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live eagle wallpaper 1.0.5
Eagle is a common name for some membersof the bird family Accipitridae it belongs to several genera thatare not necessarily closely related to each other. Most of the morethan sixty species of eagles occur in Eurasia and Africa. Outsidethis area, just eleven species can be found two species (the BaldEagle and Golden Eagle) in the United States and Canada, ninespecies in Central America and South America, and three species inAustralia. american eagle, eagles, bird tale, LWP, live wallpaper.Eagles are large, powerfully built birds ofprey, with a heavy head and beak, have relatively longer and moreevenly broad wings, and more direct, faster flight despite thereduced size of aerodynamic feathers. Most eagles are larger thanany other raptors apart from some vultures.Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large hooked beaks fortearing flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs, and powerfultalons. bald, bluebird, photos, wind. The beak is typically heavierthan that of most other birds of prey. Eagles' eyes are extremelypowerful, having up to 3.6 tmes human acuity for the martial eagle,which enables them to spot potential prey from a very longdistance.Due to the size and power of many eagle species, they are rankedat the top of the food chain as apex predators in the avianworld.the Bald Eagle is a bird of prey found in North America.Bald Eagles are not actually bald; the name derives from an oldermeaning of "white headed". sky, bird, predator. The adult is mainlybrown with a white head and tail. The sexes are identical inplumage, but females are larger than males. The beak is large andhooked. The plumage of the immature is brown. The Bald Eagle isboth the national bird and national animal of the United States ofAmerica. The Bald Eagle appears on its Seal. In the late 20thcentury it was on the brink of extirpation in the continentalUnited States=========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, and appflood2. Widdit Homebase Lock screen themed for this wallpaper3. On top app widget by Mobario in arrow formThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icon topause button2. Widdit homebase lockscreen can be dismissed using itssetting.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutside of wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startapp adnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scroll yourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as your defaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
night beach live wallpaper 1.0.5
Going to the beach is typically adaytime activity, but for photographers, the beach can bejust as thrilling at night. The leftover bits of reflected lighthave an effect that’s both beautiful and eerie, as if you’relooking at a place between worlds, a no man’s land. beachwallpaper. LWP, live wallpaperThe tide had made full flow in the late afternoon, and by thetime the sun fell low its roar loosened to a gentle sigh. Thecrowds had deserted the beach just an hour or so before, and shorebirds fought over their leavings. Streaks of deep pink, bloodorange and full-on red ran through wispy cloud cover likewatercolors.All Long Island’s beaches are cast in watercolor: the washed-outblue of an early summer sky, the muted earthen tones of the silkysand, the translucent whisper of the horizon, that indiscerniblepoint where the sea meets the sky.By now the sand had cooled, and the moon made its glimmer knownagainst the dying of the light. We pushed through to the sounds ofsquabbling birds, of high offshore breaks and the laughter ofchildren.They scrambled down the beach to an ancientswing set surely it’s been here since I was a boy, wandering theseshores and set to riding the wind. live wallpapers beach, nightphotosThe Night Sun: On clear day and full moon, you can seethe horizon with moonlight reflection in the water. To me, this ismy favorite thing about night beach.Peaceful sound: No one is talking around you. I like to sit downon the beach and just listen to the wave. It’s hard to hear all thethings you can hear at night when there are a lot of kids around.The sound the ocean and the breeze really put my mind at peace.=========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, and appflood2. Widdit Homebase Lock screen themed for this wallpaper3. On top app widget by Mobario in arrow formThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icon topause button2. Widdit homebase lockscreen can be dismissed using itssetting.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutside of wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startapp adnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scroll yourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as your defaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
free dolphin live wallpaper 1.0.6
Dolphins are marine mammals closely related towhales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphin in17 genera. They vary in size from 1.2 m (4 ft) and 40 kg (90 lb)(Maui's dolphin), up to 9.5 m (30 ft) and 10 tonnes (9.8 long tons11 short tons) (the orca or killer whale). They are foundworldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelvesand are carnivores, eating mostly fish and squid. dolphinscreensaver, delfin, dolphin live wallpaper, dolphin ride, jumpingdolphin, free The family Delphinidae, the largest in the Cetaceanorder, evolved relatively recently, about ten million years agoduring the Miocene.Modern dolphin skeletons have two small, rod-shaped pelvic bonesthought to be vestigial hind limbs. In October 2006, an unusualbottlenose dolphin was captured in Japan it had small fins on eachside of its genital slit, which scientists believe to be anunusually pronounced development of these vestigial hind limbs.dolphin backgrounds, dolphin pearls, marine mammalDolphins have a streamlined fusiform body, adapted for fastswimming. The tail fin, called the fluke, is used for propulsionwhile the pectoral fins, together with the entire tail section,provide directional control. The dorsal fin, in those species thathave one, provides stability while swimming. Though varying