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Merit Cables 2.0
merit cables
We are Merit CablesTM a product by MuwwadatInternational®. Let us describe the reason about our Company.A pure copper conductor cables save up to 40% of your electricitybill and also save and protect your valuable assets fromshort-circuit. It is also a direct threat to your life if youcompromise on quality.WHO WE ARE?Merit CablesTM aim is to provide product which are best in qualityand when we use term quality its means not only in material butalso in dealing. Merit™ cables stated aim is not to be the leadingwires and cables manufacturer, but to be a market leader in mosttrusted organizations in Pakistan. In Pakistan, requirements areincreasing and require more safer and best quality cables to reducethe consumption of electricity, fire and line losses and lesser theman-hours operations, while in the houses and buildings, dependenceon wires and cables has been increased tremendously. Merit CablesTMis streamlining its manufacturing operations, with the team ofpotential employees in the company. We market our products to ourvalued clients where quality is of prime importance. We alwaysfocus on Quality Assurance and implementing Standard OperationProcedures across its all operations.Why Best Quality Cables Are Necessary?Electrical cables are the base of every project because life isidle without electricity. We spent millions on our construction andtry to save money when there is a time to buy cables. Cables areinstalled under the walls and its difficult and hectic task tochange the wiring once installed and wastage of money too. It’sjust a one perspective, low quality cables increase yourelectricity bill because substandard copper has high voltage droprate so low quality cables extract your saving from yourelectricity bill every month. Electric equipment installed in yourpremises shortened their life due to substandard cables. Lowquality cable creates resistance to current and your equipment areworking on low voltage. Ever we think why our equipment which hasaverage life of 5 years doesn’t even pass their average life. It’sall due to low quality cables; never take your life and assets onrisk, primary cause of short circuit is low quality cables. Yourlife and assets are more expensive please save it now.Our Brand:What Our Brand Deliver to You?Brand is the most precious asset of any company, nobody want tolose their brand. But this is also true that most of the brandfails in their introductory stage. WHY? Because most companiesdoing business just for the sake of quick profit, they didn’tbother to understand what consumer thought, what are theirfeelings, perceptions and behavior .merit™ cable’s analyze thatcustomer want satisfaction. They require more value on the pricethey paid and polite behavior from the person who deal. Furtheranalyze that the person who deal should not be hyper when customeris using their bargaining rights. Company representative shouldguide customer properly and honestly it doesn't matter he purchaseor not. Customer order must be taken promptly and delivered ontime.