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Friendit - Find Friends
Ever move to a new city, go on a trip, or justget bored and want to meet someone new with similar interests? Everfind yourself looking for someone to teach you a new skill orhobby? Ever want to see what you and your friends have in common?Friendit does that and so much more by matching you up with peoplewith similar interests, hobbies, and categories.Friendit is an application that finds new friends, dates,relationships, people, acquaintances, contacts, business, and morebased not just on looks and distance, but by matching interests andcategories. Match with people in ways you never knew were possible.Match with old friends, current friends, and new friends. Find outwhat you never knew you had in common. Take dating to a differentlevel. Once you have Friendit matches, you can literately walk,ride, run, or drive to them by turning the "Geo Enable" feature on.This is not on by default to make the app friendly for everyone.You must choose who to share your location with.Friendit uses a category system that you customize. Beingcreative with your categories and distance can find near-byfriends. The sky is the limit on what you can search for. You canclear out your categories quickly when you want to search forsomething or someone new, or fill out as many categories as youwant to increase your chance of being found by others.If you enjoy the app please invite and tell all of yourfriends.Information we receive about you;Friendit uses Facebook Graph API. We follow Facebook’s PrivacyPolicy and Graph API Privacy Policy. The Facebook Graph APIPlatform and Privacy Policy can be found at https://developers.facebook.com/policy. Moreinformation about Facebook’s Privacy Policy can be found athttps://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/ andspecifically information about you and how it is used, https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/your-info. Ifyou would like more information about Graph API, please visithttps://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api.A copy of Friendit Privacy Policy can be viewed at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L8EctI2_tkPxprcVhkSF4LF_dPLhtwwCL80uu1iT04g/edit?usp=sharing