byspecies, basic coloration patterns are shades of grey, usually witha lighter underside and often with lines and patches of differenthue and contrast. underwater swimming dolphin, miami, free dolphinlive wallpaperThe head contains the melon, a round organ used forecholocation. In many species, elongated jaws form a distinct beak;species such as the bottlenose have a curved mouth which looks likea fixed smile. The dolphin brain is large and highly complex, andis different in structure from that of most land mammals. dolphins,sea, fish, marine, ocean, depths. Dolphins are often regarded asone of Earth's most intelligent animals. Dolphins are social,living in pods of up to a dozen individuals. In places with a highabundance of food, pods can merge temporarily, forming a superpodsuch groupings may exceed 1,000 dolphins==========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, startapp, andappflood2. In app search ads, post call from Startapp3. On top app widget by MobarioThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icon topause button2. Startapp Postcall can be remove by dismiss it.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutside of wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startapp adnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scroll yourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as your defaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
Underground Cave LWP 1.0.7
A cave or cavern is a natural underground spacelarge enough for a human to enter. Caves form naturally by theweathering of rock and often extend deep underground. The word"cave" can also refer to much smaller openings such as sea caves,rock shelters, and grottos. Reed Flute CaveSpeleology is the science of exploration and study of all aspectsof caves and the environment that surrounds the caves. Exploring acave for recreation or science may be called caving, potholing, orspelunking. cave story, mammoth cave, man cave.The formation and development of caves is known as speleogenesis.Caves are formed by various geologic processes andcan be variable sizes. These may involve a combination of chemicalprocesses, erosion from water, tectonic forces, microorganisms,pressure, and atmospheric influences. Allegory of the cave,compassFor karst caves the maximum depth is determined onthe basis of the lower limit of karst forming processes, coincidingwith the base sequences limestone, which may be lower than theerosion base due to the presence of siphon channels. Most caves areformed in limestone by dissolution.A veil of darkness cloaks the natural beauty of caves. Some arefound in cliffs at the edge of the coastline, chipped away by therelentless pounding of waves. Others form where a lava tube's outersurface cools and hardens and the inside of the molten rock drainsaway. Caves even form in glaciers where meltwater carves tunnels atthe beginning of its journey to the sea.==========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, startapp, andappflood2. In app search ads, post call from Startapp3. On top app widget by MobarioThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icon topause button2. Startapp Postcall can be remove by dismiss it.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutside of wallpaper settings, please kindly not to reportthis======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startapp adnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scroll yourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as your defaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
kangaroo live wallpaper 1.0.5
kangaroo is a marsupial from the familyMacropodidae (macropods, meaning 'large foot'). In common use theterm is used to describe the largest species from this family,especially those of the genus Macropus, red kangaroo, antilopinekangaroo, eastern grey kangaroo and western grey kangaroo. Kangarooare endemic to Australia. The smaller macropods are found inAustralia and New Guinea. LWP, live wallpaperKangaroo have large, powerful hind legs, large feetadapted for leaping, a long muscular tail for balance, and a smallhead. Like most marsupials, female kangaroos have a pouch called amarsupium in which joeys complete postnatal development.Larger kangaroo have adapted much better tochanges brought to the Australian landscape by humans and thoughmany of their smaller cousins are endangered, they are plentiful.They are not farmed to any extent, but wild kangaroos are shot formeat, leather hides, and to protect grazing land for sheep andcattle. Although there is some controversy, harvesting kangaroomeat has many environmental and health benefits over traditionalmeats.Speaking of hopping, kangaroos are the only large animals thathop as a primary means of locomotionThe boxing kangaroo is a national symbol of Australia,frequently seen in popular cultureThe idea of a boxing kangaroo originates from the animal'sdefensive behavior, in which it will use its smaller forelegs (its"arms") to hold an attacker in place while using the claws on itslarger hind legs to try to kick, slash or disembowel them. Thisstance gives the impression that the kangaroo appears to be"boxing" with its attacker.=========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, and appflood2. Widdit Homebase Lock screen themed for this wallpaper3. On top app widget by Mobario in arrow formThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icon topause button2. Widdit homebase lockscreen can be dismissed using itssetting.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutside of wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startapp adnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scroll yourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as your defaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
Baby Bear Live Wallpaper 1.0.7
