iQube.KCT Приложения

KCT CSE STAFF FREE PERIODS APPLICATION is built with intention tolet the staffs know ,wheather particular staff is free / availablein staff room, when they want to meet them.This application ismainly built to be used by the KCT staffs....
Project49 2.5
Project 49 - A KCT BS Initiative fortheCoimbatore Corporation Health Management.
sirucetp 0.1
This app is used for ro water meter checkingintirupur
Dress Sense 1.0
Fashion! The most attractive word of21stcentury! Here's the app that makes you more fashionable!!Beforethat try toanswer the following questions.Are you like to be trendy?Are you the one who likes to be fashionable?Prefers to wear different dresses on different days?Confuses to choose the right dress to wear at urgent times?If you fall any of the above categories then you might need ourapp.With the help of this app you can do the following:* You can take photo of the dress from your wardrobe.* You can add notes to it, so it makes you feel happy if thedressis bought by your beloved ones!* Then the most important part! You can add the dresses youpreferto wear on upcoming week. That is if you like to wear aparticulardress on Monday, no worries! You can simply add the imageto MondayCard.* You'll get notification image of your dress on specifiedtime.Pretty Cool!* Yet another feature! If you are planning to wear a specificdressfor beloved one's birthday or something? Then you can addthatdress with date. You will never forget to wear the dress asyouwill get notification image on that day.Amazing isn't?? You will get many amazing stuffs out of this app.Nomore troubles for your fashionable lifestyle. No more worriesofchoosing dresses and lot more cool things.Please let us any know any bugs in this app so that we couldprovidea better product for your better lifestyle!!! Thank youfordownloading!!
My Logger 1.0
This app will let u keep log of whateverstuffsyou do. It may be your work log or training log or whateveryoursituation demands.This app includes,* Login and Log out* Neat log of all the months.* The log of each day can also be checked.Calculate and work on..!
Office of Student Affairs(KCT) 1.0
Office of Student Affairs aims on bridgingthegap between the students and the management of a college.Thisapplication also helps the students in discussing theirgrievanceswith the management .It basically acts as a communicationchannelbetween the two. Each user will be provided a username andapassword for a secured access. The application wouldprovidefeatures such as- Messaging between admin and student- Calendar on events update- Referendum for effective communication between studentsandadmin.
Expense Manager-Ledger 1.1
"A penny saved is a penny earned"Savings is very much importance to us. Also we should trackourexpense. So an Expense Manager is necessary. So here comesanAndroid app for it. Also its yet another product of iQube,astudents-run organisation. This app has various functionshighlycustomized to customers. Moreover this app has an appearanceof aLedger book. Most of us like to track our expense in a ledgerbookand hence this app satisfies it. The salient features of theappare:1. You can enter the transaction in the form ofexcelsheet(nearly!!).2. You can view the transactions month-wise.3. You can also filter the transactions category-wise.4. You can update your balance at any time.5. You can also clear data.Profile option gives the expense category wise and also fromthereyou can clear data.We have taken intense measures to remove run-time bugs. Hope sowedon't have bugs. If you find any bug please inform to us andwewould clear it. Our aim is to make the next updateverycustomizable and its in your support. Suggestionsarewelcome.(Note: Your default balance is set to zero and you update itanytime).
A TEST ME is a form of game or mind sport inwhich the students (as individuals or in teams) attempt to answerquestions correctly. In some countries, a quiz is also a briefassessment used in education and similar fields to measure growthin knowledge, abilities, and/or skills.Quizzes are usually scored in points and many quizzes are designedto determine a winner from a group of participants - usually theparticipant with the highest scoresubjects included in this app isc programmingc++ programmingdata structuresjava programmingoperating systemscomputer networks..It is very helpful for preparing placement because these sixsubjects are improve your technical skills..mainly companies areexcept student to strong in these subjects...All the best...Upcoming features..1.To view rank position(among group students) should know the other students position and marks,3.Additional subjects added in next version,4.problem solving techniques,5.puzzles game,6.Site and Private log in facilities to user,7.Also non technical skill will be added.For QueriesPlease callSenthil Kumar.S(Droiders-iqube of Kct):9488677635Jaganathan.S.Ve(Droiders-iqube of Kct):9042669367Sakthi vel.V(Droiders-iqube of kct):9442808119
KCTCSE STAFF FREEPERIOD TRACER helps thestaffsto see the free periods of other staff whom they want tomeet.Thisapp will work only in week days.
Love Meter 1.0
We have released our first game calledSpectralMatch and its an addictive arcade game. Kindly check itout at ouraccount!!!Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudesthatranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure. It can referto anemotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. It canalsobe a virtue representing human kindness, compassion,andaffection—"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for thegoodof another". It may also describe compassionate andaffectionateactions towards other humans, one's self oranimals.This application is developed to calculate the percentage of loveoraffection that exist between two peoples.Note: This application is developed based upon mere parameters.So,please kindly don't take this application seriously. We hopethisapplication will be promoted by you.Install!... Calculate!... Enjoy!..Features:• Hassle-Free• Simple Algorithm• Does not drink RAM• Runs smoothlyAndroid Version:1.0Size: 533 KB
KCT Graduation Day
Android application for the graduation day in KCT!!!
Bunkdance 2.0
Bunkdance lets you keep track of yourbunks.Also includes the syllabus of all the papers. The strongpoint,being the ability to check your percentage.Exclusively for Computer Science students for their4thSemester.* Bunk Now - Add a bunk whenever you are bunking a class.* Total Bunk - Lets you check the total number of bunks.* Undo Bunk - Undo a bunk that is previously done.* Check % - Estimates your total percentage taking accountyourtotal bunks and the total hours.Make sure you maintain a clean record..!
Flames/Relationship Calculator 1.2.2
Test your love, take the challenge. Check on your true love luck.
GDG Coimbatore 1.0
Google Developer Group(GDG) Coimbatore isanindependent group; supported by Google.The group's objective is to discuss on the Google technologieswithmore focus on Android development and mobile applications. Wewillhave technological discussion, App demos, code reviews,andadvanced technology workshops for the developer community.Our GDG work closely with educational institutions toconductworkshops for the student community and the buddingdevelopers.Also, our GDG will conduct code sprints, andHackathons.Our meetings will always be free and open to the general public,atthe same time we would like our participants to RSVP to balancethefacility and participant comfort.
Katchup KCT
Katchup KCT is an android application builtfor KCT students, with this application the students can checktheir marks, attendance and events and happenings in KCT.Features-- Student Marks-- Student Attendance-- Events in college-- Offline Access to everything (No hassle of logging in every time)
IEEE SS12 1.3
Welcome to a brand new edition of SS12. SS12isa Code-A-Thon and Make A Thon Challenge organized byKumaraguruCollege of Technology in partnership with ProjectPossibility andIEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee. It is hostedin partnershipwith leading technology industry companies.
Yugam 3.2.7
KCT Yugam is a plethora of engineers, events, artists comingtogether to form a five day techno-cultural fest with a strongsocial standing of giving back to the world. In Yugam, faithbecomes confidence, aspirations turn into achievements, talentearns glory and dreams materialise into reality. Experience all ofthe functionality of the desktop website along with the novelty ofhaving the entire Yugam experience in the palm of your hand! Fromregistration, event details all the way to receiving the latest newand notifications in all things Yugam, it's got it all.
Campus+ 1.1.8
App for Kumaraguru Institutions