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Ayatul Kursi and Fatiha MP3 1.1
This is a combination of Surah Al Kursi and Al Fatiha. It is anOnline app
Surah Al Baqarah MP3 1.1
Surah Al Baqarah is the second and longestchapter (Sura) in the Qur'an with 286 verses.There are some signifacants narrations on the virtue of studyingthis Surah, cited in Islamic literature as follows :Once the Prophet (PBUH) was asked: "Which Surah of the Qur'an isthe best?" He (PBUH) answered: "Al-Baqarah". They asked: "Whichverse of the Surah is the best ?" He(PBUH) replied:"Ayat-ul-Kursi".Also"He who recites this Surah Al Baqarah will be encompassed by thebounties of Allah and His Mercy; and HE will reward him as much asthat of a person who has fought fearlessly on the path of Allah forone year"Have a nice listining...Remember to give a positive review and share with freindsThanks...
Surah Yusuf (A.S) MP3 1.1
Surah Yusuf narrates the story of Yusuf (A.S),SUrah Yusuf..The app Surah Yusuf contain the usual and most listenreciters...To see more of my apps,an Activity is there for you to check inthe app..To show you enjoy the app Sura Yusuf,remember to give a positivereview and share with others..Thanks
Surah As Sajdah 1.1
With this app here you can listen to Surah AsSajdah with difeerent reciters as followsSheikh Saud Al ShuraimSheikh Abdulrahman SudaisMohammed Siddiq Al-MinshawiMaher Al MuaiqlyMohammed AyyubAnd in case you need more of my App you can check here atskiyawaDon't forget to give a positive review and rating if you findthe app interestingThanks..
Surah Al Kahf 1.0
This Sura Al Kahf App contain many recitersand you can listen directly.These Reciters are :Mishary Al AfasyMaher Al MuaiqlyAbdul Rahman Al SudaisAbdul Basit Abdul SamadMuhammad AyubAbu Baker ShatriAl Kahf is blessed surah in the Qur'an in which the Prophet(PBUH)said"Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, a light willshine for him from beneath his feet to the cloud of the sky whichwill shine for him on the Day of Reserruction and he will beforgiven between the two fridays .”( By Al-Haakim )If you need more of my Apps you can check here with me.I am ready to comply with any of our advice.Thanks
Surah Al Fajr MP3 1.0
Surah Al Fajr is number 89 Surah of the Quranwith 30 verses.The Sura describes destruction of disbelieving peoples.Enjoy Surah Al Fajr MP3 and share with others.Consider given a positive review and/or rating.Wish to hear from you for any suggestions.Thanks.
Ruqyah Shariah MP3 1.0
Ruqyah is a form of Islamic healing. The besttranslation I’ve heard for it so far is “incantation.” Ruqya wasperformed by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and many of hiscompanions.We normally said Al Ruqya Al Shariyyah.Generally, ruqya involves reciting certain verses from the Quranand/or duas (supplications) taught to us by the Messenger of Allah(pbuh). There are several duas one can make that can be used forhealing.To perform Ruqya,some conditions need to be followed :1) Lecturing the patient and his family on the oneness of Allah,so that their hearts are cleansed from any form of Shirkh2) Ask questions regarding the sick person,Once you are sure ofthe type of Sihr used on the patient(s), you may go on with thetreatment afterwards.3. Taking unknown amulets(anything you take as a form ofprotection) from the patient and never allow him/her use it again.And ensuring that they all understand that Ruqya on its own has nouse/important,unless what Allah wishes for you.4) Perform ablution or bath(i.e purify youself), and inform allthose around you or the patient to do the same.5) If the patient happen to be a female,you should not treat herunless when she cover herself and if she applied perfume tell herto remove the close.6) It should be recommended to tight her(in case of female)garments well so that her body is not revealed during the processof treatment. And In case the raqi is a male,then he should not dothe Ruqia if her muharram is not around.7) Ruqia must be in Arabic language, or what is known to be theright meaning of it in some other languages.This App includes Ruqyah Al Shariah by the following qaris :Sheikh Mishary Al AfasiSheikh yasser Al DosariSheikh Saad Al GhamidiSheikh Khaled Al QahtaniSheikh Nasser Al QatamiSheikh Nabil Al AwadiSheikh Mohamed Al JawaraniSheikh Ahmed Al BlehedSheikh Abo Alyahand many more to come in the future Insha AllahHowever, it is the beleive in Allaah that keeps the Evil awayfrom you and not the Ruqya itself as mentioned above.Hence one should try to follow the Sunnah as much as he can asfollowing the sunnah itself is a means of protection,blessings andhealing from Allah.If you like this App, please consider leaving a positive reviewand/or rating and don't mind sharing it with your family,freinds athome or outside.Here’s a hadith regarding using Ruqyah’s against the evileye:" The Prophet(SAW) ordered me or somebody else to do Ruqya (ifthere was danger) from an evil eye".Narrated By Aisha(ra).If you have any suggestion regarding this app please contact mevia my contact address.Thanks.
