroke (a 10-fold risk),endometrial cancer (3-fold risk) and our risk of diabetessignificantly increases. Women suffering from PCOS can benefit withlifestyle changes and by recognizing your symptom patterns andtrends. How can PCOS Diary help? PCOS Diary 2 has a new “Trendingand Forecasting” module that shows you which factors and triggerscontribute to your symptoms. It makes it easy to keep track of allof your PCOS health records and information. This will help youfeel better and will allow you to take control of your PCOS. PCOSDiary 2 makes it easy to keep track of your PCOS experiences,health records, graphing your patterns, and emailing reports. Doyou want all of your PCOS records and information at yourfingertips so that you can start feeling better. PCOS Diary 2 canhelp. - Enter, document, and track as much or as little informationas you want with a few screen taps - Document and Track yourweight, diet, exercise, menses, laboratory tests, hair growth,acne, treatments, fertility, vital statistics, and the mental andphysical symptoms you are experiencing. - Record your Thoughts,Notes, Reminders, To-Do Lists and all of your Questions and Answers- Keep track of your appointments, doctor visits, your testresults, surgeries and procedures - Record all your therapydetails, including medications and side-effects - Attach yourmedical reports and pictures - Track multiple doctors andlaboratories - Graph your patterns of experiences, email reports,including graphical attachments to your doctor so that they canhelp you adjust - Customize many features; export your data to aspread sheet for offline backup and all with just a few screen taps- Find out which factors and triggers contribute to your symptoms.Please don’t give up until you can manage your PCOS and becomestress-free, symptom-free and happy. Keep all your PCOS medicalrecords and information at your fingertips with this easy-to-usejournal. Makes it easy to feel better, be happy, organized andstress-free!
Fibromyalgia Diary 2 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Take control of your Fibromyalgia.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diary 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Are you like one of the millions of people who have Chronic FatigueSyndrome (CFS)? How can CFS Diary help? CFS Diary was designed totrack information about your CFS with a few screen taps. Using thisinformation, the application will allow you to use triggers, likeday of month and week, weather patterns, diet, sleep patterns, topredict and manage your CFS. CFS has a new “Trending andForecasting” module that shows you which factors and triggerscontribute to your fatigue and symptoms. This will help you feelbetter and will allow you to take control of your CFS. CFS Diarymakes it easy to perform tasks like tracking your treatmentprogress, graphing your patterns, emailing reports, includinggraphical attachments to your doctor and advisors. CFS Diary willalso allow you to export your data to a spread sheet all with justa few screen taps. Do you want all of your CFS health records andinformation at your fingertips so that you can start feelingbetter. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diary can help. - Enter, document,and track as much or as little information as you want with a fewscreen taps. - Document and Track your Chronic Fatigue Syndromepain and symptoms, including IBS symptoms. - Track your triggers,including food, stress, location, activity, weather patterns, andsleep patterns. - Keep Track of which treatments really help andthose that do not with the Symptom Management analysis report. -Keep track of your health records including hospital or doctorvisits, surgeries and procedures, laboratory tests and results,procedures, vital statistics, and the mental and physical symptomsyou are experiencing. - Record your thoughts and notes. - Keeptrack of your appointments, doctor visits, your test results,surgeries and procedures. - Record all your therapy details,including medications and side-effects - Track multiple doctors andlaboratories - Graph your patterns of experiences, email reports,including graphical attachments to your doctor so that they canhelp you adjust - Customize many features; export your data to aspread sheet for offline backup and all with just a few screen taps- Find out which factors and triggers contribute to your symptoms.Please don’t give up until you can manage your Chronic FatigueSyndrome better. Keep all your CFS medical records and informationat your fingertips with this easy-to-use journal. Makes it easy tofeel better, be happy, organized and stress-free!
Crohns Diary 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Predict and manage your Crohn’s Disease Pain and Symptoms.
Celiac (Coeliac) Diary 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Predict and manage your Celiac Disease Pain and Symptoms.
Lupus Diary 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
The Lupus Diary was designed to track information about your Lupuswith ease.
Glucose Diary 2 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Glucose Diary helps you track your blood sugar easily.
Lyme Disease Diary 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Predict and manage your Lyme Disease Symptoms.
IBS Diary 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Predict and manage your IBS Pain and Symptoms.
Thyroid Tracker 2 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Newly Redesigned! Are you like one of the millions of peoplestruggling with thyroid disease? Thyroid disease sufferers canbenefit with lifestyle changes and by recognizing your symptomtriggers. How can Thyroid Tracker help? Thyroid Tracker 2 has a new“Trending and Forecasting” module that shows you which factors andtriggers contribute to your symptoms. It makes it easy to maintainall of your Thyroid health records and information. This will helpyou feel better and will allow you to take control of your Thyroid.Keeping track of your thyroid symptoms, treatments on a daily basisis not only a helpful thing to do but can be interesting andrewarding with Thyroid Tracker 2. Thyroid Tracker 2 makes it easyto keep track of your Thyroid experiences, health records, graphingyour patterns, and emailing reports. Do you want all of yourThyroid records and information at your fingertips so that you canstart feeling better. Thyroid Tracker can help. - Enter, document,and track as much or as little information as you want with a fewscreen taps - Document your Symptoms, Factors, and Mood - Recordyour Thoughts, Notes, Reminders, To-Do Lists and all of yourQuestions and Answers - Keep track of your appointments, doctorvisits, your test results, surgeries and procedures - Record allyour therapy details, including medications and side-effects -Track your weight, and vital statistics - Track multiple doctorsand laboratories - Graph your patterns of experiences, emailreports, including graphical attachments to your doctor so thatthey can help you adjust - Customize many features; export yourdata to a spread sheet for offline backup and all with just a fewscreen taps - Find out which factors and triggers contribute toyour symptoms. Please don’t give up until you can manage yourThyroid and become stress-free, symptom-free and happy. Designed bya fellow Thyroid sufferer to track all aspects of your Thyroid witha few screen taps. Keep all your Thyroid medical records andinformation at your fingertips with this easy-to-use journal. Makesit easy to feel better, be happy, organized and stress-free!
Blood Pressure Diary 2 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Manage your Blood Pressure with ease keeping your information atyour fingertips
Migraine Diary 2 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Manage your Migraines with ease and keep your information at yourfingertips.
Endometriosis Diary 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Manage and track information about your Endometriosis with a fewscreen taps.
Arthritis Diary 1.6.8
cellHigh LLC
Track and mange information about your Arthritis with a few screentaps.
Children’s Journal 2 1.6.3
cellHigh LLC
Keep your child's records and information at your fingertips.
Am I an Art Aficionado 2
cellHigh LLC
Consider yourself fairly knowledgeable about the world of art?