makinosoft Приложения

15Puzzle 1.8
The smoothness of the motion waspursued.The best for a time trial!
SomniloquyRecorder 1.11
Recording is started in response tosound.If recording time is within a set period in 1 minute, it isrecorded any number of times.The time of onset of sound search and termination time can be setup.When there is no time specification, it starts in 5 minutes andsearches for 30 minutes.The sensitivity of sound perception can be set up.Red LEDIt will switch on, if sound is perceived.For sensitivity adjustmentThere is a notice of a status bar simultaneously with thecompletion of recording.A voice file is in the item added recently [ of the media player].
LapTimer 1.15
A wrap timer for cars which run on the limited lane. Passage isdetected by a camera of a terminal and the time is measured. Thenumber of going, a start mode and the sensitivity can beestablished. There is also a mask function so as not to undergoinfluence from the next lane. The number of going 1-100 round Startmode Start signal sound Sensing area passage The sensitivity 5stages Please establish both from the menu. Mask A tap do on thesensing area picture, please. The 1st time is a mask in the upperpart. The 2nd time is a mask of the lower part. I think settingchanges with the various conditions the brightness of the room, thecolor of the car and the course and the speed. If it's good, pleasetry once.
Denkou Bluetooth 1.5
Bluetooth is chosen.You can communicate by Bluetooth.How to use1. A fellow "Of this device, it's possible to detect it, it'sdone." Tap2. Other, "a device is connected. (Stability)", tap3. When it can be connected, a wild boar indicates controller "and"display, so tap2. When it's so and it's difficult to connect, "a device isconnected. (Unstableness)", tapI sometimes need matching setting by the model.An electric bulletin board, the choice is same as a conventionalapplication.Scrolling is the application it's possible to indicate like anelectric bulletin board.When a tap is done, an indication screen is begun.When a tap is done during indication, the color changes.When I slide during indication.Scrolling speed changes.It's high for the left and it's slow for the right.It changes 10 stages.During indication, screen chief influence?I return to an inputting screen.
DoremiPianoVersion 1.0
The easy keyboard which does not needexplanationPianoVersion
DenkouPopUp 1.2
A character is an application which jumps outand is visible.It will start, if the tap of the display screen is carriedout.If a tap is carried out during a display, the dot for viewpointregulation will disappear.If it acts as Flick during a display,speed will change.As for a high and facing the right, as for facing the left, tensteps of throw change.Screen length aggressiveness returns while on display to a textinput screen.Please gaze so that you make the dot for viewpoint regulation turnon and the dot of two points is visible to three pieces, until itgets used.***** Menu *****Picture intervalPlease adjust, when you do not emerge distinctly.Dot intervalPlease adjust, when it does not look doubly or you do notemerge.
心霊写真 1.4
640 × 480 のみ対応640 × 480 onlysupport
e伝言板 1.1
自身のメールボックスを利用した、音声による伝言板です。また、グループで専用のメールボックスを取得してご利用ください。Wi-Fi接続が必須です。設定はメニューボタンを押して下さい。* SMTPサーバー 例* POP3サーバー 例* アカウント 例 abcdef* パスワード 例 123456* メールアドレス 例* 伝言板で使用する名前 例 太郎*印は必須です。伝言を残す 送りたい伝言を録音して伝言を送るボタンをタップ 成功すると「伝言を送りました。」と表示されます。伝言を聴く メールボックスへ伝言があるかアクセスします。 あれば「○○さんからの伝言」と表示され音声が流れます。 *** 自分の送った伝言は取得しません。***過去の伝言 今までに受け取った伝言を聴くことが出来ます。 リストに送信者ごとの名前で分かれて保存されています。Using its own mailbox, itis a message board by voice.Also, please use it to get a dedicated mailbox in the group.Wi-Fi connection is required.Setting, press the menu button.* SMTP server example* POP3 server example* Account example abcdef* Password example 123456* E-mail address example* Name example used in the message board Taro* Mark is required.I leave a messageTap the button to send the message by recording a message you wantto sendIf successful it will be displayed as "I have sent a message.".I listen to the messageI will access if there is a message to the mail box.Voice is displayed as "Message from ○○'s" will flow as long.*** Yourself of message that sent does not get. ***Past of messageYou can listen to the message that has been received so far.It is saved divided by the name of each sender to the list.
