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mhapps development
The BPD App provides information on BorderlinePersonality Disorder (BPD). BPD is also known as EUPD EmotionallyUnstable Personality Disorder.Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or Emotionally UnstablePersonality Disorder [EUPD] is an emotionally unstable mentalcondition marked by unstable mood states, behaviours andrelationships.Most people who have BPD / EUPD exhibit-Problems regulating their emotions and thoughts [‘moodswings’].-Impulsive and reckless behaviour that are potentially selfdamaging.-Unstable relationships with others with often frantic efforts toavoid real or imagined abandonment.-Often staying in difficult, destructive or violentrelationships.-People with BPD / EUPD may also have high rates of depression,anxiety disorders, substance misuse and eating disorders.-Episodic deliberate self-harm and suicidal behaviours that lead tocompleted suicides in some.Recent research shows that BPD / EUPD can be treated effectively,and that people with this condition improve over time.The App provides information for sufferers, medical practitioners(GPs) and friends and family.Descriptions of symptoms and treatments are provided.Audio interviews with sufferers, clinicians and family support areprovided.Contacts are provided to link in with support services.YouTube videos are provided to describe the condition andexperiences.
mhapps development
The Detect App gives you information aboutearly intervention for psychosis. Detect is an early interventionservice in Dublin and North Wicklow (Ireland). The Detect App isuseful for people interested in this topic, particularly people whohave experienced psychosis, their families and friends and healthcare professionals (GP etc.). In addition to information onpsychosis and evidence based treatment, this App provides adictionary of frequently used terms relating to mentalillness.‘The earlier, the better.’ Recognising and treating medicalconditions early makes sense. This is as true for mental healthconditions as it is for psychical illness. Many interventionservices for psychosis have been developed internationally. TheWorld Health Organisation suggests that in mental health ’Earlyintervention is fundamental in preventing progress towards afull-blown disease, in controlling symptoms and improvingoutcomes’.The Detect App is divided into three user friendly sections (1)someone concerned about themselves; (2) someone concerned aboutsomeone they know; (3) health professionals. Each section providesinformation in accessible language to give a clear understandingabout psychosis, the importance of getting help early and thetreatment available. In addition to written descriptions there isalso audio interviews with someone with experience of psychosis anda DETECT clinician. Within the section for health professionals aretwo questionnaires to assist clinicians when they are undertakingan assessment with a person they suspect might be experiencingpsychosis.The DETECT App is part of a multi media education campaign toincrease public and professional knowledge about psychosis. Themajor activities undertaken over the last five years are describedwithin a dedicated section of the App.Other information in the App includes contact details for theDETECT service and a map to the DETECT offices.