Surah Al Waqi'ah MP3 1.0
Surah Al Waqi'ah is numbere 56 in the HolyQur'an and the Prophet(Peace be Upon Him) said a lot of advantageson reading the Sura Al-Waqiah.The Prophet(Peace be Upon Him) said :"Whoever recites Surah Al Waqiah at night would never encounterpoverty" (Narrated By Ibn Sunni)The Prophet(Peace be Upon Him) said again that :"Surah Al Waqi"ah is the Surah of Wealth, So recite it and teachit to your children" (Narrated By Ibn Asakir)The Sura Al Waqia comes with many benefit as our Prophet(Peacebe Upon Him) said it to us.....Is not only Sura Al Waqiah you can find on here with, More Appsare waiting for you to download and listen,...Here are some of the Apps :Surah Al KahfSurah Ar RahmanYasinand many more are coming.......Thank you,your suggestion are needed if any please....
Sheikh Siddiq Al Minshawi MP3 1.1
Sheikh Al Minshawi has the most amazing voice.You can Download more of my Islamic app using my usernameskiyawa.Remember to give a positive review or rating, and don't hesitateto share with friends..Your Suggestions are always in need from my side..
Surah Al-Jinn MP3 1.1
With this app here you can listen to Surah AlJinn with difeerent and famous reciters in the worldTo see more of my apps,an Activity is there for you to check inthe app..To show you enjoy the app Surah Al Jinn ,remember to give apositive review and share with others..I am ready to comply with any of our advice.Thanks..............................
Children Recitation MP3 Quran 1.0
Download and enjoy Children Recitation MP3Quran from different region.The app contains many Young Islamic reciters and their bestvoices.You can check other apps here on my catalog.If you really like this app,please give a positive review or/andrating.Share Children Recitation with your friends and family and tellthem to do so if they like the app.If you have any opinion \,point it out via my address or in thereview siteThanks.
Surah Al A'la 1.1
Surah Al A'la contains many reciters..Saad Al GhamidiFares AbaadAli Al HuthaifiMahmud Khalil Al HussaryYasser Al Dosari.More apps are waiting for you on my catalog.Consider given a positive and share with your friends.Thanks....
Surah Al Qalam MP3 1.0
Surah Al Qalam MP3, has the best qarisGive me a review if you enjoy the appThanks.
Surah Ar Rahman 1.0
Ar Rahman is an important chapter in theQur'an in which our beloved Prophet(Peace and blessings of Allah beUpon HIm) said......."Whoever reads Surah Er Rehman, Allah will have mercy on hisweaknessess and be regarded as having thanked Allah for it"The Prophet(PBUH) continue with saying that: "Everything has abride, and the bride of the Qur'an is Surah Al Rahman"...Listen to Surah Ar-Rahman to get the mercy from Allah,...The Reciters of Sura Ar Rahman here are :Sheikh Abdurrehman Al SudaisMuhammad AyubQari Sadaqat AliMaher Al MuaiqlyAbu Baker ShatriYou can also listen to my Apps in the store forSurah Al KahfSurah Al YasinAyatul Kursi and Fatiha MP3And many more to come.........Thanks.
