masimaro Приложения

Mahjang solitaire 1.2
Angle is to take two of the puzzle is known,such as Sichuan Mahjong tiles.Mahjong tiles there is a mass of 12 × 10.You erase the tiles When you select a number of things like bendingline between the tiles and the tiles of the same pattern will bewithin two times.Let's all turn off the tiles. The game is automatically saved, youcan resume from the middle.
Same ball 1.1
Turn off the ball is a puzzle game.You can erase When you select the balls of the same color areadjacent to two or more.Turn off the ball and a lot of high scores at once. Bonus points inall off.Proceed to the next stage and clear by the number of balls of lessthan or equal to the number specified for each stage.
冒険パズル:ダンジョンスイーパー 1.3
マインスイーパーにダンジョンRPGの要素が追加されたパズルです。10×10のマスにモンスターや宝箱、階段が隠されています。イベント以外のマスを開くとそのマスの周囲にイベントマスがある数がヒントとして表示されます。赤はモンスターが、青は階段が、黄色は宝箱が、紫はモンスターと階段が、緑は階段と宝箱が、橙色はモンスターと宝箱が、白はモンスターと階段と宝箱が、それぞれそのヒントマスの周囲のマスに隠れています。モンスターの戦闘や罠でHPが減り、ゼロになるとゲームオーバーです。イベントマス以外は開くとHPが少し回復します。ステータスはHP(体力)、Lv(レベル)、W(武器)、A(防具)、F(フロア)、K(討伐数)、をあらわしており、最高記録及び中断データは自動的に保存されます。Is a puzzle dungeon RPGelements have been added to the minesweeper.Monsters and treasure chests, stairs are hidden in the mass of 10 ×10.Certain number of events around the trout trout will be displayedas a hint when you open a non-event mass.Red monsters, blue stairs, treasure box is yellow, purple monsterand stairs, stairs and green is a treasure chest,Orange monster and treasure chests, white stairs and monsters andtreasure chests are hidden around the Hintomasu their respectivemass.It's game over HP is reduced by combat monsters and traps, goes tozero.HP will be restored when you open a little non-event mass.Status is represented by HP (stamina), Lv (level), W (weapon), A(armor), F (floor), K a (number suppression),Interruption data is automatically saved and record.
SlidePuzzleDungeon 1.0
System is a slide puzzle gameSokoban-like.Stairs will appear at the specified position and move thebarrel.You can play on the stage 30 and the auto-generated random allstages.
Peg Solitaire LITE 1.1
Solitaire is a puzzle.Frame can be moved ahead two squares horizontally andvertically.However, there is a frame in a mass destination, where you can onlymove two squares if left blank.In that case, where a mass frame will disappear.We will turn off the frame to the next, try to frame one of therest.There are 10 all stages from low to high degree ofdifficulty.You can not continue because the free version.
花札こいこい道LITE 1.2
ソリティア:クロンダイクRPG 1.2
CrossNumber 1.2
It is an addition puzzle which should also becalled number version of crossword puzzle.A single digit goes into white Massu among [ of 9x9 ] hexes,respectively.Let's expect the number which goes into a hint the number currentlydisplayed on black hex at white hex.The hex black number expresses the sum total of a ranking [ withthe hex black right ] number, and the sum total of the numberlocated in a line under black hex.A problem is random, and since it is generated automatically, itcan be played almost infinitely.
パズルファンタジー 1.0
RPG要素の色あわせパズルです。6×5のマスにオーブが画面にぎっしり詰まっています。二つのオーブを選択し同じオーブを3つ以上隣接になるようにオーブを入れ替えるとオーブを消すことができます。戦士や僧侶など職業によって、消すオーブのアクションが変わります。一気にたくさんのオーブを消したり連鎖させると効果大。それによってモンスターを攻撃しよう。宝箱を消すと戦闘終了後、アイテムが手に入ります。It is the color oftheelement together puzzle RPG.Orb is chock full of the screen to the mass of 6 × 5.Select the two orbsSo that three or more adjacent same orbYou can erase and replace the orb orbs.By occupation, such as warriors and priests, action orbserasechanges.Large effect if you chain off the orb and a lot of stretch.Thereby attempting to attack the monsters.And turn off the chest after the battle, you get the item.