The grizzly bear (Ursus arctos ssp.), is anyNorth American subspecies of the brown bear, such as the mainlandgrizzly (U. a. horribilis), the Kodiak (U. a. middendorffi), thepeninsular grizzly (U. a. gyas) and the recently extinct Californiagrizzly (U. a. californicus). Specialists sometimes call thegrizzly the North American brown bear because the grizzly and thebrown bear are one species on two continents. In some places, somemay nickname the grizzly the silvertip for the silvery, grizzlysheen in its fur. cub, grizzly, bear, LWPBy the time hibernation has ended the cubs are bigger and fullof energy. Bear cubs are really playful. Play fighting is veryimportant for young bears because it teaches them to protectthemselves and helps them get stronger. But if things get toorough, mama bear will discipline them by swatting them with herpaw! Ouch!Being a cub is not all fun and games. They are expected tofollow their mother and learn how to find food or hunt. It’s kindof like school and will help them to survive on their own.Cubs usually stay with their mothers until they are between 1½and two years of age. Their mother will send them off on their ownbefore she will mate again. Bear siblings that have left theirmothers may stay together for another year for protectionFemale grizzlies are fiercely protective of their cubs, beingable to fend off predators as large as male bears bigger than theyare in defense of the cubs. Cubs feed entirely on their mother'smilk until summer comes, after which they still drink milk butbegin to eat solid foods.==========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, startapp, andappflood2. In app search ads, post call from Startapp3. On top app widget by Mobario with arrow iconThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icon topause button2. Startapp Postcall can be remove by dismiss it.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindly dounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutside of wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startapp adnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scroll yourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as your defaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
Puppy Dog live wallpaper 1.0.6
A puppy is a juvenile dog. Some puppiescanweigh 1–3 lb (0.45–1.4 kg), while larger ones can weigh up to15–23lb (6.8–10 kg). All healthy puppies grow quickly after birth.Apuppy's coat color may change as the puppy grows older, asiscommonly seen in breeds such as the Yorkshire Terrier. pup,cutepuppy wallpapers, wallpaper puppies, the puppy, too cute.Invernacular English, puppy refers specifically to dogs while pupmayoften be used for other mammals such as seals, giraffes,guineapigs, or even rats.Born after an average of 63 days of gestation, puppies emergeinan amnion that is bitten off and eaten by the mother dog.Puppiesbegin to nurse almost immediately. If the litter exceedssixpuppies, particularly if one or more are obvious runts,humanintervention in hand-feeding the stronger puppies is necessarytoensure that the runts get proper nourishment and attention fromthemother. puppy names, animals wallpaper live, mini pet,chiwawa,kawaii. As they reach one month of age, puppies aregraduallyweaned and begin to eat solid food. The mother mayregurgitatepartially digested food for the puppies or might letthem eat someof her solid food. The mother dog usually refuses tonurse at thisstage, though she might let them occasionally nurseforcomfort.At first, puppies spend the large majority of their timesleepingand the rest feeding. They instinctively pile togetherinto a heap,and become distressed if separated from physicalcontact with theirlittermates, by even a short distance.permission dog, babies, care,little, aww, adorablePuppies are cute highly social animals and spend most oftheirwaking hours interacting with either their mother orlittermates.It is important that puppies are socialized withhumans,particularly between the ages of eight and twelve weeks, soas toencourage healthy interaction and develop the puppy's socialskillsaround people. Puppies ideally should be exposed to as wideavariety of friendly people as possible during this period.Dogsthat do not receive adequate socialization during thissensitiveperiod may display fearful behavior around humans or otherdogs asadults.==========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, startapp,andappflood2. In app search ads, post call from Startapp3. On top app widget by MobarioThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icontopause button2. Startapp Postcall can be remove by dismiss it.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startappadnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scrollyourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as yourdefaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
black rose live wallpaper 10.05
behold black rose live wallpaper on your android screen. get thisfree roses live wallpaper and love and flowers now. black rose areoften featured in fiction with many different meanings and titlessuch as sardar, black magic or barkarole, black beauty tuscanysuperb even black jade, and baccara varieties of roses. the flowerscommonly called black roses are atually a very dark shade of red,purple, or maroon. the color of a rose may be deepened by placing adark rose in a vase of water mixed with black ink. other blackroses may be blackened by other methods such as burning. also is asymbol for love after death, meaning love can never die. stunningblack rose. black roses exit naturally only at halfeti, turkey.lwp, this live wallpaper featured a glitter, sparkle and sparklingblack rose. this app is indeed picture of roses and beautifulflowers photo. below i offer a few of the possible meanings ofblack rose. they can symbolize: - dark of the soul - death (actual)- death (metaphorical for example, the death of one's old self aspart of a major life change) - revenge - resistance - mourning -mystery - evil (as in the dark side of our psyches) - but somepeople will send black roses (the black rose) (to like-mindedpeople) for the same reasons that they, say, drive a car or wearclothes of that color. for them, the meaning of black roses cancome down to, they feel that the color is cool, bold and elegant inits minimalism, or they are admirers of gothic fashion, etc. ofcourse, in answering, what do live flower wallpaper black rosesmean? we have to allow for overlap, considering the diversity ofthe symbolism. retina wallpapers. therefore, if someone has sentyou black roses someone whom you know to be a lover of that colorbecause it's cool, bold and elegant you can't rule out that thesender primarily had the revenge meaning in mind when planning thedelivery. thus the injunction above to furnish supplemental clues(unless it's exactly your intention to be mysterious). features: hdgraphic 720p cool animation