Sheikh Aly Al Huthaify 1.1
Sheikh Ali Al Huthaifi is the reciter for thiscomplete Qur'an recitation.For more of my apps you can check here at skiyawaand more to come Insha AllahI am always waiting for your sugession, and consider given meyour positive review..Thanks...
Yasin 1.0
It is about Sura Yasin to listen to the Surahfrom many scholers, to liten to surah Yaseen you just have todownload the app here.Scholers includes :1.Maher bin hamad2.sheikh Sudais3.Sheikh Abdul basit4.Mihammad Ayub5.Sheikh Shuraim6.Mashari Rashed Al AafasyMore to come,and if you have anything to suggest contact me viamy email.Thanks
Surah Al Ikhlas MP3 1.0
Download Surah Al Ikhlas online app with thefollowing qarisSheikh Al SudaisSheikh ShuraimSheikh Abdul BasitSheikh Yaseer Al DosariSheikh Al MinshawiApart from Sura Ikhlas you can also download the following on mycatalogIf you enjoy this app consider giving me a positive reviewand/or rating.Thanks.
Surah At Talaq MP3 1.0
Surah At Talaq is number 65 sura of the Quranwith 12 verses.At-Talaq is not only the name of this Surah but also the titleof the subject matter, for it contains commandments about Talaq(divorce) itself.Revealed in Medina.Enjoy the app and share with others.Thanks.
Sheikh Abu Bakr Shatri MP3 1.1
Sheikh Abu Bakr Shatry as a reciter has a verygood voice while reading the Quranand many more to come Insha Allah.Remember to give a positive review or rating for this app anddon't hesitate to share with friendsand family...Your Suggestions are always welcome....Thanks.
Surah At Tawbah 1.1
Surah At Taubah app is an online app withthefollowing best reictersSheikh Maher Al MuquaiqlySheikh ShuraimSaad Al GhamidyMuhammad AyubSalah AlbudairMuhammad Siddiq Al MinshawiI will be glad to hear your sugession..Thanks...
Surah An Naml MP3 1.0
Download Surah An Naml MP3 app and enjoythebest voice of the best reciters.Consider given me a review and share with your freindsandfamily.For any can do so via my email provided inthereview siteIf you need more of my apps you can chechk here at my ctalogThanks
Saad Al Ghamidy Quran MP3 1.1
Sheikh Saad Al ghamidi is among thebestIslamic reciters we haveIf you really like my app,feel free to share it with friendsandconsider rating and given a positive review.Thanks
Fares Abbad MP3 Quran 1.1
You don't have to download the Surah youwantto listen ,just install the app and enjoy.Remember to give a positive review or rating , and don't hesitatetoshare with friends..Your Suggestions are always welcomeThanks.
Sheikh Maheer MP3 1.1
Sheikh Maheer is the reciter for thiscompleteQur'an recitation.More are coming as you continue to giveyourrecommendations....Enjoy listening to Shaikh MaheerThank you...
Surah Al Ma'arij MP3 1.0
Surah Al Ma'arij is the 70th sura of theQur'anwith 44 verses. The Surah takes its name from the word"dhilMa'arij" in 3rd ayahSheikh Sayid Qutb, Fi Zilal al-Qur'an said :"The major issue the surah focuses on is that of thehereafterand peoples requital for what they do during their liveson earth,particularly the punishment suffered by the unbelievers.In orderto establish the truth of the hereafter, the surah speaksof howthe human soul reacts to situations of hardship and comfort.Suchreactions differ greatly between a believer and one who isdevoidof faith. It also provides an outline of the believers'mainfeatures, their feelings and behaviour, and it states howtheydeserve to be honoured. It also shows that the unbelievers areheldin disregard by God, and gives a picture of thehumiliationprepared for them. It is a humiliation the arrogantthoroughlydeserve. Furthermore, the surah establishes the fact thatvalues,standards and scales applied by God are different from thosewhichhuman beings uphold."Share with friends and family pls.Thanks
Surah Al Fussilat MP3 1.0
Surah Al Fussilat is also known as Sūrat ḤāMīmas-Sajdah and it is number 41 sura of the Qur'an with 54 ayah.The Sura was revealed to Prophet(SAW) at mecca.Enjoy the app and share with friends.Thanks.