パズルファンタジーLITE 1.1
RPG要素の色あわせパズルです。6×5のマスにオーブが画面にぎっしり詰まっています。二つのオーブを選択し同じオーブを3つ以上隣接になるようにオーブを入れ替えるとオーブを消すことができます。戦士や僧侶など職業によって、消すオーブのアクションが変わります。一気にたくさんのオーブを消したり連鎖させると効果大。それによってモンスターを攻撃しよう。宝箱を消すと戦闘終了後、アイテムが手に入ります。It is the color oftheelement together puzzle RPG.Orb is chock full of the screen to the mass of 6 × 5.Select the two orbsSo that three or more adjacent same orbYou can erase and replace the orb orbs.By occupation, such as warriors and priests, action orbserasechanges.Large effect if you chain off the orb and a lot of stretch.Thereby attempting to attack the monsters.And turn off the chest after the battle, you get the item.
It is a solution-of-a-riddle adventure ofanescape game system.You will help the cat which there is a dog weak and cannot enterinfront of a house.You can play easy operation.I will carry out the tap of the place which you worry.If you obtain an item, it will drop at a place tousedragging!There are three kinds of ending of this game.
DungeonSweeperLite 1.2
This game is a Mine sweeper likedungeonRPG.The monster, the treasure, and the stairs exist in thedungeon.WhenYou touch the screen, hint appeared from darkfloor.Red color shows that there is a monster to be near near.Bluecolorshows that there is a staair to be near near.Yellow colorshowsthat there is a treasure to be near near.Other colors arethesecombinations."LP" is LifePoint."Lv" is Level."W" is WeaponPoint."A" is ArmorPoint."F" is floor. "K" is KillPoint.
They are a kind of Solitaire which becameinthe style of RPG, and Klondike.Let's clear before being set to 0, since HP decreases foreveryaction.If it fails, money in hand will decrease.If the card of the treasure box has come out, anafter-clearanceitem can be obtained.Various effects are acquired by using an item during abattle.Since gold can be obtained if a battle is won, he can also buyanitem with Schopp.The pushed-down monster is captured and is recorded on apictorialbook.If a fixed number of monsters are pushed down, it can go totheplace of the following level.Data is saved automatically.
They are a kind of Solitaire which becameinthe style of RPG, and Klondike.Let's clear before being set to 0, since HP decreases foreveryaction.If it fails, money in hand will decrease.If the card of the treasure box has come out, anafter-clearanceitem can be obtained.Various effects are acquired by using an item during abattle.Since gold can be obtained if a battle is won, he can also buyanitem with Schopp.The pushed-down monster is captured and is recorded on apictorialbook.If a fixed number of monsters are pushed down, it can go totheplace of the following level.Data is saved automatically.
Dot logic painting LITE 1.3
Is said to be drawing so-called logicpuzzle,logic and illustration.Let's fill in the original hint to the mass of 10 × 10.Tip of the vertical and horizontal number is the number of troutandtrout continuously black.Painting is complete and fill the trout as a hint.
冒険パズル:ダンジョンスイーパーLITE 1.4
マインスイーパーにダンジョンRPGの要素が追加されたパズルです。10×10のマスにモンスターや宝箱、階段が隠されています。イベント以外のマスを開くとそのマスの周囲にイベントマスがある数がヒントとして表示されます。赤はモンスターが、青は階段が、黄色は宝箱が、紫はモンスターと階段が、緑は階段と宝箱が、橙色はモンスターと宝箱が、白はモンスターと階段と宝箱が、それぞれそのヒントマスの周囲のマスに隠れています。モンスターの戦闘や罠でHPが減り、ゼロになるとゲームオーバーです。イベントマス以外は開くとHPが少し回復します。ステータスはHP(体力)、Lv(レベル)、W(武器)、A(防具)、F(フロア)、K(討伐数)、をあらわしており、最高記録データが自動的に保存されます。有料版は中断データの保存・再開ができます。Is a puzzle dungeonRPGelements have been added to the minesweeper.Monsters and treasure chests, stairs are hidden in the mass of 10×10.Certain number of events around the trout trout will be displayedasa hint when you open a non-event mass. Red monsters, bluestairs,yellow treasure chest, but the purple stairs and monsters,green andtreasure chests stairs, orange treasure chests andmonsters, whiteand treasure chests and stairs monster, around theHintomasu theirrespective I'm hiding in the mass. It's game overHP is reduced bycombat monsters and traps, goes to zero. HP willbe restored whenyou open a little non-event mass.We represent HP (stamina), Lv (level), W (weapon), A (armor),F(floor), K a (number of subjugation), the status data recordwillbe saved automatically. The paid version can save the dataandresume interrupted.