Baby Meerkat Live Wallpaper 1.0.7
The meerkat or suricate, Suricata suricatta,isa small mammal belonging to the mongoose family. Meerkats liveinall parts of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, in much of theNamibDesert in Namibia and southwestern Angola, and in SouthAfrica. Agroup of meerkats is called a "mob", "gang" or "clan". Ameerkatclan often contains about 20 meerkats, but somesuper-families have50 or more members. In captivity, meerkats havean average life spanof 12–14 years, and about half this in thewild. meerkats, wildlife,baby, cute, adorable, LWP"Meerkat" is a loanword from Afrikaans. The name has aDutchorigin, but by misidentification. Dutch meerkat refers tothe"guenon", a monkey of the Cercopithecus genus. The word"meerkat"is Dutch for "lake cat", but although the suricata is afeliform,it is not of the cat family, and neither suricatas norguenons areattracted to lakes the word possibly started as a Dutchadaptationof a derivative of Sanskrit markata "monkey", perhaps inAfrica viaan Indian sailor on board a Dutch East India Companyship. Thetraders of the Dutch East India Company were likelyfamiliar withmonkeys, but the Dutch settlers attached the name tothe wronganimal at the Cape. The suricata is called stokstaartje"littlestick-tail" in Dutch. furry, fluffy, charming, meerkatfacts,meerkat picturesBaby meerkats are known as pups. The mammals becomesexuallymature at about one year of age and can have one to fivepups in alitter.==========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, startapp,andappflood2. In app search ads, post call from Startapp3. On top app widget by MobarioThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icontopause button2. Startapp Postcall can be remove by dismiss it.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startappadnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scrollyourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as yourdefaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
free heart live wallpaper 1.0.6
The heart symbol or "heart shape" isanideograph used to express the idea of the "heart" initsmetaphorical or symbolic sense as the center of emotion,includingaffection and love, especially (but not exclusively)romantic love.free heart live wallpaper, sweetheart, ultimatejewel, glitter livewallpaper freeThe "wounded heart" indicating love sickness came to bedepictedas a heart symbol pierced with an arrow (Cupid's), or heartsymbol"broken" in two or more pieces. The use of the heart symbolas alogograph for the English verb "to love" derives from the usein "Ilove NY", introduced in 1977. diamond, floating hearts,movingheartThe first known depiction of a heart as a symbol of romanticlovedates to the 1250s. It occurs in a miniature decorating acapital Sin a manuscript of the French Roman de la poire (NationalLibrary FRMS. 2086, plate 12). In the miniature, a kneeling loveroffers hisheart to a damsel, who rejects it wholeheartedly.Since the 19th century, the symbol has often been used onSt.Valentine's Day cards, candy boxes, and similar popularcultureartifacts as a symbol of romantic love. hearts images,lovecycles,cards hearts, sparkle==========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, startapp,andappflood2. In app search ads, post call from Startapp3. On top app widget by MobarioThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icontopause button2. Startapp Postcall can be remove by dismiss it.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startappadnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scrollyourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as yourdefaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
Raccoon live wallpaper 1.0.6
Bandit masked raccoon are afamiliarsight just about everywhere, because they will eat justaboutanything. These ubiquitous mammals are found in forests,marshes,prairies, and even in cities. They are adaptable and usetheirdexterous front paws and long fingers to find and feast on awidevariety of fare.In the natural world, raccoon snare a lot of theirmealsin the water. These nocturnal foragers use lightning quickpaws tograb crayfish, frogs, and other aquatic creatures. On land,theypluck mice and insects from their hiding places and raid nestsfortasty eggs.Raccoon also eat fruit and plants such asacorn,nuts, canary, including those grown in human gardens andfarms. Theywill even open garbage cans to dine on thecontents.These ring tailed animals are equally opportunistic when itcomesto choosing a denning site. They may inhabit a tree hole,fallenlog, or a house's attic. Females have one to seven cubs inearlysummer. The young raccoon often spend the first two months orso oftheir lives high in a tree hole. Later, mother and childrenmove tothe ground when the cubs begin to explore on their own.Raccoon in the northern parts of their range gorge themselvesinspring and summer to store up body fat. They then spend much ofthewinter asleep in a den. There are six other species of raccoon,inaddition to the familiar northern (North American) raccoon.Mostother species live on tropical islands.Raccoon do not hibernate. During extremely cold periodsraccoonhave been known to sleep for long periods, but donothibernate.These critters climb with great ease and are not bothered byadrop of 35 to 40 feet! This is one of the truly amazingraccoonfacts!=========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, and appflood2. Widdit Homebase Lock screen themed for this wallpaper3. On top app widget by Mobario in arrow formThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icontopause button2. Widdit homebase lockscreen can be dismissed usingitssetting.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startappadnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scrollyourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as yourdefaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