Surah Al Hajj 1.1
Download Surah Al Hajj and listen tothefollowing reciters :Sheikh Abdulrahman SudaisMaher Al MuaiqlyMishari Al AfasiSaad Al GhamidyAli Al HuthaifiMuhammad Siddiq Al MinshawiMore to come as you continue checking on my catalog..Your positive review or rating will give me the couragetocontinue....Thanks
Surah Al Qari'ah MP3 1.0
This app is about Surah Al Qari'ah anditcontains many reciters on it.Enjoy listening from the very best qaris and don't hesitatetoshare with friends and family.Thanks
Surah An Nisa' 1.1
Surah An Nisa app comprises of my recitersfromdifferent region as follows :Saud Al-ShuraimSheikh Abu Bakr ShatriYasser Al DossariSheikh Maher Al MuaiqlySheikh Abdulrahman SudaisSaad-Al-GhamdiFares AbbadApart from Sura An Nisa app, you can check on my catalog formanyapps of your needEnjoy Surah An Nisa and give me you feedback...Thanks....
Surah Al Buruj MP3 1.0
Surah Al Buruj s the 85th Sura of theQuranwith 22 verses.The word "Al-Burooj" in the first verse is translatedtoconstellations, stars, and Zodiacal signs.Don't hesitate to share with family and friends.If you enjoy this app,consider given me a positive reviewand/orrating.It will be our pleasure to hear from you sooner or later.Thanks.
Surah Al Hujurat MP3 1.0
Surah Al Hujurat is number 49 of the holyQuranwith 18 verses.The Sura emphasises what kind of attitude a Muslim musthavetowards the prophet(i.e in some verses).Enjoy the app and give your review and/or rating.You are always welcome for any suggestion.If you need more of my apps,you can check on my catalog.Thanks..
Surah Al A'raf 1.1
Surah Al A'raf is an online app foryoubrothers and sistersThe best Qaris are here for you as :Sheikh Ali Al HuthafySheikh Maher Al MuquaiqlySaad Al GhamidySahl YasinSheikh Adil Al KalbaniSheikh Abdul Rahman SudesSheikh saud Al ShuraimRemember to give a positive review or rating, and don'thesitateto share with friends and familyThanks.....
Surah Al Anfal 1.1
Surah Al Anfal is an online app withthefollowing Sheikhs :Salah AlbudairMuhammad AyubMaher Al MuquailySaud Al ShuraimSiddiq Al MinshawiRemember to give a positive review and/or rating, and makesureto share with family and friendsThanks.....
Surah Al-Mursalat MP3 1.0
The qaris here are the best of your choice.If you enjoy Surah Al-Mursalat consider given a reviewandrating.If you have any suggestion contact me via my address.Thanks.
Surah At Takwir MP3 1.0
Surah At Takwir is number 81 sura of theQuranwith 29 verses. It tells about signs of the coming of the lastday.Consider given a positive review and share with familyandfriends.For any suggestion don't hesitate to do so.Thanks..
Surah Ar Rum MP3 1.0
Surah Ar Rum as part of the quran isrecitedwith different voices.If you have any suggestion,if you can do so by using themailprovided in the review site.The app is free.Share with friends and family.Thanks.
