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Wicked Smart Baby 2
Wicked Smart Baby is an educationalappdesigned for children between one and two years of age. Theappconsists of two slideshows, one of which teaches animals andtheirsounds and one of which teaches basic shapes.While the shape slideshow depicts basic shapes for the childtoidentify, the animal slideshow displays images of animals andabutton that can be used to play the sound of the animal shownoneach slide. The volume of these animal sounds can becontrolledusing the media volume setting on the phone ordevice.Once started, both the animal slideshow and the shapeslideshowautomatically play slide-by-slide with a five-second delaybetweenimages, which can be increased or decreased via the Settingsmenu.When all slides have been displayed, each slideshow repeatsfromthe beginning.I developed this app for my one-year-old daughter because Iwasunsatisfied with similar apps that I found using the PlayStore.The current functionality is a result of my observations ofherbehavior during her interactions with the app. She has a greattimeplaying and learning using Wicked Smart Baby, and I hopeyourchildren will, as well!