TimeLapseSilent 1.6
It is an application whose slow-speedphotography is possible using the camera function of aterminal.The silence function was carried.If slow-speed photography can be done simply and it is finishedonly as setting up size, interval time, and the number of frames,and carrying out the tap of the start button, it is renewableimmediately.The reproduction should choose and carry out the tap of the imageto carry out the tap of the play button and see out of alist.Please carry out the tap of the angle button to be reflected beforephotography and see condition.A setup of time of onset can also be performed.Moreover, when you stop photography on the way, please carry outthe tap of the clear button.The reproduction can perform reverse reproduction, top sending,adjustment of speed, etc.
対局 β版 1.1
将棋盤です。不具合があるかもしれませんがお許しください。お知らせ下されば次回バージョンアップの時改善したいと思います。Is a chessboard.There may be a problem, but please forgive me.You would like to improve when the next version update ifKudasare notice.
FlashMorse 1.8
Morse of light is the application which can be sent and received.
Lupe 1.13
Very simple loupe
Time of the medicine 1.1
The schedule table of which you inform by sound
Denkou Synchro 1.1
The electric bulletin board which connects one between the terminalthrough a wireless LAN, and can indicate scrolling A Wi-Ficonnection is indispensable. How to use Please master one in caseof 2 and start another by a slave. Yourself of a slave enter an IPaddress in master's slave IP address, please. Portnumber isn'tminded without change. When connecting, +1 do portnumber, please.When a tap is done, an indication screen is begun. When a tap isdone during indication, the color changes. When I slide duringindication. Scrolling speed changes. It's high for the left andit's slow for the right. It changes 10 stages. During indication,screen chief influence? I return to an inputting screen.
LED Speech 1.7
The electric bulletin board which can be input by sound.
SmartStopWatch 1.8
The timer which are the multiple functions for which a sensor wasused
SpeedTimer 1.7
competition stopwatch
Watch 1.11
The object which passed the virtual line is perceived and alarm issounded.
マラソンランナー II 1.3
ジョギングのお伴にどうぞ マラソンランナーとマラソンランナーIIの違いは ペースをしゃべって教えてくれる。 各モードの切り替えが可能。設定した時間、距離ごとに通知音または振動で知らせてくれる。 通過時のログを残してくれるので後でチェックも出来ます。***** マラソンランナー II ***** 各モードを選択出来るようにしました。 フリーモード 個別に通知音が選べます。目標スピードを設定してペースを教えてくれます。 初期設定 分速 100m (速歩程度) ジョギングモード 個別に通知音が選べます。設定の距離、時間になれば教えてくれます。 マラソンモード 個別に通知音が選べます。 5km単位で個別に目標タイムを設定できます。ゴールタイムの入力して「一発」ボタンをタップすると自動で入力してくれます。 変更を記憶する場合は「更新」ボタンをタップして下さい。***** マラソンランナー II ***** 各ポイントで設定した目標タイムとの差異をしゃべって教えてくれる。 赤、黄、緑のランプ赤が点灯している時はGPSが未更新。 黄が点灯している時はGPSが不安定。 緑が点灯している時はGPSが良好。***** マラソンランナー II ***** 緑が点灯している時以外はスタート出来ません。過去のデータを見るときはメニューボタンを押して下さい。 衛星が見つかり難いときはGPS修正アプリを使うと見つかり易くなります。
インターバル カメラ 1.4
取り扱いがとっても簡単なインターバルカメラ画像サイズ、インターバル時間、フレーム数をセットして撮影ボタンをタップするだけで微速度撮影が出来ます。撮影した映像は再生ボタンをタップ、通常再生、早送り、逆再生、コマ送りが出来ます。fpsも-ボタン、+ボタンで変更が可能です。ファイルの削除はリスト上を長押しして下さい。画像サイズ種類は端末に依存しますが、選択出来ます。(初回は初期設定サイズのみ)***** 注意 *****ブラックアウトを起こす時や途中で終了する時はサイズを小さくして下さい。インターバル時間1秒-10秒の5段階***** 注意 *****ブラックアウトを起こす時や途中で終了する時はインターバル時間を長くして下さい。フレーム数5-1000の21段階撮影途中で停止ボタンをタップする事でも終了出来ます。サイレントチェックを入れるとシャッター音が消えます。高画質チェックを入れると画質が良くなります。(ただし、ファイルサイズが約4倍になります)***** 注意 *****ブラックアウトを起こす時や途中で終了する時は画質を落として下さい。Very simple intervalcamera handlingImage size, interval time, you can fine-speed shooting by simplytap the shoot button to set the number of frames.Captured video tap the play button, normal playback, fast forward,reverse playback, you can frame advance.fps also - button, you can change with the + button.Delete the file, please press on the list long.Image sizeType is dependent on the terminal, but you can choose.