DungeonSweeper 1.2
This game is a Mine sweeper likedungeonRPG.The monster, the treasure, and the stairs exist in thedungeon.WhenYou touch the screen, hint appeared from darkfloor.Red color shows that there is a monster to be near near.Bluecolorshows that there is a staair to be near near.Yellow colorshowsthat there is a treasure to be near near.Other colors arethesecombinations."LP" is LifePoint."Lv" is Level."W" is WeaponPoint."A" is ArmorPoint."F" is floor. "K" is KillPoint.In this version, the player can play from thelastcontinuation.
PuzzkeGameEditorLite 1.0
Thing is a puzzle fall.Block that is configured to 5 × 5 mass will have to fall.Will be to score off the block, depending on the condition or setofblocks arranged in a horizontal row, or three adjacent, etc.,areconnected to four.Fall velocity will increase and get rid of many.Aim high score.In edit mode as you like your own block, such as configurationrulescan be modified.※ The free version does not save modified data.
EndlessSudokuLite 1.1
This is a popular puzzle game as SudokuandNumber Place.The stage is generated at random automatically.Data can be automatically preserved.
Dot logic painting 1.2
Is said to be drawing so-called logicpuzzle,logic and illustration.Let's fill in the original hint to the mass of 10 × 10.Tip of the vertical and horizontal number is the number of troutandtrout continuously black.Painting is complete and fill the trout as a hint.
Cross number LITE 1.2
Addition is a puzzle that can be calledanumber of cross-word version.Each one-digit number is placed in the mass of the white mass of 9×9.A hint from the number that appears in the black massLet's expect the numbers into the white mass.Number of black mass, which represents the sum of the numberstheyline up to the right of the black mass, the sum of thenumbersalong the bottom of the black mass.The problem is almost infinite play is generated automaticallyatrandom.
EndlessSudoku 1.1
This is a popular puzzle game as SudokuandNumber Place.The stage is generated at random automatically.Data can be automatically preserved.You can play the game from the last continuation.
PuzzleFantasy 1.1
It is a match3-puzzle of a RPG.Aube is tightly got blocked in the mass of 6x5 on the screen.Aube can be erased, if Aube is replaced so that two Aube maybechosen and it may become three or more contiguity about thesameAube.Action of Aube to erase changes according to occupations, such asafighter and a priest.It is effect size, when much Aube is erased at a stretch or itismade to chain with it.I will attack a monster by it.If a treasure box is erased, an item will be obtained after theendof a battle.