free live tiger wallpaper 1.0.5
The tiger is the largest cat species,reachinga total body length of up to 3.3 m and weighing up to 306kg. Itsmost recognizable feature is a pattern of dark verticalstripes onreddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. It hasexceptionallystout teeth, and the canines are the longest amongliving felidswith a crown height of as much as 74.5 mm or even 90mm. In zoos,tigers have lived for 20 to 26 years, which also seemsto be theirlongevity in the wild. They are territorial andgenerally solitarybut social animals, often requiring largecontiguous areas ofhabitat that support their prey requirements.tiger backgrounds,bengals, heritage. This, coupled with the factthat they areindigenous to some of the more densely populatedplaces on Earth,has caused significant conflicts with humans. LWP,live wallpaper.Tigers are among the most recognisable and popular of theworld'scharismatic megafauna. They have featured prominently inancientmythology and folklore, and continue to be depicted inmodern filmsand literature. extinct, carnivores, prey, tigers.Tigers havemuscular bodies with particularly powerful forelimbsand largeheads. The pelage coloration varies between shades oforange orbrown with white ventral areas and distinctive blackstripes. Theirfaces have long whiskers.The Bengal tiger is the national animal of India andBangladesh.The Malaysian tiger is the national animal of Malaysia.TheSiberian tiger is the national animal of South Korea.roar,predators, claw, animal, cat. The tiger replaces the lion asKingof the Beasts in cultures of eastern Asia representingroyalty,fearlessness and wrathOf great importance in Chinese myth and culture, the tiger isoneof the 12 Chinese zodiac animalsIn Buddhism, it is also one of the Three SenselessCreatures,symbolising anger, with the monkey representing greed andthe deerlovesickness=========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, and appflood2. Widdit Homebase Lock screen themed for this wallpaper3. On top app widget by Mobario in arrow formThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icontopause button2. Widdit homebase lockscreen can be dismissed usingitssetting.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startappadnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scrollyourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as yourdefaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
waterfall lwp 10.05
behold the shooting nature waterfall at your android screen. awaterfall is a river flooding or other body of water's steep fallover a rocky ledge into a plunge pool below. waterfalls are alsocalled cascades. cliff and steep, drops and stream, nature. theprocess of erosion, the wearing away of earth, plays an importantpart in the formation of waterfalls. waterfalls themselves alsocontribute to erosion. get this live wallpapers of waterfalls andliquid live wallpapers now. often, waterfalls form as streams flowfrom soft rock to hard rock. this happens both laterally (as astream flows across the earth) and vertically (as the stream dropsin a waterfall). in both cases, the soft rock erodes, leaving ahard ledge over which the majestic stream falls. a fall line is theimaginary line along which parallel rivers plunge as they flow fromuplands to lowlands. many waterfalls in an area help geologists andhydrologists determine a region's fall line and underlying rockstructure. as a stream flows, it carries sediment. the sediment canbe microscopic silt, pebbles, or even boulders. sediment can erodestream beds made of soft rock, such as sandstone or limestone.eventually, the stream's channel cuts so deep into the stream bedthat only a harder rock, such as granite, remains. waterfallsdevelop as these granite formations form cliffs and ledges. astream's velocity increases as it nears a waterfall, increasing theamount of erosion taking place. the stunning movement of water atthe top of a waterfall can erode rocks to be very flat and smooth.rushing water and sediment topple over the waterfall, eroding theplunge pool at the base. the crashing flow of the water may alsocreate powerful whirlpools that erode the rock of the plunge poolbeneath them. spring and water, autumn. the resulting erosion atthe base of a waterfall can be very dramatic, and cause thewaterfall to "recede." the area behind the waterfall wallpapers isworn away, creating a hollow, cave-like structure called a rockshelter. eventually, the rocky ledge (called the outcropping) maytumble down, sending boulders into the stream bed and plunge poolbelow. this causes the waterfall live wallpaper to recede manymeters upstream. the waterfall erosion process starts again,breaking down the boulders of the former outcropping. erosion isjust one process that can form waterfalls. a waterfall may formacross a fault during peak flow, or crack in the earth’s surface.an earthquake, landslide and glacier, or volcano may also disruptstream beds and help create waterfalls. features: hd graphic 720pcool animation
river live wallpapers 10.05
behold flowing beauty river on your android screen. get this livewallpapers water flows and liquid live wallpapers now. a river is anatural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean,a lake, a sea, or another river. in a few cases, a river simplyflows into the ground or dries up completely at the end of itscourse, and does not reach another body of water. small rivers maybe called by several other names, including stream, creek or brook,rivulet, and rill. river flows, live river wallpaper free. thereare no official definitions for generic terms, such as river, asapplied to geographic features, although in some countries orcommunities a stream may be defined by its size. this app is indeedwater stream and waves live wallpaper. many names for small riversare specific to geographic location examples are run in the unitedstates, burn in scotland and northeast england, and beck innorthern england. sometimes a river is defined as being larger thana creek, but not always the language is vague. rivers are part ofthe hydrological cycle. water generally collects in a river fromprecipitation through a drainage basin from surface