(Initial default size only)***** Caution *****When it ends or when on the way to cause a blackout should bereduced in size.Interval time5 stages of 1 second for 10 seconds***** Caution *****When it ends or when on the way to cause a blackout should be alonger interval time.The number of frames21 stage of 5-1000You can also Exit By tapping the stop button in the middle ofshooting.silentShutter sound will disappear when checked.High image qualityIf you check the better image quality.(However, the file size will be about 4 times)***** Caution *****When you end or when on the way to cause a black-out, please dropthe image quality.
VisualInspection 1.0
I search for a registration picture fromapicture, and it's an indicated application.A tap make the registration button registration, please.A picture inside the white limits of a center canberegistered.10 items can be registered.Data elimination indicate a list from the menu, and do ahorizontalpiece of timber and please do on the item.A tap make the search button a search, please.The closest picture is shown to the upper right.The frame to which a picture is locking on is registered, nearapicture, in turn.It changes into red, yellow, green and blue.It seems simple and easy to search for a strong picture ofacontrast.
Don't Approach! 1.1
The alarm system I warn when apersonapproachesI issue 3 stages of warning.How to useAlmost, a camera is fixed for the side.A tap is done, and a picture is indicated.That 5m is indicated for the bottoms a little.The height of the camera is input.Initialization is 50cm.That I invade a green line, first phaseThat I invade a yellow line, second-stageThat I invade a red line, the 3rd stageYou can move by a drug's having a triangle respectively.
My BookShelf 1.9
An app that can manage books Book collection management app,barcode, database
DenkouAnimation 1.1
It is an application which can display itsownanimation like an electrical scoreboard.An LED color is 7 colors.The number of frames can save nine kinds of animation from oneframeto 100 frames.If it slides while on display, frame speed will change.Facing the left is a high and facing the right is slow.Edit and the loading should progress from a menu.Edit displayButton group<> Movement of a button groupIt writes. The light is switched on in the appointed color.It erases. Putting out lightsReversal The color of the whole screen is reversed.Cut Putting-out-lights data is [ the whole screen ]preservationpaste temporarily. It is lighting 1 / 1-1/100 withpreservationdata. The frame / the total number of frames undereditChange of a frameIt can set up from 1 to 100.
PursuitCamera 1.1
3 ways, a chase mode, a patrol mode andarandom mode, it can be chosen.When taking a picture by a chase mode, please fix.
SleepingPosture 1.7
Recording is started in response to amotion.The front is recorded for back 30 seconds for 3 seconds from thetime of having perceived the motion.Time to search for a motion can be set up.When it searches from time of onset for 30 minutes and the motionhas been perceived, a status bar has a notice.Since it operates from a sleep state, consumption of a battery canbe suppressed.Sensitivity can be set up.The setup of sensitivity should carry out the tap of the testbutton.It is perceived that it sounds with "pi" by the motion on ascreen.
