
GPS Tape Measure 1.0
This application allows you to measure theshortest distance between two points on the ground, the length ofthe large items.This is useful for measurement of land, buildings and otherfacilities and structures, topographic and othermeasurements.It is possible to remember the results of severalmeasurements.The application uses satellite positioning system to determine theposition of the points of measurement, therefore the accuracy andother characteristics depend on the sensitivity and accuracy ofsatellite positioning module smartphone.The application no contains advertising!
Screen On Off 1.0
This application allows you leave the screenon, when the user for a long time of inactivity on the device. Thisis necessary, such as when reading texts, browsing the Internet,slideshows, video, games, etc.
GPS Guard Grey 1.0
You leave your smartphone on the table in theoffice recharged or simply forgotten and are afraid that it will bestolen - then this program is for you. This alarm smartphone.The principle of the program is based on the fact that protecteddevice, if it is disconnected from the charger, including from thewireless, work siren.The second principle is based on the conservation location of thesmartphone determined by GPS. If your smartphone is outside thelimits specified by you when arming, the siren will work.Stop siren can open the app, click the Back button Stop theapplication.Since any program can be removed from your smartphone, and thusremove the protection, it is recommended to put on the lock screeneven the most simple password.The application uses satellite positioning system for determiningthe position, so the accuracy and other characteristics depend onthe sensitivity and accuracy of satellite positioning module onyour smartphone. In this regard, small radii of protection whenusing GPS to choose not recommended - can produce false positivesbecause of the spread signal sent in satellites. This is especiallytrue premises - are spread can be very large, or not at all becaught by satellites and it makes sense to use protection for thecharger. The open space opposite - the charger is connected tonothing, and the satellites will be caught and confident signal ismore accurate, with less variation.The app contains no advertising!
GPS Guard Green 1.0
The program sends messages about the locationof the smartphone when leaving it outside the security zone.For example, you can give the phone running the program your childwhen he goes for a walk. And if he leaves the territory of thecourtyard, to you will receive a message with the location of thechild.In addition to the protection of children, this program can be usedas a car alarm.If your smartphone attach to collar, the program can be used tocontrol your dog, big cats, horses, cows, and other pets.In general, the movement of any object can be controlled by theprogram, including travel, for example, if stolen, the smartphoneitself.When the device is reboot, the program automatically starts withGuard mode, if device at the time it was rebooted will in thismode.In guard mode program runs in the background and you can use yourdevice as usual.Working with the program:1. Enable the smartphone GPS.2. When you run the program you must enter the password (ifinstalled).3. Set the required radius of the security zone, the frequency ofsending messages to the location, phone number where messages willbe sent, input password (if necessary).4. Wait for when your coordinates defined - green icon appearssatellite and button Guard becomes available, press thisbutton.The message, that are transmit program, contains links that can beopened by any browser on devices running any operating system(smartphones, tablets, PC).The messages contain two links. One simple, with map, locationtransmitting device - in the center of the map. The second linkallows you to build a path to location transmitting device.The program contains no ads!
GPS Guard Dogs Cats Children 1.0
This easy-to-use application when you exitwithsmartphone outside the inner security zone plays pre-recordedsound,in addition conveys messages about the location of thesmartphonewhen leaving it outside the outer security zone.This can be used to control pet follows. You record a voicecommandin the program, for example: "To me!" Fasten smartphonewithsoftware installed (can be any old smartphone) on the collar ofadog or other animal and let go for a walk. Once the animalisoutside the inner radius of protection starts playing yoursound,calling the animal back to you.If an animal has escaped too far, then you begin receivemessageswith the coordinates of the animal.Sending a message or play a sound can be turned off inthesettings.In addition to the protection of animals, this app can be usedtocontrol the child, walking in the yard.You can control the movement of objects of any kind throughthisprogram (cars, suitcases, baggage, smartphone, and soon).Same this program can be used as a joke. Record any unusual soundorphrase, and if a person with this application will depart fromyouat specified distance, the smartphone can tell him, forexample, goback, or ask where is he going? :)Working with the program:1. Enable in the smartphone GPS.2. When you run the program you must enter the password(ifinstalled).3. Set the required radius of the security zone, the frequencyofsending messages to the location, phone number where messageswillbe sent, input password (if necessary), record sound.4. Wait for when your coordinates defined - green iconsatelliteappears and button Guard becomes available, pressthisbutton.The message, that are transmit program, contains links that canbeopened by any browser on devices running any operatingsystem(smartphones, tablets, PC).The messages contain two links. One link simple, with map.Locationtransmitting device - in the center of the map. The secondlinkallows you to build a path to location transmittingdevice.