Surah Ar Ra'd MP3 1.0
Surah Ar Ra'd is number 13 chapter of theQuranwith a total of 43 verses.It was revealed in medina.Consider given a positive review and mind sharingwithcolleagues.Thanks.
Surah Al-'Ankabut MP3 1.0
Surah Al-'Ankabut is number 29 sura oftheQuran with 69 verses. It is a Meccan surah...Enjoy Surah Al Ankabut app and consider given it apositivereview and/or rating.For any suggestion, contact me via the mail provided.Thanks...
Quran - Yasser Al Dosari MP3 1.1
Quran Yasser Al Dosari is an online app frommycatalog.Many more to come Insha Alla..If you enjoy Quran Yasser Al Dosari App,consider leavingapositive review and/or rating..If you have any suggestion concerning any of my app youarealways welcome.Thanks..
Sheikh Salah Albudair 1.1
Sheikh Salah Albudair is one of the qarisinthe world..You can also apart from this app listen to many of my appswithdifferent recitersand many more to come Insha Allah.Remember to give a positive review or rating and don'thesitateto share with friendsand family...Your Suggestions are always welcome....Thanks.
Surah Al Qasas MP3 Quran 1.0
You can now enjoy Surah Al Qasas MP3 app onmycatalog.Surah Al Qasas app contains the following sheikhsSheikh MinshawySheikh SudaisSheikh Saud Al ShuraimSaad Al Ghamidikhaled Al QahtaniSheikh Al huthaifiShiekh Idris AbkarSheikh HusarySheikh Maherand many more apps are waiting for your downloads.To show you enjoy the app ,remember to give a positive reviewandshare with others..I am ready to comply wiith your advice.Thanks.
Surah An Nahl MP3 1.0
Downlaod an online app of Surah An Nahl MP3andenjoyDo your part and share it with the friends and family.Your review and rating are always welcomeThanks
Surah Saba MP3 1.0
The best reciters are here with the SurahSabaMP3 app.Share with your friends and family.Consider given me a positive review and/or rating.Thanks.
Surah Al Muddaththir MP3 1.0
Surah Al Muddassir is number 74 in theQuranwith 56 verses.Revealed in Mecca,It ends with a reminder that ultimately,Godcontrols the destiny of all mankind and that nobody willrememberwhat God does not let him to remember. This authority ofGod is thefinal image of Surat al-Muddaththir.Enjoy the app and share with the friends and family.Thanks for your time.
Surah Ash Shuara MP3 1.0
You can listen to Surah Ash Shuarawithdifferent reciters.The best reciters are here.You can also check on more of my apps.Don't hesitate to share with your friends and family.Thanks
Surah Ash Shurah MP3 1.0
Surah Ash Shurah app contains the bestreciterslike :Sheikh SudaisSheikh Saad Al GhamidiSheikh Yasser Al Dosarito mentioned but a few..Don't hesitate to share with friends..Consider leaving a positive review and/or rating.Thanks......
Surah Al Ahqaf MP3 1.0
Surah Al Ahqaf app contains the verybestreciters of the quran.Enjoy listening and share with friends and family.If you have any suggestion contact me via my mail.Thanks
Surah Al Qamar MP3 1.0
This is an app about Surah Al Qamar,youcanenjoy the app and many more on my catalog.Share with friends and family and for any suggestion you canalsocontact me on the mail provided on the rating/or reviewsite.Thank you all !!!
Surah At Tahrim MP3 1.0
Surah At Tahrim contains app many reciterswithdifferent best voice.If you need more of my apps, you can contact me via mymailprovided.Share with friends and family.Thanks.
Surah Al Mai'dah MP3 1.0
Surah Al Mai'daah contains the followingQaris:Maher Al MuquialyAbdulrahman Al SudaisAbdul Basit Abdul SamadSalah AlbudairSiddiq Al MinshawiSaud Al ShuraimMahmoud Khlail Al HussaryYou can check many of my apps at skiyawa.If you really enjoy Sura Al Mai'da please consider given meapositive review and/or rating.Thanks.