jbv Приложения

Guitar Practice Buddy 2.0
Guitar Practice Buddy is aimed at beginnersthat want to get used to switching between different notes. It putsyou in control of your learning curve, so you can speed up the timebetween notes at your own pace as you become more comfortable.Please press the Menu button on your device to set up thepreferences when you first run Guitar Practice Buddy. There is a"Song Mode" in the preferences to enable you to practice switchingbetween chords in a certain sequence but by default Guitar PracticeBuddy will generate a random combination of the notes you entered.The aim of Guitar Practice Buddy is to play the notes as theyturn green. Touch the screen (or spacebar on non touch screendevices) to begin, resume or pause a lesson at any time.Press menu to change the time between notes, number of seconds(which will determine how many notes are displayed on the screen)and the amount of time you'd like to practice for.Please note:It does not show you how to play notes, there are plenty of appsthat already do that. It does not play any sounds either.I'd love to hear from you, so please feel free to email me.Suggestions, complaints and feature requests are all welcome.This app only needs one permission and that's to prevent the phonefrom sleeping during your practice time.
2-Stroke Ratio Calculator 1.4
Never need another mixture chart again. 2-Stroke Calc will do thecalcs for you.