runoff andother sources such as groundwater recharge, springs, and therelease of stored water in natural ice and snowpacks (e.g. fromglaciers). mystic live wallpaper, free flow, water. potamology isthe scientific study of rivers while limnology is the study ofinland waters in general. no extraterrestrial rivers are currentlyknown, though large flows of hydrocarbons described as rivers haverecently been found on titan. channels may indicate past rivers onother planets, specifically outflow channels on mars and aretheorized to exist on planets and moons in habitable zones ofstars. enjoy yourself with this mood relaxing wallpapers. a flowingriver begins at a source (or more often several sources) and endsat a mouth, following a path called a course. retina wallpapers.the water in a river is usually confined to a channel, made up of astream bed between banks. in larger rivers there is also a widerfloodplain shaped by flood-waters over-topping the channel.floodplains may be very wide in relation to the size of thetranquility river channel. rivers can flow down mountains, throughvalleys (depressions) or along plains, and can create canyons orgorges. features: hd graphic 720p cool animation
beach wallpapers 10.05
behold live beach wallpapers free on your android screen. a beachis a landform along the shoreline of an ocean, sea lake, or river.get this beach live background and beautiful beaches now. itusually consists of loose particles, which are often composed ofrock, such as sand and gravel, shingle and pebbles, orcobblestones. the particles comprising the beach are occasionallybiological in origin, such as mollusc shells or coralline algae.wild beaches are beaches that do not have lifeguards or trappingsof modernity nearby, such as resorts, camps and hotels. they aresometimes called undeclared, undeveloped or undiscovered beaches.wild beaches can be valued for their untouched beauty and preservednature. they are most commonly found in less developed areasincluding, for example, parts of puerto rico, the dominicanrepublic, thailand the philippines and indonesia, but they are alsofound in developed nations such as australia and new zealand. thisapp is indeed caribbean and beach resort picture. beaches typicallyoccur in areas along the coast where wave or current actiondeposits and reworks sediments. beaches are tourist magnets,attracting families and thrill seekers in their droves each year,who come to sunbathe, to take part in watersports such as surfingand bodyboarding, or sometimes to simply stroll along the shore.retina wallpapers. beaches vary dramatically in their size and usewhile some beaches are tourist meccas, others are unspoiledwildernesses, meaning beaches are often as interesting as othertypes of terrain. sandcastles the hobby of making sandcastles andother sculptures entertains both kids and adults, but someindividuals have turned play into art. strolling in relax naturebeach you can see flowers and beautiful sky and enjoy ocean duringsunrise, summertime is also best time to strolling at shore andseeing the wave. although the seashore is most commonly associatedwith the word tropical beach, beaches are found by lakes andalongside large rivers. sandy beach may refer to small systemswhere rock material moves onshore, offshore, or alongshore by theforces of waves and currents or geological units of considerablesize. features: hd graphic 720p cool animation
valentines day lwp 10.05
behold the happy valentine day on your android screen. saintvalentines day, also known as valentines day or the feast of saintvalentine, is observed on february 14 each year. it is celebratedin many countries around the world, although it remains a workingday in most of them. get this cute hearts wallpaper and hearts livewallpaper now. february it is time to sleeve up your time for yoursweetheart. the day was first associated with romantic love in thecircle of geoffrey chaucer in the high middle ages, when thetradition of courtly love flourished. in 18th-century england, itevolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love foreach other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, andsending greeting cards known as valentines. valentine's day symbolsthat are used today include the heart-shaped outline, doves, andthe figure of the winged cupid. since the 19th century, handwrittenvalentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards.chocolate. this app is indeed love heart and hearts free picture.while the custom of sending cards, flowers, chocolates and othergifts originated in the uk, valentine's day still remains connectedwith various regional customs in england. in norfolk, a charactercalled jack valentine knocks on the rear door of houses leavingsweets and presents for children. hearts wallpaper. although he wasleaving treats, many children were scared of this mystical person.valentines day is filled with attract love since claudius in romanjuno era. valentines day is a fantasy live wallpaper featuring abeautiful fantasy scenery of a giant beating pink in a pink worldof valentine with a falling heart around them, perfect forvalentines day celebration. amour god will send roses and kiss toyou, feel your romantic heart touching, and feel cupid presencenear you. spend quality time with a loved one. go out to a nicerestaurant or create a special dinner. retina wallpapers. cuddlewith your significant other on a couch and watch a movie. try toavoid distractions, such as surfing the internet, chatting on thephone while around people, or deciding to do other things byyourself or with another group of people. express your words with arose. while lavender or purple are seen more on first dates andsecret love live at first sight times, white roses are a traditionfor weddings. pink, orange, and yellow roses are viewed asadmiration, excitement, and friendship respectively. features: hdgraphic 720p cool animation
Cute Mouse Live Wallpaper 1.0.7
