
Sound of nature free 2.1
The trees in the park, an afternoon river, forest , rain— can helpyou recover from stress, fatigue, and even physical illness. Now, anew study suggests natural sounds, whether recorded or live, may bebeneficial to your health. Participants who listened to a recordingof a sound of nature showed greater mood recovery after busy day,than those who listened to the human-made sounds, such as voicesand cars. Sound of nature can provide restorative benefitsindependent of those produced by visual stimuli, wrote the authorsin their published research. Some of the features: - High qualitynatural sounds - Help against snoring - Simple and beautiful design- Beautiful background images - No internet connection needed Youcan enjoy 61 (10 for free version) nature sounds: - Ocean - Forest- Waterfall - Mountain Forest - Windy - Evening Lake - Rain -Thunderstorm - Calm Night - Bird song - Insects - jungle andmore...
101Plante 7.2
Primele referiri la proprietatile vindecatoare aleplantelormedicinale dateaza de acum 6.000 de ani, cand vraciivremiiobtineau din plante extracte sub forma de tincturi, uleiuri,creme,ceaiuri, prafuri etc. Ei au pus atunci bazele unor tratamentecares-au pastrat pana in zilele noastre si care s-au doveditfoarteeficiente In general, s-a descoperit ca tratamentul cuplantemedicinale da rezultate foarte bune in afectiunile usoare siinstadiile incipiente ale bolilor. In bolile cronice, acesttratamentare un rol adjuvant si poate contribui la oreversibilitate asimptomelor sau leziunilor. Anumite ceaiuri conducla inlaturarearapida a unor simptome, dar tratamentele naturalecomplexeactioneaza in timp. Vindecarea este un proces de durata, infunctiede vechimea bolii, cauzele ei etc. Exista numerosipracticieni aimedicinei naturale care au demonstrat, prin studiiefectuate inclinici, ca inclusiv bolile grave pot fi vindecate.Cele maicunoscute si usor aplicabile metode de extragere si defolosire asubstantelor active din plante medicinale sunt infuzia,decoctul,maceratul, sucul natural, cataplasma, tinctura, vinulmedicinal,otetul aromatic, uleiurile medicinale, inhalatia,gargara. Veidescoperi cum problemele de sanatate au o solutiesimpla si faraniciun fel de efectesecundare!________________________________________________________________________________________Thefirst references to the healing properties of medicinalplantsdating back 6,000 years, when healers weather made fromplantsextracts as tinctures, oils, creams, teas, powders etc. Theythenput the foundations of treatments that have been preserveduntiltoday and that proved very effective In general, it was foundthattreatment with herbs give good results in mild disease in theearlystages of disease. In chronic diseases, this treatment has aroleadjuvant and can contribute to reversibility of symptomsorinjuries. Some teas lead to rapid elimination of symptoms,butcomplex acts while natural treatments. Healing is a longprocess,depending on the duration of the disease, its causes etc.There aremany natural medicine practitioners who have demonstratedbystudies conducted in clinics, including serious diseases thatcanbe cured. The best known and easily applicable methodforextracting and using active ingredients are herbalinfusion,decoction, macerate, natural juice, poultice, tincture,medicinalwine, vinegar aromatic, medicinal oils, inhalers, gargle.You'lldiscover how health problems have a simple solution withoutanyside effects!
E-Bloc 1.0.1
Modul simplu de plata a intretinerii din interfata de locatare-bloc
Credinta Ortodoxa 1.1.4
In era noastra, cand am uitat de cartea cu rugaciuni in raft,Credinta Ortodoxa
Sound of nature 1.0
The trees in the park, an afternoon river, forest , rain— canhelpyou recover from stress, fatigue, and even physical illness.Now, anew study suggests natural sounds, whether recorded or live,may bebeneficial to your health. Participants who listened to arecordingof a sound of nature showed greater mood recovery afterbusy day,than those who listened to the human-made sounds, such asvoicesand cars. Sound of nature can provide restorativebenefitsindependent of those produced by visual stimuli, wrote theauthorsin their published research. Some of the features: ★ Highqualitynatural sounds ★ Help against snoring ★ Simple and beautifuldesign★ Beautiful background images ★ No internet connection neededYoucan enjoy 61 nature sounds: ★ Ocean ★ Forest ★ Waterfall ★MountainForest ★ Windy ★ Evening Lake ★ Rain ★ Thunderstorm ★ CalmNight ★Bird song ★ Insects ★ jungle and more...
Credinta Ortodoxa+ 1.1.2
In our era, when we forgot about the book with prayers on theshelf, the Orthodox Faith
Adaposturi protectie civila
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101 Plante Plus 3.3
The characteristics of some of the most popular herbs.