ListMakerTry 1.0
It is an application which recognizes afaceand makes a list automatically.Easy usageClick the button which opens 1 and a file and it chooses ajpgfile.The button which will return if a picture is displayed on 2 andascreen is pushed.If 3 and a list creation button are clicked 4 and the frame ofasquare is displayed on a photograph, the tap of the click 5 andthedisplayed list will be carried out, and a translucent listcreationbutton will be edited individually.Please push the button which will return if 6 and editfinish.It is, if 7 and a preservation dialog come out, and the click*****Try version is only one preservation about a button.* It is completion above ****.Click a list display button.A list top tap is a list top long shank tap for seeing asetphotograph mug shot.Furthermore, a mug shot tap displays each one ofindividualdata.Click a list edit button.A list top tap is a mug shot.Furthermore, a display and edit of a mug shot tap can do each oneofindividual data.A list top long shank tap is deleted.A file one mega or more cannot be read.If resolution is raised, facial recognition will take time.Moreover, it is easy to get insufficient memory.When insufficient memory is displayed, please end an applicationandlower resolution.
見守りカメラ2 1.3
per the set time, there was a movement in the area, sending anotification e-mail.
ListCameraTry 1.0
It is an application which recognizes afaceand makes a list automatically.Easy usageClick 1 and a shooting button and it goes intophotographymode.A shutter goes out by the tap of 2 and a screen.If it returns with 3 and the returning button, and a listcreationbutton is clicked 4 and the frame of a square is displayedon aphotograph, the tap of the click 5 and the displayed list willbecarried out, and a translucent list creation button will beeditedindividually.Please push the button which will return if 6 and editfinish.It is, if 7 and a preservation dialog come out, and the click*****Try version is only one preservation about a button.* It is completion above ****.Click a list display button.A list top tap is a list top long shank tap for seeing asetphotograph mug shot.Furthermore, a mug shot tap displays each one ofindividualdata.Click a list edit button.A list top tap is a mug shot.Furthermore, a display and edit of a mug shot tap can do each oneofindividual data.A list top long shank tap is deleted.If resolution is raised, facial recognition will take time.Moreover, it is easy to get insufficient memory.When insufficient memory is displayed, please end anapplication,and lower and photo resolution.
ListCamera 1.7
It is an application which recognizes afaceand makes a list automatically.Easy usageClick 1 and a shooting button and it goes intophotographymode.A shutter goes out by the tap of 2 and a screen.If it returns with 3 and the returning button, and a listcreationbutton is clicked 4 and the frame of a square is displayedon aphotograph, the tap of the click 5 and the displayed list willbecarried out, and a translucent list creation button will beeditedindividually.Please push the button which will return if 6 and editfinish.Since 7 and a preservation dialog come out, the name isinputted,and it is more than a click about a button, andiscompletion.Click a list display button.A list top tap is a list top long shank tap for seeing asetphotograph mug shot.Furthermore, a mug shot tap displays each one ofindividualdata.Click a list edit button.A list top tap is a mug shot.Furthermore, a display and edit of a mug shot tap can do each oneofindividual data.A list top long shank tap is deleted.The rate of facial recognition increases so that photograph sizeislarge, but it takes time.Moreover, it is easy to get insufficient memory.ending an application, when insufficient memory is displayed--photograph size -- please make it small and takeaphotograph.
stopwatch sound2 1.1
15-minute down counterIn a start button stop, a start reacts to sound.Reset is a reset button.The sensitivity of sound is changed into ten steps.
VoiceMessage 1.6
Alarm told by the blown message Are simple. The set of time Blowingin of a sound Start Check It is only button operation.
WatchmanCamera 1.9
When there are no changes in a picture, a news mail is sent.
MorseProcessor 1.8
English is changed into the Morse code.It can save by a wav file.A wav file is in the item added recently [ of the mediaplayer].
MorseTrainer 1.7
Application for Morse's practice
RangeFinder 1.11
I know the distance to the target thing.
TownWalking 1.5
It is an application which records theinsideof a town on up to a map while recording a photograph, amemo, andsound.Please [ offering / which is a walk since a move course isalsorecordable ].
It is a bar code reader carrying a simple database.