A mouse (plural : mice) is asmallmammal belonging to the order of rodents, characteristicallyhavinga pointed snout, small rounded ears, and a long naked oralmosthairless tail. The best known mouse species is the commonhousemouse (Mus musculus). It is also a popular pet. In someplaces,certain kinds of field mice are also common. This rodent iseatenby large birds such as hawks and eagles. They are known toinvadehomes for food and occasionally shelter. cheese, mouse,trap,unblock, mazeThe American white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) andthedeer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), as well as othercommonspecies of mouse-like rodents around the world, alsosometimes livein houses. These, however, are in other general.unlock, escape,puzzle, cuteCats, wild dogs, foxes, birds of prey, snakes and evencertainkinds of arthropods have been known to prey heavily uponmice.Nevertheless, because of its remarkable adaptability to almostanyenvironment, the mouse is one of the most successfulmammaliangenera living on Earth today. modest mouse, magic mouse,mousetrapMice can at times be vermin, damaging and eating crops,causingstructural damage and spreading diseases through theirparasitesand feces. In North America, breathing dust that has comeincontact with mouse excrement has been linked to hantavirus,whichmay lead to Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS).Primarily nocturnal animals, mice compensate for theirpooreyesight with a keen sense of hearing, and rely especially ontheirsense of smell to locate food and avoid predators.Mice and rats are the most commonly used animals forlaboratorytests.Mice build intricate burrows in the wild. These burrowstypicallyhave long entrances and are equipped with escapetunnels/routes.There is some evidence from a new study thatindicates that thearchitectural design of a burrow is a result ofwhat is pre-writtenin a mouse's DNA.Mice are common experimental animals in biology andpsychologyprimarily because they are mammals, and also because theyshare ahigh degree of homology with humans. They are the mostcommonlyused mammalian model organism, more common than rats.==========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, startapp,andappflood2. In app search ads, post call from Startapp3. On top app widget by MobarioThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icontopause button2. Startapp Postcall can be remove by dismiss it.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startappadnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scrollyourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as yourdefaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
Yorkshire Terrier Dog LWP 1.0.7
The Yorkshire Terrier is a small,toy-sizeddog. The small head is rather flat on the top, with amedium-sizedmuzzle. The teeth meet in a scissors or level bite. Thenose isblack. The medium-sized eyes are dark with dark eye rims.The erectears are V-shaped. All four legs are straight when viewedfrom thefront. The round feet have black toenails. Dewclaws areusuallyremoved. The tail is customarily docked to a medium lengthandcarried somewhat higher than the back. Note: it is illegal todocktails in most parts of Europe. The long, glossy coat is fineandsilky and falls straight down on either side. yorkshire,terrier,cute, yorkie, dogwall, LWP, live wallpaperThe coat comes in a steel blue and tan color. The body andtailare blue and the rest of the dog is tan. Puppies are brown,blackand tan. The hair on the head is so abundant that it isalmostalways necessary to gather it in a band to keep from goinginto thedog's food bowl and to give the animal maximum visibility.Someowners choose to trim the hair on top of the head.puppies,skimchee, yorkshire terrier photosYorkshire Terriers seem oblivious of their small size. Theyarevery eager for adventure. This little dog is highlyenergetic,brave, loyal and clever. With owners who take the timetounderstand how to treat a small dog, the Yorkie is awonderfulcompanion! It is affectionate with its master, but ifhumans arenot this dog's pack leader, it can become suspicious ofstrangersand aggressive to strange dogs and small animals.yorkshire terrierrescue, club of americaThe Yorkie is a good dog for apartment life. It is veryactiveindoors and will do okay without a yard. The Yorkie issensitive tothe cold and prefers warm climates. yorkshire terrieradoption,toy, miniThe Yorkie was created by working men of north England,whodeveloped the breed for catching the terrible rats and micethatinfested clothing mills and mine shafts. yorkshireterrierbreeders==========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, startapp,andappflood2. In app search ads, post call from Startapp3. On top app widget arrow by MobarioThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icontopause button2. Startapp Postcall can be remove by dismiss it.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startappadnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scrollyourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as yourdefaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
Koala Live Wallpaper 1.0.7
The koala is a small bear-like,tree-dwelling,herbivorous marsupial which averages about 9kg (20lb)in weight.Its fur is thick and usually ash grey with a tinge ofbrown inplaces. marsupial, eucalyptus, bear, herbivorous, animalsThe koala gets its name from an ancient Aboriginal wordmeaning"no drink" because it receives over 90% of its hydrationfrom theEucalyptus leaves (also known as gum leaves) it eats, andonlydrinks when ill or times when there is not enough moisture intheleaves. ie during droughts etc. climbing, happy, kid koala,koalafactsThe koala is the only mammal, other than the Greater GliderandRingtail Possum, which can survive on a diet ofeucalyptusleaves.Habitat' refers to the types of bushland that koalas like tolivein. They are found in a range of habitats, from coastalislands andtall eucalypt forests to low woodlands inland. koalatours, elkoala, boowa et koala, the koala brothers, koalapictures, cutekoalaKoalas today are found in Queensland , New South Wales ,Victoriaand South Australia . Their range extends from theAthertonTableland west of Cairns in Qld to islands off the coastof Victoriaand South Australia in the south, and west to centraland westernQld, NSW and Victoria.Koalas live in societies, just like humans, so they need tobeable to come into contact with other koalas. It is because ofthisthey need to have areas of suitable eucalypt forest which arelargeenough to support a healthy koala population and to allowforexpansion by maturing young koalas. Koalas are highlyterritorialand in stable breeding groups, individual members ofkoala societymaintain their own "home range" areas.The Koala is well suited to life in the trees. The koala hasanexcellent sense of balance and its body is lean and muscularandits quite long, strong limbs support its weight when climbing.Thearms and legs are nearly equal in length and the koala'sclimbingstrength comes from the thigh muscle joining the shin muchlowerthan in other animals.