ソリティア:クロンダイクRPGLITE 1.0
RPG風になったソリティアの一種、クロンダイクです。1枚、2枚、3枚、4枚、5枚、6枚、7枚となる7列のカードを場札と呼び、残り一つにまとめた札を山札といいます。また、これと別に4組分のスペースを組札と呼びます。めくった山札の一番上または場札の表向きになっている札を、他の場札の先頭にあるカードと色違いで番号が降順になるように置くことができます。組札にはAから昇順に置くことができます。裏返しになっている場札および山札がなくなるとあとは自動処理され、クリアです。行動ごとにHPが減っていくので0になる前にクリアしましょう。失敗すると所持金が減ります。宝箱の札が出ていればクリア後アイテムが入手できます。アイテムは戦闘中に使うことで様々な効果が得られます。戦闘に勝つとゴールドを入手できるのでショップでアイテムを買うこともできます。倒したモンスターは捕獲され、図鑑に記録されます。一定数のモンスターを倒すと次のレベルの場所に行けるようになります。データは自動で保存されます。(※無料版は広告が表示され、セーブできません。)Became a kind ofsolitairestyle RPG, it is the Klondike.Called tableau cards consisting of seven columns one, two,three,four, five, six, and seven,I said the bills pile summarized in one remaining.I also called the bill set the space of four sets separatelyfromthis.Bills that are turned face up on top of the pile or the tableaupilewas turned over,You can place them in descending order so that the numberofdifferent color card and the other at the beginning of thetableaupile.Can be placed in ascending order from A to tag pairs.After the deck is automatically processed when there are nobillsand place that is upside down, it is clear.I will be cleared to 0 HP before it will decrease becauseeveryaction.Pocket is reduced to fail.You can get the items after clearing bills if they come out ofthetreasure box.The effect of various items that can be obtained usingincombat.You can also buy items in the shop so you can get the gold andwinthe battle.Defeated monsters are captured and recorded in the Book.You will be able to go to the next level of location and killacertain number of monsters.The data are saved automatically.(Ad will appear, ※ The free version can not be saved.)
スライドパズル:俳句の達人LITE 1.5
俳句をテーマとしたスライドパズルです。文字パネルをタッチしてスライドさせ、15枚のパネルを左上→右下の順で並び替え、有名な俳句になるようにしよう。無料版は広告が出ます。It is a slide puzzlebased on the theme of haiku.Touch and slide the Character panel,Sorted in the order of the lower right → the top left panel of 15pieces,We try to make the famous haiku.The free version is ad appears.
Mahjang solitaire LITE 1.3
Angle is to take two of the puzzle isknown,such as Sichuan Mahjong tiles.Mahjong tiles there is a mass of 12 × 10.You erase the tiles When you select a number of things likebendingline between the tiles and the tiles of the same patternwill bewithin two times.Let's all turn off the tiles. Data are not saved because thefreeversion.
PuzzleFantsyFree 1.0
It is a match3-puzzle of a RPG.Aube is tightly got blocked in Massu of 6x5 on the screen.Aube can be erased, if Aube is replaced so that two Aube maybechosen and it may become three or more contiguity about thesameAube.Action of Aube to erase changes according to occupations, such asafighter and a priest.It is effect size, when much Aube is erased at a stretch or itismade to chain with it.I will attack a monster by it.If a treasure box is erased, an item will be obtained after theendof a battle.
Reversi road LITE 1.2
Reversi is a board game called Go andOthelloGenpei, etc. nip.Please choose the first level and handicap.Shiraishi will be caught, in Kuroishi Kuroishi the Shiraishi.Whenyou win so many black stones from Shiraishi.(Level) There are seven stages the strength of the CPU, pleasenotethat a longer time and higher level thinking of the CPU onthenature of the game.Data will not be saved because the free version.
PuzzleGameEditor 1.0
Thing is a puzzle fall.Block that is configured to 5 × 5 mass will have to fall.Will be to score off the block, depending on the condition or setofblocks arranged in a horizontal row, or three adjacent, etc.,areconnected to four.Fall velocity will increase and get rid of many.Aim high score.In edit mode as you like your own block, such as configurationrulescan be modified.
ナンバーズ3削減予想 1.0
花札こいこい道 1.1
SlidePuzzleDungeonLIite 1.1
System is a slide puzzlegameSokoban-like.Stairs will appear at the specified position and movethebarrel.You can play on the stage 30 and the auto-generated randomallstages.
Reversi road 1.1
Reversi is a board game called Go andOthelloGenpei, etc. nip.Please choose the first level and handicap.Shiraishi will be caught, in Kuroishi Kuroishi the Shiraishi.Whenyou win so many black stones from Shiraishi.(Level) There are seven stages the strength of the CPU, pleasenotethat a longer time and higher level thinking of the CPU onthenature of the game.The game is automatically saved, you can also play from thelastcontinuation.