スコアラボ III 1.3
ピアノで弾いて簡単に楽譜が作れ、またその逆も直ぐに試せる様に進化させました。16小節まで入力できます。入力データはファイルで保存でき、いつでも呼び出すことが出来ます。使い方はとっても簡単です。ヘルプも有ります。楽譜のメニューから進んで下さい。Easy to make the scoreplayed on the piano, and vice versa was also evolved as try outimmediately.Up to 16 bar can be entered.Input data can be saved in a file, you can call at any time.The usage is very easy.There is also a help. Proceed from the menu of the score.
AlwaysRecorder 1.2
It is a little unusual recorder.It is the application currently traced back and recorded fromthetime of stopping recording.5/5 kind of recording time can be set [ for 1 minute ] up for4minutes for 3 minutes for 2 minutes.A setup of a gain can also be performed.However, if a gain is raised, a noise will increase.It can record also at the time of sleep.(Under the power-saving mode, a power-saving application, etc.,itis forced to terminate.)
ScoreLab II 1.3
A note can be input by flick operation so thata mail may be struck.Even 16 measures can be input.Input data can be preserved by a file, and it's possible to callanytime.The how to use is very easy.There is also help. Please advance from the menu.A scale is limited for the moment, but please try.
CycleRecorder 1.2
How to use.Easy operation only of starting, starting, an impact, a recordingend and the revival to which I return.Previous engagement for 10 seconds and the back for about 3seconds are recorded on tape from an impact or a recording end thetime.Setting of an impact sensor is advanced from the menu of thepicture screen.The sensitivity of the impact can control 5 stages.The way of the impact can also establish 3 ways.When sound rings, I sense beep.Please choose revival from a list and do a tap.A horizontal piece of timber do on the list, and please doelimination.When the battery balance will be less than 20 %, a warning lampswitches other functions on and off.
MarathonRunner 1.8
Please use for a jogging. You are told by notice sound or vibrationfor every set-up time and distance. Since it leaves the log at thetime of passage, a check is also made later. Red, a yellow andgreen lamp When red has switched on the light, GPS is renewal ofun-. GPS is unstable when yellow is on. GPS is good when green ison. Various setup should push a menu button.
VideoPhone 1.6
The application which can communicate like a picturephone through awireless LAN
LED Display 1.14
It is an application program to which the scroll display can bedone like the video billboard. When the display is done in the tap,it begins. It discolors if the tap is done while displaying it.When you do the slide while displaying it The scroll speed changes.The right changes by ten slow stages the left. A screen long push :while displaying it. It returns to the text input screen.
LedDisplay 1.2
The largest character in series is displayed.
Telescope 1.13
x10 Telescope of W zoom lens loading.
ラップタイマー Pro 1.12
限られたレーン上を走る車用のラップタイマーです。 端末のカメラで通過を検知してタイムを計測します。周回数、スタートモード、感度の設定が出来ます。 隣のレーンから影響を受けない様にマスク機能も有ります。簡易型データベースを搭載していますので セッティングによる違いなど比較して頂けます。データベースからの削除はリストを長押しして下さい。 周回数 1 - 100 周 スタートモード スタートシグナル音センシングエリア通過 感度 5段階 いずれもメニューから設定して下さい。 マスク センシングエリア映像の上をタップして下さい。1回目は上部のマスク 2回目は下部のマスク 部屋の明るさ、車とコースの色、スピードなど、いろいろな条件で設定が変わると思います。宜しかったら一度お試しください。
ObservationCamera 1.8
Please use for observation of small animalsetc.Recording will be started if the virtual line on a screen iscrossed.Usage is very easy.Click a start button.A virtual line is set as the position of hope.It will perceive, if a virtual line is crossed to a trial and itsounds with ピッ.Five steps of sensitivity can be adjusted.A screen can also be made dark by setup.If a position is decided, please push a menu button and carry outthe tap of the sensing start.Since it has perceived, the front has been recorded for back about30 seconds for about 3 seconds.Reproduction pushes the returning button and clicks a playbutton.Reverse reproduction and top sending can be performed.Arbitrary pictures can be saved by a JPG file.(Preservation clicks a capture button)
Microscope 2.0.7
A microscope equipped with a simple data base.