==========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, startapp,andappflood2. In app search ads, post call from Startapp3. On top app widget by Mobario with arrow iconThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icontopause button2. Startapp Postcall can be remove by dismiss it.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startappadnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scrollyourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as yourdefaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
Baby Koala Live Wallpaper 1.0.7
“Joey” is the most common name thatisspecifically referred to the Baby Koalas. In fact “Joey” isnotonly used for the Koalas, but also for many other babies ofthemammals that belongs to the Marsupial family for anexampleOpossum, Kangaroos etc. Therefore, to make things morespecific andprecisely speaking, usually the babies Koalas arereferred as KoalaJoeys or just the joeys. But if one will say joey,it will still beconfusing because no one knows which marsupial joeyis beingdiscussed. Therefore, the Koala Joey is the right label inthisregard. baby koala, koala joeyMany writers also write new born Koalas as baby Koalas well.Theword has been used on majority of occasions within thebooks.Therefore, both “Koala Joeys” and “Baby Koalas” are the keytermsthat are interchangeable used for one another. However, thecorrectword might well be the Koala Joey for any newborn Koala.The koala is a small bear-like, tree-dwelling,herbivorousmarsupial which averages about 9kg (20lb) in weight. Itsfur isthick and usually ash grey with a tinge of brown inplaces.marsupial, eucalyptus, bear, herbivorous, animalsThe koala gets its name from an ancient Aboriginal wordmeaning"no drink" because it receives over 90% of its hydrationfrom theEucalyptus leaves (also known as gum leaves) it eats, andonlydrinks when ill or times when there is not enough moisture intheleaves. ie during droughts etc. climbing, happy, kid koala,koalafacts==========FEATURES :==========Settings for background animation speedSettings for Disable InteractionSettings for moving particle numberSettings for particle movement directionSettings for particle movement SpeedMoving particle can be tapped and will popSettings to adjust particle tap sfx volumeCan be moved to SD Card=============================DISCLAIMER ADVERTISING USED :=============================This app might contains these ads in your device :1. Smart-wall interstitial ad from Airpush, startapp,andappflood2. In app search ads, post call from Startapp3. On top app widget by Mobario with arrow iconThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.===================HOW TO REMOVE ADS :===================1. Mobario on top widget can be removed by drag the app icontopause button2. Startapp Postcall can be remove by dismiss it.3. Or uninstall the app will surely dismiss all adsThis is the way to earn income from this free lwp, please kindlydounderstand.Sometime interstitial ads are slow to load thus might appearoutsideof wallpaper settings, please kindly not to report this======NOTE :======- All permission are required by Airpush and Startappadnetwork- This live wallpaper is compatible with Go Launcher EX- Battery Efficient- For ICS phone such as Galaxy S3,if you unable to scrollyourwallpaper try to install Go Launcher EX from market as yourdefaulthome screen launcher- Optimized for Galaxy S3 and S4
waterfall live wallpaper 10.05
behold the shooting nature waterfall too at your android screen. inall their majesty and seeming calm, waterfalls might look like apermanent fixture on the side of a mountain as long as the river'salways there, the waterfall will be there, too, right, as it turnsout, waterfalls are actually formed very slowly over the course ofseveral thousand years. you would hardly notice any changes in oneduring a lifetime. get this free waterfalls wallpapers and animatedwallpaper waterfall now. imagine a simple river drops flowing alongmajestic bedrock, the harder rock that lays underneath loose earthlike soil and sand. it's moving along pretty quickly and at afairly steep incline. the bedrock over which the water is flowinghas varying degrees of density and strength some layers are soft,while others are much harder. when water flows over a layer of hardrock or cliff, it erodes the softer rock beyond it. the bed of theriver flooding gets steeper as the water carries the softer rockdownstream, and eventually the stunning flow of water at this pointbecomes steep enough to be considered a waterfall. water continuesto fall against a back wall, which also continues to wear away.soon, the soft rock underneath the hard rock falls back, and aplunge pool is created where the water collects. enough watermoving over the hard rock will undercut it and break it away, andbig pieces of rock will collapse and fall into the plunge pool,which makes it even bigger and deeper than before. the soft rockbelow the hard rock is receding so much that the hard rock becomesan overhang. retina wallpapers. although the waterfalls we seetoday will be around for a long time, they'll eventually recede anddisappear. as hard rock is slowly eroded by the constant peak flowof water, it falls into the plunge pool and creates a large gorge.the waterfall or liquid live wallpapers is actually retreatingbackwards. this happens very slowly just as it takes thousands ofyears for a waterfall wallpapers to form, it takes just as long forit to disintegrate. niagara falls, for instance, is retreating atthe rate of 3.3 feet (one meter) per year. features: hd graphic720p cool animation